Chapter 12: The More Mysterious It Becomes
Question 3
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Sufism The secret
The third question:
Question 3
Raviraj, the poverty is there because this country has behaved in a very foolish way. Nobody else is responsible for it. You are responsible for it. But you have behaved foolishly for so many centuries that not only do you continue to behave in the same way, you are even proud of it.
This country decided to live a lopsided life. This country decided to be anti-life, anti-body. Now, if you are anti-life and anti-body, you cannot live richly; you are bound to remain poor. Unless you love life, how can you create richness? If you don't love life, how will you love lotuses and the rakes and the gardens and beautiful houses? If you don't love your body, why should you bother about the body? Let it go to the dogs. And that's what has happened.
In fact, for five thousand years, your so-called religious people have been teaching you the beauty of poverty, the spirituality of poverty. You have been praising poverty as the highest goal. Now you have attained it, the whole country has become "spiritual", so who is at fault?
Just think. Why do you praise Buddha? Because he renounced the kingdom. Why do you praise Mahavira? Because he renounced the kingdom.
People go on writing letters to me that "If you are a Buddha, why don't you renounce and become a beggar?" They are against me. Morarji Desai said that I cannot be compared to Mahavira. Why? Because he renounced the kingdom. He became a beggar, a naked beggar on the streets, and I live in a palatial house, surrounded by beautiful gardens. How can I be compared to Mahavira?
Just watch the logic. If you praise Mahavira because he renounced the kingdom and the joys of life, then those who are beggars are really very fortunate. They have nothing to do: they are already spiritual! Buddha had to do something. Buddha must have committed some sins in his past life; that's why he became the king. And the beggar? He must have been living a very spiritual life all along down the ages for many lives. His beggary, his being poor, is the outcome of all the great deeds that he has done in the past.
If to be a beggar is to be spiritual, then certainly this whole country is spiritual.
Poverty has been praised, and if you praise poverty and if you worship poverty, how can you destroy it? How can you destroy something that you worship?
Your whole mind is the cause of your poverty. I am against your mind, I want to destroy your mind, because that is the only way to release your energies, to become rich.
Do you think America has anything special, better land than you, better climate than you? That is not true. You have one of the most beautiful lands in the world. You have all kinds of climates available to you. Your country is almost a miniature world. You have Switzerland in your Kashmir. You cannot find any country which is so rich, potentially so rich; but you are the poorest people in the world. It is a miracle how you have managed it!
It is your mind. You are carrying a very wrong attitude towards life. You are against life, and if you are against life, life cannot be for you. You have never befriended existence. You have always praised the "other" world. Naturally, if you praise the other world, you will not use this world.
You are just waiting. The Indian mahatmas go on sermonizing to their disciples and followers that "This life is like a waiting room at the station." Who bothers about the waiting room? Your train will be coming, and then you will be gone. So make it as dirty as you can! Who bothers? You are here only for a few minutes or a few hours, so do all the nasty things that you can! Make it unbearable for the others who will come; now that is their business.
If life is thought to be just a waiting room at a station, then you cannot make it beautiful. Then you will not make it clean.
The people who come from the West cannot believe how Indians are living, in dirt, dirtiness -- and completely oblivious of the fact, completely oblivious, because they have lived that way down the centuries. They know only this kind of life; they have known no other. There is no possibility of even comparing with anything, so they go on living this way. Just go into any Indian kitchen. It is not even as clean as Western toilets. In fact who bothers? And what to say about Indian toilets!
This whole body is dirty, rotten; this body is your enemy. Everybody is waiting for when to leave this body; when the train arrives they will leave. This body is just a waiting room. It is none of your business to keep it clean, beautiful, healthy, lovable, no. Love is a four-letter dirty word. People are somehow dragging.
And then, Raviraj, you ask me why this country is so poor. It is because of you all.
And you still persist in thinking that your mind is a great spiritual mind! You still persist in thinking that you have some message for the world.
What really went wrong is man has never been, hitherto, accepted in his totality. That has been the misery in the West; that has been the misery in the East. The West has chosen only the body part and has forgotten about the soul. The Western culture is the culture of the without, and the Eastern culture is the culture of the within. The East tries to live only as a soul, and the West tries to live only as a body.
The West is rich, affluent, and will become more and more affluent, richer and richer. It has worked hard to make the world beautiful. The West knows how to live, but because the soul has been neglected, there is great tension inside. The West is poor inside -- rich on the outside, poor on the inside. The East has tried to meditate, to pray, to search for the inner truth, and has neglected the outside. So the outer has become very poor; the inner has a richness.
But both are suffering because both are half. And the suffering means you are half -- unless the circle is complete, unless you fulfill both. Because you are neither soul alone nor body alone. You are both together; you are a togetherness. Man is body-soul, and both have to be contented, both have to be satisfied.
That real man is waiting to be born. That real man, the future man, will not be other-worldly, will not be this-worldly either. The future man will not be religious in the old Indian sense and will not be materialist in the Western sense. The new man will be total: religious, materialist both, and more. That's my vision of a new man.
But there are difficulties. The new man will offend everybody. The new man will offend the religious people who have always been against the body. The new man will offend the materialists who have always been against the soul. The new man is going to really be a great rebellion in the world.
My sannyasins are just the beginning of the new man. Hence you will be persecuted, you will be tortured. Nobody will agree with you; nobody will be able to understand you. In the East you will be a foreigner; in the West you will be a foreigner. To be with me means now you will be a foreigner everywhere.
Even I am a foreigner, in this country! My sannyasins are going to be foreigners everywhere because you can be at home only in a new world, where the duality between the body and the soul has been dropped. You are harbingers of a new concept of life, of total acceptance.
Raviraj, you ask me, "Why is there so much poverty in this country?" This country has longed for poverty, has desired poverty, has worshiped poverty.
But even if you worship poverty, desire poverty, your innermost longing remains to have a more beautiful life, more healthy, better surroundings. That is a natural inclination. So even after five thousand years of stupid antagonism towards life, still the desire to live beautifully has not disappeared. And the same is the case in the West. Even though for hundreds of years it has been taught that there is no soul, you cannot deny it just by teaching people that there is no soul, that the body is all and there is nothing else, that man has no psychology but only physiology. You can teach, and you can create trouble in people's minds, but the reality is the reality. Sooner or later the real will assert itself. It is asserting.
You can see it happening. People are coming from the West to the East to learn more about meditation, and from the East people are going to the West to learn more about technology, science. The Indian youth has only one desire and one fantasy: how to get into Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, how to have a degree from the West. If he can have a Western degree, his hope is fulfilled. And now people who have degrees from Harvard and Oxford and Cambridge have come to me -- by the thousands -- forgetting all about their degrees, just to sit here and to learn how to go inwards. They are suffering all kinds of things in India. They have lived in a better world, physically; they have lived in better houses, with better medical facilities, with better everything; and now they are here living in all kinds of difficulties. But still, the desire to meditate, to know something of the inner is so great that they are ready to sacrifice everything.
You can see it happening. The East is turning more and more towards communism, a materialistic attitude; and the West is turning more and more spiritualistic.
But the problem that I go on thinking about is that it may happen -- seeing the unfortunate steps of man up to now, it is possible -- looking at the unlucky state of man -- it is possible, it may happen: West may become East, East may become West, and the foolishness may continue. That is possible. We have to avoid that possibility; we have to be very alert so that it doesn't happen.
That's why I don't want my sannyasins to live like poor people, like beggars. I would like that they should live intelligently in both the worlds, inner and outer. They should live beautifully, poetically in both the worlds. They should live in synthesis.
But that creates trouble. That's why my sannyasins will not be accepted by the traditional Hindu mind: "What kind of sannyasins are these people? They live in good houses; they move in cars; they eat good food. What kind of sannyasins are these?"
You are not going to be accepted by the old mind. Don't feel hurt. That's natural.
We will have to create a new mind! Only then will you be accepted, not before it. We will have to create a new society! Only then will you be loved and respected, not before it. And it is a long, arduous journey.
But Indians have this idea in their mind as if somebody else is responsible for their poverty. That's why they go on asking such questions. This question is from an Indian. They think as if somebody else is responsible for their poverty.
Nobody else is responsible for your poverty.
They think because we were slaves, the country was not free for hundreds of years, that's why we are poor. The truth is vice versa: you became dependent, you lost your freedom, because of your nonsense mind. Because the people who had come to conquer you were in no way powerful, but you were lethargic. Your religions had taught you to be lethargic. You had become fatalistic. You had lost all joy of living. You had lost all will to live. You had become suicidal.
So, small tribes of Moguls, Turks, Mongols, Huns -- anybody -- came. They were less cultured, they were poorer than you, their armies were not better than your armies, but they had one thing -- will to live -- and that was missing in you. This is a big country. Small tribes came with a few people, and they conquered this country? How did it happen? You could not resist them? You had forgotten how to resist. You were ready to be reduced to anything because you had lost the will to live.
Your religious teachers were teaching you how to get rid of life, how to be free from life. The greatest goal in the Indian mind has been how to be free from life, how not to be born again. Now, just see it: if this becomes your innermost foundation, then you lose the will to live, then anybody can conquer you. And that's what happened. When the Europeans came, they conquered you.
Now, England is a small country. We even have districts which are bigger than England. England is a small country. And the whole of England had not come to conquer you! And still, such a continent like India became a slave? How did it happen? Something is wrong with you -- something is fundamentally wrong with you. You don't have the desire to live.
Now medical science has discovered it: if a person loses the desire to live, then no medicine can help. If he does not want to live, that very idea is enough to kill him. If he has the desire to live, then sometimes even if the disease is incurable it is cured. And sometimes even without medicine it is cured if the will to live is strong enough.
You also can experience such moments in your life. For example, one day you come home tired, utterly exhausted, you simply want to go to bed, to sleep. You don't have even an iota of energy to do anything. Your wife wants to talk, but you don't even have the energy to say yes or no to her; you simply want to go to sleep. Then suddenly your house catches fire. And from where do you get the energy then? All tiredness disappears. Suddenly you become young; from nowhere energy pours into you. You start fighting the fire. Maybe the whole night now there will be no rest, but not even for a single moment will you feel tired, not even for a single moment will the idea of sleep come to you. What has happened? The will that was dormant has become active.
This country is poor because it has lost the will to live. And who is responsible? Your moralists, your priests, your so-called religious leaders -- they are the cause of your misery because they go on supporting your rotten mind. Your mind needs a complete overhauling. It needs new visions. It needs new blood to circulate in it! It needs again an infusion of life, again an enthusiasm to live and to love and to be. It needs again to look at the world: this is God's world, his creation. You need again to celebrate life.
You have been against life; that has caused this situation. And now you go on shouting. And Indians have become very expert in shoutings -- slogans, shoutings -- as if the whole world is responsible for your poverty. Nobody is except you.
Stop shouting. Stop all your nonsense slogans. Start doing something. And if somebody tries to do something, you go against him.
Just a few days before, I had spoken and I had said that India needs a compulsory birth control plan -- compulsory birth control. Many letters immediately arrived. Compulsory birth control? That means our freedom. What about our freedom!
Then be poor and be free. Then choose. Then don't shout, "Why are we poor?"
Do you know? Just one hundred years before, if you had given birth to tWenty children, even two may not have survived. So it was okay to give birth to as many children as possible because if you gave birth to two dozen children, two may survive; that too was not certain, nobody could guarantee. It was perfectly okay to give birth to as many children as possible.
Indian women, for centuries, have remained constantly pregnant! Their whole life has been destroyed. Their whole life has been nothing but a factory producing children. Now think of a woman producing twenty children in her life -- her whole life is gone. She is constantly in pain, constantly heavy, constantly carrying a child, constantly ill -- cannot paint, cannot read, cannot create poetry, cannot play music, cannot dance, cannot have anything. Her whole work consists in going on giving birth to children.
But it was okay in the past because even two may not have survived. Now, all twenty are going to survive.
Letters have arrived to me that "Osho, you seem to be cruel. You say compulsory birth control?" I am not cruel. I am being compassionate. If you create twenty children, as you have become accustomed to, then there will be real cruelty. By the end of this century you will not have any place to stand alone. It will always be crowded, and everywhere. From where are you going to feed so many people? You are hungry already. Seventy-five per cent of Indians are starving already. By the end of the century, ninety-nine per cent of Indians will be starving. And when ninety-nine per cent of the people are starving, the one per cent who have enough to eat will not be allowed to eat. That is so simple. You will be killed, you will be looted; there will be murder and rape and violence and nothing else. That will be cruelty.
And you write letters to me that "Osho, you are cruel because you are saying compulsory birth control is needed."
And what was happening in the past? There was no birth control, but eighteen children were dying out of twenty. Do you think that was compassionate? And God was imposing war on you, great illnesses, calamities like earthquakes, fires, floods. Those were God's ways in the past to keep your population limited, so that it did not go beyond the possible means to feed people.
Compulsory birth control is very compassionate. If you want the world again to be a victim of floods and fires and earthquakes and great wars, then it is perfectly okay, go on producing.
Now this is what I call the rotten mind: not ready to change at all, would like to persist in its old ways, and then shouting.
And because of these long, long conditionings, you have started looking for false causes. For example, you think a few people are living in richness -- that's why you are poor? You are utterly wrong. You can distribute those few people's wealth; you will not become rich. It will be like a spoonful of sugar dropping in the ocean to make it sweet; that's all it will be. That will be utter nonsense. But this is how the Indian mind thinks: if everybody lives a poor life, the country will be rich.
Just a few people, a few people, not more than two per cent of the people, are living a better life. I will not call it luxurious. Nobody lives a luxurious life in India -- cannot live -- but better. You can distribute the things of the two per cent of the people, and the foolish people are trying to do that. They call it socialism, communism, et cetera. Distribute it; it can be distributed. That is not going to help at all. That may help your jealousy -- you may feel a little good that you have taken revenge -- but that is not going to change your situation at all. You don't have enough richness to distribute. All that you can do is you can distribute your poverty. You have only poverty.
That's why I am not for communism at all, because communism does not know how to produce wealth, it knows only how to distribute wealth. But before you can distribute, you need to produce! I am all for capitalism. Capitalism knows how to produce wealth. And once the wealth is there, ways and means can be found to distribute it. But the first thing is to produce it! And India is not concerned with producing wealth, it is concerned with distributing it; and you have nothing to distribute.
And because of this nonsense type of thinking, Indian leaders and politicians go on consoling you. Some politician reduces his pay; he says, "I will take only half," and all the Indians are happy and say, "Look -- this is a mahatma.'Mahatma' Morarji Desai." Just because he has reduced his pay to half, do you think India's problem is solved? What problem is solved?
And from the front door he reduces his wealth to half; from the back door his son Kanti Desai brings in millions of rupees. That's okay. Indians have become very much accustomed to living double lives. That's okay.
Or Morarji Desai starts flying in Air India's aeroplanes, not using the special plane for the prime minister, and all, the whole country, is agog with joy. So your poverty is solved. In fact, he creates more trouble. It would have been better and less costly to use the private plane because now many seats have to be reserved for him. Other passengers suffer. His security officers and guards and secretaries -- and unnecessary hassle is created for other people. But this is how India goes on thinking.
Mahatma Gandhi used to travel in a third-class railway compartment, and the whole country was happy: "Look. This is a great mahatma." By his traveling third class, what was happening?
Then there was another prime minister who suggested that if every person fasted one day, that would help, so fast one day. And he started fasting. His fasting meant that he would take milk and fruit and dry fruits -- which are more costly I But just the idea that "Our prime minister is fasting one day. He loves the country and the poor people so much." And the poor people are not getting anything.
When a certain mind is created, many more things are created in its wake. These are all foolish attitudes; these are not solutions. But you are not ready for the solution!
The solution is that you have to drop your anti-world attitude, that you have to drop your anti-body attitude, that you have to learn how to produce more wealth, and you have to drop your fatalistic attitude that "What can we do? If God wants us poor we will be poor. If God wants us rich we will be rich." Don't throw the responsibility on God. He has given you enough freedom to be rich or poor. Don't bring these unnecessary things into your prayer. They destroy your prayer and they destroy your religion.
Man has been given enough intelligence to be rich or to be poor. You have to drop your whole tradition of poverty worshiping. And if this mind disappears, there is no reason why you should be poor. You can be as rich as any country; in fact, richer than any country. You have a big country with great potential. But you go on shouting and you go on throwing your responsibility on somebody else; it feels good.
And now you are in a difficulty. When the Britishers were here, you were happy, saying, "It is because of the Britishers that we are poor; they are exploiting. " Now who is exploiting you? Now, one government is there, and you start throwing responsibility: "This government is wrong. " Then you change the government; then the next government, and you start throwing the responsibility on the next government: "This government is wrong."
But you never see the point that somewhere you are wrong. It hurts your ego. And you are wrong.
That's why people are angry with me, because I am simply stating the fact that you are wrong.
A little baby boy and a little baby girl were playing together in a cot. All of a sudden the little baby girl screamed out, "Rape Rape!"
The little baby boy turned around and said, "You silly little girl, you are sitting on your dummy."
Next: Chapter 12: The More Mysterious It Becomes, Question 4
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Sufism The secret