2005 AND 2006 |
The third question: Question 3 BELOVED OSHO, IN THE PAST HYPNOSIS HAS BEEN TRIED ON ME, BUT I COULD NOT BE HYPNOTIZED. PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY MANY PERSONS ARE NOT HYPNOTIZABLE. This will be important for you to understand. Ordinarily it is thought that those persons who cannot be hypnotized are powerful. This is absolutely wrong -- and I say absolutely. The stronger the person the more easily he is hypnotized. The second wrong conception is that a very intelligent person cannot be hypnotized. That too is absolutely wrong. The more stupid a person the less is the possibility of hypnotizing him. You cannot hypnotize an idiot -- impossible. You cannot hypnotize a madman -- impossible. The more intelligent a person the more easily he can be hypnotized. Why? -- because hypnosis needs cooperation; the basic factor is cooperation, your cooperation. The idiot cannot understand what you are demanding, what type of cooperation; the madman cannot understand what you are demanding. Only an intelligent person can cooperate, and hypnosis is possible only when you cooperate. So if you are paranoid, schizophrenic, neurotic, you cannot cooperate. If you are very much afraid, a fear complex is there, you cannot cooperate. A person who can trust can be hypnotized easily. A person who cannot trust anybody cannot be hypnotized -- because the person who is hypnotizing is not using any force on you. This is again a wrong conception, the third, that the hypnotist is using some force. No, not at all. The hypnotist has no force to use; the hypnotist is only using your force, so you have to cooperate. If you don't cooperate nobody can hypnotize you. And cooperation needs trust, because you will be unconscious and you don't know what this man who is hypnotizing will do to you. So look, I have been experimenting on many things. A Western woman is more easily hypnotized than an Eastern woman, because the Eastern woman is always afraid of sex. When she is unconscious, who knows what this hypnotist may do? Western women in that sense have become freer, less afraid. They can be hypnotized more easily. A person who is guilty about something is very difficult to hypnotize, because he is always afraid that when he is unconscious the thing he is hiding may come up. A person who has committed some sin, or thinks he has committed some sin and is hiding it, will be very difficult to hypnotize. Only a simple, innocent person can be hypnotized, because he has nothing to hide. You cannot bring anything out; he has no secrets. If you have secrets and you don't want them to be exposed you cannot trust anybody -- because hypnosis means that your unconscious is available to the hypnotist. He can penetrate deep down, he can bring out anything that you are hiding. So those persons are not hypnotizable who fall into these categories. The less guilty and less afraid, and the more intelligent, trusting and cooperative a person is, the more hypnotizable. So don't think that if you cannot be hypnotized you are something great. You may be simply ill, pathological. If you can be hypnotized you show a quality of trust and you show that you are imaginative. You show that suggestions can catch you and your imagination can work through them. You are an imaginatively creative person. But remember that unless you cooperate nobody can hypnotize you -- nobody. Even if Mesmer comes he cannot hypnotize you if you don't cooperate. Your cooperation is needed, your total willingness is needed. And then too you are not completely in the control of the hypnotist. A part of you remains alert even then, and if the hypnotist is going to force you to do something against yourself you will suddenly come out of hypnosis. It happened, one of my brothers was serving in an office. He trusts me, and I wanted him to leave that service. But he is such a person that whatsoever the situation he does not like to change it. He was not getting good pay, the office was in every way useless, there was no possibility for creative growth, so I was saying to him, "Leave that office." But he is the type that wants to continue whatsoever is going on with no change. So I hypnotized him. He trusts me in every way, but that day he was mistrustful, because he was aware that if he was hypnotized I was going to say, "Leave that service!" Everything was okay, he followed, but a part of him must have remained aware, alert, in case I suggested that thing. So he followed everything, he didn't even feel the pin. I tested in every way and he was hypnotized completely, there was no possibility that he wasn't. And then I said, "Leave that service!" Immediately he came out of hypnosis and he said, "Don't say that!" Nothing, even in hypnosis, can be forced on you if you are not willing; even after hypnosis has happened nothing can be forced upon you. So if something can be forced that shows that unconsciously you were willing. For example, a woman who cannot think of kissing any man other than her lover -- if it is suggested to her under hypnosis to kiss somebody else, and if really she does not want to kiss anybody, immediately she will come out of hypnosis. But if she goes and kisses the other person, and then after she has come out of hypnosis you tell her and she says, "What could I do? I was hypnotized," then this is just a trick -- unconsciously she wanted to kiss him. Consciously she is alert and she will say, "No, I cannot touch any other man than my own lover. I belong to one," but this is only conscious -- unconsciously she must have been hankering. Only then, in hypnosis, can this be forced; otherwise in hypnosis also this cannot be forced, it is impossible. You have to cooperate with whatsoever the hypnotist forces on you. The moment your cooperation is taken back, immediately hypnosis disappears. So many reasons are possible why a person is not hypnotizable, but don't think of it as a good quality. Become more imaginative, cooperative, trusting, and hypnosis can be helpful. In the old days, particularly in the East, hypnosis was used in every ashram. The master used it in every way to help you, because consciously you may take years to do a particular thing but in hypnosis, through hypnosis, within seconds it can be done. Unnecessary effort can be saved. But only masters were allowed to hypnotize. Hypnosis remained a secret science in the East; it was not used publicly because there are possibilities of misusing it. In the West Mesmer brought hypnosis into the market, and then everything which was associated with it became condemned. But now again the wheel is turning. In the West also universities are studying it; there are scientific projects to study hypnosis, and new research is again bringing hypnosis to the status of a science. It can be used now, it is already used, in hospitals in surgery -- because there is no need to give an anesthetic; that is destructive to the body, it unnecessarily harms the body. There is no need, simple hypnosis can make you unconscious. There is no need for chloroform or any poison, any gas, to make you unconscious; only your cooperation is needed. And any operation is possible under hypnosis. Even if it takes hours, even if many hours are needed, hypnosis is enough, no anesthetic is needed. Many hospitals have started using it. Childbirth can be made absolutely painless; not only that, it can easily be made pleasureable, ecstatic, under hypnosis. The mother just has to cooperate and trust, and then she can be hypnotized and it can be suggested that there will be no pain when the child comes out of the womb, but rather on the contrary there will be intense pleasure. And it is possible that the woman, the mother giving birth, can have such a deep orgasm through birth that no sexual orgasm can be any comparison to it -- because the same mechanism is involved. The same mechanism which gives the sexual orgasm, the bliss that comes through sex, is involved, and involved more totally. The child passes through the same passage. Once the woman feels -- and the suggestion is there -- that this is going to be a very ecstatic feeling, she will achieve a peak. And I think that in the past women used to achieve that peak; they have lost that capacity. Not only lost -- birth has become painful. This is again a suggestion. You can see: the more civilized a society, the more pain in childbirth; the less civilized a society, the less pain. In India there are many primitives who don't know any pain in childbirth, no pain at all. And there are some tribes on the earth even today in Tibet and in other interior parts of Mongolia, where women go simply mad in ecstasy when the child is born. And that may be the reason why every woman deeply longs to be a mother. No man longs to be a father, he wants to be a husband; no woman simply longs to be a wife, she wants to be a mother. That's a basic difference. I think the reason is that in the old days, in very ancient days, women used to achieve the supreme pleasure of their life through childbirth. That has remained in their unconscious still -- they want to be a mother. A father is just a formality. You don't achieve anything through becoming a father; you don't give any birth, you are just a spectator. So the father is just a social convention. The mother is a natural phenomenon. The father can be discarded any day, it is just institutional; the mother is a natural phenomenon. Every woman longs to be a mother, only then does she feel fulfilled. This feeling must be based on some ecstasy that was there in the beginning and which women have lost. It is just a suggestion that childbirth is painful, but through centuries it has gone deep. It can be changed. Many illnesses can simply disappear through hypnosis because really they don't exist, they are just in your mind. Fifty percent of illnesses are just in the mind, they don't have any organic existence. They can simply disappear. There is no need for any medicine, any injection or any "pathies" to be worked on you, because then those medicines poison you, your body goes toxic, and then you suffer. You suffer less from your illnesses, more from your medicines. And there are so many doctors that you can escape death but you cannot escape the doctors -- they will kill you in the end. Whatsoever you do they will kill you. Fifty percent of diseases can simply disappear from the earth. Hypnosis is a great force, but with every force there is danger -- it can be misused. But just because a force can be misused you need not go against it... because anything can be misused, and if it can be misused that shows it can be used also. So become more vulnerable, become more suggestible, become more available to hypnosis. That means you will become more intelligent, more cooperative, more trusting. Enough for today.
Next: Chapter 10, Sublime is the Spontaneous
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi
Chapter 9
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi