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Letters on Occult Meditation - Letter VI - The Use of Form in Meditation |
a. The Line of the Manu We might here somewhat indicate the approximate method, and lay down certain rules which will serve to elucidate when the time comes. This first line is specially the line of government, of racial development, of working in and with the matter of all forms on all the planes of human evolution. It is, as I have said before, the line of occultism. It emphasizes the hierarchical method, it embodies the divine autocracy, and it is the line whereby our Solar Logos imposes His Will on men. It is closely linked to the Lords of Karma, and it is through the Manu's department that the Law of Cause and Effect is wielded. The four Lords of Karma work closely with the Manu, for They impose the Law, and [171] He manipulates the forms of men, of continents, of races, and of nations so that that law may be duly worked out. The man therefore who attempts through meditation to contact these powers, to rise to union by these means, and to attain the consciousness of the Will aspect, works under set rules, rises from point to point under due forms, and broods ever on the Law and its workings. He seeks to understand, he discriminates and studies; he is occupied with the concrete and its place in the divine plan. He admits the fact of the indwelling life but concentrates primarily on its method and form of manifestation. The basic rules of expression and of government occupy his attention, and by studying the rules and laws, and by seeking to comprehend, he necessarily contacts the Ruler. From stage to stage he rises - from the ruler of the microcosm in the three worlds, to the group egoic and its focal point, a Master; from the ruler of the group he rises to the Manu, the Ruler of the department wherein he has his place, thence to the Ruler of the World, later to the Planetary Logos, and thence to the Solar Logos. |
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