Chapter 14: Forget The Dancer And Be The Dance
Question 3
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Sufism The secret
The third question:
Question 3
Krishna Prem, India is a very poor country. It has nothing else to claim except its so-called spirituality. That's its only ego. And each country needs a certain ego; otherwise the country need not exist. Each nation exists as an ego, and the ego needs some supports.
That's why I am against all kinds of nationalism, because its root is ego. It divides people, it makes people fight each other. It creates antagonism, enmity. I am against all nationalism, against all nations.
I would like to see one world where all these egos, the Indian and the Japanese and the German and the English and the French, have disappeared, because these are illnesses. The ego is like cancer, but even cancer needs something to feed upon; it cannot live on nothing. The ego needs something to nourish it.
The West can claim science, scientific knowledge, technology, great, beautiful Cities, good roads, aeroplanes, man's reaching to the moon, and a thousand and one things. The West has many things to support its ego, India has nothing. It can only claim spirituality. And that's its fear: that spirituality is also bogus.
It is very much afraid. If that spirituality is exposed as bogus, then it has nowhere to stand, no shelter; then it will fall flat on the ground. It respects, feels proud of, the people who go on claiming its spirituality and its spiritual greatness. It is proud of Vivekananda because he helps its ego to be strengthened. It is proud of Radhakrishnan. It is proud of Mahatma Gandhi. They all give support to its illusory idea of being spiritual.
How can it be proud of me? I am taking the last prop away from it. I am telling the world that this whole spirituality that India claims is bogus.
Yes, there have been a few spiritual people in India, as there have been everywhere. There is nothing to claim, nothing special to claim about it. Yes, Buddha has been here and Mahavira has been here and Krishna has been here. But so what? Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu have been in China; and Zarathustra and Moses and Ezekiel and John the Baptist and Jesus and Mohammed and Saint Francis.... You can go on counting hundreds of names from all over the world. It is nothing special to India.
This land is in no way more spiritual than any other land, but then it hurts. Then there is nothing left to claim, and the Indian ego feels hurt.
They are angry with me because I am telling them, "Whatsoever you are claiming is just holy cow dung. You are not spiritual. In fact, you are only hypocrites -- the greatest hypocrites in the world."
I have walked all over the country, from one corner to the other corner. I have watched the whole country very minutely. It is utterly materialistic, but it hides its materialism in a spiritual garb; and because of this spiritual claim, it cannot fulfill its materialist needs. And deep down it hankers for materialism, and on the surface it goes on pretending. India has that haughty look of holier-than-thou. It goes on believing that it has the claim to being the spiritual master of the whole world. It is all nonsense.
Spiritual people have been everywhere, spiritual people will go on happening everywhere. No society is spiritual yet; only individuals are. No nation is spiritual yet.
That's why, Krishna Prem, it cannot be proud of me.
Only one Western woman, Nivedita, had come with Vivekananda, and India was very proud. Now, thousands of women and men have come to me, but India cannot be proud of it. Why? I am not in any way supporting its chauvinistic claims.
I am for one world. I am not an Indian and I am not a German and I am not a Chinese. I claim the whole world as mine, and I would like nations to disappear.
And if India really feels it has some claim to being spiritual, then let India disappear first. That will be proof. Let India disappear as a nation; let it become an international land. That will be proof, concrete proof. But people go on talking about non-violence in India, and go on preparing for war. They go on talking about brotherhood and the unity of all religions, and just go on doing the opposite of it.
Because I am exposing things as they are, because I am functioning like an x-ray, they are angry. Nobody likes the x-ray, because it reveals your bones, your skeleton, your skull; and you have been thinking yourself so beautiful and all that comes out is just a skeleton? So this is you? You become angry, you become annoyed. Their annoyance with me is understandable. I perfectly understand it.
India has lived for a thousand years under slavery. It has become very, very afraid of becoming a slave again. It knows that it has the capacity to become a slave at any moment. One thousand years of slavery is enough to prove to the country that somehow we are missing in some qualities. A great inferiority complex has arisen out of these one thousand years. And whenever a country or a man or a race suffers from an inferiority complex, it starts pretending to be superior. The superiority complex is a way to avoid one's inferiority complex; that is a camouflage.
That's what India is doing now. It wants to pretend, claim, prove to the world that we are spiritually very superior. It is afraid. It has nothing to claim. It is afraid, very much fearful inside, and out of that fear it has to create a very bold face on the outside. Deep down there is a trembling that every day the country is going more and more into darkness, more and more into poverty and starvation. The future is bleak; there seems to be no future.
Now, how to avoid seeing this danger that is coming closer every moment? The only way is to look at the past: don't look at the future, turn your back towards the future; look at the past. Talk of the golden days -- ramrajya -- when there were rivers of milk and butter and honey in the country -- rivers -- and the whole country was a golden bird. Delight in that fantasy! -- which has no relevance to history, which has no truth in it. Yes, a few people have always been rich, but the major part of the country has always been poor.
But you can create your own past; nobody can prevent you. You can glory in your past; you can magnify it as big as you want. India delights in magnifying its past, in making it bigger and bigger, more and more golden -- just to avoid the future that is coming every moment. And any moment it will grip the whole country.
It happens almost always: when a person is dying, he starts thinking of the old beautiful days of childhood just to avoid the death that is approaching. It is said that if somebody is drowning, he starts seeing his whole life revealed like a film. What really happens? He is dying; he is in pain, great anguish. He needs some consolation, he wants to forget about it all. Where to go? Except for the past, there is no other way. So India continuously goes into the past. When a nation is young it thinks of the future. When a nation is old and rotten it thinks of the past.
And I go on continuously saying that the past that the Indians think they had, they never had. They only believe in it, it is their fantasy; they paint it. They go on saying that in the old ancient days the people were so good that there was no need to lock your houses. There was no stealing, no thieves, no robbers. This is all nonsense.
Then to whom was Buddha saying "Don't steal"? Then to whom was he teaching? To us? Twenty-five centuries before, he was talking to us? For forty-two years continuously, day in, day out, he was moving in the country and telling people, "Don't steal. That is a great sin; you will suffer in hell. Don't lie, otherwise you will suffer in hell. Don't be violent. Don't be jealous. Don't murder. Don't hurt. Don't commit suicide." To whom was he talking?
And it is not only that Buddha was saying that. You can go as far back as possible; even in the Vedas the same teaching is available.
When some teaching is there it means it had some relevance. Just as people are now, they were then. Buddha was not a madman, Mahavira was not a madman. If people were already non-violent, peaceful, loving, to whom were they talking about non-violence, who were they teaching? And it was not just once in a while. Their whole life they were doing only one thing: teaching people non-violence. People must have been utterly violent.
The moral teaching has not changed; it is the same as it was before. That simply means people are the same as they were before. People were as possessive, as desirous of things, as they are now. Certainly, they desired different things because those things were available to them. They could not have desired an aeroplane, that is true, but they all desired beautiful golden chariots, they desired beautiful palaces. It is the same. The object of the desire does not make any difference.
As far as I see, the ordinary man has always been the same. And as far as those few people who became enlightened are concerned, they have also always been the same. Buddha happening twenty-five centuries before or today; it is the same. And the unenlightened person of five thousand years before and of today is the same; there is no difference at all. There are only two kinds of people: the enlightened and the unenlightened. The unenlightened has persisted in his own way. The enlightened persons have always been the same wherever they have existed; their taste is the same.
But India is afraid of the future -- which is coming with great speed. The population is growing every day. Each day brings more and more misery and more and more starvation, more and more people to be fed, clothed, sheltered. And people who are already here are starving. The future seems to be absolutely dark.
Now what to do in such a situation? The easiest, although foolish, way -- but the easiest -- is to glorify the past, to keep yourself intoxicated with the past. Hence they are angry at me because I destroy their fantasies. I say if the future is coming and it is bleak, then it is better to see it. The sooner you do, the better, because something can still be done. And I don't think that nothing is possible, but this ostrich-type mind which avoids seeing it will not be able to do a thing.
I want that our eyes should be focused on the future. Forget the past; it is gone and gone forever and there is no point wasting time with it. Stop reading your scriptures parrot-like. Don't go on continuously repeating the old, because it is not going to help in the future. For the future, you will need a new mind because the crisis that is coming on is so new, you will need a totally different approach.
Nobody wants to see it, and I would force people to see it, because the sooner it is looked into, the better. Something can still be done. I don't think that it is impossible; I am not a pessimist. The situation is bad, but I am an optimist. I have hope that something can be done.
And maybe these are the moments when countries change, when people change: when a crisis comes over, the very challenge can become a breakthrough. This opportunity has to be used.
But to face the future and not to be destroyed by it needs courage, needs intelligence, needs new orientations of the mind. That's what I am trying to do. The Indian mind has to reorient itself.
For example, it should stop talking about distributing the wealth. There is no wealth to distribute. It should start creating wealth. How to create wealth? Open the doors of the country to all countries, to international sources of wealth, so they can start pouring in. For thirty years this country has been doing just the opposite: preventing foreign capital from coming into the country -- afraid. Invite foreign capital, make every guarantee that their capital will be safe. And the whole world is interested because much capital is lying around the world uselessly. That capital needs to be used. But in the West, in fact, now there is no scope for spreading.
India can become a really flowering country if the wealth pours in from all the sources. But it is very afraid. It is afraid of America; if American wealth comes in, it is afraid that we may be overpowered by it. There is no need to be afraid. America is not interested in overpowering any country politically. America's whole interest is how to create more wealth for itself. You can create wealth for yourself and for America too; both will be benefited.
But this country has been following a foreign policy of remaining neutral, which is wrong. You need friends. If you remain neutral you will not have any friends. This country needs all the friends possible. Neutrality creates suspicion in people. That means you are with nobody and nobody wants to be with you. This country has become isolated; these thirty years the country has remained like an isolated part of the world, closed.
Open your doors. Let the wind and the sun and the rain come in. Open your doors. Invite Western technology to help you to develop. Let the wealth pour in from every nook and corner, and make it certain that their wealth will be secure.
But it is very much afraid: and the fear is that if you take help from others that again exposes your inferiority, so you have to do everything on your own. And this country has never been technological, so it has no technological mind. But you have to do it on your own. Even if you mess up everything you have to do it on your own, so you can keep a face in the world that "We are doing it on our own," that "We don't need anybody's help." This is an egoistic attitude.
This whole world now has to be interdependent. All ideas of independence and dependence are out of date. Forget about them. The world is now one organic unity; it is already one organic unity. Your nations are just fading realities, overshadowing the present and the future unnecessarily, just dead bodies, stinking. They have to be burned and thrown away.
This world now is one, and the question of dependence, independence does not arise. It is an interdependent world. Let this word become very significant; it is going to become significant in the future. The world is interdependent. There are a few things we can fulfill for others, there are a few things others can fulfill for us, and there is no question of ego involved.
We know the technology of the inner. If the West wants to understand about meditation, we can help. We can make them astronauts of the inner. But Indians trying to reach the moon on their own; it will never be possible, it is impossible.
The only way for the Indians to reach the moon will be to stand on each other's shoulders and try!
Just as the West is ignorant of the inner world, the East is ignorant of the outer world. We can combine. A great friendship is needed. You can watch; it has happened already.
Japan is more affluent than it ever was. Just because of the Second World War, it came in contact with American technology. Now it is one of the richest countries of the world. In the East it is the richest. It has happened very illogically, because a country is destroyed in a war, and Japan was the first country in human history that was utterly devastated and destroyed. The atom bomb was tried on it. But out of that destruction Japan was born, a new Japan was born. America has helped it technologically.
And that has been the case in Germany too. The part that has come under American influence has become very rich, one of the richest countries in the world, and the part that has gone to the communist bloc remains as poor as ever.
I have heard, a Jew suggested in the Jewish parliament, "The only way for us to become rich is to declare war against America." Now, Israel declaring war against America -- the whole parliament laughed. "Have you gone mad?" they said. "How can we win?" The man said, "There is no need to win. If we are defeated, then American technology will be available just as it has been available to Japan and Germany. If we are defeated, we will become the richest country in the world. And by chance, by luck, if we are not defeated and we become the winners, then certainly we will be the richest country in the world. So we have nothing to lose either way. If we win, we win; if we are defeated, then too we are victorious."
India needs Western technology, and India needs to be aware that you cannot become rich on your own. You don't know how. For five thousand years you have become accustomed to poverty. You have taken it for granted; it has become your way of life. You have even started praising it. You think to be poor is somehow spiritual, to be ill is somehow spiritual.
It happens, when a country has remained poor for thousands of years, it starts claiming something special in its poverty. It happens to you individually too. If a man is poor and cannot get rich, he starts bragging, "I don't want to become rich 'the grapes are sour' -- who bothers to become rich? I am happy in my poverty; poverty has something special in it. In fact, you are missing something; I am not missing." These are the rationalizations.
I would like to see India holding hands with the West in deep friendship, helping them towards the inner search, which is becoming more and more passionate every day in the West, which always becomes so whenever a country becomes affluent.
Now the West wants to know "Who am I?" We have all the technology for it. For five thousand years we have done only that and nothing else. We can release a new energy, a new impetus and momentum, to spiritual growth; just as the West can release a great energy to the East for materialistic growth.
But for that you will have to drop your stupid anti-materialistic attitudes. You will have to come down to the earth. You will have to become earthy, sensuous, intelligent.
I teach a sensuous religion. That's why Indians are against me. I teach an earthy religion, rooted in the earth. Yes, raise your branches into the sky, let your flowers bloom into the clouds, but get your roots deep into the earth; otherwise there will be no flowering. A real religion cannot be only af the sky, and it cannot be only of the earth. A real religion is always a meeting of the earth and the sky.
I am a meeting of the earth and the sky, and that is the problem. They cannot be proud of me; they think I am a Charvaka, a materialist like Epicurus, that my philosophy is of "Eat, drink, and be merry." Yes, that too is part of my philosophy, but just a part. I am not against eating, drinking, and merrying. Eat, drink, and be merry -- but that's not all. When you have eaten enough, and drunk enough, and you have "merried" enough, then something higher is waiting. And only then is something higher possible. When the earthly part in you is satisfied, contented, then the sky claims you, then the unknown. claims you, then begins the real pilgrimage of the soul.
I am earthy. I teach a sensuous religion, a religion which is not against the body, which is not against matter, which is not against the world. My religion is big enough -- it contains all. It is inclusive, it includes all. It does not exclude anything. It is as inclusive as God himself.
God includes all, certainly. The earth must be in God, otherwise how can the earth exist? And God must be in the earth, otherwise how can the earth remain alive?
I am teaching a new religion because, in the old days, India became hung up too much in the sky, with the clouds; it forgot how to grow roots in the earth. It becomes angry, it is annoyed, it cannot be proud of me. I appear to be an enemy who is going to destroy its great tradition, as if I am against its spirituality. I am not, but the spirituality is possible only if it is based, founded, in a scientific materialism.
And you ask, Krishna Prem, why it is so "image-shy", It is so image-shy because it knows its hypocrisies. Only a hypocrite is image-shy. The true person never is. The true person can stand naked under the sun, he is available, he has nothing to fear. He is as he is; he has never pretended otherwise. But a person who pretends is always afraid because his image is false. He is afraid: if somebody looks deeper, comes closer, then the image will be gone, then the reality will be found; and the reality is just the contrary.
Only the hypocrite is afraid of being found out. India is very much afraid -- afraid that its image can be shattered very easily. It is a very poor, impotent image that can be shattered so easily. It seems it has no soul, no vitality in it. When you are true you are ready and available. You need not be worried. You are rooted in your being; you trust yourself. India does not trust itself; that's why it is afraid.
Just think -- I am only one of my type. India has thousands of "mahatmas". They are afraid I will destroy their in age, and what are your thousands and thousands of mahatmas doing? They are creating your image. Thousands of mahatmas are creating, and only one madman is destroying it; why are you afraid? How can I destroy it?
But they know that even those thousands creating the image can be defeated by a single person because their image is just a dream. It is not true, it is not real. They are too apprehensive. If the world comes to know the reality of the Indian mind, then what will happen to their bragging, that they have been doing down the ages, that "We are the most spiritual people of the world"?
Why should you be afraid? Why should one single man like me be feared? But the reason is clear: when truth is there it can destroy the lies. Even if the lies are repeated by millions of people, a single truth is enough to shatter those lies. Otherwise give me freedom as you have given freedom to your other mahatmas. Let me do my experiment, you go on doing your experiment, and whosoever is true is going to win. Why be so afraid? If I am untrue, my untruth will undo me. If you are true, you will win.
The Indian government has its motto: Satyamew Jayate -- Truth Is Always Victorious. Then why be afraid? Truth will be victorious.
Just the other day, Neervana received a letter from the Indian embassy in America. He had applied for a visa. The letter has refused the visa, and the reason given is that "If you had asked for the visa to visit and stay in some institution other than the Rajneesh Ashram, you would have got it, but we cannot give it to you for this. You have asked to stay in a wrong kind of institution. "
Satyamew Jayate -- Truth Is Always Victorious.
Why are you so afraid? Let people come and see. It is better that they come and see the untruth of my being, and then they will not come to me at all.
And you have thousands of other institutions which are supported by the government, which are supported by the masses. I am not supported by anybody. Neither do the masses support me nor does the government. I am not supported by anybody; I exist on my own. My people exist on their own. We don't live on anybody's charity.
Why be afraid of us? But the reason is there: even a small ray of truth is enough to destroy the whole ocean of darkness.
Next: Chapter 14: Forget The Dancer And Be The Dance, Question 4
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Sufism The secret