Chapter 10: No Lower, No Higher

Question 3


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The third question:

Question 3

Anand Maitreya, Morarji Desai has the mind of a fascist.
How does it matter whether he likes my philosophy of life or not? Who is he? By being the prime minister of this country, it does not mean that everybody has to agree with him, that only that which he likes can exist or has the right to exist. If he does not like my work, my activities, my philosophy of life, that is his problem. He should try to understand more; he should try to be a little more intelligent, a little more aware and meditative.
That does not mean that he has to prevent my work, but that's what he is doing, trying to do. And the strange thing is he has come to power in the name of democracy. What is democracy then?
Democracy means everybody has the right to think in his own way, to live in his own way. Democracy means that the government is not going to impose its own ideology on everybody, that the government will keep away from interfering in people's freedom.
What I am saying, what I am, has nothing to do with him or his government. But this is how it happens to every politician: when he is out of power he talks about democracy; when he is in power he becomes a fascist. Morarji Desai is another illustration of Lord Acton's famous statement: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Just within one and a half years he has forgotten all about democracy? It always happens.
It is something strange that power changes people. My own observation is that power does not change them, in fact, but only exposes them. It brings whatsoever is real in their being to the surface. When a person is not in power, he cannot be fascist; he has to hide that trait. He cannot be arrogant, he has to create a facade around himself so nobody comes to know about it; otherwise he will never be able to get into power. Once he gets into power, then there is no need; he is no more afraid of the people, now he is in power. Now he can do whatsoever he always wanted to do but was not capable of doing.
Morarji Desai has been against me all along. The conflict has continued at least for fifteen years, but because he was not in power, he could not do a thing. Now he is in power, so the fascist in him surfaces.

A group of former schoolmates had a reunion and were talking about old times. One of them, a great politician, said, "When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a pirate."
"I am glad one of us has fulfilled his ambition," said somebody.

Politics is the last shelter of the scoundrels.
Why do people seek power? Somewhere deep down there is a great desire to dominate, that's why they seek power. So naturally, when they have power, they want to dominate; they want to dominate each and every phenomenon that is happening.
My work is not political, not at all. Why should he be worried about my work? What I am doing is something psychological. It is none of his business, but the power wants to express itself. A deep desire has always been in him to prevent my work, but up to now he was not capable of doing it. Now he is capable of doing it, and he cannot resist the temptation.
Once, when I started criticizing Mahatma Gandhi, he wanted that my entry into his province, Gujarat, should be prevented -- even my entry -- but he could not do a thing about it. Now he is in power, and he has had this wound about me in his heart for fifteen years. But his disliking is not any criterion. If he dislikes, he is perfectly free to dislike. My own feeling is that he does not understand what I am doing here.
In the first place, I have no philosophy of life. All that I am teaching to my people is to live without a philosophy of life -- to just live! I am teaching life, not a philosophy of life!
Secondly, I am not teaching any doctrine, any dogma. I am not teaching thinking. On the contrary, I am teaching my people how to be without thought, how not to be in the thinking, how to disappear from the world of thinking, how to be utterly silent so not even a single thought moves in your mind. When the screen of the mind is utterly empty, when the projector of thinking has stopped functioning, meditation arises. And meditation is the door to God.
I am not here teaching people how to think. This is not a school of philosophy. I am not trying to give you better minds. This is not a place to cultivate mind and knowledge, this is a place to drop all mind and all knowledge. This is a place where you learn how to be a no-mind. I teach no-mind.
So my feeling is that he does not understand a bit what is happening here. But he is a very prejudiced man and he thinks he knows. He thinks he knows all that is worth knowing.
And all that he knows is just playing the games of politics, and nothing else.
You say he said that "he did not like your thinking, your philosophy of life, and your work. He also showed strong dislike for our ashram and its activities. "
He is obsessed with me and with my ashram. Why should he have a strong dislike for me and for my ashram? He must be having great nightmares about me and my people. You must be doing Kundalini Meditation in his dreams, and Chaotic Meditation. This dislike shows that somewhere deep down there is a "like". This enmity shows that somehow deep down he is interested. If you hate somebody so much, that is an indication that you are attracted, that you are magnetically pulled.
And I know the reason is there for that magnetic pull. He cannot come because of his arrogance, but the pull is there. His whole life he has tried to meditate -- and he has failed. Hence the attraction. He wants to meditate, but it is difficult for his egoistic pattern of life to come here as a disciple, to come to learn. It is difficult.
But the pull is there, and whenever you are attracted and something prevents you, attraction becomes repulsion. When love starts being blocked, it becomes hate. Hate is nothing but love doing sirshasan -- love standing on its own head. He is immensely attracted; that's why he goes on making statements about me, goes on criticizing me, and without any understanding at all.
He also said, somewhere, just a few days before, that he is willing to appoint a commission to inquire into the activities of my ashram, of this commune, but he said, "That is not going to profit Rajneesh and his work." Now what kind of commission will this be if he has already decided that that is not going to profit the ashram? A commission means an open inquiry. If the decision has already been taken, if he has already concluded that this is not going to help my work, that this is going to harm my work, what kind of inquiry will this be?
That's what he is doing with other people, with Indira. He has already decided, and then a commission is made. The commission only goes through empty gestures; the conclusion has already been reached. The commission has only to make a show that justice is being done.
This is not the way of a democratic person. This is the way of a fascist.
There is only one hope, that he is very old.... It is good that he is not young; otherwise this country would suffer very long.
It is very difficult for Indians to be democratic because India has lived down the centuries in a very fascist way. The Hindu mind is fascist. The Hindu mind believes that they are the purest people in the world, that they are the highest people of the world, that they are the most religious people of the world, that God has chosen them specially, that their country is not ordinary earth, it is divine land, that their scriptures are not ordinary scriptures like other scriptures of other religions -- they have been written by God himself.
The Hindu mind is fascist, it is not religious, and the Hindu mind has lived with this attitude for at least five thousand years.
It has crushed the downtrodden, the poor; they have not been treated as human beings. They are called untouchables; they cannot even be touched. Not only can they not be touched, the Hindu mind has not even tolerated their shadows to fall upon them. When an untouchable in the ancient days used to pass, he had to shout that "I am passing through this street. Please, move yourself away from me." Otherwise who knows? Even if his shadow touches you, you will have to take a bath, you will have to purify. And naturally, if you have to take a bath, if unnecessarily you have to go back to the river and you have to do the whole ritual, prayer, et cetera, and then do your purification, you become annoyed.
Untouchables have even been killed just because their shadow has touched a brahmin, the highest Hindu caste. And even today they are being killed.
And since Morarji Desai has come to power, in this one and a half years, more untouchables have been killed than ever in the thirty years' history of Indian freedom. Their houses are burned, right now, in this day, the twentieth century. People are treated like cattle, not even like cattle, worse than that. People are treated as things. People are being burned and killed; their women are being raped, for no other reason: just because they are untouchables.
And small things annoy the Hindu mind. If the Untouchable wants to go into the temple he cannot. If he tries he will be killed. And these are the people who think they are religious, and even the temple is not democratic.
If the untouchable goes to the well, he is not allowed to draw water from the common well, because the well will become impure. If the untouchable wants his children to be in the same school, it is difficult, and so on, so forth.
So, small things annoy the Hindu mind; they have been fascist all along. And Morarji Desai is a Hindu chauvinist.
Hindus have been against women down the ages. No other country has repressed women like this. The woman has been condemned as the door to hell. The woman is the source of all sins; the woman is the source of all degradation, immorality; the woman is the source of all that is bad in the world, all that is evil. She is the agent of evil.
Now, what kind of mind is this? And these people brag about their purity, their religiousness, their spirituality. Now these are the things that are creating trouble about me in Morarji Desai's mind I respect woman as much as I respect man; to me, they are equal. And I condemn all those scriptures which have condemned women as the source of evil. Those scriptures are the source of evil!
To me, the brahmin and the untouchable are the same. I don't believe in any castes. I don't believe in any distinctions between people -- black and white, Hindu and Mohammedan, Christian and Jew. And that is creating great turmoil in their minds. What am I doing? It seems blasphemous; it seems that I am betraying their tradition.
I am not betraying their tradition; I am simply destroying it! It needs to be burned, it needs to be thrown to the dogs, this whole tradition.
And then, the Hindus have been very much against life. And Morarji Desai is a representative: he is life negative. I am life affirmative. My only sin is that I love life and that I teach my people to live intensely, totally, wholly.
But in a democracy nobody can prevent me. Otherwise why go on bragging that this country is the greatest democracy of the world? Your actions show just the opposite. But the Hindu mind is hypocritical: it says one thing and does another.
Even the so-called greatest Hindus are hypocrites; their saying and doing are never the same. They have said that only God exists and all is illusion. And still the untouchable is not illusion. The distinction between the brahmin and the untouchable is real -- and all is illusion, only God is real!
Even Shankara, the man who represents the essential Hindu teaching of God being the only reality and the world being illusory, even he, one day when he took his bath in the Ganges in Varanasi and was coming up the steps and was touched by an untouchable, was very angry, started abusing the untouchable. And the untouchable said, "Sir, you have said that all is illusion, only God is true. Then why are you feeling so offended? One illusion has touched another illusion -- and between two illusions can there be a real touch? The touch is also illusion. Why are you getting so annoyed?
"And if only God is real, and you say God is everywhere and all is God, then am I not part of God? Only you are part of God? And if God has touched a God, how can one God make another God impure?"
But this is how the Hindu mind has functioned. It talks of great things, and it lives in a very opposite way. That has become its habit.

"Chandulal," said a rich Hindu grocer in Ahmedabad to his assistant, "have you mixed the glucose with the syrup?" "Yes, sir."
"And sanded the sugar?" "Yes, sir."
"Dampened the lettuce and mushrooms?'' "Yes, sir."
"And put water in the milk?" "Yes, sir."
"Then you may come in to prayers."

This has been the way. Life is one thing -- and the Hindus live it as disgustingly as anybody else in the world -- and philosophy is another. They are beautiful talkers, immensely articulate, very philosophical and logical, but that seems to have nothing to do with their quality of life.
With me they are all angry because I am not a hypocrite. I live the way I like to live. I say things that go in tune with my life. For example, I am not against life and its joys -- that's what I say, and that's how I live. They would have loved me very much if I was living like a beggar on the surface, if I was standing naked on the road, and carrying a deep desire inside me to reach sooner or later to heaven and enjoy all the joys there.
And what joys are these so-called saints thinking to enjoy in heaven? The same joys that they are renouncing here. They renounce love here, they renounce the woman here, and they are waiting for paradise where they will get beautiful women whose bodies are of gold and who never age -- who remain stuck at the age of sixteen and whose bodies don't perspire. And they are waiting for heaven because there are trees; they are called kalpavrikshas -- wish-fulfilling trees. You sit underneath the tree, and any wish that arises in you is immediately fulfilled -- immediately. Not a single instant passes between the wish and its fulfillment.
But here, live a pretentious life. Don't enjoy, don't love, renounce everything and wait for eternal pleasures.
These people think that they are renunciates? What kind of renunciation is this? They are simply living a double life. Their inner life remains that of desire, longing, lust, and their outer life remains that of an ascetic.
I am not an ascetic. I am living herenow in paradise. And I teach you also to live herenow in paradise: this very earth the paradise, this very body the Buddha. I am not against life's pleasures; they are beautiful. I am not against all that life can shower on you. Its beauties, its joys, its blessings have to be received gratefully. I am not in any way condemnatory of anything.
I am not a worshiper of poverty, because poverty is the source of all sins. I would like the whole earth to become richer and richer, more affluent and more affluent. I would like everybody to have all that technology can provide now. Nobody need live starved, beggarly, dirty.
This is possible now. Technology can make this earth better than any paradise that you have invented in your scriptures.
But the Indian mind is against joys. And deep down, there is a great desire to have them too -- which is natural! I am not saying that it should not be there inside you. I am saying you should not live against it. It is natural, it is God-given. Everyone wants to live a life of pleasure and not of pain, and this is natural, and I don't see that anything is wrong in it. Everybody would like to have a beautiful house surrounded by beautiful trees, and this is natural! The person who does not want it that way has something wrong in his head. He is neurotic.
Once a Hindu sannyasin came to see me. He saw all the beautiful trees and many flowers, and on the grounds where I was living I had a small pond, lotus flowers were there. He looked all around and he said, "Why all these trees? Why all these flowers? A man like you should live an ascetic life." He was angry.
From where was this anger coming? He was living a neurotic life. To live with lotus flowers is beautiful, it is prayerful, it is meditative. Everybody should have a pond with lotus flowers.
But in India, people are even against flowers. And then they think they are great spiritualists; they think they are not hedonists. Their hedonism is only postponed, that's all. And because of that postponement they live a double life.
I am teaching my people to live a single, unitary life. There is no need to postpone. Be natural. I want Buddha, Gautam the Buddha, and Zorba the Greek to come closer and closer -- to become one. My sannyasin has to be "Zorba the Buddha." Bring earth and heaven closer; let God and his world be joined together. Let your body and your soul be one -- a song sung in togetherness, a dance where body and soul meet and merge.
I am a materialist-spiritualist. That is their trouble: they cannot conceive of it. They have always thought that materialism is something diametrically against, opposite to spiritualism, and I am trying to bring them closer. In fact, that's how it is. Your body is not opposed to your soul; otherwise why should they be together? And God is not opposed to the world; otherwise why should he create it?
There is tremendous harmony between the creator and his creation. In fact, when you attain to the space in which I am, you will see the creator has become his creation, he is not separate at all. He has become the trees and the birds and the animals and the mountains and the rivers and the people: God has become his world.
This is my fundamental: that I am in tremendous love with existence, because it is God's manifestation, in all its forms. There is nothing lower and nothing higher, all is one. And the "lower" and the "higher" have to be bridged because, down the centuries, you have been taught that the "lower" is far away from the "higher", so they have become unbridged. A gap has come into your being; that gap has to be bridged.
That's my whole work here, and I can understand why Morarji strongly dislikes it. He is a traditionalist, an orthodox Hindu, with no vision, with no insight into life. He is just a fascist Hindu, and my approach towards life is that of individual freedom -- utter freedom for the individual.
The individual should not be interfered with unless he becomes dangerous to other people. Unless he starts interfering with other people's freedom he should not be interfered with. Each individual has to be himself and has to be given space enough to be himself.
That, the fascist mind cannot allow.
They have already decided against me. They have not come here, they have not seen what is happening here; he is not ready to appoint a commission so that our people can explain to their so-called experts what is happening here so they can have a more realistic approach. He is not willing to appoint a commission.
And he says if I go on insisting for a commission, then he will appoint one, but he wants that that will not be helpful in any way, that it will even harm. Why? The commission has to be open.
And I am not worried whether your commission harms or helps. We will have a good time, it will be fun. We will share a few jokes, that's all. I am not worried whether your commission helps me or harms me, what your commission can do.
But your commission may be helped. They may start thinking anew; it may be a blessing for them.
But the politicians go on thinking that they are creating great order. That's what Morarji Desai thinks, that he is creating great order in the society, and I am dangerous, that I am creating disorder.
I am not creating disorder. The society is in disorder. The society is already dying, it is rotten. You have become accustomed to its rottenness; that's why you can't see it. Just look around. What kind of society is this? Everybody is against everybody else; everybody is at each others' throats. Everybody is jealous, violent, angry, full of hatred. Everybody is trying to dominate and kill the other in some way or other. And everybody is suicidal. Nobody seems to be dancing with joy, nobody seems to be in a state of celebration.
What more disorder can there be? The whole country is suffering from violence, hooliganism, murders; the whole country is in chaos. And these people think that I will destroy the order of the society
I am trying to bring real order. The real order comes from the within; it comes out of understanding. The real discipline is not that which is imposed from the outside.
That's the difference between religion and the irreligious mind. The irreligious mind is always behavioristic. The irreligious mind is represented by Pavlov, Skinner, and people like these. The Skinnerian approach is that you change the behavior of the person, and that will change his inner being. The religious approach is you change his inner being, and his behavior will follow. The outer is a shadow; it is not the center.
That's what I am doing here. My work is utterly religious. It is against Skinner and the behaviorists. I don't believe that you can change the person's soul by changing his outer behavior. You can change his outer behavior, and he can pretend, he can act, and deep down he will remain the same -- because the center remains unaffected by the circumference.
You can start being simple outwardly -- you can drop your clothes, you can renounce your home -- but sitting in a Himalayan cave, what will you think? How is your thinking going to be different? How will your mind be different just by moving from the house to the cave? The mind does not change so easily. And if the mind changes, then you are alone even in the crowd, then you are in meditation even in the marketplace.
I am trying to make people aware that the change, the real change, comes from within and spreads outwards. But they are afraid that I may create a chaos.

A surgeon, an architect, and a politician were arguing about which of their professions was the oldest.
"Mine is, " said the surgeon. "It began when God removed Adam's rib to make Eve."
"My profession is older," said the architect. "It began when God created the world out of chaos."
"Yes, " said the politician, "but who created the chaos?"

And Morarji Desai and company think I am going to create chaos?
I am trying to bring order, real order. Their anger, their annoyance, is natural. If I am right, then they are wrong. And not only that they are wrong, but their whole tradition is wrong, their scriptures are wrong. They have lived up to now in illusions, without taking any note of the reality.
I am bringing a new vision, a new religion into the world -- the religion which is wide enough to contain the world and God, both together, a vision big enough to contain the soul and the body both.
Up to now, the materialist was thought to be irreligious. He lived half, he lived the body part; and the spiritualist lived the other half, the soul part. And both were ugly, because both were incomplete. Both had wounds because both needed the other to be whole and the other was missing. Both were unbalanced, both were neurotic.
Man can become sane only when man becomes whole. How to make man a perfect circle, a wholeness? The only way is to bring materialism and spiritualism closer and closer, so close that their boundaries disappear, that matter becomes divine, that God becomes matter. In that state only will man be able to be sane.
Traveling all over the country, while I was preparing for you people, I was studying all kinds of people -- neurotic, psychotic, all kinds of people spiritual, material. Then I had seen Morarji Desai too -- just to see this kind of neurosis, to watch, to observe what kind of neurosis creates a politician -- and watching him I was so perfectly satisfied that I never went to see any other politician. Enough was enough.
If I am right, then they will have to drop many vested interests, and that is difficult. They would like rather to forget all about me. But I am not going to leave them so easily. I am going to insist, I am going to hammer the truth again and again.
This time, something is bound to happen. The world is ready; it has prepared for many centuries for this revolution to happen. It has become tired of materialists, it has become tired of spiritualists; it needs a new vision. And this new vision is going to be against both. The spiritualist, the old spiritualist, is going to be against me. And, you will be surprised, that the old materialist is also going to be against me.
Just the other day I was reading an article against me by Khwaza Ahmed Abbas -- he is a communist, a materialist. Now Morarji Desai and Khwaza Ahmed Abbas are strange bedfellows! Morarji Desai thinks he is a spiritualist. Khwaza Ahmed Abbas thinks he is a communist, a materialist, a Marxist. Both are against me. How can they both be against me? They can both be against me because the spiritualist will feel that I am betraying spiritualism by bringing materialism in, and the materialist will feel that I am betraying materialist philosophy by bringing spiritualism in.
So you have to be aware of that fact, that I will have more enemies than Jesus had, I will have more enemies than Buddha had. But I will also have more friends than Jesus had and I will also have more friends than Buddha had. And this time the division will be such that all the neurotic people -- spiritualist, materialist -- they will be against me; and all the sane people and people who would like the world to become sane will be with me.


Next: Chapter 11: The Lion And The Fox


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