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Esoteric Psychology II - Chapter III - Humanity Today - The New Group of World Servers |
a. Objectives and Ideals The statement has been made that Those who constitute the inner government of the world, or the so-called planetary Hierarchy, are working to facilitate the entry of the new ideals and aims into the consciousness of the race. These new ideals and aims are characteristics of the New Age. This statement is of importance, because it indicates that the effort now on foot is in line with the evolutionary development going on upon our planet. It is therefore assured of ultimate success. The work that the New Group of World Servers is endeavoring to do is intended to hasten that process, and so avert a long period of distress and disorder. Whether this effort succeeds or not, the final aim is assured, but it can be hastened if men will only appreciate fairly the situation with which they are immediately faced and take the necessary steps to change the present condition. The new Plan of the Great Ones is, therefore, in the last analysis, simply an extension of the Plan as it has always existed. No changes in the basic idea are involved. The success of the present endeavor is contingent upon the availability of the forces which stand for progressive righteousness and the ability of the disciples of the world to act in unison, and so to influence public opinion that there can be a world wide change in human attitudes, but the members of the New Group of World Servers must refrain from dissipating their efforts in secondary activities. For these latter, there will be time, once the main objective has been reached. The immediate objectives of the Plan might be stated as follows:
The providing of adequate food, raiment and housing facilities to the unthinking masses everywhere will bring about a changed world psychology, which will be constructive and sound, and which, will usher in the deeply desired era of peace and plenty. That the problem involved is difficult no one denies, and for this, man's selfishness and greed is responsible. It is, in reality, relatively simple, if not complicated by too much statistical deduction and the opposed selfishness of national and monied interests. The term "monied interests" is here used to designate no one class in particular for the transition of money out of one set of hands into another provides no real solution. Whoever possesses the money at any particular time wields power, and this is true, whether it is the present capitalistic class or an enriched proletariat or a grasping government. |
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