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The last question: Question 4 BELOVED OSHO, THIS MORNING YOU SAID THAT THE UPANISHADIC SAGES HAD A POSITIVE APPROACH TOWARDS LIFE, AND THAT BUDDHA AND MAHAVIRA HAD A NEGATIVE APPROACH TOWARDS LIFE. WHICH IS YOUR APPROACH -- AFFIRMATION OR NEGATION OF LIFE? WHICH APPROACH WOULD YOU HAVE YOUR DISCIPLES TAKE? I have got no approach -- or, both are mine. I don't divide. To me, the positive can also lead to the same goal as the negative, so I don't say that the positive is the only approach, and I don't say that the negative is the only approach. Both are approaches, and both are as good as each other. My emphasis is not on the approach, my emphasis is on the disciple. So I don't say that you should follow this or that wholesale. I would like you to decide whether you have a negative mind or a positive mind. If you have a positive mind then follow the positive approach; if you have a negative mind then follow the negative approach. And there are both types of people here. That's why Hinduism cannot be a world religion, Buddhism cannot be a world religion. Up till now there exists no religion which can be a world religion, because every religion chooses one approach. Whatsoever I am saying can be a world-comprehensive thing, because I don't choose any approach. All approaches lead to the same goal. The goal is important, and the disciple who is to travel is important -- the path is irrelevant. And both types exist. Remember, there are males and females, and their number on the earth remains almost equal. This is a miracle: biologists cannot explain how it happens that man and woman remain in equal numbers on the earth. And if sometimes the balance is lost, immediately the balance is regained. For example, in a war the balance is lost because more men are killed than women. Immediately after the war more boys are born than girls. How this happens has been a mystery for biology -- but the number of men and women remain equal. The mystery is because of the polarity: man is one pole of life and woman is the other pole of life. If a man is born, immediately a woman is born, because the other pole has to be there; without the other pole this magnet cannot exist. So whenever there are wars and more men are killed, immediately more men will be born. Ordinarily also, more boys are born than girls. The proportion is this: one hundred and fifteen boys are born to one hundred girls, because boys are weaker than girls, and by the time they are sexually mature fifteen boys will have died. So by the age of sexual maturity the number will be equal -- fifteen boys will have died. Girls don't die so easily, they are stronger. And it is a fallacy created by men, male chauvinists, that man is the stronger sex. This is a fallacy, woman is the stronger sex. In every way she is stronger. She is ill less than man, she goes mad less than man, she lives longer than man. The average life-expectancy of women all over the world, in every country, is five years more than men. If men live to be seventy-five, women are going to live to be eighty. And they die less in childhood -- fifteen percent less. They are the stronger sex. And this is how it should be, because they have to do the greatest creativity of this life -- give birth. It is such a long suffering, a tapascharya, a sadhana, to give birth. Just think, if man had to give birth the world would have disappeared. Just think, for nine months carrying a baby in your stomach. It is impossible to conceive of man doing that and then bringing up the child. No man would be ready for it. He is weak. Wherever the balance is lost it is immediately regained. Why? -- because man and woman are a polarity. There is a myth in India, a Jaina myth, which you may not have heard, and I think it is very probable that sometime it may have been true. In Jaina Puranas, in Jaina mythology, it is said that in the beginning only twins were born, never a single child: twins, one boy and one girl. And they were to be married -- brother and sister, twins. In the beginning, millions of years ago in the past, only twins were born, a boy and a girl. They were the natural wife and husband, and the world was very peaceful. It must have been, because if you could get a natural wife and a natural husband, life would be totally different -- because it is always the wrong person that you choose. It is so difficult to choose a right wife and a right husband -- almost impossible! How can you choose? Just think of another thing: if you had had to choose the right father and the right mother it would have been impossible. Where to choose and how to choose? And whosoever you had chosen, you would have felt frustrated in the end. But nature chooses for you, so the mother and father are always almost okay; you cannot do anything about it. The Jaina myth says that wife and husband were born as twins. They were naturally related; they had a harmony, the deep harmony of twins. There was never a conflict between them; they behaved as two bodies and one soul. Jainas say that those were the peaceful days in the world. When that harmony was disturbed everything was disturbed. That's possible, and I think it can become again possible. Science may be helpful in the coming century to create this possibility again -- then the pole is born with you. But whether the pole is born with you or not, the pole is born simultaneously somewhere: a boy is born, a girl is born somewhere; a girl is born, a boy is born somewhere. The same polarity exists between the positive mind and the negative. Whenever there is a positive mind, just by the side of it there is a negative mind. That number is always equal. So in the world, half are always Hindus and half Buddhists -- or you can name it in another way, but half are positive persons and half are negative persons. I don't choose anything. If someone comes to me and says, "Which is right, man or woman?" I will say both are right, because neither can exist separately -- their harmony is right. So if you ask me, "Which is right, positive or negative?" I say both are right, because neither can exist without the other -- their harmony is right. That's why my statements seem so contradictory, because sometimes I am talking with a positive person; then I have to make totally different statements. Sometimes I am talking to a disciple who is negative; then I have to make absolutely contradictory statements. And when they both meet, they will be confused. So remember, whenever I say something to you, I have said it to you. Don't listen to anybody else; this is personal. Whenever I have said something to you, I have said it to you, and if somebody says that I have said something contradictory to him, don't listen. I may have said it... because to me approaches are not important, persons are important. I do not have a fixed approach. When a different type of person comes to me, I immediately change my approach. I always adjust to the person, I never try the reverse -- I never try to adjust the person to an approach. To me that looks absurd. I don't make readymade clothes for you and then say, "Cut your legs a little because the dress...." I always cut the dress immediately if I feel it doesn't suit you. The dress is wrong, you are never wrong. Then there are bound to be many contradictions -- but I contain contradictions. To me they only appear contradictory; they are joined together just like man and woman, positive and negative, day and night, life and death. Both approaches are mine. That's why I go on talking about Buddha with as much love as I go on talking about Patanjali or Lao Tzu or Jesus or Mahavira or Mohammed. I contain all. Remember that -- that will help you to be less confused.
Next: Chapter 6, With the Grace of the Sages
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi
Chapter 5
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi