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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section III - Forces behind the Evolutionary Process |
A Special Wesak Festival Message April 1943 This communication is addressed to the members of the new group of world servers who can be reached (there are countless numbers of whom you have no knowledge) and to the men and women of goodwill everywhere. I would ask you to see that as many receive this as possible. We are nearing the climax of the spiritual year and the time that the Sun moves northward. The greatest Approach of all time is close and possible. Much however depends upon the aspirants and the disciples in the world at this time. The past year has been one of the world's worst experiences from the standpoint of agony and distress; the point of acutest suffering has been reached. It has, however, been the year in which the greatest spiritual Approach of all time has shown itself to be possible - an Approach for which the initiates and Masters have for centuries been preparing, and for which all the Wesak Festivals since the meeting of the Great Council in 1925 have been preparatory. I have, in past instructions, referred to the great meetings field at intervals by Those to Whom is entrusted the spiritual guidance of the planet and particularly of man. Certain facts must be assumed, such as the acceptance in the Western hemisphere of the existence of the Christ and in the Eastern, of the Buddha. It is, therefore, surely possible (given this acceptance) to assume that They and Their disciples must and do confer together upon the steps needed to guide mankind along the path of light, the path to God. To this all the world Scriptures bear witness and to this all spiritual knowers testify. I have not time today to enlarge upon this theme. I simply ask for your acceptance of the hypothesis (an hypothesis which is a fact to many millions and a proved event to many thousands) that spiritual guidance is accorded to mankind and that behind the veil which separates the visible from the invisible there stand Those Who are working strenuously - and, I might add, scientifically - to meet the present dire need. [390] Two things are occupying Their attention:
Such, brother of mine, are two of the objectives lying before the Hierarchy at this time as it prepares for the Full Moons of May and June. Can the forces be so organized and the energies, pending distribution, so dispersed that the full measure of good can be evoked? Can the evocation of a new cycle of spiritual contact and of liberation be brought about by the action of the men and women of goodwill? Can the will-to-good of the spiritual Energies and the goodwill of humanity itself be brought together and produce those conditions in which the new world order - visioned by all who truly love their fellowmen - be enabled to function? Can the situation be so staged that the new world religion and the new approach of humanity to God are brought into being? These are the important questions which the Hierarchy is today attempting to answer. The group of spiritual workers of whom I happen to be one is faced with two major problems: the problem of the war itself with its stupefying and stunning effect upon the masses everywhere, and the problem offered by the aspirants and disciples throughout the world. Can the suffering masses of men "stand with massed intent" and with eyes directed towards God so that their cry can mount to His ears? And will the spiritually minded people and the workers for humanity make that supreme effort (rendered from an adequate "point of tension") so that humanity may be focused in its appeal and bring about a response from the highest available sources. Can the united effort of these two groups - one conscious of what is happening and the other unconscious - evoke reply? [391] In moments of extreme urgency or crisis, the story of the Christ brings to our attention the fact that He then came in touch with His Father in Heaven. God spoke to Him in terms of recognition; God testified to the fact that He knew Him for His beloved Son. To these basic facts of the historical record, we must add the realization that "as He is, so are we in this world" and the assurance of Christ Himself that God is also our Father. Then the door of possibility opens. We can come then to the realization that in times of intense human urgency, stress and crisis and when the soul of man is adequately aroused to the needed point of spiritual receptivity (as was ever the case with Christ) then there can likewise come a divine recognition from the highest possible source which will suffice to bring release and liberation and to give power - power to do the right, to take those steps which are demanded by the spiritual purpose and to proceed, consequently, along the path of evolution. |
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