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Remove all the Blockages from all your previous lifetimes
This is what they mean when they say a Master is not under the Laws of Karma.
He has dissolved all the negativity from all his past lives.
He has used his SOUL, MONAD, LOGOS AND HIGHER ENERGIES to dissolve all the negativity, to FORGIVE all the bad actions and trauma that he has done, and have been done to him.
Create a Clean white sheet again from your Messy Dark History Painting which you have created brushful by brushful, every day of your life.
Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from all your Personal History, Your Life until now, of all of its painful memories and blockages which act as filters to our vision.
Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from all your Past Lifetimes, Your Lives until now, of all of their painful memories and blockages.
Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from this Future Life of all of its painful memories and blockages.
Learn How to easily and quickly Heal, remove all the negative trauma energy from all your Future Lifetimes, Your Future Lifetimes of all of their painful memories and blockages which act as filters to our vision.
One of my Teachers, Zen Master Hogen said, "We are all History Paintings. We start with a clean white sheet and then every day we apply paint. Usually our History Paintings become very messy!!!" "I am a clean white sheet which is washed constantly. Every time we meet, it is as if there is no emotional holdover from the past"
"Everytime, I see you clearly, as if for the first time!" Zen Master Hogen.
- Initiation 1: The removal of old karma from all your past lifetimes. Remove all the Blockages from all your previous lifetimes. This is what they mean when they say a Master is not under the Laws of Karma. He has dissolved all the negativity from all his past lives.
- Initiation 2: The removal of old karma from all the future years in this lifetime and all your future lifetime.
- Initiation 3: The retrieval of the soul splits of the inner children sub-personalities.
- Initiation 4: The grounding of the emotions. This Initiation shows how to Ground, to Drain all the negative energies from your negative emotions and thus remove all your emotional Energy Blockages.
- Initiation 5: Removing the strategies of the psychopatic energy vampire. LEARN HOW NOT TO BECOME ENGAGED BY THEIR STRATEGIES TO SUCK YOUR ENERGY.
- Initiation 6: The Seven Step purufication of trauma-formed negatice karmic mass in talents and the creation and increase of talents or angel talent colonies in level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
- Initiation 7: Removing vows from this life and all your past lives. Past life priest vows and vows to the dark side can affect present prosperity, self worth, and relationships. And they can continuously block you, and be carried from life time to life time. All Old Souls carry them and most have thousands of them buried in their minds. This Energy Enhancement Initiation method removes the blocks that are held deep within your subconscious mind. Traditional therapies cannot remove them.
- Initiation 8: The use of life experiences to notice and remove the Inner Children and the Strategies which are based on the inner children. The weaker inner children are very easy to remove, yet it sometimes needs stress pressure which is always occurring in life in order to get the more intelligent Soul Split inner children to show themselves.
- Initiation 1: Alignment with the energies from the Center of the Earth into the Center of the Universe. Shaktipat, Energy Alignment, Kundalini, Stopping the Mind and Squaring the Circle.
- Initiation 2: Energy Circulation: Microcosmic Orbit, Kundalini Kriyas. This gives the Hidden Taoist Secrets of the Microcosmic AND the Macrocosmic Orbit, the 5 Elemental pathways of the Chi or Ki and the Kundalini Kriyas of Paramahamsa Yogananda.
- Initiation 3: The Grounding of Negatives Energies: Alchemy, Hermes Trismegistus, VITRIOL - VISITA INTERIORE TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTEM LAPIDEM and the guided meditation of Grounding, transmuting all trauma caused negative energy.
- Initiation 4: Accessing the Universal Energy Source: Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit, Chakras above the Head, Soul Fusion via the Antahkarana, Advanced Kundalini Kriyas, Siddis, The Creation of Psychic Vision.
- Initiation 5: Projecting Energy - Grounding Toxins in Food: Re-awakening our psychic ability to detect poisons. Removing Blockages.
- Initiation 6: Psychic Protection: Power Towers, Creating and Using External Antahkaranas, Exponentially Increasing your Spiritual Energy, Creating the Flow from Heaven to Earth.
- Initiation 7: Psychic Protection: Pyramid Protection.
- Initiation 8: Psychic Protection: The Merkaba, Astral Travel and Projection, Advantages of the Siddhis of Becoming Bigger and Smaller.
- Initiation 1: The removal energy blockages and implants by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process.
- Initiation 2: How to Heal the Energy Blockages in the body.
- Initiation 3: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the chakras. From the seven chakras inside the body and then all the external spiritual chakras to which we are connected.
- Initiation 4: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the DNA. Heal your DNA.
- Initiation 5: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the Auras. Heal the Physical Aura, Heal the Emotional Aura, Heal the Mental Aura, Heal the Buddhic Aura.
- Initiation 6: The removal of old karma from the time in the womb of your mother. The karma cleaning process.
- Initiation 7: The removal of old karma from this lifetime. The karma clearing process.
- Initiation 1: Learn how to heal all addiction. Learn how to heal all your Addictions or strategy driven predelections to... Food, Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs and Sex.
- Initiation 2: The healing of the negative energy of close personal primary relationships including your mother and your father. Learn how to Heal all your Relationships Without talking to these people. Learn to heal at a distance all the Negative Energy which inevitably builds up in all our Primary Relationships.
- Initiation 3: The total healing of all chakra connections. Energy from further improving relationships and protection. How to clean all the energy connections of Attachment.
- Initiation 4: Creating and cleaning the soul connection in your students and friends.
- Initiation 5: The Mastery of the psychic energy connections.
- Initiation 6: The Mastery of trantic energy. How to Remove Implants, Transmute the Negative Karmic Mass of Blockages and Clean all the Chakras of your students and close personal relationships.
- Initiation 7: Ceremonies and Meditation Groups - Using the Energy of the Higher Heart, The Heart Center in the Head, Prajna Paramita, - The Soul and the Monad Itself, for the Healing of Groups, Organizations and the World.
- Initiation 8: The use of life experiences to notice and remove the Inner Children and the Strategies which are based on the inner children. The weaker inner children are very easy to remove, yet it sometimes needs stress pressure which is always occurring in life in order to get the more intelligent Soul Split inner children to show themselves.
The recapitulation of life force is the body of work in Energy Enhancement Level 3, which restores or recapitulates lost life force. KARMA CLEARING AND SOUL SPLITS is one of the most effective practices to this end. To understand how recapitulation practices work, we need to look at the multidimensional nature of reality and move away from a linear sequential perspective. From this expanded perspective, 'anything which has ever happened to anybody, anywhere; it is still happening somewhere'.
If a traumatic event occurred for a person ten, twenty and so on years ago, for that person it is still happening, and I would venture to state that it is also in some way still influencing the person's life.
Energy Enhancement does not dwell on past events; there is only this vast awesome ever-moving great moment of now where there is no separate past, present, or future. It is possible for a practitioner to journey and move outside of linear time to go to the place where that energetic event is still occurring for that individual, find and bring back that person's life force which is held in that energetic event and remove all of the negative energy and negative emotions associated with that event, and when this has been carried out, then the therapeutic healing of the event is completed there are no other effect. The trauma has simply disappeared
The loss of life-force is known as soul-loss, and this can take place when we suffer a trauma, have an accident, experience strong emotional exchanges with a loved one, separation from a partner, death of a loved one, go through a pervasive period of difficult circumstances. When we undergo a severe trauma typically a part of our vital nature goes away, so that we can survive what ever is happening to us. It is a way for the body and consciousness to survive severe trauma. Problems develop when the soul part or fragment does not return. It may not want to come back, or may not be able to rejoin the Soul by itself due to the nature of the trauma A part of the soul splits of into what we call an Inner Child which perpetually thenceforth sabotages everything we do. Indeed the Inner Children are a major part of the selfish competitive ego. As we love and heal the inner child then absorb it back into our soul so the split disappears and we become more whole. There can only be one!! And that is the Soul Personality.
The sub personalities of the Poor me, the Violator and Selfish Competitive Star, for example, as you can see all derive their power from these Inner Children splits. And their symptoms come out in many different ways. There are a number of symptoms of Soul Splits, for example, when people feel that they are observing life as an outsider, rather than engaging and being fully involved. Other common symptoms are when people feel that they are being ‘spaced’ out a lot of the time, not really here. Other symptoms that indicate possible soul loss are life-themes such as a pervasive fear, inability to trust people. I have also found that a severe depression can also be a symptom of soul loss. Chronic illness may also be a symptom of soul loss. This directly relates to Power. In the Energy Enhancement worldview, power and maintaining health go hand in hand, if the body is power-full, there is no room for illness or disease, which are often regarded as an invasive force.
In my practice I have worked with many people who had done considerable work on the original trauma, but still were stuck in this. One of the differences between KARMA CLEARING AND SOUL SPLITS in Energy Enhancement Level 3 and some modern Western psychological systems is that KARMA CLEARING AND SOUL SPLITS focuses on the return and integration of the lost life-force, rather than focus on the original trauma itself.
In my view the energy enhancement work of KARMA CLEARING, SOUL SPLITS and therapy work very well together, the best combination being first the dissolving of the negativity associated with the event in Energy Enhancement Level 3 and then come the recapitulation of the lost life-force, followed by a therapeutic approach to support the person through the process of working with the lessons learnt so that the bad event can never happen again. In Energy Enhancement Level 3 there are no released feelings and emotional energy which can be uncomfortable and even raw for the individual.
In Energy Enhancement Level 3 the negative energy is dissolved and Grounded through the Meditative techniques of Energy Enhancement. This dissolution of negative energy and negative emotions is a fundamental part of the whole healing process, and I cannot stress this enough.
This healing process leads to what I call the union of the life force, when the person can then move forward in their life without being anchored to the past, and live a life of creativity and productivity.
This body of work addresses illness as an 'invasive external force' - Trauma formed Energy Blockages within the human field of energy. Energy Enhancement Teachers teach their clients the gift of being able to perceive and discern these intrusive forces, whether a physical illness or an external negative influence in the clients life. We teach how to work with Energy Enhancement Advanced Techniques to gain an understanding of the nature and cause of the problem and to ‘extract’ it’s energetic matrix or sever the link between the client and an external negative and harmful force.
To Satchi,
my name is xxxx and I'd like to get some info & prices for a stay/visit in the centre in Rosario.
I'm 25 and a student and I was drawn to your website last year but found its teachings & wisdom really hard to accept at first. A year later, I know that energy enhancement techniques could be very important tools for me to learn, and I'll try to explain why.
I think I've grown up with a weak Earth connection & base chakra blocks that keep me subconsciously fearful and generally disconnected from feelings, people and stops me from fully moving forward with my life and life purpose. As a little child I used to feel very unreal and ungrounded which didn't seem to go away when I got older. It made studying and just having a life in general awkward for me. During my teens I lived on coffee & stimulants to feel alert but ended up depleted physically and mentally. On top of this I was sensitive to energies around me & could feel entities come and leave my body/aura when I was awake and asleep. Prayer and angelic help got me through the very dark difficult times, and still does even today.
When I was 23 I meditated for the first time and it was only then did everything fall into place for me. I tried a past life hypnosis CD to see if recalling my past lives could help me. I practiced a lot and saw some powerful insights.
I got the impression I was a man in another lifetime, and standing in front of me was a beautiful woman wearing a red dress. My awareness was in the man's body as I eyed this this lady from head to toe and was feeling lustful towards her - at the same time I felt this (ENERGY CONNECTIONS - THE PSYCHIC SEXUAL CONNECTION - LEVEL 4 OF EE) in my Abdominal chakra. The man (me!) was really enjoying what stood before him, and I couldn't take it anymore (I thought it was another entity attack) and I said in my mind 'I didn't want to see this!'
Then another past life image flashed. This time I was a woman standing in a castle.. I sensed someone behind me, turned around and saw in the distance a tall dark-haired man watching me from the top of a stone staircase. This faded, and next I felt a falling sensation and saw myself in my mother's womb. I started to cry and I was filled with the feeling that "My life is going to be so hard!" and I woke up. (its funny - I was born 3 weeks overdue - maybe I was having second thoughts!)
I thought it was fun to catch a glimpse of the past. I thought there was no more to see. That was it. Boy was I wrong. Do you know what happened next Satchi? 6 months later I actually met this person. We worked together in a department store in May this year in central London. Soon after we were introduced he said it was his destiny to meet me. I found out that like me, he also lived in Leyton - 5 mins away from me but we'd never met until now. He was a really beautiful man - tall, dark hair although I didn't know who he was at first.
Well, to say we that didn't get on was an understatement. David was magnetic - he was a real charmer, who had a lot of energy, power and influence over people at work, while I was more quiet, reserved (and drained). To cut a long story short, working together this summer was a painful karmic experience. My lessons were those of Power, Identity and integrity. The way I acted in the past was being returned to me in this life. David saw that I had trouble with my boundaries & inability to say no to people. He even told me once that 'I wished I was a bitch but I was just too nice'. I told him to fuck off & he swore at me in polish and walked off (!) Truth was, it was hard to hear the truth about myself, as people really were taking advantage of my niceness/weakness. I was following orders from people who weren't above me like a programmed robot without question!
I left at the end of August to go back to uni, but on my very last day at the store I got confirmation that I'd known him before this lifetime. Without any conscious awareness on his or my part, amazingly, we re-encated the 2 past life visions I saw in my meditation 10 months earlier - this time I was the female, he was the man. I got a discreet clairvoyant vision (for the first time ever) in my mind's eye to let me know who he really was. (a soulmate)
That was a really intense experience which took me months to process & understand! but, I was blessed to see (live - in real time!!) how karma was still affecting me and now I'd like to ask you Satchi and Devi for your wisdom & guidance to help me deal with & erase it from my life forever. Just knowing that I can learn the basics from you to get me started and wipe out my deep seated fears for good makes me eager to get started. I feel like I have no choice - nothing's more important to me now than my emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Thanks so much,