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Chapter-10THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALITake the riskFourth Question |
Question 4 DURING MEDITATION I INVOKE YOUR EMPTINESS AND I FIND THAT GRADUALLY YOUR EMPTINESS PERVADES OVER ME. CAN I, BY THIS METHOD, IMBIBE YOUR TOTAL BEING? WILL I BE ABLE TO INVOKE YOU TOTALLY IN ME? PLEASE BLESS ME. (YOU MAY NOT EVEN REPLY VERBALLY.) I am never replying, ever, only verbally. Whenever I am replying to you, the reply is two-dimensional. It is on two planes together. One is the verbal: that is for those who cannot understand any other dimension -- that is for the deaf and the blind and the dead. Then simultaneously on another plane there is a nonverbal communication: that is for those who can hear, who can see, who are alive. And never ask for my blessings, because they are always there whether you ask for them or not. Whether you cooperate with me or not, whether you are for me or against, that does not make any difference to my blessings. My blessing is not an act. It is just like breathing: it is always there. If you can feel, you will find it always there. I am my blessings. And you have stumbled upon a right method: "During meditation I invoke your emptiness and I find that gradually your emptiness pervades over me. Can 1, by this method, imbibe your total being?" Yes, absolutely yes. Go on, don't be afraid, because emptiness will sooner or later give you a deep fear -- because emptiness means death. Emptiness means you are disappearing, and before your reality opens, you will have to be gone from there completely. You will have to be absent before you can feel the presence of your reality. Before you can feel the fullness of being, you will have to become absolutely empty. There is a gap -- you become absolutely empty, almost. There is a small gap and that gap is deathlike. You are gone and God has not entered yet, just a small interval, but that small interval looks like infinity. In a court there was a case, a murder case, but the jurors and the judge were going to decide that the man is innocent Because there were reliable witnesses who said that only for three minutes had he gone out and then he was again back amidst them. Only for three minutes was he not there with them, and it seems too much to commit a murder in three minutes. Then the lawyer from the opposite party said, "Let me try one experiment." He took his pocket watch out and he said, "Now, everybody should close his eyes and remain silent. After three minutes I will give you a hint that three minutes are over." Everybody remained silent. If you remain silent for three minutes, three minutes is long, very long; they last very long. They appear very long, nonending. Have you ever stood -- somebody dies, a political leader or somebody, and you have to stand for one minute in silence. That one minute looks so long that you start thinking that this political leader should not have died. Three minutes... and after three minutes were over, the lawyer said, "I have nothing else to say." And the jurors decided that this man had committed the murder. They changed their verdict. Three minutes are so long. Whenever you are silent, one moment of silence will be very, very long. And it is impossible to imagine what happens when you are absent a single moment may be the gap, but it looks almost like eternity. One gets very much afraid. One wants to go back, to hold to the past. Soon that fear will arise. Remember that time, don't be afraid. Don't go back; don't fall back. Move on. Accept death, because only out of death the life abundant. Only when you die, you attain to the deathless. It is always there waiting for you. It is not something outside you; it is your very core of being, the deathless. But you are identified with the mortal, with the body, with the mind. These are momentary, changing. Somewhere within you there is pure consciousness, untouched, uncorrupted. That pure consciousness is your real nature. The whole yoga is an effort to reach to that purity of being, to that virginity and out of that virgin, Jesus is born. Once you have touched that virginity in you, you are reborn; it is a resurrection. Let me be your death so that you can be reborn again. A Master is a death and a life, a cross and a resurrection. You have stumbled upon an exactly right method. Now go ahead. Imbibe that emptiness more and more, become empty. Soon, everything changes -- emptiness disappears. First everything else disappears and emptiness gathers inside you, then when the emptiness is total it also disappears. Buddha used to say to his disciples, about this phenomenon, "It is as if you burn a candle in the evening." The whole night the candle goes on burning; the flame burns the candle, the stuff of the candle. The flame goes on burning it. The candle goes on disappearing, disappearing, disappearing.... By the morning the candle has disappeared. The last moment, when the candle has completely disappeared, the flame jumps and is gone. First it destroys the candle, then it itself is gone. The same happens first if you try to imbibe emptiness, nothingness, egolessness, it will destroy everything else. It will remain like a Flame destroying everything. When everything is destroyed and you are completely empty a jump of the flame, and emptiness is also gone. Suddenly you are back home, fulfilled, overflowing. That's where a man becomes a god. |
Next: Vol. 8, Discourses of the Yoga Patanjali
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Yoga Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Chapter 10
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Yoga Yoga Sutras of Patanjali |