The survival of the species demands a revival of the "secret knowledge" of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific knowledge.
THE ANTAHKARANA AND EVOLUTION - it is the projected future which defines the present.
THE ANTAHKARANA AND EVOLUTION - We can only be that which we are willfully committed to become.
The Antahkarana, the Watchtowers of Dee's Enochian Keys and the Chakras above the Head - The Perverted Kundalini Key
Many institutions attempt to justify their genocidal policies by blaming
starvation, wars, and so forth on overpopulation.
They maintain a special place for China and India in their attacks. It is argued
that economic development is impossible for these nations, which comprise
two-fifths of the world's population, unless they drastically reduce their
population. It is additionally asserted that such development must be prevented
at all costs, precisely because of the large population.
Yale guru Paul Kennedy, in his pop bestseller, Preparing for the 21st Century,
insists that China and India must be kept in a state of low energy use and
primitive existence. Development, he says, would bring ``appalling consequences
for their environment, and would threaten the earth's overall atmosphere....
China's industrial ambitions pose a threat to the planet.'' Such evil is,
unfortunately, typical of the West in the twentieth century.
However, history shows that
population of China increases when there is good Confucian Morality and teaching
associated with "Imago Dei" when science and technology for the benefit of
mankind is on the increase and decreases in times of bad Taoist and legalist
teachings associated with tyranny - "Bomb them back into the Stone Age".
Leibniz and Confucius
But we must look at China the way Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz did from Europe,
together with the Jesuit missionaries in China, in the late seventeenth and
early eighteenth centuries. The Jesuits, beginning with the extraordinary Matteo
Ricci in the late sixteenth century, had gone to China armed with the fruits of
the Golden Renaissance--maps, astronomical and musical instruments, paintings
using the science of perspective, etc. They discovered not a primitive nation,
but a nation already well advanced in most areas of science and technology--in
some cases more advanced than Europe. They found an exceptionally learned
population, generally open to the scientific and moral ideas of the Renaissance.
They also found 160 million people, one-fourth of the world's population, with a
population density of nearly 40 per square kilometer, almost twice that of
Europe, with a higher average standard of living and a greater literacy rate
even with that population density.
To Leibniz, this population density proved something: It proved that that
society had mastered to a significant degree the fundamental laws of nature.
This was proof that they knew God--not perfectly, of course, but to a degree
that made possible the sustained expansion of the unfolding creation. Leibniz
studied the Confucian classics, using the translations he received from his
Jesuit correspondents, based on the assumption that a fundamental understanding
of man's role as imago viva Dei, in the living image of God, must be imbedded in
their philosophy, as proven by their advanced culture, and the high population
density. The purpose was not to gratuitously gloss over shortcomings or errors,
nor to propitiate the Chinese (as the Jesuits were repeatedly accused of doing),
but to scientifically discover the cause, in their ideas, of the development of
Chinese civilization, in the only place such a cause could be found--in the
coherence of the ideas guiding their culture with the laws of the universe.
The problem in China today is not overpopulation, but that the nation has been
subjected to 150 years of British opium, British imperial looting, foreign wars,
civil wars, and 44 years of Maoist Legalist lunacy.
The result is the destruction of the infrastructure and education, which renders
the existing economy incapable of sustaining the population. The International
Monetary Fund and Deng Xiaoping's reformers plan to ``solve'' this problem by
mass forced abortions, and by grinding up the so-called surplus labor in
Auschwitz-style free trade zones. We're looking at the potential for another
holocaust, caused by the same forces that have caused several holocausts in
China's history.
To reverse this, we must first ask: What caused the population growth in the
first place?
Why China and the Population of China Grew
Confucius (d. 479 B.C.) compiled what was called the Five Classics, which were a
compilation of the oral and written tradition of Chinese antiquity together with
his own contributions.
The ``Golden Age'' of which Confucius writes covers the era of approximately
2500 B.C. to 1000 B.C. In fact, there can be no doubt about the existence of an
advanced civilization in that era, since astronomical proof exists within the
classics themselves. Nineteenth-century European scholars and astronomers, using
a passage from one of the five classics, the Book of History, which specifies
the meridian passage of a series of stars at the summer solstice, used the
procession of the equinox to prove that the measurement took place precisely in
the year 2357 B.C. Another reference to a specific constellation's relation to
the ecliptic at the summer solstice was shown to almost certainly have been
recorded in the sixteenth millennium before Christ. In fact, it is extensively
recorded in historical records that each of the early dynasties established
their authority on the basis of their astronomical discoveries and their
construction of solar calendars.
Let me show how this tradition is reflected in the classics. In the Analects,
the collection of Confucius's own teachings, the master is asked by his
disciples where they can turn for guidance when he dies. He responds:
Look to the Heavens. What do they say?
Do the seasons not run their appointed courses
And all things proceed according to their nature?
Look to the Heavens. What do they say?
Through meditation on the chakras above the head, the Heavens and projecting, creating a connection with God the Perfect descends upon the imperfect in a hierarchical manner from the Higher, "Image of God" to the lower Blocked and imperfect, "Likeness of God".. The Perfect descends from God through an infinity of higher qualities of archangels and angels or chakras above the head, upon the more and more imperfect in a hierarchical manner from the Higher, "Image of God" to the lower Blocked and imperfect, "Likeness of God"..
The poetry classic, or Book of Poetry, contains the following poem on the
intelligibility of the Creation, and on the source of human virtue being located
in the quest for mastering that lawfulness:
Heaven, in creating mankind,
Created all things according to law,
Such that people can grasp this law,
And will love virtue.
Confucius identified a concept called, in Chinese, Jen, as the fundamental
principle of God's creation and of man's essence as he reflects that creation.
Jen is often translated as ``love,'' or ``benevolence,'' or ``humaneness'' in
English, and throughout history the Chinese debated the real meaning of Jen
along similar lines.
It is clear, however, both in Confucius and especially in the work of Mencius--the greatest follower of Confucius, who died in 289 B.C., about 200 years after Confucius--the divine love of God for his creation, and the higher form of human love made possible through joining the emotions and the intellect; a love of God, of truth, of beauty, and of mankind as a whole.
This is the "love of virtue,'' derives from accepting God's love through "grasping'' his laws and mastering the lawfulness that governs the physical universe.
Mencius extended this concept to assert that man is born fundamentally good, in
precisely the same way that Plato did.
Mencius argued that Jen, and the other fundamental virtues - righteousness,
propriety and wisdom - are not imposed on man from outside, but are born within
him. All men are equal in precisely this respect, that they have the same
potential for good, to participate in the continuing creation.
That men differ from one another in respect to these virtues is simply due to
their failure to carry out their potential through energy blockages.
To Confucius and Mencius, the primary responsibility of those who properly
develop their inborn powers, is to apply those powers to the development of the
nation, what we think of as physical and political economy. Even the Emperor,
although known as the Son of Heaven, was not above this natural-law
In the famous passage from the end of the Analects, Confucius quotes Emperor Yao,
who, near death, says to his successor Emperor Shun: "The God-ordained order of
succession now rests upon thy person. Hold fast with the heart and soul to the
true middle course of that which is right. If there should be distress and want
among the people within the Empire, the mandate of Heaven shall be taken away
from you forever.''
Mencius extends this "Mandate of Heaven'' to every political leader. He says
that there is no difference between killing a man with a sword and killing him
with the style of government - through distress and want.
In a passage that has an eerie familiarity to today's moral collapse and the
corruption in the judicial system, as I see clearly here every day, Mencius
"They are only men of education who, without a dependable livelihood, are still
able to maintain a fixed heart. As to the people, if they have not a dependable
livelihood, it follows that they will not have a fixed heart. And if they have
not a fixed heart, there is nothing which they will not do in the way of
self-abandonment, or moral deflection, of depravity, and of wild license. When
they thus have been involved in crime, to then follow them up and to punish
them--this is to entrap the people. How can such a thing as ``entrapping the
people'' be done under the rule of a benevolent man?''
A prince is not a man of privilege, but a man of responsibility to Heaven. He is
called upon to lead through the example of his own virtue, not through arbitrary
So, this is the historical process that gave rise to a population of over 25
million by the time of Confucius, which then more than doubled over the next 400
years. There are obvious parallels with Christian teaching. In fact, a
fundamental teaching of Confucius was the Golden Rule.
Nicolaus of Cusa, whose work generated the Golden Renaissance in Italy in the
fifteenth century, in his essay "On the Peace of Faith,'' made reference to the
Golden Rule, and to the commandment to love God, when he said:
"The divine commandments are very brief and are all well known and common in
every nation, for the light that reveals them to us is created along with the
rational mind.''
In the same way, Leibniz, in studying Confucianism and especially the Confucian
Renaissance masters of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, whom I'll discuss
later, said this about their teaching:
"To offend Heaven is to act against reason; to ask pardon of Heaven is to reform
oneself and to make a sincere return in work and deed in the submission one owes
to this very law of reason."
For me, I find this all quite excellent and quite in accord with natural theology.... Only by strained interpretation and interpolation could one find anything to criticize on this point.
It is pure Christianity, insofar as it renews the natural law inscribed in our
hearts, except for what revelation and grace add to it to improve our nature.''
Contemporary Views on the comparison of Confucianism with Judeo-Christian
I want to mention two contemporary views on the comparison of Confucianism with
Judeo-Christian theology, both of which, I believe, are insightful. The first is
that of Bishop Chang, the retired Bishop of Taiwan, who recently met with Leni
Rubinstein in Taiwan and presented her with a recent translation of his book
from the 1970s. Bishop Chang, writing for his parishioners, tells the Chinese
not to feel slighted that God did not choose their race for the incarnation.
After all, he said, if His son was to be born a man, he had to be born into a
family, and the choice of the Semites was as good as any other choice, since the
gift was for all mankind anyway. Besides, he had to prepare the people for this
event, which is why he revealed himself to Abraham and Moses, and created the
Jewish religion, allowing hundreds of years of the knowledge of the one God
amongst the Jews, in order to prepare the way. The Jewish knowledge of God was
based primarily on the law, Mosaic law, which instilled the fear of God in man,
but, said Bishop Chang, lacked the sense of the all-pervasive love which was the
message of Christ, to love one another, even one's enemies.
But lo! says the Bishop, this Christian love is really the same as the jen of
Confucius--so we Chinese should be very proud that God revealed this beautiful
truth to us 500 years before he did in the West! He adds, however, that the
Confucians did not fully comprehend jen, since the notion of justice in
Confucianism included returning an act of injustice with an act of justice, but
did not go so far as to return injustice with kindness, or love.
The second reference is to the work of Prof. William Theodore de Bary of
Columbia University, one of the few decent scholars I've found among those in
the massive "Confucian Revival'' taking place since the death of Mao. Professor
de Bary points to the Hebrew Covenant with God, which has no parallel in
Confucianism except, to a limited extent, in the Mandate of Heaven. This
Mandate, however, was for the Emperor only, while the Covenant was for all Jews.
The Covenant, he says, was not a privilege to do what one will as a ``chosen
race,'' but was in fact a heavy responsibility placed upon each and every Jew to
follow God. This personal accountability for all people is, says Professor de
Bary, lacking in Confucianism. The ruler, the minister and the sage are given a
heavy burden by Heaven, which is uncompromising, but such responsibility is
seldom placed on the common people.
When the people are in trouble, the leaders are to blame. There is a lack of
someone like Lyn, or a good Baptist minister who is both fearless before corrupt
officials, but who also places the full weight of responsibility on the common
man who tolerates the corruption in the leadership in order to preserve his own
corruption and his own inaction.
This is not a small point. The lack of a sense of personal responsibility for
the world as a whole leads to pragmatism. With a pragmatist's view of the world,
where truth becomes secondary to convenience or immediate gain, creative
activity is virtually impossible, since truth is no longer the goal, and one,
therefore, either slowly or more rapidly descends to the level of a beast.
Confucius was critically aware of this problem of pragmatism. In the very first
dialogue of the Mencius, a prince asks Mencius what he has to offer him that
will profit his reign. Confucius denounces him for being concerned only with
immediate profit rather than truth.
Chu Hsi, in the twelfth century, recognized the source of the problem, and
essentially solved it. He extended the concept of the "Mandate of Heaven'' to
all citizens--thus insisting that we must each of us, answer to God for the
state of our society, even though we may not be officials.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the poisoned founder of the Chinese Republic in 1911 and one of
the great leaders and thinkers of our century, focused precisely on this problem
of pragmatism as the most profound problem in the Chinese people throughout
history. His book on the psychology of the Chinese, known in the West as his
Autobiography, identifies the ancient Chinese adage that "knowledge is easy,
action is difficult,'' as the root of virtually every crisis in Chinese history.
Sun insists that the opposite is the case: that knowledge is primary, and action
is self-evident when knowledge is complete.
John Dewey, when he travelled to China at the beginning of this century, latched
onto this pragmatism as a lever in his project to undermine Confucianism. It is
a problem which still plagues China today, both among the Democracy Movement and
among the scientists and other official circles.
Taoism and the Legalism Tyranny
Before I discuss Chu Hsi and the Confucian Renaissance, let's look at the other
Opposition to Confucianism took two forms. The second of these two was a tyrannical political movement called Legalism, which I'll discuss in a moment. The first form was the sponsorship of the bad teaching as mystical gobbledygook of Taoism.
Tyrants taught that Lao Tze, the founder of Taoism, a contemporary of Confucius,
insisted that since knowledge of the infinite, of the True Path, or the Tao, is
impossible, and what we do is meaningless in regard to the ultimate course of
the Tao, therefore we will be in tune with the Tao if we do absolutely nothing.
Says Lao Tze: ``Do nothing, and all things will be done. I do nothing and my
people become good of their own accord. Abandon wisdom and discard knowledge,
and the people will be benefited a hundredfold.''
So, you see, Adam Smith was a Taoist. The "invisible hand'' that so goosed
humanity as to create Bubbles and depressions of the economy regularly for
thousands of years is a Taoist plot, and Maggie Thatcher a Taoist
Not surprisingly, the British have recently launched a virtual Taoist revival in
their press. The Guardian last month ran an article by a philosophy professor
with the extremely unfortunate name of Ray Billington, who argues that the world
has now proven itself to be Hobbesian, with everyone following their greed and
lust to the extreme, and the way to "come to terms'' with this, to accept it, is
to turn to Taoism, "the basic way or flow of the world.'' This will provide "a
deeper sense of being..., to know that the age-old distinction between divine
and human ... is false.'' Now you know what governs Mr. Death, David Owen. He
believes he is God.
The primary theoretician of Taoism was Chuang Tze, who lived sometime in the
fourth and third centuries B.C. His book, beloved by cultists, mystics, and
British oligarchs today, is an assault on Confucianism, and especially on the
Confucian call for "charity and duty to one's neighbor,'' which Chuang Tze
ridiculed as destructive to the Tao.
He argues that man must not reflect the divine. He writes:
"There must be a thorough compliance with divine principles, but without any
manifestations thereof. All can be summed up in one word - passivity. For
the perfect man employs his mind as a mirror - "it grasps nothing, it refuses
nothing; it receives, but does not retain.''
Also, the mind, to Chuang Tze, is incapable of abstract thought, and cannot
conceive of the infinite: "The mind cannot picture to itself a thing without
form, nor conceive a form of unlimited dimensions.'' This is pure Aristotle, who
stated bluntly that ``the infinite considered as such is unknown''--and that
``the actual infinite does not exist.''
In such a world without Jen and without absolutes, issues of right and wrong are
indeterminate. Chuang Tze argues that: "Anything is good or evil because it is
either good or evil in our eyes.'' Under this rule of moral relativism, he
continues: "there is nothing which is not good, nothing which is not evil.''
Out of this came Tyrannical Legalism. To understand Legalism, look at Aristotle.
To Aristotle, the Platonic (and Confucian) notion of man as fundamentally good,
capable by nature of contemplating the infinite and hypothesizing scientific
principles, was rejected in favor of a view of man as fundamentally neutral,
with a blank slate, a tabula rasa, for a mind.
The mind is capable only of recording sense perceptions, and like a computer, making logical deductions or inductions from the data. Such a human being, of course, has no inherent worth, and therefore can be shaped at will by those who control his or her education to anything they so desire - from a loyal bureaucrat, bribed with material rewards, to mindless helots, deprived of education and culture and condemned to subservient labor or outright slavery, as cogs in a machine.
A "cog in a machine'' was in fact precisely Mao's description of a ``perfect
This description of Aristotle is also a description of the Legalists in China.
Hs'n Tze, the Aristotle of China, in opposition to Mencius, asserted that man
was not born good, but evil, not guided by Jen, by the love inscribed in their
hearts, but by greed and lust. Hs'n Tze's students formalized a "philosophy''
based on this degraded concept of man, in order to justify the rule of tyrants,
above any laws of God.
This was Legalism, a Hobbesian nightmare. The preferred ideology for the
pacification of the masses was bad teaching of Taoism.
The Legalists came to power for a brief and brutal reign from 221-206 B.C.,
under the Legalist Emperor Qin Shi-huang, who united China through
balance-of-power military operations. Qin banned Confucianism, burned the
Confucian texts, and buried alive several hundred Confucian scholars who
resisted. Migrant peasants driven off the land much as they are today in the PRC,
were rounded up into slave brigades to build the Great Wall, where most of them
Being poor was a crime, much as Milton Friedman's minions consider poverty to be
evidence of laziness. The penalty for the crime of poverty was slavery for one's
entire family.
This Legalist Emperor was the idol of Mao Zedong.
As I showed in an article called, "The British Role in the Creation of Maoism,'' these Legalists, and the Taoist ideology associated with it, was embraced as the favored ideology of the British drug dealers and British scholars in keeping with the bestial Social Darwinist view of man espoused by Hobbes, Hume, Bentham, Adam Smith, et al. from the stable of philosophical prostitutes for the British East India Company.
The history of the British in China is the history of the sabotage of
Confucianism and Taoism, and especially of any potential for Christian/Confucian
collaboration such as that espoused by poisoned Dr. Sun Yat Sen, while
glorifying the Legalist and Taoist ideology, including the creation of a
worldwide Taoist cult.
This Taoist influence can be seen directly today in the school curriculum being
proposed by the Outcome Based Education movement.
Look again at the Chinese Population graph over time...
Upon the death of the Legalist Emperor Qin, the Qin Dynasty was rapidly
overthrown. The new Han Dynasty, which lasted over 400 years to 220 A.D., was
built on a return to Confucianism, establishing the classics as a standard for
education, scholarship, and the examinations for public offices. Sustained
population growth throughout the Han reflects this Confucian view of man. By the
time of Christ, the Chinese population was about the same as all of Europe,
about 50 million, while the population density was nearly twice that of Europe.
What happened to bring down the Han, and create an 800-year decline and
stagnation? Without going beyond generalities, the Han failed to solve the
fundamental economic problems facing the vast empire. A "counterculture''
emerged, with many scholars looking back to Taoism as the Confucian structure of
government appeared to be breaking down.
It was argued that one could be a Confucian in regard to social relations and
government policy, while at the same time a Taoist in regard to spiritual
matters. Such an arrangement removed the actually spiritual basis from
Confucianism--the role of Jen considered as the Word of God - reducing it to a
formal code of conduct, and thus open to corruption - just like the U.S.
judicial system, once you've removed its original natural law foundation that
"all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights,'' has become a
vehicle for injustice and tyranny.
During this 800-year stagnation, Buddhism was introduced into China from India
along the Silk Route. I don't wish to discuss Buddhism here, but in China, the
Mahayana form of Buddhism, which taught the idea of "sudden enlightenment''
through the denial of any reality in the physical world and stopping the process
of mentation altogether, interacted with Taoism to create a Chinese version of
Buddhism, Ch'an, or, in Japanese, Zen.
This Buddhist teaching was taught by teachers and not masters who had indeed become Enlightened. Thus without the concept of connection with God, the chakras above the head and the chakras below the Base, the teaching inevitably failed like most meditation teaching in these times.
Only teachings like Energy Enhancement with maps of connection projection to connection with the energies of the Universe can reverse such failures as can be seen in our Fifty Fantastic Reports on Energy Enhancement Meditation!!
Zen, Taoism, and a greatly corrupted form of Confucianism became known as the
``Three Teachings.'' One could incorrectly practice all three - like the
Fellowship of Religion.
But, of course, like their claim to be trying to bring all religions together by
finding the lowest common denominator among them, what you end up with is a
bunch of Satanists, defending the "human rights'' of monkeys.
The bad teaching of Meditation became an amalgam of these three totally
incompatible world views was to become known as ``Chinese Philosophy,'' a racist
idea that somehow there is a single unified way of thought which restricts the
thinking of all Asians or all Chinese.
Of course, in China, the British refer to "Western Philosophy,'' by which they
mean British gnostic empiricism. That is not to say that there are not common
and unique cultural influences to the Chinese as distinct from other cultures,
but these are ideological questions. Philosophically, one can trace the same bad
teaching to the same philosophical divisions in both East and West.
In the West, you have on the one side, the Platonists and the Christian
Platonists, who believe that the world is governed by a single power which is
good and is intelligible to man due to his creative reason; and, on the other
hand, the Aristotelian, gnostic ideology of oligarchs and their minions, who
argue that man is governed by his animal instincts, and can, at best, submit to
a pragmatic ordering of a Godless society based on codified punishments and
rewards. This same division, with similar predicates, exists in China in the
worldviews of Confucianism, as opposed to Taoism/Legalism, and Zen Buddhism.
Every swing in this extremely volatile population graph for China can be
explained by the shifting influence of one or the other of these world views
over Chinese society - leaps forward during periods of good teaching such as the
Confucian revival, and collapse during resurgence of Taoist degeneracy.
The Great Confucian Renaissance of the eleventh and twelfth century Sung Dynasty, led by Chu Hsi, generated the doubling of the population between 1000 and 1200 A.D.
The influence of Taoism and Zen generally collapsed due to a lack of good teaching.
A technological revolution was generated by the intellectual climate and method.
The discovery of paper and printing made China the first nation where mass
production and distribution of books transformed society. Most of these early
printed books were either the Classics and commentaries by the leaders of the
Confucian Renaissance, or books on agricultural technology, including seed
varieties, hydraulics and irrigation, etc., which created a massive increase in
production, facilitating the population growth.
The devastating collapse in the thirteenth century is the result of the Mongol
invasion, which brought back Taoism along with the plague.
The dramatic recovery after the fall of the Mongols, during the early Ming
Dynasty, represents a revival of the Confucian Renaissance of the Sung. Chu
Hsi's work became the standard for education and the examinations, and Great
Projects were launched, including the great voyages into the Middle East and
Africa, with armadas of the largest ships in the world to that time. The
population again doubled between 1400 and 1600.
However, for reasons I do not believe are adequately understood to history, in
1435, virtually the same time that the European Renaissance was being launched
by Nicolaus of Cusa at the Council of Florence, the Ming Dynasty abruptly turned
inward, canceling all voyages and even destroying many of the ships.
The failure of will and vision at that time led to a steady deterioration of the
Confucian moral structure of society. A new form of the "Three Teachings''
emerged, which lasts up to today; this time through grafting of Zen Buddhist and
Taoist ideas onto a pseudo-Confucianism by a fellow named Wang Yang-Ming. Again
society degenerated, and the population collapsed between 1600 and 1644, when
the Manchurians were able to sweep down on Beijing and rapidly take over all of
The Jesuits in China
However, the Jesuits had arrived in the late sixteenth century, and by the time
of the fall of the Ming, in 1644, they had been given leadership of several
ministries in the court, including astronomy, hydraulics, and others. The
invading Manchu were quickly convinced to retain the Jesuits in the court, and
the child destined to be the great Emperor Kang Hsi (1661-1725), was given an
extraordinary education in European Renaissance science, art, and theology by
the Jesuits personally, while at the same time, he received thorough instruction
in the Confucian classics.
Kang Hsi became a dedicated follower of Chu Hsi, the Sung leader of the
Confucian Renaissance, as well as a sponsor of Christianity. It was during his
reign that Leibniz carried on his correspondence with the Jesuits, and launched
his plans for the Grand Design - the economic development of the entire Eurasian
landmass, linking Europe and China in such a way that, as he said, "as these
most cultivated and distant peoples stretch out their arms to each other, those
in between may gradually be brought to a better way of life.''
On the population graph, there is a tremendous explosion in population after
1650, more than tripling over the next 200 years. This is the dramatic proof of
the power of the ecumenical alliance between Confucianism and Christianity
through Leibniz, the shared belief that man is created in the living image of
No other Asian nation experienced this population explosion - Japan's population
declined over the eighteenth century, while India's grew by less than 10
percent. China's more than doubled. China literally "joined'' the population
explosion in Europe that had begun with the Cusa inspired Italian Renaissance in
the fifteenth century.
The Christian/Confucian alliance did not last 200 years, however. The same
Enlightenment forces used by Venice and London to destroy the Renaissance in
Europe succeeded in cutting off Western support for the brilliant work of
Leibniz and the missionary/scientists in China.
By the death of Kang Hsi in 1725, the connection was broken - the potential for
the Christianization of China was destroyed. Europe increasingly fell under
British masonic control, while in China, although the impulse of the
Confucian/Christian period sustained relative peace and prosperity throughout
the eighteenth century, as shown by the population graph, still, the cutoff of
scientific input from the Golden Renaissance and stagnation in the Chinese
leadership over the next 100 years left China vulnerable to British gunboats
when they arrived in 1840 when they won the Opium Wars of Free trade - The
ability to Import Opium into China.
The collapse of population after 1850, on the graph, represents the fruits of
the British Opium Wars and British sponsorship of a peasant revolt called the
Taiping Rebellion, which claimed to be a pseudo-Christian movement, but was
actually a Taoist atrocity supported by British and American missionaries and
government officials.
The Taiping Rebellion was used to force Beijing to capitulate to Lord
Palmerston's demands to the right to "free trade,'' meaning the free sale of
British opium throughout the empire. Between 1850 and 1950, under increasing
British control over every aspect of China's economy and government, the
population increased by only 25 percent, while the world population increased by
over 100 percent.
The graph of population under the Communists shows that the Chinese under Taoist
leadership are still able to commit genocide without outside help. The drastic
dip was the Great Leap Forward where 30 to 50 million died. The decreasing rate
of growth since the Cultural Revolution is paradigmatic of an impending
Fundamental ideas developed by Chu Hsi in the eleventh and twelfth century, the
Sung Dynasty
I want to review only one aspect of the material in the Fidelio article. That
one aspect is what I called the extension of the thesis in "On the Peace of
Faith'' by Nicolaus of Cusa. Cusanus posed that the Christian Trinity of God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, as revealed through the life of
Christ, was also a scientific truth which is imbedded in the laws of the
universe. Therefore, he argued, anyone, following any theology which believes
that the universe is governed by one principle, that it is not irrational and
inconsistent, must necessarily discover this triune reality in the process of
investigating the lawfulness of the creation. While Cusanus was not familiar
with Confucianism, he demonstrated in "On the Peace of the Faith'' that every
religion could be shown to reflect the truth of the Trinity understood in this
way. I will show how this concept can be extended to include Confucianism,
following the work of both Cusanus and Leibniz.
To demonstrate this, let me review the fundamental ideas developed by Chu Hsi
and his predecessors in the eleventh and twelfth century, the Sung Dynasty.
Chu Hsi wrote an essay called "Treatise on Jen.'' He argued that since the death
of Mencius, the true meaning of Jen - and, in fact, the true meaning of the
entire Confucian doctrine - had been generally lost. Jen had come to mean, at
best, love in a more general sense, encompassing sentimental notions, an
"inferior and crude concept.''
Chu Hsi wrote that "When one realizes that Jen is the source of love, and that love can never exhaust Jen, then one has gained a definite comprehension of Jen.''
Further, Chu Hsi said, "the mind of Heaven to produce things is Jen. In man's
endowment, he receives this mind from Heaven, and thus he can produce.''
You can see that this is very similar to the idea of the Word of God, the Holy
Spirit, which emanates from God, pervades and animates the universe, and is the
basis of man's ability to participate in the unfolding creation of the universe.
This led Chu Hsi to recognize the need to develop a metaphysical explanation of
the relationship between God and man. Neither Confucius nor Mencius had engaged
in extensive metaphysical speculation, having the unfortunate consequence that
Taoist and Zen Buddhist notions of Nothingness, mystical means of longevity,
reincarnation, and so forth, tended to fill the void for people searching for
such answers.
Chu Hsi addressed this head on, good teaching, by taking several notions used by
Taoists and Zen Buddhists, explicating a true metaphysical understanding of
these concepts which was coherent with the concept of Jen discussed above, and
in the process, carried out a fierce and devastating polemic for good teaching
of both Taoism and Zen Buddhism.
The term Tao itself is an example. By exposing the Taoist notion of the Tao as a
falsely constructed limit on man's capacity to know anything, as something lying
beyond an unbridgeable gap from man's intelligibility, he returned to the notion
of the Tao, the true path, or God, as used by Confucius.
Chu Hsi showed that one can learn more and more about the Tao, about God, in an unlimited way, bounded only by the absolute infinite of God himself. This knowledge comes about through man's capacity to meditate, contemplate on the infinite, on the chakras external to the body, connecting us with the vast, infinite energies of God and thus we can know the real Tao.
For example, Chu Hsi says: "The Tao alone has no opposite.'' it, like the Holy Trinity is ONE.
Also: "God is not spatially conditioned. He has neither corporeal form nor body. There is no One spot where He can be placed.'' But man can, through meditation, conceptualize the infinite connection to the whole Trinity, Antahkarana - The Tao as we do in Energy Enhancement with fantastic results.
This concept is very similar in nature to the method used by St. Thomas Aquinas,
nearly a contemporary of Chu Hsi, to refute the materialist, finite epistemology
of Aristotle, and anticipates the work of Nicolaus of Cusa two centuries later
in his work on negative theology, as you'll find in the work on Aquinas and
The most important contribution of Chu Hsi was the concept of Li, usually
translated as Principle, which was a term only occasionally used by Confucius
and Mencius, and misused by the Taoists. Chu Hsi defined Li as "complete
wholeness,'' as "above the realm of corporeality,'' and as "prior to all created
things.'' This is God, pure Unity, the One or the Buddhist concept of Dharma.
But, he says:
"Li is one, but its manifestations are many.... There is only one Li, but as
applied to man, there is in each individual a particular Li.''
Thus, the Li is both the one and the many, in the sense that every created thing
reflects the lawfulness of the creation, that this reflection of the creator is
the Principle of that created thing, or its Li, which participates in the
Universal Li, which is God the Creator.
Leibniz said of Li:
"Can we not say that the Li of the Chinese is the sovereign substance which we
revere under the name of God?''
Leibniz saw that the individual manifestation of Li in all things was similar to
his notion of the monad; in fact, his development of this concept reflected his
intense, life-long study of Confucianism and Chu Hsi in particular.
This is also crucial to scientific method.
Unlike the pseudo-science of the Taoists, the Aristotelians, the British
empiricists in general, one cannot learn anything truthful or truly useful about
the universe by simply observing and recording the accidental attributes of the
material form or structure of things. One must hypothesize the causal relations
between things and events in the universe, on how things change, how they are
changed by other things or events, and how they cause change in other things.
When things or events are not understood, or contradict existing accepted
notions about the universe, then a hypothesis must be formulated and tested
through a crucial experiment which challenges existing knowledge with a higher
The clue necessary for a successful hypothesis is what Leibniz called the law of
necessary and sufficient reason.
The law of necessary and sufficient reason stated in somewhat Confucian terms, is that the principle of any thing or event, its Li, is coherent with and participates in God's creation as a whole, and thus must be perfect, or participate in God's perfection, in the sense that it has precisely those qualities necessary for it to be and to act as it does, and it has no important extraneous qualities, other than those sufficient to be and to act as it does.
It is in this sense that Leibniz says that this world was created by God as the
best of all possible worlds. It is the comprehension of this truth which
provides the only possible basis for the kind of thinking necessary for true
scientific work; it is the basis upon which hypothecation can be made.
It is not surprising then, that among empiricist scientists of the twentieth
century who have been instrumental in destroying the scientific method of
hypothesis practiced by Kepler, Leibniz, and Riemann, we find several who are
raving Taoists.
Not only Joseph Needham, who I single out for attack in the Fidelio article, but
also Niels Bohr, the founder of quantum mechanics. Bohr credited Taoism as the
inspiration for his world view. His theory of "complementarity'' derived from
the Taoist yin-yang view of the universe. To such Taoists, no doubt, cold fusion
is neither yin nor yang, and therefore simply doesn't exist. I promise you more
on this in the future.
To conclude, we can now look at how the Trinity is imbedded in Confucianism.
Nicolaus of Cusa identified the Trinity as Unity, Equality and Connection. The
Unity is the One and the Many coexisting in the Creator, God the creator of all
things. To Christians, this is God the Father; to Confucians, the indivisible
Universal Li, or Tao.
Through connection with God the Perfect descends upon the imperfect in a hierarchical manner from the Higher, "Image of God" to the lower Blocked and imperfect, "Likeness of God".. The Perfect descends from God through an infinity of higher qualities of archangels and angels or chakras above the head, upon the more and more imperfect in a hierarchical manner from the Higher, "Image of God" to the lower Blocked and imperfect, "Likeness of God"..
The energy of god is channeled along the Antahkarana from God through an infinity of chakra talents into Kundalini Chakra in the center of the Earth where it is reflected back into God in the center of the Universe thus creating an eternal circulation of energy - the mechanism whereby God powers everything in this universe. This is also the Reciprocal maintenance of Gurdjieff.
The Antahkarana is thus an indivisible column of energy incorporating the Holy Trinity. The Father who gives energy, the Son who receives and channels the energy into good things and the Holy Spirit which is the energy which flows and circulates in the Antahkarana between the Father and the Son
"The quality of Mercy is not constrained. It droppeth as the gentle dew from heaven upon its place beneath. It is twice blessed, first by he who gives and then by he who receives" Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, which shows how we should even have mercy for the evil Usurious Bankers who ask for their pound of flesh. "Evil Is" says Tolkien and the more energy blockages we have, the more Negative Karmic mass we contain, the more we act in evil ways.
The Son, the second person of the Trinity is the reflection of the Creator in
every creating thing and event, which is reflected in the most perfected way in
man, in the divine spark of reason. To Christians, Christ represents true
Equality with God, while through the imitation of Christ all men can share in
that equality.
To Confucians, this is the individual Li, or individual Principle in all things
and events, which is intelligible to man due to the "inborn luminous virtue''
that Heaven has bestowed on all mankind.
And, finally, the Connection, the third person of the Trinity, is the love,
which emanates from the Unity and from all his creations, insofar as his
creations manifest the Creator. This love that connects all things is the
Christian agapë, the Holy Spirit that proceeds from the Father and from the Son.
It is, to Confucius, Jen, the boundless love of Heaven and Earth.
Just as the Trinity is an indivisible unity for Christianity, so is the triune
nature of nature itself an indivisible unity, and so also are the Tao, Li and
Jen an indivisible unity to Confucianism.
Compare this concept of Unity, Equality and Connection, to the bad teaching of
Taoist "all-is-one,'' which is the root of virtually every environmental cult
To them, it is not the singular transfinite essence, or Li, of things which characterize equality with the Creator and his creations, but the material things themselves, the ephemeral, accidental attributes of things, are all One. The world is One, undifferentiated.
There is no distinction between God, man, animal and rock. Thus, a spotted owl
or a gorilla have the same worth and the same rights as a human being. In such a
world, there is no such thing as higher levels of evolution or living God. The
world is just a self-moving entity, plodding through time without any higher law
or guidance, reduced to the mindless, bestial world of the discredited Darwinian
foolishness, the rule of greed and lust.
Can China turn away from its current course, heading for yet another
catastrophic collapse of population, and instead contribute to a new Renaissance
for all mankind? Confucius, Mencius, and Chu Hsi live in the hearts of the
Chinese people. Although Mao forcefully eliminated all teaching of the classics,
burned the books and murdered the scholars just as his mentor Qin Shi-huang had
done, still, the tradition is passed on, however imperfectly, from parent to
Most likely, the Chinese in the audience there today learned some of this from
their parents or grandparents. The tradition is preserved, but endangered, in
Taiwan, where, as in the West, there are very few who do not compromise with the
Taoist/Aristotelian ideology of Adam Smith and Bentham.
Our own role in renewing Meditation through Energy Enhancement and the
ecumenical method and the Grand Design of Leibniz is indispensable.
Thank you. It's been a pleasure to be here with you, at least in image, and
certainly in spirit.
style="background-color: #FFFFFF"> by Michael O. Billington with contributions by Satchidanand
Image of God, "Imago Dei" and Energy Blockages
That Man is the Image of God is a fundamental part of the Jewish and Christian faith and is a concept and theological doctrine that asserts that human beings are created in God's image and therefore have inherent value independent of their utility or function.
This is opposed by people who treat humans as the ignorant beasts, solely moved by desires and senses, "cogs in the machine" as Mao described his perfect cadres. Energy Vampires treat human beings as beasts and chattel, "The Goose which lays the Golden Eggs".
The central principle of Adam Smith's doctrine of "free trade", created to allow the Opium and Slavery trade into China thus creating the Opium Wars of 1840 whereby Hong Kong was taken and "Free Trade" into China maintained, is derived from a dogma set forth in his 1759 book, "Theory of the Moral Sentiments". The kernel of that is:
"Hunger, thirst, and the passion which unites the two sexes, the love of pleasure, and the dread of pain, prompt us to apply those means for their own sake, and without any consideration of their tendency to those beneficent ends which the great Director of nature intended to produce by them."
Pause for a moment, to consider the most obvious of the implications of this Adam Smith dogma for the observance of the Mosaic Ten Commandments, What, then of four most plainly relevant articles of that Law: Thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness; thou shalt not covet? Smith's law is: (1) Hunger, (2) Thirst, (3) Sexual Passion, (4) Pleasure, (5) Pain.
Think about these two views and where they come from.
How is Man the Image of God?
What is the mechanism whereby Man is the Image of God?
What prevents Man the, "Likeness of God" becoming the true essence, "the Image of God"?
The "Image of God" says that humanity should be perfectly connected with God.
Only with that perfect connection can we grow our talents so that we become the perfect, "Hands of God" on this planet.
Energy Blockages prevent the perfect connection with God and block our talents so that we act imperfectly.
The Fall of Adam and Eve caused by the role of the Fruit of Knowledge is that Energy Blockage Grain of Sand given by the agent of God in order to expand man's evolution, abilities and talents - thus creating the Pearl of Illumination.
On the path of Illumination and evolution Energy Blockages prevent perfection so that we are only the "Likeness to God".
However, it is those Energy Blockage seeds which give us the Karmic Feedback through the Law of Karma - "As you give, so shall you receive.
If you give bad things, so you will receive bad luck and bad things.
If you give good things so you will receive good luck and things.
Karma is thus the carrot and the stick which evolves us by removing the energy blockages and expanding our abilities and talents and which gradually creates in us that perfect "Image of God"
Through connection with God the Perfect descends upon the imperfect in a hierarchical manner from the Higher, "Image of God" to the lower Blocked and imperfect, "Likeness of God".. The Perfect descends from God through an infinity of higher qualities of archangels and angels or chakras above the head, upon the more and more imperfect in a hierarchical manner from the Higher, "Image of God" to the lower Blocked and imperfect, "Likeness of God"..
The energy of god is channeled along the Antahkarana from God through an infinity of chakra talents into Kundalini Chakra in the center of the Earth where it is reflected back into God in the center of the Universe thus creating an eternal circulation of energy - the mechanism whereby God powers everything in this universe. This is also the Reciprocal maintenance of Gurdjieff.
The Antahkarana is thus an indivisible column of energy incorporating the Holy Trinity. The Father who gives energy, the Son who receives and channels the energy into good things and the Holy Spirit which is the energy which flows and circulates in the Antahkarana between the Father and the Son
"The quality of Mercy is not constrained. It droppeth as the gentle dew from heaven upon its place beneath. It is twice blessed, first by he who gives and then by he who receives" Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, which shows how we should even have mercy for the evil Usurious Bankers who ask for their pound of flesh. "Evil Is" says Tolkien and the more energy blockages we have, the more Negative Karmic mass we contain, the more we act in evil ways.
Everyone has these energy blockages but some people have less than others just as we all have talents but again some people have more than others.
It is only by wanting to remove our energy blockages that we quickly start to remove them. It is only by wanting to act more perfectly that we quickly expand our abilities and talents. Thus we obtain the talents of perfect Intellect and Love so as to become the perfect hands of God on this planet.
This evolution is a function of the Will. To evolve quickly, we have to want it!
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, all else will follow after" - Jesus Christ.
Through Energy Blockages the ability and desire to love one's self and others, and therefore God, can become neglected and even opposed.. "Evil Is" says Tolkien, and "Evil", the opposite of "Live" or Life comes from that which blocks us off from God. Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass is that which is a major part of Energy Blockages. It is the pure perfect energy of God perverted by the Pain of that which should not be.
The removal of Energy Blockages and the creation of talents which serve God, the desire to repair the Imago Dei in one's life, can be seen as a quest for a wholeness, or one's "essential" self, as described and exemplified in Christ's life and teachings. According to Christian doctrine, Jesus like all Enlightened Masters, acted to repair the relationship with the Creator by removing, healing, energy blockages and freely offers the resulting reconciliation as a gift.
All Enlightened Masters believe that the Natural Law is that of Evolution as it is the Will of God that Man becomes more and more, "Imago Dei" as through connection with God, man accepts more and more energy from God and over time evolves, becomes more intelligent and energetic. This is in direct contradiction of the scientists who believe in the Law of Entropy or that energy becomes more and more diffuse over time as high energies lose their energy to the Universe. I call this the, "Law of the Vampire"
The gift of all Enlightened Masters including Jesus Christ is the gift of Healing through the removal of Energy Blockages, thus promoting the Connection between God and Man and of higher evolution and "intelligence, love and will".
More Energy, More Intelligence, Higher Emotion, Greater Willpower, Illumination, EnLightenment, Love and Light... Energy Enhancement!!
Image of God - Biblical description
The primary source and documentation for this concept of the essential nature of human beings is found in Genesis 1:26, 27.
The term refers most fundamentally to two things: first, to God's own self-expression through humankind; and second, to God's love for humankind (John 3:16,17). To assert that humans are created in the image of God is to recognize the special qualities of human nature which allow God to be made manifest in humans. For humans to have a conscious recognition of having been made in the image of God means that they are aware of being that part of the creation, the universe through whom God's plans and purposes best can be expressed and actualized; humans, in this way, can interact creatively with the rest of creation.
We are learning through the Law of Karma, "We only have the free will to do the right thing" - Satchidanand.
The moral implications of the doctrine of Imago Dei are apparent in the fact that, if humans are correctly connected with God - they love God, then humans must be correctly connected with and love - agape - other humans and all of creation which God has created (cf. John 13:35), as each is an expression of God.
The human likeness to God can also be understood by contrasting it with that which does not image God, i.e., beings who, as far as we know, are without this spiritual self-awareness and the capacity for spiritual / moral reflection and growth. Humans differ from all other creatures because of the self-reflective, rational nature of their thought processes - their capacity for abstract, symbolic as well as concrete deliberation and decision-making. This capacity gives the human a centeredness and completeness which allows the possibility for self-actualization and participation in a sacred reality (cf. Acts 17:28).
However, despite the fact that according to this concept the human is created in God's image, the Creator granted the first true humans a freedom to reject a relationship with the Creator that manifested itself in energy blockage estrangement from God, as the narrative of the Fall (Adam and Eve) exemplifies, thereby rejecting or repressing their spiritual and moral likeness to God. The ability and desire to love one's self and others, and therefore God, can become neglected and even opposed. The desire to repair the Imago Dei in one's life through removal of the energy blockages blocking that connection with God can be seen as a quest for a wholeness, holiness, or one's "essential" self, as described and exemplified in Christ's life and teachings. According to Christian doctrine, Jesus acts to repair the relationship with the Creator and freely offers the resulting reconciliation as a gift.[1]
Biblical Insights of Imago Dei
For the past 2,000 years, theologians have examined the difference between the concepts of the "image of God" and the "likeness of God" in human nature.
viewed the image of God as something given at creation, perfect yet able to be blocked, while the likeness of God only comes about by removing the blockages – creating that perfection within oneself.The theologian Irenaeus
made a distinction between God’s image and his likeness by pointing to Adam’s supernatural endowment bestowed upon him by the Spirit. As Irenaeus’ view progressed, what eventually arose was:“The image was the human’s natural resemblance to God, the power of reason and will. The likeness was a "donum superadditum" - a divine gift added to basic human nature. This likeness consisted of the moral qualities of God, whereas the image involved the natural attributes of God. When Adam fell, he lost the likeness, but the image remained fully intact. Humanity as humanity was still complete, but the good and holy being was spoiled.” [2]
The image of God, perfect, and the likeness blocked, yet able to be unblocked, are similar, but at the same time they are different. The image is just that, mankind is made in the image of God, whereas the likeness is a spiritual attribute of the moral qualities of God only created by Removing the Energy Blockages and expanding the God Serving talents.
Medieval theologians made a similar distinction between the image and likeness of God. The former referred to a natural, innate resemblance to God and the latter referred to the moral attributes (God’s attributes) that were lost in the Energy Blockage Fall.[3]
by Satchidanand
Nicholas of Cusa, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Concept of Natural Law -Imago Dei or Image of God - and the concept of Energy Blockage Talents
We are learning through the Law of Karma, "We only have the free will to do the right thing" - Satchidanand.
As St. Thomas Aquinas acknowledges in his “Treatise on Law,” the Christian concept of natural law was first developed by St. Augustine in his dialogue On the Free Choice of the Will.
In this dialogue, Augustine, who was a student of Plato, followed the latter in distinguishing between the eternal law of God, - the Image of God - which is changeless, and man-made laws, which are changeable, but which are nonetheless subject to the eternal law – The Likeness of God - . Thus Augustine writes: “It is from this eternal law that men have derived whatever is just and lawful in the temporal law.”
The Perfect descends from God through an infinity of higher qualities of archangels and angels or chakras above the head, upon the more and more imperfect in a hierarchical manner from the Higher, "Image of God" to the lower Blocked and imperfect, "Likeness of God"..
Beneficial Ideas are from the Image of God. In a work entitled “Eighty-three Different Questions,” Augustine writes: “Ideas are the primary forms or the permanent and immutable reasons of real things and they are not themselves formed; so they are, as a consequence, eternal and ever the same in themselves, and they are contained in the divine intelligence.” In the Summa Theologica, Aquinas concurs: “Ideas are types existing in the divine mind, as is clear from Augustine.”
Since man is created in the image of God and all of creation derives its existence from connection with and participation in the eternal ideas of the Creator, man himself is able to create temporal, i.e., man-made laws in harmony with eternal law, through the exercise of the eternal law connected with and impressed upon his own mind.
There is a Fight between the Perfect Image of God and the Blocked Likeness of God. As Augustine says in On the Free Choice of the Will, the eternal law “is impressed upon our nature.” Thus, “... when reason, or mind, or spirit, rules over the irrational movements of the soul, then that is in control in man which ought to be, by virtue of that law which we found to be eternal.” Hence, what Augustine means by natural law is the eternal law impressed upon our nature as creatures endowed with reason. Man is acting in harmony with natural law if he loves eternal things rather than temporal things. Natural law is thus derived from eternal law and is discerned through the right use of reason.
The love of temporal things, - that which changes, rather that the eternal, - that which does not change, leads to unhappiness according to Augustine,
“of the creature rather than the Creator, contrary to the right use of reason, is a violation of natural law and therefore leads necessarily to unhappiness, both for the individual and for the society which is so ordered. For if all men loved only eternal things based on the right use of reason, there would be no need for temporal (man-made) law—that is, the laws governing the daily life of society—as this is required only to restrain the actions of those men who, contrary to the right use of reason, love temporal things. And thus, temporal law imposes restraint through fear and accomplishes its purpose by constantly harassing the souls of unhappy men for whose government it has been designed. As long as they fear to lose these goods, they practice a kind of moderation in their use capable of holding together a society that can be formed from men of this stamp. The law does not punish the sin committed by loving these things, but the crime of taking them from others unjustly.”
This Augustinian concept of natural, eternal law is elaborated by St. Thomas Aquinas in his “Treatise on Law” in the Summa Theologica. Like Augustine, Aquinas argues that eternal law is the type of the Divine Wisdom.” Aquinas continues:
“Since all things subject to Divine Providence are ruled and measured by the eternal law ..., it is evident that all things partake somewhat of the eternal law, insofar as, namely, from its being imprinted on them, they derive their respective inclinations to their proper acts and ends. Now among all others, the rational creature is subject to Divine Providence in the most excellent way, insofar as it partakes of a share of providence, by being provident both for itself and for others. Therefore, it has a share of the Eternal Reason, by which it has a natural inclination to its due act and end; and this participation of the eternal law in the rational creature is called the natural law.
In Energy Enhancement we teach that evolution and goodness comes from Meditation which very quickly leads on to Samadhi (Sam with, Adhi - the Light) On this basis, Aquinas argues that the light of natural reason is “an imprint on us of the Divine Light” and that “natural law is nothing else than the rational creature’s participation of the eternal law.”
Thus, for both Augustine and Aquinas, the concept of natural law derives from the fact that man is imago Dei, the image of God, by virtue of his mind or reason. According to Aquinas, “Man is united to God by his reason, or mind, in which is God’s image.” Moreover, natural law, which is instilled in man’s mind by God so as to be known by him naturally, is derived from participation in eternal law which is the type or the Word of Divine Wisdom. The fact that Aquinas defines natural law in this way proves that his concept of natural law, like Augustine’s, is based on the method of Plato rather than that of Aristotle, who rejected the Platonic eternal ideas and the Platonic concept of the participation of created nature in those ideas.
Aquinas does admit the existence of other precepts of natural law besides reason, however. Man has natural inclinations, in accordance with the nature which he has in common with all substances and with other animals. Every substance seeks the preservation of its own being and all animals are naturally inclined to sexual intercourse, the education of offspring, etc. But since the rational soul is the proper form of man, these natural inclinations are subordinated in man to his rational inclination to know the truth about God and to live in society:
"All the inclinations of any parts whatsoever of human nature, for example, of the concupiscible and irascible parts, insofar as they are ruled by reason, belong to the natural law, and are reduced to one first precept ..., so that the precepts of the natural law are many in themselves, but are based on one common foundation."
Like Augustine, Aquinas also distinguishes between eternal law, which is changeless, and temporal or human laws, which are subject to change. According to Aquinas, “No one can know the eternal law as it is in itself, except God Himself and the blessed who see God in His Essence. But every rational creature knows it in its reflection, greater or less.” That is, again, temporal or human laws are derived from eternal law by means of natural reason. However, since the eternal law is not known by man as it is in itself, human laws cannot be altogether unerring. “The human reason cannot have a full participation of the dictate of the Divine Reason, but according to its own mode, and imperfectly.”
Ultimately, this distinction between Eternal Law and Divine Reason on the one side and temporal law and human reason on the other reflects the Platonic distinction between God, Who is Absolute Being or the Good per se, and created nature in the realm of Becoming, whose nature it is to become increasingly more God-like, without ever being able to achieve absolute perfection.
Nonetheless, since all forms of law derive from eternal law, temporal law must also be subject to the dictates of Divine Reason. As Augustine wrote in On the Free Choice of the Will: “In temporal law there is nothing just and lawful but what man has drawn from the eternal law.” Or Aquinas: “Human law has the nature of law insofar as it partakes of right reason; and it is clear that, in this respect, it is derived from the eternal law. But insofar as it deviates from reason, it is called an unjust law, and has the nature not of law but of violence.” Furthermore, just as Augustine wrote in On the Free Choice of the Will, “For an unjust law, it seems to me, is no law,” so Aquinas, “A tyrannical law, since it is not in accordance with reason, is not a law, absolutely speaking, but rather a perversion of law ... .”
Aquinas wrote further:
The force of a law depends on the extent of its justice. Now in human affairs a thing is said to be just from being right according to the rule of reason. But the first rule of reason is the law of nature ... . Consequently every human law has just so much of the character of law as it is derived from the law of nature. But if in any point it differs from the law of nature, it is no longer a law but a corruption of law.
Thus, even when Aquinas accepts that certain secondary precepts of natural law can be blotted out in evil individuals insofar as reason is hindered by Energy Blockage vicious customs and corrupt habits, he nevertheless maintains that “natural law, in its universal character, can in no way be blotted out from the humanity of all men’s hearts." In fact Aquinas goes so far as to argue that the moral precepts of the Decalogue are valid only because and insofar as they belong to natural law.
The historical limitation reflected in Aquinas’ notion of natural law, however, is that he conceived the issue of natural law to lie primarily in the deduction of moral precepts from the Supreme Reason of God; i.e, the emphasis, as derived from the form of the Decalogue, is primarily upon what one should not do in order to achieve harmony with the Good.
However, where Aquinas fails—and this is where Cusanus brings about a revolution—is to emphasize the positive implications of the law of love. For, in order to accomplish good, as opposed to merely to avoid doing evil, one must go beyond the effort to derive moral precepts based upon Eternal Reason, to directly imitating the Mind of God as Creator: one must connect with God and Channel the energy of Reason, Love and Will and so express love toward one’s fellow man by creating the conditions under which he too can exercise his creative capacity to do good.
Both Augustine and Aquinas were aware of the distinction Plato makes between deductive logic and creative intellect. In his discussion of the Incarnation Aquinas argues that the human intellect alone has a capacity for receiving God capax Dei:
"The Son of God is said to have assumed flesh through the medium of the soul, both on account of the order of dignity, and the fittingness of the assumption. Now both these may be applied to the intellect, which is called the spirit, if we compare it with the other parts of the soul. For the soul is assumed fittingly only through the fact that it has a capacity for God, being in His likeness, which is in respect of the mind, which is called the spirit, according to Eph. 4:23: “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”
But although Aquinas recognizes that it is the intellect, as opposed to other parts of the human soul, which has a capacity for God, he does not fully and rigorously develop the difference between inferior “rationality,” or deductive reason, on the one hand, and superior “intellect,” or the capacity for creative reason or hypothesis or Intuition, on the other.
Cusanus, - Cardinal Nicolaus of Cusa (Santa Claus), the founder of the Renaisance and thus saviour of humanity, recognized that what makes man the living image of God (imago viva Dei), is alone man’s creative intellect. From this starting point, we will see how he was able to attain the higher level of hypotheses required to resolve the political problem of the interactive relationship between the form of government and law, and the capacities of the populace. But it is useful to first see how this problem posed itself to St. Augustine, as presented in Book I of the dialogue On the Free Choice of the Will.
According to Augustine, it is right to enact a law permitting a people who esteem their private interest of less importance than the public good, to set up for themselves magistrates to provide for the public welfare. However, if these same people, after having grown corrupt, should prefer the individual to the common good, should offer their vote for sale, and should entrust the government to wicked men, it would also be right for some honest man to strip these people of the power to elect public officials and to subject them to the rule of a few good men or even to that of one man.
According to Augustine, these two man-made laws may appear to be contradictory, but they are not; because temporal laws may be justly changed in the course of time, despite the fact that temporal law necessarily derives its justice from a changeless and eternal law called supreme reason. Thus, “if those people elect officials at one time and at another time do not, each motivated by justice, this alteration of the temporal law derives its character of justice from that eternal law whereby it is always just for responsible people to elect their officials, but not for irresponsible people.”
But if temporal self-government is to be deemed just only if the people are responsible, the issue is: How can we guarantee a responsible people? That is, how can we guarantee that the people will turn their love to eternal things through the use of reason? This question, so frequently discussed in the Platonic dialogues, was addressed and answered by Nicolaus of Cusa in a way that led to the creation of the new political institution of the nation-state in the Europe of the Golden Renaissance.
Nicolaus of Cusa’s Revolution in Natural Law and Imago Dei
The key to understanding the revolution effected by Nicolaus of Cusa in the traditional notion of natural law which he inherited from St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas is, first, the emphasis he places upon creativity, hypothesis, intuition as the distinguishing characteristic of imago Dei and capax Dei, and secondly, the emphasis he places upon man’s moral relationship, as microcosm, to the universe, or macrocosm, which he describes in effect as not-entropic or evolutionary.
For Nicolaus of Cusa, for man to be imago Dei does not merely mean that man has a rational soul capable of deducing through the right use of reason moral precepts as to what he should not do, as in the case of the Decalogue and its corollaries.
Rather, Nicolaus of Cusa expressly introduces the idea that for man to become an adopted son of God he must ascend in his mind above mere sense perception and formal-logical rationality to the level of creative intellect, hypothesis, intuition. As microcosm, he must then act on the basis of his creative intellect, to further develop the potential of the macrocosm, out of love of God and his fellow man.
In On Beryllus, Cusanus writes:
"For just as God is the Creator of real entities and of natural forms, man is the creator of rational entities and artificial forms. These are nothing other than similitudes of his intellect, just as the creatures of God are similitudes of the divine Intellect. Therefore, man has intellect, which is a similitude of the divine Intellect, in creating. Therefore, he creates similitudes of the similitudes of the divine Intellect, so the extrinsic artificial figures are similitudes of intrinsic natural forms. Hence he measures his intellect through the power of his works and from this he measures the divine Intellect, as the truth is measured through its image."
In On Conjectures, Cusanus makes a similar statement:
"Conjectures must go forth from our minds as the real world does from infinite divine Reason. For, since the human mind, the lofty similitude of God, participates, as far as it can, in the fecundity of the creatrix nature, it exerts the rational from itself, as the image of omnipotent form, in the similitude of real entities."
In these two passages, Cusanus develops the idea that what makes man imago Dei is that he is a creator.
It is his very nature to create “rational entities” or “conjectures” or create what Lyndon LaRouche has called “thought-objects” or Alice Bailey, "Thought Forms" or to create and then test out hypotheses. In creating “rational entities” or “conjectures,” man, according to Cusanus, is capable of inventing something new.
In The Game of Spheres, Cusanus writes that “the power of the soul is to reason and therefore the power to reason is the soul ... . For this reason the soul is the inventive power of the arts and of new sciences.” Genius comes from Geni or the energetic connection between man and the first chakra above the head, The Soul.
In inventing something new, man first creates a “rational entity” or hypothesis and then decides to create extrinsically that which he has created in his mind by transforming his thought-object into an “artificial form,” or a new technology, whether in the arts or the sciences. The capacity to do this is what distinguishes man from a beast because, as Cusanus states, no beast has such inventive power.
What is more, in saying that man “measures his intellect through the power of his works,” Cusanus is arguing, as Lyndon LaRouche has since shown, that the truth of a thought-object is measured by the demonstrated exponential increase it effects in the power of man’s labor over nature. It is this increase, only, which comes from the connection with the Soul in Meditation which can enable the future existence of humanity on this planet. Einstein describes this state in his autobiography.
In numerous of his writings, Cusanus makes absolutely clear that this labor power derives not from the deductive or syllogistical power of the rational soul, but rather from the creative intellect, which is that part of the soul which possesses Capax Dei.
Directly connected to this concept of man as creator is the view merely implicit in St. Augustine, but developed expressly by Cusanus, that the universe itself is by nature evolutionary or not-entropic. Cusanus considered the physical universe to be capable of further development by man’s creative power. Although not co-eternal with God, because it is created by God out of nothing, the universe is nonetheless perpetual. As he writes in On Learned Ignorance, “the world-machine cannot perish.”
In On Learned Ignorance, Nicolaus of Cusa writes that “God is the enfolding and the unfolding of all things.” Insofar as man imitates Christ, who as Maximal Reason is the creator of the world, by himself exercising his creative intellect, man is capable of being the instrument of the further unfolding of all things enfolded in God.
In On Learned Ignorance, Cusanus further stipulates that the “unfolding” of the universe is like a number series which progresses sequentially ... . [W]hether we number upwards or downwards we take our beginning from Absolute Oneness (which is God)—i.e., from the Beginning of all things. Hence, species are as numbers that come together from two opposite directions—[numbers] that proceed from a minimum which is maximum and from a maximum to which a minimum is not opposed.
In a later work, “On the Quadrature of the Circle,” Cusanus demonstrates, by proving that the circle is ontologically a higher species than a polygon, that this number series is characterized by successively higher levels of power or cardinality. Cusanus’ discovery that the relationship of the circle to the polygon is not merely irrational, as the Greeks had thought, but rather transcendental, set into motion the development of modern science, including the science of physical economy.
Further, from this Cantor proved the existence in Mathematics of higher and higher species of energy which cannot be deduced from the lower species but which can only be hypothesised from below or seen from the higher species.
These higher species of energy are directly related to the Chakras above the head, the first of which is the soul.
You can be told about these chakras but you can only experience them through the Energy Enhancement Meditations including Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Kriyas and Taoist Orbits which teach how to connect with and experience how man connects with the Universe and God through the External chakras above the head and below the base..
In On Conjectures, Cusanus elaborates on the implications of this discovery for man:
"Man is indeed god, but not absolutely, since he is man; he is therefore a human god. Man is also the world, but not everything contractedly, since he is man. Man is therefore a microcosm or a human world. The region of humanity therefore embraces God and the whole world in its human potentiality."
From this view of man as microcosm emerges a more advanced expression of natural law. According to natural law as developed by Cusanus, man must organize human society not merely to adhere to certain moral precepts. Humanity as a whole must become increasingly more Christ-like, which is to say must increase its power over nature by inventing new arts and sciences capable of transforming the macrocosm so as to advance its own human potentiality.
The failure to do this, to organize human society so as to realize the “intellectual growth” of humanity as mediated through the transformation of nature, is itself a violation of natural law. And although the universe as a whole cannot perish, the failure of human society to assume its creative responsibilities in respect to the macrocosm will necessarily result in humanity’s descent into hell and a concomitant reversal of not-entropy in that portion of the physical universe most immediately affected by man’s refusal to realize his capax Dei.
It was from the starting point of natural law necessitating the “intellectual growth” of humanity that Nicolaus of Cusa was to fashion a concept of man’s self-government in his political treatise On Catholic Concordance.
Adam Smith
The concluding section of "The Truth of Temporal Eternity" begins with a proposition for which it is claimed: "To promote the practice of 'free trade' is to break every part of the Ten Commandments of Moses into little pieces." For those who require additional proof of that claim, this appended note is supplied. The argument presented as follows rests upon two congruent bodies of evidence, the formal and the historical.
The central principle of Adam Smith's doctrine of "free trade" is derived from a dogma set forth in his 1759 Theory of the Moral Sentiments. The kernel of that is:
"Hunger, thirst, and the passion which unites the two sexes, the love of pleasure, and the dread of pain, prompt us to apply those means for their own sake, and without any consideration of their tendency to those beneficent ends which the great Director of nature intended to produce by them."
Pause for a moment, to consider the most obvious of the implications of this Adam Smith dogma for the observance of the Mosaic Ten Commandments, What, then of four most plainly relevant articles of that Law: Thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness; thou shalt not covet? Smith's law is: (1) Hunger, (2) Thirst, (3) Sexual Passion, (4) Pleasure, (5) Pain.
Whence comes the ungodly law of "moral philosopher" Adam Smith? From his immediately preceding sentence in that same 1759 passage:
"Nature has directed us to the greater part of these by original and immediate instincts."
Then, read both of these cited excerpts within the immediate setting of the crucial features of the entire passage of which they are part. This excerpting is as presented in "The Science of Christian Economy", op. cit., pp. 291-292:
"The administration of the great system of the universe ... [and] the care of the universal happiness of all rational and sensible beings, is the business of God and not of man.
To man is allotted a much humbler department, but one much more suitable to the weakness of his powers and to the narrowness of his comprehension: the care of his own happiness, of that of his family, his friends, his country ...
But though we are endowed with a very strong desire of these ends, it has been entrusted to the slow and uncertain determinations of our reason to find out the proper means of bringing them about. Nature has directed us to the greater part of these by original and immediate instincts.
Hunger, thirst, the passion which unites the two sexes, the love of pleasure, and the dread of pain, prompt us to apply these means for their own sake, and without any consideration of their tendency to those beneficent ends which the great Director of nature intended to produce by them."
No Christian, or other follower of the Mosaic heritage could tolerate such doctrine. This is the core of the argument for "free trade" in Adam Smith's 1776 British India Company tract, The Wealth of Nations.
That 1759 passage is plainly an echo of John Locke's authorship of the colonial constitution for the Carolinas. That latter served as the predecessor of the treasonous Constitution of the racist Confederate States of America, as this issue is illuminated most simply by contrasting the preambles of the Confederate and U.S. Federal constitutions.
Compare the U.S. Federal Constitution's Preamble with the cited passage from Adam Smith. The Constitution prescribes:
"We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States."
This is exactly what David Hume's disciple, Adam Smith, prohibits. On the same premises, in his 1766 Wealth of Nations, Smith defends the Opium and Slave trafficking of his employer, for whom that latter book was written as an anti-American tract by the British East India Company.
That opposition to the principles of the Constitution is in the tradition of John Locke. Yet, as an explicit statement, the cited passage from the 1759 Adam Smith goes far beyond what British Calvinists, for example, or even David Hume, had understood Locke to have intended. Already, Adam Smith stands out as devotee of what is sometimes termed "British nineteenth-century philosophical radicalism."
Kant's Rejection of that "philosophical radicalism," the British Liberal Establishment's late-eighteenth-century break with respect for customary morality, is the basis which German empiricist Immanuel Kant cites, in his Prolegomena to a Future Metaphysic, as the motive for his open break with his former mentor, David Hume. Kant identifies Hume's turn away from toleration for customary morality as the issue of this break.
Smith's 1759 Theory of the Moral Sentiments and his 1776 Wealth of Nations typify the more radical reading of John Locke which was imported into the circles of Britain's powerful Second Earl of Shelbourne from the work Shelbourne's Venetian contemporary, Giammaria Ortes.
This is Adam Smith's foreshadowing Jeremy Bentham's outline of what became known later as the nineteenth-century British utilitarian's hedonistic calculus.
One must read the fuller exposition of Smith's radicalism in Bentham's books, The Principles of Morals and Legislation, "In Defence of Usury," and "In Defence of Pederasty."
This radicalism of Giammaria Ortes' type, expressed openly by Smith as early as his 1759 book, is the characteristic belief and practice of the leading intellectual and political circles ruling Britain throughout the several concluding decades of the eighteenth century, as also during Benthamite Lord Palmerston's nineteenth and Benthamite Bertrand Russell's twentieth centuries.
This representation of the sundry texts of Locke, Hume, Adam Smith, Bentham, et al. is validated by considering the historical issues of the U.S. war of 1776-1783. The irrepressible conflict between the Americans and London was forced into a state of open warfare against the British monarchy by the implications of the British East India Company's direct takeover, by outright purchase, of the British parliament and monarchy.
The war of American Independence against the British was fought explicitly against the already practiced dogma of "free trade" presented publicly, only in 1776, as The Wealth of Nations. Our obligation to review this history is imposed upon us here by the widespread popularization of the plain lie, that the United States of America was founded upon the notions of "democracy" and "free trade," as associated respectively with John Locke and Adam Smith.
The United States' Declaration of Independence avows the principles of "pursuit of happiness" associated with Gottfried Leibniz, principles in direct opposition to John Locke's neo-Hobbesian dogma of "life, liberty, and property." In addition to the plain anti-Locke and anti-Adam Smith language of the Preamble to the U.S. Federal Constitution, Article I of that Constitution prescribes principles of governmental role in protectionism, the national currency, and regulation of foreign and interstate commerce which are explicitly irreconcilable with British "free trade" dogma.
These key issues of the U.S. War of Independence go back explicitly to the Massachusetts Bay Colony of 1688-1689, in the resistance to Royal Governor Andros and such key issues as the Royal suppression, by Locke's circles in London, of the Commonwealth's power to issue public credit in the form of currency. Cotton Mather's 1691 Some considerations of bills of credit, and Benjamin Franklin's famous 1729 A Modest Inquiry Into The Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency are forerunners of both Article I of the U.S. Federal Constitution and of U.S.Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton's famous Reports to the U.S. Congress on the design of the anti-British "American System of political-economy" (under the rubrics of "Public Credit," "A National Bank," and "Manufactures").
The principal source of confusion over these matters, is that academic liberalism, including its Fabian offshoots, has long defended the ideas of Locke and Adam Smith as upholding a Protestant principle against the allegedly medieval, statist propensities of Roman Catholicism.
The specious argument which the liberal academic tradition derives from this sly sophistry of theirs, is—Lo and Behold!—the Mathers, Franklin, and the overwhelming majority among the English and German-speaking populations of eighteenth-century North America were stoutly Protestant, in such cases as the Mathers the Winthrops some notably radical denominations of dissenters. That line of argument is all bad history and worse theology.
The disgusting history of such phenomena as existentialist heterodoxies within the churches, ought to remind us that the essential basis for Christian belief, in particular, is not indoctrination, but the fact that each person is born in the image of God.
Admittedly, indoctrination as such can impose a relatively superficial obedience to a confession, to a doctrine, even a kind of hysterical posture of adherence. However, from the standpoint of that truth of temporal eternity which governs matters in the longer term, Christianity's only link to the person is the appeal to that creative power within which is the substance of imago Dei. Even Anatole France submitted to the evidence that one should not baptize penguins blindly.
To become adopted as knowledge, rather than superficially induced assertion of belief, taught doctrine is a promissory note which must be redeemed at the bank of imago Dei.
That redemption may occur by methods which cohere with the Christian forms of Classical humanist education, as exhibited from the Brothers of the Common Life through the Humboldt reforms in nineteenth-century Germany. The authority of a Christian confession, as a matter of knowledge, springs from this quality of imago Dei. The authority of that body of religious confession, as an institutionalized body of knowledge, is dependent upon its role as a teacher according to the same principled method of education which the accompanying paper here attributes to Classical Christian humanist education generally.
The issue of confession is an issue of truthfulness. Leave any part of that confession's belief relegated to arbitrary dogma, and sooner or later that vulnerability will be discovered efficiently by someone, in some way, to one kind of effect, or another. Thus, the fifteenth century Christian Renaissance which brought Christianity out of the wreckage it had become during the preceding "New Dark Ages," emphasized that principle of intelligibility which shines so brightly in the work of Nicolaus of Cusa.
Once again, historically:
It is in those terms, that the role of religious confession within the historical process of the American revolution must be examined.
No historical figure since Nicolaus of Cusa embodies that principle more efficiently in modern times than Gottfried Leibniz. Leibniz's powerful influence was among those international networks of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries which organized the emergence of the United States under its 1789 Federal Constitution. At every turn in the period of the United States' three principal wars against the British empire, 1776-1865, it was the followers of John Locke and Adam Smith, such as the members of the Perkins and Russell opium-trading syndicates, who supplied the tories and traitors, and the influence of Leibniz which shaped the impulses and policies of the patriots. Let it be said, "God works in mysterious ways"; in this writer's experience, God works through the creative powers of reason of the person, through imago Dei. So, it was with every nobler movement of the history and pre-history of these United States.
Finally, formally:
The essential principle at center of knowledge derived by the power of creative reason, is what Plato termed the Good, as this is treated in the accompanying paper. The certainty of the existence of that Good as Intelligent Being above the constraints of transfinite time and transfinite space is accessed as knowledge as Raphael's referenced mural reminds its viewer: through hypothesizing temporal eternity in terms of social relations defined not by linear relations of time and space, but by creative reason. It is the loving nurture of that creative development within the person, through childhood's nurture to this purpose within the family, and through educational institutions so governed, which enables the person to nurture the quality of imago Dei within, to turn his or her inner eyes upward, to recognize God's efficient existence.
Without that, a person knows virtually nothing of importance, and is therefore well-suited to embrace the pseudo-deistic, paganist atheism of Locke, Adam Smith, Bentham, the satanic General Albert Pike of Morals and Dogma, and the Victorian Liberals generally.
It is dedication to the general welfare of others, to justice for all humanity as imago Dei, which marks the essential difference between any among those North American patriots and a libertarian oligarch's lackey, such as professional turncoat variety of lackey John Locke, or Shelburne's lackey Adam Smith. The lesson to be learned from the patriots of the American revolution, such as President Abraham Lincoln, is the lesson of St. Paul's I Corinthians 13: Without love of mankind as imago Dei, there can be no true knowledge, of God or nature.
Locke's society is symbolically a galactic billiard table, whose balls, representing individual persons, have those built-in emotional spins to which British empiricism attaches the label of "human nature." The cited passage from Adam Smith's The Theory of the Moral Sentiments accords perfectly with that representation of the schema of Locke's entropic ordering of convenant-generation, Locke's "democracy." It accords similarly with the derived "free trade" dogma of "The Wealth of Nations."
If we extend that entropic model of political and economic processes to the Decalogue, we have the following principal results:
(1) God does not exist in any form but the psychopathetic fantasms of Professor William James' Varieties of Religious Experience.
(2) Jeremy Rifkin's entropy is the pagan god of such liberal conceits.
(3) The name of "God" is used only as a manipulative sophistry.
(4) "What 'Sabbath"?"
(5) "My parents should die with dignity before they spend all of my inheritance on such frivolities as food and medical care."
(6) "If God didn't wish them to die, he would not permit my instincts to guide me to kill them."
(7) "My sex life is my own business; if it feels good, it is right for me."
(8) "Don't steal unless you think you can get away with it."
(9) "Truth is strictly a matter of one man's opinion."
(10) "If I feel the need, I do my thing—or yours."
The lying hypocrisy of a "Christian advocacy of 'free trade," should be accorded the treatment appropriate for all concoctions which are truly disgusting.
Lyndon LaRouche with a few contributions by Satchidanand
and -
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other with Energy Enhancement Level 4 techniques - Energy Connections and the Mastery of Relationships and How to remove Energy Blockages and Implants from our Students - we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here to learn Energy Enhancement Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"
The Process of Purification
The process of Your evolution as well as that of the world and all the people in it is that of Purification.
We are a higherarchy of Functions mixed with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass and these Functions which are composed of ordered Colonies of Angels are what underly the Physical Body, The Emotional Body, the Mental Body.
And also these Angel Colonies form the Spiritual Bodies which exist above the Crown Chakra and the center of the Universe.
It is the dense energy of Evil Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which separate, wall off, stripe through and disorder these talent functions within themselves and which cause these functions to act with an evil egotistical interest separated from the energy of God in the Center of the Universe.
It is the dense energy of Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass which forms the ego which separates, walls off, these talent functions from the energy of God in the Center of the Universe and from each other.
Thus the many histories of Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder as many personalities can exist in One Mind as the various sub – personalities, separate minds, become walled off within the one mind by the evil Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
MPD and DID are the problems caused by and associated with the Organ Kundabuffer (Kundabuffer is an Energy Blockage which walls off one part of the Body or Emotions or Mind from another part), as Gurdjieff said, which cause all the problems of Humanity in this world.
Thus Gurdjieff said, “The guy who says he will get up at Four in the Morning is not the same Guy who throws the alarm clock out of the window!”
This reality is what powers the dark Side, “Divide and Conquer” said the Romans.
As one human being becomes infected with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass so he becomes more and more evil like a Orc as defined by the Lord of the Rings. He becomes less intelligent, loses the ability to do anything and all his talents become desire filled, grasping, selfish, egotistical, psychopathic.
Because this separative nature of the ego which destroys Love the Will. Because Love and a functioning Will can only be ONE!
Thus the weapons of the dark side, Drugs, Sex, Violence and Rock and Roll which all cause separation, which all destroy Love and which all destroy the Will.
Talents have been formed as functions in every human being over many lifetimes these Talent Personalities become refined and really good at their job.
In the Unenlightened these Talents are contaminated by desire, grasping… The Selfish, Competitive EGO.
Sub – Personalities like the Star, the Poor Me and the Violator, are used to vampirise attention and energy in everyone around them. With Energy Enhancement these Star, the Poor Me and Violator Sub – Personalities become purified such that they are used intentionally for a good purpose.
For example charities use the Poor Me by using a photograph of starving people in order to excite compassion in people looking at the picture, so as to awaken the hearts of the people looking at the picture, in order gain the funds to help the starving people.
Then there is the egotistical connector Sub - Personality
Then there is the egotistical business Sub – Personality striped with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass. We can characterize the Bad Business Sub – Personality as like Shylock in the Merchant of Venice..
Shakespeare actually wrote this play, “The Merchant of Venice” to excite compassion in the Hearts of the audience viewing the play for the Fall of Shylock. Even this Golem who destroys his own life and the life of his family through his evil actions deserves pity.
And I pity the egotistical Business Sub – Personality.. Filled with hate. A Miser who makes money his God to the detriment of all other functions. The egotistical Business Sub – Personality does what it does, mechanically with no thought for anything else. Only to hoard money. “Look at me!! I’ve got a Million Pounds!”
Enlightenment comes from Purification through..
Normally the Egotistical Business personality only wants money and so allies and aligns only with the impure and the corrupt in some shape or form. As they see the corruption they slowly change their practises higher and higher.
Until that time it is “Business as usual” based on contracts given by local and national government, based on laws created by National Government. For example trillions of Dollars each year are spent on..
Inside every Human Being is the Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass who over many lifetimes has become an expert in money business.
There are psychological tests available to Psychologists which test the amount of Corruption, Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, or the Propensity for Psychopathy, in any human being.
It is not easy to cheat on these tests which can be given to children, every year, to test that they are being cured of psychological problems by Energy Enhancement techniques.
Children have recorded examinations every year for all subjects. Why not test for psychopathy? Parents can independently test their children to help their future development. They can cure all problems before adulthood with Energy Enhancement techniques. Enlightened countries can do it, mandate it, by decree.
These tests and the records from childhood should become mandatorily transparent for any proposed politician or CEO or Professor in any country in the world, which will totally solve the corruption of the Egotistical Psychopathic Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass.
As the Business sub-personality is purified so it becomes possible to ally or align, place your money with the Highest Energies. It is not possible for the Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass to align with any pure person.
The Purpose of Humanity is Illumination, Enlightenment - Angel Talent Bodies, Radiation of Love, Evolution, Creation of Ascended Masters
The purpose of Humanity is as a mechanism to create Advanced Angels which in the future will radiate the Energy of Love, Second Ray Energies, to the Universe from this planet, which is scheduled to become a Sacred Planet.
The method chosen by the Archangel in charge of this planet, is that of Free Will.
By giving Free Will to all Humanity, we all have the lesson that we only have the Free Will to do the Right Thing.
Anything less results in Negative Karma, retribution, bad results for everyone, bad luck.
Free Will results in Evolution. From what we are given at birth, Body, Mind, Chakras, an Antahkarana connection to the Universe, comes the creation of Psychic Mechanisms, talents, to augment and improve on that which has been given.
As single cells join together to form organs and organs get together to form a man, through serendipity over many lifetimes single angels get together to form aggregations of angels in the form of a talent.
At first these talents are striped through and surrounded by Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass which is impervious to pure spiritual energies in that it acts like lead to stop the entrance of spiritual alpha, beta and gamma particles. Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass is Ignorance because it cuts you off from that knowledge which is higher than the Mind.
We purify these talents through the Grounding of Negative Energies which burns up Negative Karmic Mass and through the Seven Step Process of Level 2 of Energy Enhancemnent which removes Energy Blockages.
Through the Seven Step Process we also integrate these purified Talents with the higher chakras - thus increasing their size, complexity, and ability to handle more and higher energies, and eventually channel the Energy of Love, the Second ray Energies.
This process of Integration is like fusion of one crystal with another in a "Skull Melt" where we align and integrate the Angel Talents with the Higher Chakras like crystals - the angels become aligned in crystalline matrices - which increases also their speed and purity of purpose.
This fusion process starts with the Astral Initiation of Illumination or Enlightenment when Ascended Masters surround the Initiate and focus the Higher Energies of Illumination on him in order to create this Fusion, which creates a purified crystalline structure which cannot be perverted ever again, between the Soul Chakra and the Crown Chakra and all the chakras below it.
In order to help speed up this Aggregation of Talents, normal evolution through serendipity is superceded by the aggregation of Talents and psychic structures taken from human beings who are truly evil, who cannot be changed, until they are healed by the Enlightened.
The end result of this is highly talented Angels and Ascended masters who can truly align with the Will of God on this planet.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali gives this methodology of Illumination.
Energy Enhancement gives the Experience of doing it!!
This alone shows the Height of your Evolution.
Align with Energy Enhancement.
Do Not be Satisfied with Less!!
Come on an Energy Enhancement Course to remove your Egotistical Business Sub-Personality filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, NOW!!
Blockages are surrounded by Trauma-Formed negative karmic mass - The Scream -
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Energy Blockages commentary Swami Satchidanand
Chakras above Sahasrara Chakra and Below Muladhara Chakra
ENERGY ENHANCEMENT KARMA CLEARING PROCESS - Remove Ego Sub-Personality Energy Blockages like the Connector Sub-Personality, the Distraction Implant Control Blockages and Implant Vampire Blockages Attention Seeking Strategy Energy Blockages and Inner Children in Energy Enhancement Level 3
Chakras and Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and the Caduceus
Chakras and the Initiations of Enlightenment
MEDITATION - Existentialism and Kubrick's Psychopaths in the Films of Stanley Kubrick.
George Lucas, Star Wars, the Revenge of the Sith, and Psychopaths
MEDITATION ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND Trauma, Pain, Relationships, Divorce, Piercings, Tattoos, BDSM, Sex, Sex Addiction, Tantra, Gambling, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drugs and Addiction, Bad backs, Heart Disease, and Cancer.ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS
The Buddhist Five Hindrances of Meditation,
Bijas, your blockage seeds And Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditation TechniquesTHE NATURE OF ALL EVIL IN THE WORLD - PAIN IS THE PROBLEM, ENERGY ENHANCEMENT IS THE SOLUTION
The Twelve Labours of Hercules The Nemean Lion and Energy Blockages
EE Meditation, Shaman + Integrated Soul Personality, Energy Blockage Fragmentation, MPD + DID, Psychology; Pt 1 of 3
EE Meditation, Shaman + Integrated Soul Personality, Energy Blockage Fragmentation, MPD + DID, Psychology; Pt 2 of 3
EE Meditation, Shaman + Integrated Soul Personality, Energy Blockage Fragmentation, MPD + DID, Psychology; Pt 3 of 3
The Twelve Labours of Hercules - The Nemean Lion and Energy Blockages
Contact with and Purification of Chakras above the head and below the base alone shows the Height of your Evolution.
Align with Energy Enhancement.
Do Not be Satisfied with Less!!
Come on an Energy Enhancement Course to remove your Energy Blockages filled with Trauma – Formed Negative Karmic Mass, NOW!!
2005 AND 2006