2005 AND 2006 |
One friend has said that he is a devotee of Sai Baba, and therefore he is reluctant to call anyone else Beloved Master, but he wants my help, guidance. He says: Question 1 I FEEL I HAVE SURRENDERED TO SAI BABA, BUT STILL I FEEL THE NECESSITY OF WORKING WITH ANOTHER TEACHER OR GURU. IS THIS POSSIBLE? The first thing is to remember that the master really does not work. He is there, his presence works, but the presence can work only if you have trust. If you don't have trust, nothing can be done. So really, if you feel you have surrendered to Sai Baba, what is the need to come to me? If the surrender has really happened, then asking for another master is futile. I doubt your surrender, your trust, because when trust has happened nothing more is needed. And if something more is needed, trust has not happened; you are still in search. If you cannot trust me, it is impossible to work. Not that I have any conditions, my door is open unconditionally, but it will remain closed to you because you can see it as open only when you have trust. It is good if you feel an intimate closeness with Sai Baba, or anyone else. It is good. But then don't wander here and there, then don't go to anybody else, because this is impossible. Your trust remains with Sai Baba, then no one else can do anything; it is impossible. But you are not certain. You may be believing that surrender has happened. It has not happened, because then to ask for help from somebody else is just absurd. And if you ask for help, surrender will be needed. The reason is: I cannot do anything positively. I am available. If you trust me then the contact is made. It is just like this: light is there, but if you are sitting with closed eyes, the light cannot do anything in order for your eyes to open. Not that the light has any conditions for you. It is available, it is already there, it is already giving itself to you, but your eyes are closed. And if you say, "In this room I cannot open my eyes, because I have surrendered my eyes to some other room, to some other light," then here you will have to remain in darkness. Not that light is not available, but you are not receptive. If you have come here, that shows that you may believe you trust in Sai Baba but you don't trust. You think you have surrendered, but your thinking is wrong, illusory. If you have surrendered then move to Sai Baba, open yourself to him so that he can work; then don't go seeking here and there. I am ready to help, but for that you will have to be receptive. I cannot be aggressive to you, nobody can be. The very work is impossible with such aggression. If you trust me, something becomes possible. Then without any aggression the work starts. If you don't trust, then I can only be violent to you, forcibly I have to open your eyes. That cannot be done. You cannot be forced into nirvana, you can only flow into it. If you don't trust my river, how can you flow with me? Then deep down you will be struggling; then you will be wasting your time, my time, and it is useless. So be clear about it. It may not only be the case with one man, it may be with many of you. Your heart belongs somewhere else? -- then go there. Be wherever your heart is. If your heart is with me, only then is something possible; otherwise don't waste your time and energy. This has to be understood clearly. Your trust means that you are open. Your trust means that now you are ready to go into the unknown, into the uncharted. How can you move with me if you don't trust me? And what you call me is insignificant to me, but not to you. Whether you call me Beloved Master or not, it is the same to me, but not the same to you, because your feeling will decide many things. If you cannot call anybody Beloved Master other than Sai Baba, then go to him, because then he is your temple, and only in his presence will you be transformed. And nothing is wrong in it. But you have come here. That shows that the touch has not happened; you have not moved in deep, close intimacy. The relationship has not happened, the love has not happened. You can go on deceiving yourself. That will not be of much help. So be clear, analyze your own mind. If your heart is here, then there are possibilities. If your heart is not here, then go wherever your heart leads you. I know you will have to come back, because you have been with Sai Baba, as you have said in this letter, and nothing has happened there. You are here, and I know that now you will move to some other teacher, and there you will say you have been with me and nothing has happened. And you are not here with me! Just physically being here doesn't mean anything. I know this must have been the case with Sai Baba also. You may have been there physically, as you are here, but it is not a question of physical presence, it is a question of inner opening. Then you may be on another planet and I can work. You are not needed to be here; space doesn't mean anything, nor does time mean anything. You may be on another planet, you may be in another time, but if you are receptive you are here close to me. You may be just here, existing this very moment, but if your heart is not here then there is no possibility of any bridge. There are many who go on wandering from one master to another. The total result may be simply confusion, because each master works in his own way, he has his own methods, and you go on accumulating information. That information is bound to be contradictory. Then you will get confused, you may even go insane. It is better to stick to one master and give your heart totally to him. If then nothing happens, move. But be finished with that master, don't be in an incomplete relationship. Be finished. Either you are transformed, or you come to know that this master is not for you. Then the relationship has broken, there is no incompletion. Then you can move to another master with your total heart. Now you are here and you are thinking of Sai Baba. This division will become a hindrance. First go back to Sai Baba, be finished with him. Either you are transformed, then there is no need to find anyone; or Sai Baba is not your master, it is proved. Then come to me. And the same applies to my own disciples. If you are here with me, be finished with me. Be totally with me, so that either the mutation happens and then there is no need to find anyone or to go anywhere, or you come to realize, "This man is not for me." Then you can leave me totally, then you can move, then somewhere else.... But being here with me halfheartedly and then moving to someone else halfheartedly will not do. Rather, it may be dangerous. You may become so split, so divided, with so many voices in you, that you may become a crowd. This has already happened to many. They know too much and they have drunk from so many sources that now they cannot decide where they stand, who they are. And they go on adding more confusion. Patience is needed. If you are totally devoted to one master the thing is bound to happen. And I would say that even if the master is not true, the thing can happen if you are totally devoted. Even if the master is false the happening is possible if you are totally devoted -- because the happening doesn't happen through the master, it happens through total devotion. So even a dead master, or a master who has never been, just the name, will do. The real alchemy, the science of mutation, is within you. The master is at the most just a catalytic agent, nothing more. Go back to your own master and be with him. And don't try to judge him; you have got no way to judge anybody. All that you can do is give your total heart to him. And what have you got to lose? So why be so afraid? You have got nothing to lose, so why be so untrusting? Give yourself totally. Just this giving totally becomes the base of your transformation. Many times it has happened that a disciple was transformed through a master who was not a master at all. And many times the contrary has also happened: the master was true but the disciple was not transformed. The ultimate thing depends on you, not on me. You are the deciding factor. So wherever you go, make it a law: go with your total heart. Otherwise you will move with empty hands everywhere. And the more you move, the more you go to this master and that, the more there will be confusion, suffering, and finally you may decide that there exists no one who can transform you. Or, you may come to conclude that there is nothing like transformation, this is all hocus-pocus. And the reason will only be this -- that you were never anywhere with your total heart.
Next: Chapter 3, With your total heart: Second Question
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi
Chapter 3
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi