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Chapter 10: Aes dhammo sanantano
Question 4
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Dhammapada The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 4
The last question:
Question 4
Govind, thinking can never be the same. Here there are three thousand sannyasins sitting around me -- three thousand sannyasins means three million minds. One sannyasin does not mean one mind -- many, thousands, a crowd. Each person is a crowd, and each person is a different crowd, because each person has been brought up in a different way.
Somebody has been brought up as Christian and somebody as a communist -- how can they think in a similar way? How can they avoid being different? And not only different but antagonistic towards each other? Somebody has been brought up as an Indian and somebody as a Chinese -- how can they think in the same rhythm? Impossible.
Thinking comes from the outside -- upbringing, education, conditioning, culture. And there is no way to put two people in a similar situation -- not even twins think in the same way. There is no way at all to put two people exactly in the same situation. Even twins born in the same family will have different conditionings, because the mother may love one child more than the other; the father may have just the opposite preference. One child may be physically weak, the other may not be; one child may be more or less ill, the other may be healthy. The one child may be interested in games because he is healthy, the other may avoid games because he remains ill. The child who goes to play will have different friends from the child who never goes to the games -- he WILL have different friends -- and so on, so forth. Small differences make so much difference that you cannot imagine.
It is reported that the great Napoleon remained afraid of cats his whole life. He was not afraid of lions but he was afraid of cats. Strange! He was not afraid of anything -- not even of death -- but in front of a cat he was simply not in his senses. When he was just a six-month-old child, a wild cat jumped on his chest, and he became so frightened and the fear went so deep into his heart, into his unconscious, that he was incapable of overcoming it.
It is said that he was defeated only once in his life, in the last war with Nelson. Nelson brought seventy cats to frighten him. Just in front of the army... the first battalion was of cats! And the moment Napoleon saw seventy cats -- one was enough! -- he lost all intelligence. He started trembling and perspiring.
He told his second in command, "Now I cannot think about the army!" -- and he was defeated. The credit goes to the cats, not to Nelson. Statues have been raised of Nelson and people have forgotten the cats completely. Statues should be raised of the cats; Nelson is not the real conqueror.
Small things... now, how can you avoid such small differences? Impossible. Even in twins it is difficult.
So no two persons can be brought up in the same way; hence the difference in thinking. Differences only disappear when you meditate. If all three thousand sannyasins are in a state of meditation here -- just a silence, no thought -- then there are not three thousand sannyasins at all, because three thousand zeros joined together become one zero. Three thousand zeros are not three thousand zeros -- they become one zero.
And that is what is happening, slowly slowly. The more you become meditative, the more your differences are dropping. This may be the only place on the whole earth where differences are disappearing. Mohammedans and Christians and Hindus and Jainas and Buddhists and Parsis -- they are all together, without even thinking to what religion the other belongs. Swedish and Germans and French and Italians and Chinese and Japanese and English and Americans, all nationalities, and nobody takes any note of it, nobody even thinks about it. This may be the only communion happening on the earth, a real brotherhood.
And the reason is not that I am teaching you to be brothers, learn tolerance.... Remember, those who learn tolerance remain intolerant. The very word 'tolerance' is ugly. The moment you say, "I can tolerate others," that shows intolerance. You may have repressed your intolerance, but it is intolerance. To tolerate others means intolerance -- what else can it mean?
Here, nobody is tolerating anybody. People have simply forgotten the differences, because we are moving out of the mind. My whole effort is to bring you out of the mind. If you remain in the mind, you are different. If you come out of the mind, you are one. Meditation brings a kind of unity which is not a synthesis. I am not interested in synthesizing Hinduism with Christianity and Christianity with Islam and Islam with Buddhism. That is all nonsense.
My effort is totally different: I am trying to bring you out of your mind. When the Christian comes out of his mind he is no longer Christian, and when the Hindu comes out of his mind he is no longer Hindu. It is not a synthesis, it is dropping of the mind. Mind creates all the differences.
You ask me, Govind, "Why do people think so differently from each other?"
They have been brought up differently, they have been conditioned differently. They cannot think as others think -- that is impossible! They cannot interpret the way others interpret. A Jew can read the New Testament, but it will not be the same book -- although it is the same book visibly, it will not be the same book that Christians read, because to the Jew, Jesus is a renegade, Jesus betrayed Judaism. Now that is very deep-rooted. The Christian reading the New Testament is not reading an ordinary book -- it is the holiest of the holy. Jesus is God's only begotten son.
When the Hindu reads the same book, he reads it indifferently; it doesn't matter much. And he goes on comparing it with the Upanishads and the Gita and finds it poor. Not that it is poor -- he reads the Gita in a different way. That is the Lord's song and this is just a carpenter's son, Jesus -- how can he be compared with Krishna?
Krishna is an incarnation of God, and this man Jesus seems to be an intelligent child. Krishna comes directly from the seventh paradise. Krishna is incomparable, he is the perfect master. Jesus is good; one can say at the most, "a good man." The comparison from the very beginning becomes impossible.
The Jaina reads the Gita, but he cannot read it the way the Hindu reads it. Their eyes are different, their perspectives are different. The Jaina scriptures say that Krishna has fallen into hell because he was the cause of this great war. Arjuna seems to be closer to the heart of a Jaina, because Arjuna was saying, "I don't want to fight, I don't want to kill. What is the point of killing these people? Just for the kingdom? And one day my death will come and that kingdom will be gone, so what is the point? I am going to renounce, I am going to become a monk."
And if he had escaped there is every possibility he may have become a Jaina monk. If you really want to become a monk then the best way is to become a Jaina monk, because that is the worst kind of monk possible. Other monks are so-so; the Jaina monk is really a monk! You cannot improve upon it.
But Krishna persuaded Arjuna not to escape. He must have been a man like me, who said, "This is escape. You are a coward. Live in the world! Fight! -- because you are a warrior, and that is your type. You can't be a monk, that is not in your nature. Follow your nature."
Krishna says to Arjuna, "SWADHARME NIDHANAM SHREYAH PARDHARMO BHAYAWAHAH." Never follow anybody else's idea -- that is very dangerous because you will become imitative. Always follow your own nature, self-nature; only then will you attain to freedom. It is better to die following one's nature than to live following somebody's else's nature, because that will be a pseudo life. To die following one's nature is beautiful, because that death too will be authentic.
Krishna convinced Arjuna -- that is how the whole Gita was born. It is a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna. Arjuna was trying to escape and Krishna was pulling him back into the world -- and finally he succeeded.
Jainas have been very angry -- they missed a good monk. They have thrown Krishna into the seventh hell for a very long period, because he was the cause of millions of people's deaths. India has never known a greater war since. Now, how can a Jaina read the Gita with the same interpretation as the Hindu? Impossible. From the very beginning the mind is prejudiced.
People are bound to think differently, because they are brought up differently, in different religions, through different priests, different schools, different colleges, different universities. They have been fed different ideas, ideologies -- they are bound to think differently. And there is no way to make them think similarly -- impossible.
The only possible way is to bring them out of their minds. Then they slip out of the whole upbringing. Then suddenly there is oneness; then you see with pure eyes, uncontaminated by the culture and the tradition; then you see really as things are, not as you are supposed to see them. You become a pure mirror.
Thinking can never create one world: only meditation can create one world.
Clusky went to confession for the first time in twenty-five years. "Tell me," asked the priest, "did you ever sleep with a woman?"
"Eh, no, Father," replied Clusky.
"Now, son," said the priest, "I will ask you again. Did you ever sleep with a woman?"
"Ah, ey, ah -- no, Father!"
"There is you and me and God listening. I'm going to ask you once more. In the last twenty-five years, have you ever slept with a woman?"
"Well, eh, come to think of it, Father," said Clusky, "I did doze off a time or two!"
Now you see the difference: people listen according to their idea. And it is natural....
Claude was sitting at a sidewalk cafe sipping a glass of wine. Just then his friend Rene came running up to him.
"Claude," he gasped, "I just saw a man going into your house."
"Who is this man, Rene? What did he look like?"
"He was six feet tall and had black hair and a black mustache," reported Rene.
"And did he wear a checked cap with a striped Basque shirt?" asked Claude.
"Yes," agreed Rene. "You have described the man."
"That was only Pierre," he said. "He will make love to anybody!"
Both the persons are thinking differently. Their approach is different, their attitude is different; then the conclusions become different.
Foong, the laundryman, had been in America ten years and kept sending money to his wife in China, telling the bank clerk proudly that his wife had just had a new baby.
"But Mr. Foong," said the clerk, "you have been here in America ten years."
"Yes, yes," says the Chinaman happily. "I got velly good fliends in China."
People are full of different conceptions, philosophies of life, ways of looking at things; hence they are bound to think differently. Thinking makes you different from others, separate from others; thinking is a function of the ego. Nonthinking... suddenly all differences evaporate.
And that's what I teach, and that's what Buddha's whole message is: Become a no-mind. Become pure consciousness, an empty sky with no clouds of thoughts. Then who are you -- Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian? Indian, Japanese, German? Black, white? Man, woman? Who are you? Young, old? Rich, poor? Famous, notorious? WHO ARE YOU? All these differences disappear. You are a pure silence.
That silence is your supreme self. To attain it is to attain nirvana. To attain it is to be available to benediction, to all God's blessings.
Meditate more and more so that you can disappear, so that you can allow God to be. The moment you are not, God is -- and God is one, and you are many. Not only outside are you many, inside also you are many. And when you disappear -- the many disappear from the inside and from the outside -- then these are all waves of the same ocean.
And to know the ocean that is hidden behind all the waves of different shape, color, form, is to know the truth.
And truth liberates.
AES DHAMMO SANANTANO -- this is the ultimate, the inexhaustible law, that truth liberates.
Enough for today.
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Dhammapada The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 4