a href="../The-Omphalos-Om-Phallus-stone-from-Delphi-and-energy-blockage-implants.htm"> The Omphalos and the Om Phallus stone from Delphi, and the energy blockage implant in the form of a container of black squirming snakes trapped in a snake basketLILITH
Lilith is the Witch, the Succubus, The Sexual Implant which Vampirises your Energy and sends it back to the Implanter which is transferred from Witches during the Sexual act to make you addicted to Sex - sometimes passed on on other Tantra Courses, the Scarlet Woman Sexual Priestess of Babalon with red hair representing Sexual Magic and seduction. Witches are sent by Warlocks to seduce Luke Skywalkers and other Paduans to the dark Side by promising them tantric Knowledge and Immortality. These promises are always broken by the Dark Emperor leaders as the Emperor in the "Revenge of the Sith" broke his promise to Annakin. Instead the unwary paduans are implanted and enslaved for a hundred lifetimes. - By Sir John Collier 1895
In ancient Sumerian belief, the primal gods, the ZU, originally emerged from the Great Chaos of the ABYSS - the Astral Plane - the first plane above our heads very easy to reach but the source of many energy blockage implants which try to affect all humanity..
This Chaos was characterized as an endless Great Sea located in the heavens. The primal gods themselves, the Deep Ones, were called the Ab-Zu (Ap-Su), stellar powers who were connected directly with the Great Deep. Their servitors, who carried out their will, were called the An-Zu, lunar powers who were connected with the air of the night sky. Primary among these were the Abgal, seven wise demi-gods who also emerged from the Waters of the ABYSS, and each of the seven were created male-female.
Lilith was the female aspect of one of the night wind spirits, one of a group of benevolent spirit guides called Lili (Lilitu) or Lama (Lamastu). These spirits were originally associated with guarding the gateway between the spiritual and physical realms and were found on temple doorways. Lilith, being a guide to the wisdom of immortality, is represented holding the Rings of Shem; these are the oldest symbols used to show one who has gained immortality by passing through the Underworld to gain the sacred wisdom of the Tree of Knowledge.
As a guardian and dispenser of the Temple Mysteries, Lilith was the original Scarlet Woman used in the creation of thoughtforms and energy blockages, and her priestesses engaged in sex magick with the priesthood and nobles to bring about spiritual transformation that led to illumination (They lied, Satchidanand) , along with the regeneration of the physical body to prolong life. These Mysteries included a type of physical alchemy involving the menstrual blood of the priestesses. While the term Scarlet Woman originally referred to menstrual blood, it became interwoven with another ancient symbol of divine power, red hair. Many ancient cultures believed that red hair denoted one whose ancestors intermarried with demons or angels, thus giving a greater than average psychic/spiritual power.
One representation of a Lamastu shows her with a lioness head, holding a serpent in each hand and riding in the Boat of the Gods that traverses the Underworld.
This directly links her to the ancient Egyptian god of magick, Heka, and his later manifestations as Hekat, the frog-headed goddess of transformation, Egyptian and Cretan serpent goddesses, and the Phoenician goddesses Astarte and Tanith.
The Greek Nymph There are indications that the Greek culture is far older than most historians will admit, and was a direct inheritor of many Sumerian traditions. Stories of ancient Greek Goddesses called Nymphs appeared among the Greeks before those primal gods, the Titans, and some of the Titans married Nymphs. Nymphs, who later came to be known as female nature spirits, were originally goddesses of transformation and their priestesses. Their function was to lead men who were worthy to spiritual transformation and illumination. These goddesses and their priestesses offered man hidden knowledge (typically discovered in the Underworld) that would lead to physical regeneration and spiritual immortality. The same ceremonies can also be used by the dark side to create energy blockages, implant and vampirise. Like a knife the techniques are neutral but the knife as well as being used by a surgeon to save lives can also be used by a bad person to kill or assassinate. The word 'nymph' means bride or nubile young woman, and human nymphs served as priestesses in sexual ceremonies. In ancient times, these ceremonies were conducted in caves, the early temples of the Nymph goddesses. Later, they used stone temples called nympheae constructed near sacred springs, often within a sacred stand of trees. It was from this ancient sex magick that modern man derived the term 'nymphomania.' - implanted by a sex blockage to become addicted to sex. Most of theses ancient goddesses have vanished from our ken, but one who persisted into later times and was related by characteristics and function to Lilith was Hekate.
Other Permutations & Transformations of Lilith in Other Cultures When the Sumerian priest Abraham fled the sacking of his town by the Jewish Tribe of Levi and settled among the other eleven Jewish tribes living peacefully in Canaan around 1960 BCE, he brought the Sumerian worship of Baal and Asherah into the Jewish fold. Seven hundred years later, the Tribe of Levi returned from Egypt with a belief in one god, Yahweh. They believed that Yahweh and his good angels ruled the universe, and that all other gods and goddesses or non-Jewish spirits were evil. Indeed, depending on the person wielding the words any God or Ceremony can be used for good or evil. If the person in charge of the ceremony is a psychopath then they will pervert even the most profound knowledge into badness. Knowledge is impersonal, neutral. All knowledge can be used for good or for evil dependent upon the person in charge.
They transformed the Sumerian Lilith, teaching that she was the wife and consort of the Angel Samael. Samael, a redhead, was the original ruling Archangel of the seventh heaven, one of the Seraphim (Fiery Serpents who guarded the Throne of God) who fell and became one of the seven fallen angels. The title 'seraphim' came from the Hebrew 'saraph nahash,' a fiery serpent who had been perverted from his previous purity by trauma caused negative karmic mass into something bad. 'saraph nahash,' derived from the Sumerian 'siru,' a serpent. Various Jewish traditions refer to him as a guardian angel (of Esau ), an angel of death (sent by God to fetch the soul of Moses when he died), the seducer of Eve (in form of the serpent), the creator of the demonic kingdom of Edom and the demons therein, and the chief of the Satans (angels sent by God to test man). Samael was said to be one of seven fallen angels, the others being Za'afi'el, Za'ami'el, Qasfi'el, Ragzi'el, 'Abri'el, and Meshulhi'el.
When Samael fell and became perverted, fell from grace, became one of the fallen, he was replaced by Michael as the chief Archangel. The Yahwist Jews identified Samael with Set-an (the Egyptian god Set) the root of satan, and they were both (as were all of the Fallen Angels) called Dragons or Leviathans (Serpents) snakes. They were cast out of the original Paradise and their company was likened to a ruined estate. Bemoaning his own fallen estate in the material world, Job said, "I am a brother to Dragons." (Job 30:29)
Samael and Lilith gave the knowledge of the Angels to man and intermarried with humans, that is the humans became implanted with perverted energy blockages, resulting in Lilith being punished by being turned into a spirit without form; her hair was "pulled back" so that her manifestation in Eternity was bound and restricted. That is the angel lilith was cut off from connection with god. Her antahkarana was implanted and she became unable to channel the energy and conscience of God. The couple could only exchange energy with the help of the Blind Dragon Tanin'iver, called blind because it had no color, by vampirising lower energies of humanity.
These Dark Angels were called evil because they sought pervert man's spiritual evolution into becoming a psychopath like them, without conscience or heart compassion by placing blockages in their antahkaranas above the head, cutting them off from the energy of God and by placing energy blockages into the heart in black ceremonies. Usually twelve psychic daggers are placed around the heart center - one for each of the petals of the heart and the energy of the heart placed in the heart of a sacrificed animal then that animal heart in placed in a canopic jar - egyptian spiritual technology - a jar sealed with pitch or black tar. And then the canopic jar placed in a "Heart Site" in the country. Probably this is the origin of a jolly jack tar and the origin of prejudice against black or swarthy people - poor people have to work in the sun - as blue eyed and blond people traditionally have more spiritual energy, more psychic powers, more ability to channel. However the real blackness is negative karmic mass produced from pain which pollutes angels and men creating perversion within them. The colour of the skin does not matter, it is the purity or the darkness within as well as their evolution which is the guiding factor as to whether to trust someone.
Snakes are neutral as they can be pure Kundalini Snakes which produce enlightenment or Black snakes perverted by negative karmic mass which we call energy blockages.
One of the ancient symbols of human energy trapped by the snake basket energy blockage is the OmPhallos stone from Delphi. From the book "Super Energy and Sacred Symbols"...
The Omphalos and the Om Phallus stone from Delphi
The above stone was originally placed in the heart of the sanctuary to Apollo, where the Pythia (Pythonesses), Delphic Divinatory Mediumistic Channelling Priestesses of the Serpent Kundalini would give the god's oracles...The spot where it represented the center of the earth, hence the name Omphalos, or Om Phallus, first determined when Zeus sent two eagles from each end of the kosmos and the two then met and circled in the Center of the Earth... (See Alchemical VITRIOL)
The stone, same shape here as the Shiva lingam or the penis of Shiva, shown above originally had two golden eagles attached to its top. This makes the symbol of Omphalos look very much like the Caduceus of Mercury, messenger of the Gods and Hermes which also symbolizes the Antahkarana – the Column of Energy between Heaven and Earth.
In addition, the Greeks believed that the Omphalos stone marked the spot where Apollo first established his oracle by driving the serpent monster Python into the Earth at Delphi. Serpents are the symbol of Kundalini Earth Energies. All Myths give hints towards guided Meditations which can internally enhance Kundalini Energies to pierce and purify the chakras and thus initiate enlightenment, a quantum leap in human evolution which involves piercing the granthi (Sanskrit, Knot) or the knot (Gordian Knot) of the heart. Only the person who has purified the Gordian knot of the heart and the Soul is pure enough to become a Priest or become Enlightened.
There are many Omphalos stones all around the Mediterranean and they were placed in Temples in locations where earth energies were more intense and thus Rites of Initiation and Divination – all Shakti spiritual energies helping Initiation and Illumination were increased and psychic powers were intensified in those places.
The place where Omphalos or Earth Energies arise is the Center of the Earth. The Center of the Earth is Omphalos where Om is the Guided Meditation using sound which creates the Kundalini Connection between heaven and earth and Phallos – Penis Greek. Or Phallus, Penis Latin – Penis being the Shiva Lingam (Sanskrit, Penis) - connecting this with Sexual Energy, Kundalini Energy and the Base Chakra which connects with Kundalini Chakra and Shakti in the Center of the Earth, is the Column which represents the connection between heaven and earth.
Why the decoration on this stone? According to ancient accounts, there was originally a different Omphalos stone at Delphi, prior to the one shown here (which was made as a replacement in the 4th cent. BC). The first stone was a meteorite, and was draped in an argenon, or woven net, thus creating an effect reminiscent of woven snake baskets."It is possible to create psychically an energy blockage implant in the form of a container of black squirming snakes trapped in a snake basket. The Shivalingam connection between heaven and earth is the energy to be tapped by this implant blockage whose squirming has the ability to stimulate the sexual organs when implanted there. This symbol of the power of the pythonesses of Delphi is that of the sexual vamp.
Together with knowledge of how to connect using energy connections between chakras with this implant at the tip of the connection either implanting the energy blockage or stimulating one which is already there, this knowledge can facilitate seduction and also the vampire sucking of the energies of the orgasm of the energies between heaven and earth symbolised by the Penis Shivalingam."
Python was a good giant Kundalini serpent showing the correct knowledge of how man connects with God.. Such imagery was surely evocative of the stone's importance as a sacred marker of Apollo's or God the Fathers victory over the terrifying serpent by sending him into the center of the earth a reflected Shakti Kundalini Energy always arises, is reflected, from the earths Center at that spot....
Samael and Lilith were born as one, emanating from beneath the Throne of God with a great tumult. This refers to the Kabbalistic belief that certain angels were created in male-female pairs. Lilith was also known as Taninsam, based on the name of the intermediary between her and her husband. This intermediary will eat deadly poison at the hands of the Gabriel; it is an elixir of life for all whose inclination overcomes them to become a black psychopath. Then he participates with Michael in overcoming the rule of unbalanced forces in heaven and on earth. The covenant of salt refers to the Energy Blockage Snake Leviathan (Malkhut Leviat Hen) of the salt ocean, who shall feed the righteous in the future.
This story became intertwined with that of the Lesser or Younger Lilith, married to the Demon King Asmodeus that is she became perverted by association with evil. Asmodeus was the son of the mortal Naamah, the sister of Tubal-Cain, and the Angel-Demon Shamdan. The Lesser Lilith was the daughter of the Demon King Qafsefoni and Matred; her name was Mehetabel, from 'mabu tabal,' meaning 'something immersed.' She was a beautiful woman from head to waist, but burning fire down below. This Lilith was evil and constantly causing trouble between the Demons and the Angels.
Asmodeus and the Lesser Lilith ruled in Edom, the sixth of the six imperfect Earths created before ours. They had twin sons, one good and one evil. The good son was named Meshihi'el and Kokhvi'el; his root is in heaven and he was called the "sword of the Messiah." The evil son was named Alefpene'ash and Gurigar; he is a war-demon ruling eighty thousand destructive demons, and he is called the "sword of King Asmodeus." Isaiah prophesized that the good son would wreak havok among the demons: "For my Sword shall be drunk in the heavens; Lo, it shall come down upon Edom." This is the Secret Knowledge of the Lesser Palaces of the Kaballah.
The sword, anciently, was always used to remove energy blockages.
Dore - The Destruction of Leviathan very much like the sword of Saint George destroying the selfish competitive Dragon-Serpent Ego
The stories of the two Lilith's can be seen as an alchemical allegory of the creation and redemption of the human spirit. The two sons represent the spirit (good) and the personality(evil), called evil because it is an energy blockge in the antahkarana in the astral plane above the head and because it seeks to mingle its essence with energy blockages below (enamored of the physical world).
The blind Dragon who eats poison energy blockages eats the poison of the corrupted spiritual body angel colony talents so as to purify it, overcoming the "evil" energy blockages of the spiritual body so that it may be transformed and also to "eat" of the pure food of spirit of the pure chakras above the head. This concept of the poison-eating Dragon is commonly found in Alchemy.
Unfortunately, outer traditions among the patriarchal Jews, including those recounted in Isaiah, Genesis and the Zohar, have greatly distorted the original stories, mixing together various traditions and giving Lilith many negative attributes that do not belong to her. The common Jewish concept of Lilith seems to have originated as an attempt to explain why there are two different stories of creation in Genesis. The older Elohist Genesis shows the simultaneous creation of the first man and woman from the same substance, in the image of the Elohim (god and goddess), while the later Yahwist version shows Adam was made first in the image of the one god. The Yahwist Jews returned from Egypt around 1260 BCE and began their campaign to "purify" the religion of the Jews; over the next 500 years, they gradually took control of the religious establishment and replaced the teachings given to the Jews by the Sumerian prince, Abraham, with their own. In some places, they kept some of the older scriptures, including the older story of creation in Genesis. However, over time the Jews had many tribulations and they forgot why there were two versions of creation in their holy scriptures. In an attempt to resolve the contradictions of the two versions, they appear to have adopted the Sumerian wind spirit Lilith as Adam's first wife. Mention of this is made in a Haggadah from the 2nd century BCE, quoted in Willis Barnstone's book, The Other Bible. Lilith refused to be under Adam during sex because they were equal, and when he objected, she left and seven angels were sent after her. She refused to return, and because God killed her children in revenge, she kills human children in their sleep.
Afterward, God made Eve from Adam. The version of this story most often quoted about Lilith today comes from an anonymous 9th century manuscript called the Alphabet of Ben Sira. This was a rabbinical parody about a rabbi's responses to Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar's questions. The manuscript was popular entertainment among rabbis for hundreds of years, so the Lilith story in it became well-known. This story is essentially the same as the one in the Haggadah, except it has only three angels. A 12th century Kabbalistic work, the Book of Raziel, gives directions for making amulets to protect women and children from Lilith and refers to the three angels of the Alphabet of Ben Sira.
In the Kabbalistic Sefer Ha-Zohar of the 13th century, all of the older Jewish traditions of Lilith are mixed together. The "Treatise on the Left Emanation" says that Lilith came from heaven and sought to possess human children, but was prevented from doing so by other angels. "From the crevice of the great deep, above, there came a certain female, the spirit of all spirits, and we have already explained that her name was Lilith. And at the very beginning she existed with man." (Zohar III, 19a) She was said to be a Serpent who originated from the side of the flaming sword that guards the gates of the Garden of Eden. Lilith ruled Sitra Ahra, the other side of the mirror, the Astral Plane, the qliphotic realm of unbalanced energies behind the Tree of Life known to Kabbalists as the Realm of the Serpents or Dragons - energy blockages. Lilith was associated with the legend of Naamah, mother of demons, as her daughter-in law. Naamah was the succubus who stole the souls of sleeping children and then passed those souls to Lilith, and Lilith came to take on the role of Naamah. Thus Lilith became a scapegoat; an ancient wind spirit who comes in the night to bring inspiration became the disobedient first wife of Adam, an evil succubus who kills children and begets demons.
Lilith was said to come as a spirit to men who sleep alone and seduce them, causing them to have nocturnal emissions. The demon thought forms sired by Lilith according to the Jews referred to the life-forms that derive from the seed of man spilled during masturbation and nocturnal emissions. This essence contains the life-force, and deprived of its natural course, this essence takes on a form reminiscent of the imperfect creations that preceded man and resulted in the demons. Demons are pure Angels who have been perverted by being mixed with impure Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass - Black Gold - which can be transmuted and purified through Energy Enhancement Techniques from 5000 years back into pure Golden Spiritual Energy Again. The results of man's seed in these conditions are similar to thoughtforms, and typically they live in the aura of the one who produces them, unless their creation is accompanied by a strong visualization that would send them to another as an implant sent to pervert and to vampirise the other. These creations can be experienced as a type of incubus or succubus, but more often they stay with their creator. The Jews consider these as illegitimate children, and actually have a prayer said by men that denies they are legitimate and tells them to depart when the man dies and not to impede his ascent to heaven. Trauma - Formed Negative Karmic mass is heavy; it impedes the process of restitution of the Soul to Heaven upon death as it has no levity; it can not rise. The assumption among the Jews that the name Lilith came from the Hebrew laylah (night), possibly because the Sumerian Lili were called night spirits, led some illustrators to represent Lilith with black hair.
Lilith, in archetypical form, represents an aspect of the Higher Self which brings spiritual knowledge to men on the Path by uniting with them in a kind of sexual union on the higher planes. It's no wonder the old uptight Rabbis feared her as a demonic succubus, afraid as they were of receiving an "unofficial" spiritual knowledge or power and of offending God by having sexual pleasure. The Jews still have a proscription against Jewish men having sex with their wives while they are menstruating. The term Scarlet Woman is today used as a reference to both the ancient physical alchemy derived from the sexual secretions of Holy Women, and to Holy Women, especially priestesses, who engage in sex magick with magicians.
This knowledge is known today from the expositions of Tantric Yoga, but there are many indications that this knowledge was known to and used by the priests and nobles of ancient Sumeria and Egypt, among others. Lilith, the Scarlet Woman, represents today as she did millennia ago the potent combination of spiritual and sexual power by which humans are transformed into something greater. Lilith serves as a prototype of Crowley's Scarlet Woman, a companion who through her divine sexuality awakens the spiritual knowledge latent in man.
Crowley, the head of the OTO, The Ordo Templi Orientis, in common with other sex magic organisations from Germany also used the Scarlet Woman and Sex magic. Psychopaths love the organisations which use Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll as it is easy to implant and pervert all the students. Sexual Implants channel orgiastic sex energy back to the person who created the implant so such schools are sometimes created to vampirise the energies of all the students. Bad people are vampires and will lie and kill to achieve their ends. Jesus and Buddha thought it was not necessary to use sex to become enlightened as it is so easy to pervert the process as everyone gets excited and addicted to burning the candle at both ends which results in no energy left at the end of sex, drugs and rock and roll, therefore the use of Vampirism to take the life energy from others, the cows, the cattle.. To think of stealing the life energy of another person is psychopathic. To think of calling another human being a cow or cattle is degrading and psychopathic also. Only people who have filled their hearts with Energy Blockages in this lifetime or from a previous lifetime can think psychopathically like this. To go against the Main Spiritual law of Ahimsa - Harmlessness; Give no pain in word, thought or deed by taking your energy from another living being thus stopping their evolution or through killing them needs a cold blocked Heart!!
"Lo, I am with you, moved by your prayers, I who am the mother of the universe, the mistress of all elements, the first offspring of time, the highest of all deities, the queen of the souls, foremost of the heavenly beings, the single form that fuses all gods and goddesses; I who order by my will the starry heights of heaven, the healing-giving breezes of the sea, and the awful silences of those in the underworld: My single godhead is adored by the whole world in varied forms, in differing rites and with many diverse names."
Metamorphoses, Book 11, 5Whilst not taking energy from other human beings, a saint will only give 100% of his energy to others. He will not take or Vampirise the energy of another. He does not need tantra using another human being to become energised. He energises by being in contact with higher chakras above the head, God, the Absolute, Atman, the One God with 10,000 names.
"Not small capacitor - use Big Generator", Gurdjieff
And he channels that energy through his crown chakra from pure spiritual sources to make other human beings enlightened.
THE THREE LILITHS Lilith also represents three usages by astrologers. Astrologically, the 'three Liliths' are being increasingly used. These liliths are: 1. a secondary focal point of the Moon's elliptical orbit around the Earth, 2. a second Moon of the Earth and 3. an asteroid. Lilith number one is called the 'Black Moon,' and has been used in astrological calculations by the French for over a hundred years. Traditionally, this was the mean apogee of the Moon's orbit, but modern astrologers reject the stable regularity this implies, and instead use the true or osculating apogee, which can vary up to 30 degrees. The Moon's apogee (east-west) is in contradistinction to the Moon's nodes (north-south, the head and tail of the Dragon), which represent the intersection of two planes, where a door opens and different realities meet. The apogee, instead, is the empty focus of the lunar orbit; ir represents "a womb, a receptacle, an accumulator, a point of emptiness... the place of dreams, the garden of desires -- it can devour you like a whirlpool!"
Lilith number two is called the 'Dark Moon,' recorded by astronomers since 1618 and visible only when it transits the face of the Sun. It orbits the Earth in about one hundred days. The Dark Moon Lilith confers incredible personal magnetism, but also brings problems associated with with being popular with the opposite sex.
Lilith number three (1181 Lilit) is a main belt asteroid discovered 11 February 1927. Astrologically, this is said to represent integration of the hidden dark aspects of the self with the waking consciousness.
Ephemerides for all three Liliths are available.
Satanism, Black Magic, Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca
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