

Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity



Energy Enhancement          Enlightened Texts         Sri Swami Sivananda          The Path Beyond Sorrow



Beloved Immortal Self! Glorious Rays of the Eternal Light Divine! Salutations to you and crores of adorations to the Supreme!

Today I speak to you a few words from the wisdom of the ancients—the great seers of India—on a subject which, though of that part of your being which is perishable, which is unreal, which is not the Ultimate Truth of your being, is important in its own way in as much as it is a means to the realization of your True Self, and in as much as the body, its well-being and health in this life, and the happiness and prosperity in this life, both become helps and instrumental factors to you in fulfilling the true and only lasting purpose in your life, which is to know who you are.

Knowing the truth of who you are, you become free, free for ever from the bondage of this terrestrial existence, free for ever from the vexing limitations of this body-mind bondage, free for ever from all the fetters of desires, cravings, fears, and the basic ignorance which has made you forget your true Self and dream of yourself as something which you are not. For ever immortal you are, unborn, birthless, deathless, unchanging and undecaying. Immortal you will always be, for this is the eternal Truth, the Reality of your existence, and even at this moment, this is the splendid Truth of your being. You are Immortal, even now. You are the very essence of Bliss Infinite and Peace Immeasurable—right now, at this moment in time. You are That in all Its fullness, in all Its perfection, in all Its unblemished, untarnished splendour. To realize this is the great meaning of life on earth.

The great ancients, though illumined with this vision of man’s glorious inner nature and fully filled with the great spirit of this unfoldment, were in their own way, realists regarding man’s body-bound condition. Thus we have, side by side with those four great repositories of ancient wisdom which contain declarations of eternal truths—the Four Vedas—, a fifth scripture which in India is called “The Fifth Veda” and which is known by the name of “Ayurveda”. This is a very significant word. “Ayuh” means the span of your life here and “Veda” means knowledge or science. Thus, “Ayurveda” means the science of life or the science of living.

That secret, the science of human life, of how to preserve this life, of how to keep in comfort, of how to live in well-being, is the significance of the Ayurveda. And that secret has been given to the Indian system of health and well-being (both physical and mental) from the great bosom of spiritual wisdom reposing in the other Vedas. Thus the Ayurveda tends to base itself upon the fundamental truths that have their residence in the four great Vedas.


Next: Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 1.The Human Being as Viewed by the Indian Masters


Energy Enhancement          Enlightened Texts         Sri Swami Sivananda          The Path Beyond Sorrow



Chapter 7


  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, Beloved Immortal Self! Glorious Rays of the Eternal Light Divine! Salutations to you and crores of adorations to the Supreme! Today I speak to you a few words from the wisdom of the ancientsthe great seers of Indiaon a subject which, though of that part of your being which is perishable, which is unreal, which is not the Ultimate Truth of your being, is important in its own way in as much as it is a means to the realization of your True Self, and in as much as the body, its well-being and health in this life, and the happiness and prosperity in this life, both become helps and instrumental factors to you in fulfilling the true and only lasting purpose in your life, which is to know who you are at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 1.The Human Being as Viewed by the Indian Masters
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 1.The Human Being as Viewed by the Indian Masters, Indian thought evolves from within outward so that the first task and the most important thing is to know yourself, for you are the prime factor of all knowledge. There must first be a seer to see things, and there must first be a thinker to ponder over matters, to ponder over all things seen. There must first be a knower if any knowledge is to be at all. Therefore, the knowledge about the knower, the science of your own Self who forms the pivot of this universe, who is the basic factor in all knowledge, was placed first. Know Yourselfand then start knowing all else that is other than yourself at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 2.How to Eat to Keep Fit
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 2.How to Eat to Keep Fit, The refinement of the body, the purity of the body, is ensured mainly through diet, through food. If the proper food is taken and it is properly taken, and taken at the proper time, then the health of the body is ensured. One of the great sages, Athreya, said: Proper food taken in moderation, at the proper time, in the proper manner, goes to ensure ones good health. What did he mean by proper food? Sattwic food, fine food, in a pure condition. Taken at the proper time? Well, all health authorities will tell you that at certain periods of the day our body powers are on the ascent and food taken during those periods becomes beneficial, and when the body powers begin to ebb, food is not to be taken. Food is not to be taken when one is in a state of agitation or when one is emotionally disturbed at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 3.Self-control and Preservation of the Life-Force
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 3.Self-control and Preservation of the Life-Force, Indian doctors lay the utmost emphasis upon the preservation of ones life-force. Great moderation in ones sexual life is the one note upon which they perennially harp. A physician, after examining a patient and enquiring and advising about his diet, will then stress the fact that while the patient is under his care, his treatment, he must live as a single being, and it is only when the patient is completely well that the physician will consider advising him that he may live a normal physical life; and a normal physical life, according to Ayurveda, is not indulgence. It is taken for granted that normal physical life is characterized by two factors: restraint and moderation at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 4.The Mind and the BodyVyadhi and Adivyadhi
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 4.The Mind and the BodyVyadhi and Adivyadhi, You cannot have a diseased and unhealthy mind and have health of the body at the same time. The blood which the food forms in the body will become poisoned. The body will not be able to assimilate the maximum energy from the food taken if the emotions that fill the mind are destructive and impure and gross, if they are not of the soul-nature, not of the spiritual nature, but partake of the body-nature, the gross, flesh-nature at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 5.The Ayurvedic Theory of the Tridoshas
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 5.The Ayurvedic Theory of the Tridoshas, The ancient seers of India interpreted these body conditions in a very unique way, and not in the Western way. They had the theory of Tridoshas. The Ayurvedic science of diagnosis of the disease conditions (which manifest as a result of malaise in your mind and in your vitality) was based upon the three humours of the body. The Ayurvedic scientists said that such upsetting of the purity of the mind and the fineness of the vital energy brought about a state of disturbance in the balance between the three humours that characterize the normal condition of each human being. The theory of the three humours was not entirely unknown to mediaeval medicine in Europe and in England. In Europe, I do believe, they had something similar to Ayurveda, and perhaps, it had come through Arabia and Greece at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 6.How to Attain Prosperity
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 6.How to Attain Prosperity, The secret of prosperity, of course, would be to live within your income, to spend less than what you earn. And, do not go into debt! That would be the greatest wisdom in a nutshell! How to be prosperous? If you earn a hundred and fifty dollars, spend a hundred and forty-nine; then you always have one dollar left. If you would have me comment on it, I would say: Never get into the instalment system. If you have cash, then all right, purchase things. If you do not have cash, go without them at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 7.The Spiritual Law of Prosperity
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 7.The Spiritual Law of Prosperity, There is something a little higher than even this. The Hindu believes that whatever there is in this universe is all the Divine Essence. Everything is God. Every force is God. Every phenomenon is God. Every being is God. Every name and form is God. Everything you experience is only the Divine Essence in various manifestations, and prosperity is one of the direct manifestations of the Divine Power as the sustaining force in this universe. The Divine Power in this cosmic process expresses Itself first as a projecting power, a power that brings into being, and then It acts here upon the threefold time continuum of past, present and future, as the sustaining power. That which has been brought forth It sustains, nourishes, protects, takes care of. You see, it is God again at the other end of the cycle. The same power once again dissolves all that has been brought forth and reabsorbs projected phenomena into their original state of non-manifestation at

  • Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 8.Some Valuable Clues to Prosperity in the House
    Sri Swami Sivananda, The Path Beyond Sorrow Chapter 7: Laws Of Health And Prosperity, 8.Some Valuable Clues to Prosperity in the House, I have four or five things which, as a Hindu, I wish to tell you. Where elders are respectfully honoured, there prosperity prevails; and where eldersfather and mother, grandfather and grandmother, uncles and auntsare treated with contempt, with harshness, with scant respect, there is no prosperity at




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