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Question 1 BELOVED OSHO, I FEEL LOST IN YOU WITHOUT REASON OR DIRECTION. QUESTIONS AND DESIRES FALL IN CONFUSION BEFORE YOU. OVERPOWERED BY SENSELESS FAITH AND LOVE, LISTLESSLY I WAIT, FEELING LIKE A FOOL. ARE THERE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BLIND FAITH, LOVE AND SURRENDER? There is a state when you certainly feel like a fool, but this is the beginning of wisdom. Only fools think they are wise, and those who are wise become wise when they start thinking that they are fools. The moment you can feel that you are a fool wisdom has dawned upon you. Now you will change, now there will be transformation, now the possibilities open infinitely... because this is part of the foolish mind -- not to realize the foolishness. And this is the beginning of a wise mind -- to realize one's ignorance, foolishness. So this is good news that you realize that you are a fool, this is something worth attaining. The ego cannot exist now. The ego always exists with knowledgeability, one goes on feeling one knows without knowing. It is reported that the oracle of Delphi declared Socrates the wisest man on the earth. So a few people, disciples of Socrates, came to him and said, "Socrates, be happy. The oracle has declared that you are the wisest man on the earth." Socrates laughed and said, "Go back. There must have been some mistake. How can I be the wisest man? -- because I know only one thing, that I don't know anything, I am ignorant. So there has been some mistake. You go back and tell the oracle." They went back to the oracle and said, "Socrates himself has denied it, so there must be something erroneous. He says he is not wise, he says he realizes only one thing -- that he is absolutely ignorant, he knows nothing. He claims only this much knowledge, that he knows nothing." The oracle said, "That's why I have declared that he is the wisest man, that is the reason -- because only the wisest can say that he does not know anything." Fools always claim knowledge. Only then, only there through their claim, can they hide their stupidity. So be happy if you feel that you are a fool and you can see your foolishness. The one who can see his foolishness has become separate from it; now foolishness exists apart. It is there but you are separate; you can witness it, you are not identified with it now. Consciously alert, everybody will see that he is a fool. Secondly, there is no difference between blind faith, love and surrender -- because all differences belong to the intellect, all distinctions belong to the intellect. The heart knows no distinctions. Whether you call it blind faith or you call it surrender or you call it love depends on your intellect. The heart doesn't know any distinction, the heart knows only the feelings -- the feeling is the same. When do you call a faith blind? When? When the intellect says that this faith is wrong then the intellect calls it blind. When the intellect feels that some faith is justified by reason, then the intellect says that this faith is right. But does faith need any justification from reason? Is reason in any way the authority to know what is right and what is wrong in the world of feeling? Always rationalists have said that the believers are blind -- always. But have you known any believer who was not blind? People who were following Jesus were blind -- everybody condemned them. Those who were following Buddha were blind, rationalists condemned them. Rationalists have always been saying that faith is blind. This is just a trick of logic to say that that faith is right which is not blind -- but there is no such faith. The very word faith means that where there are no grounds to believe, you believe. If there are grounds then there is no need for faith. For example, you don't believe that the earth exists. Is it not a fact? There is no need for faith. The earth exists: this is a fact, justified, rational; faith is not needed. Faith comes only when the reason cannot justify but the heart feels it. And reason is not the totality, reason is not the total life and existence. There are things which go beyond reason, which reason cannot comprehend but which the heart feels. There are only two ways: either you deny the heart or you deny reason. When reason and heart are in conflict, these are the two alternatives: either you follow reason and say to the heart that it is blind, and unless something is justified, proved, you are not going to believe.... But do you know, whenever something is rationalized, proved, there is no need to believe. Marx, the founder of communism, used to say, "I will not believe in God unless God is proved in a scientific laboratory." But he knew it well, so he added, "Don't try to prove God in a scientific way, because once you prove God in a scientific way, in a scientific laboratory, there will be no need to believe." Do you believe in chemistry or physics? There is no need. Only the unproved needs faith; the heart feels that it is there but reason cannot prove it. I have loved very few sentences in my life -- very few, rare, they can be counted on one's fingers. One of these few sentences is one from Tertullian, one Christian mystic. He said, "I believe in God because God is absurd, because God cannot be believed, is impossible to prove. That's why I believe." ... Because if it is possible to prove there is no need to believe, then there are facts. The heart can feel and lead you. The reason will say heart is blind because reason thinks that only he has eyes, but the heart has its own eyes. When you love a person, love is always blind. Have you seen any love with eyes? A person who goes on following reason will never be in love. It happened to Immanuel Kant, one of the greatest German thinkers. He was a complete rationalist. One woman loved Immanuel Kant and proposed marriage to him. He said, "Wait, because first I will have to think pro and con -- whether marriage can lead to happiness or not. And unless I decide rationally I cannot take any step." So he thought and thought and brooded and contemplated, and he wrote at least one thousand pages for and against. And then he concluded that both the sides seemed to be almost equal, and a decision was difficult. So he went to find the woman to tell her that a decision was difficult and she would have to wait a little longer, but when he went there he found that she was already married and the mother of three children. Immanuel Kant remained unmarried; such a man cannot be in love. And this is the rationalist mind, one of the keenest minds -- logical, logical to the very extreme -- but if you start deciding with the mind, love cannot happen. To reason, love is blind and for the heart, reason is foolish. For the heart reason is foolish, stupid; it may be useful as far as the market is concerned, but is not useful as far as life is concerned. So those who live in reason live in the market and all that transcends the market, is greater than the market, is beyond them. They never realize it, they never have a glimpse; that rainbow never arises in their lives, it goes beyond. They live in the mundane, the trivial. No poetry ever happens to them, no singing ever descends in their hearts, no dance is possible for them -- ecstasy is not for them. So it doesn't matter what you call it -- blind faith, love or surrender -- call it whatsoever you like. Remember only one thing: it should arise from your feeling, and it cannot arise from your mind. And don't force your mind to be the leader, don't force reason to be the leader, because through mind you may become more powerful but you will be less happy. Through mind you may attain much wealth but you will remain poor within. Through mind you may rule thousands of people but you will not be a master like Buddha or Jesus -- inside you will remain a slave. This has to be chosen: if you want more power, more money, more prestige, follow reason; if you want more happiness, more bliss, more silence, more peace, more God, more ecstasy, then don't listen to reason, follow the heart. They are two different dimensions and don't try to confuse them. Decide well, and then follow one path. Can you be satisfied just by reason? Can only logic make you happy? Logic is simply dead, dry; one cannot live by logic alone. As Jesus says one cannot live by bread alone, I say one cannot live by logic alone. But you can try, and in that effort you will lose all that is life, all that is of worth, and all that can be felt as a blessing and beatitude. "Overpowered by senseless faith and love, listlessly I wait." Nothing else can be done but there is no need to wait listlessly -- you can wait ecstatically. This listlessness will come because reason goes on interfering. Reason goes on saying, "What foolishness are you doing? What are you doing here? Why are you waiting and wasting time?" That reason creates the listlessness, otherwise waiting can become a joy. The most joyous thing possible is waiting -- hope throbbing, heart beating for the unknown, and you wait in silence with infinite patience. If you can wait with joy there will not be much need to wait for long, if you cannot wait with joy you may have to wait for many lives -- because the divine can happen to you only when your waiting is ecstatic, filled with joy. Just look at a woman waiting for her lover: she has faith, she has ecstasy -- the eyes and the infinite patience and the happiness. Wait like a lover, only then is your waiting meaningful. Don't wait listlessly, because if you are so listless your lover may come but will not find you worthy to be with. Only your joy can become the invitation. Wait blissfully, ecstatically, and then I say to you that you will not need more waiting. There will be no need, it can happen this very moment. If your joy is total this very moment there is no need to wait. The divine will descend in you -- you have fulfilled the condition. And this I call the condition: waiting with infinite patience, but ecstatically. This is the condition. Fulfill this and a single moment will not be lost. It is said in old Egyptian books that whenever the disciple is ready the master appears. Whenever, wherever the disciple is ready the master appears. There is no need for the disciple to seek the master, it is always the master who seeks the disciple. Even if you go to the master, it is always the master who seeks you, who finds you. The same is true for the divine happening: whenever you are ready it happens -- God seeks you. He has always been seeking you. He has been following you, he has been waiting for you. Whenever you are ready the seed will sprout, the bud will become the flower. But getting ready means waiting -- waiting is the only prayer you can do. But if you don't believe you cannot wait. Only faith can wait. Reason always insists on things happening immediately. Heart can wait, there is no urgency for the heart. Try to understand this: time exists only for reason. For the heart there is no time, heart exists in timelessness. Only for reason is there time. So mind goes on insisting on haste, hurry, urgency, and mind is always tense. Time is going, flowing, life is becoming less and less every moment. Things should happen instantly -- that is the insistence of reason. But the heart knows no time, there are no clocks for the heart. Heart exists timelessly, that's why the heart can wait -- the heart can wait infinitely. If you love, if you have faith, if you trust, then there is no hurry, and then there is no need to wait listlessly. Why not dance while waiting? Why waste this time in listlessness? Why not dance? It will be better when your lover comes if your lover finds you dancing. It will be a good meeting, it will be the right moment.
Next: Chapter 15, God Seeks You: Second Question
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi
Chapter 15
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Vedanta Vedanta: Seven steps to Samadhi