Existence is only in the present
Existence is only in the present
I never think of the future -- not even of tomorrow, not even of the next
moment that is just going to come. This way of thinking of the future keeps
man tense, worried, never allows him to be relaxed and enjoy the moment that
is available.
You feel good here, you feel your former wife is immensely happy. Why is
she happy and why are you not? She is living in the moment. That is my
fundamental approach to life: if you want to live, live here and now; if you
want to worry, then tomorrow is the time. Then you can have a thousand and
one things....
I cannot say what is going to happen when I am not here. One thing I know:
the people who have learned the art of living moment to moment will continue
to live the same way of life wherever they are, because no other way can
give them so much joy, so much juice.
And who cares what is going to happen when I leave my body? How many
millions of people have left their body? The place you are sitting must have
been the grave of at least ten persons -- that many people have died on the
earth. Life goes on, people come and go.
I am not important, but what I am imparting to you is important; that
should not leave your body. And that is up to you. If you want to fall back
into misery, anguish, suffering, then it is your choice, you are free.
You say you have been coming here again and again. Why do you go away? Five
times in four years you have been here -- and you must have seen the
difference: when you are away you are in a darkness; when you are here you
are surrounded with light, with love, with immense life around you.
You cannot find this laughter anywhere in the whole world. The world is too
serious, and seriousness is the cancer of the soul. The world is too much
concerned about the future, and goes on losing the real present, unlived.
You are losing something which is in your hand for something which is not in
your hand. This is simply stupid, but this is how the whole world has been
living for millions of years -- a stupid way of life.
Existence knows only one tense -- the present. It neither knows the past,
because it is no more, nor does it know the future, because it is not yet.
But the mind is always concerned either with the past or with the future,
never with the present. Do you see?
Existence is only in the present. Mind is never in the present. In fact,
the moment you are in the present, there is no mind in you, there is great
silence. The whole sky of your inner being is without thoughts, without
clouds. I call this the state of no-mind.
Only in this state of no-mind do you meet existence. And that meeting is
the ultimate ecstasy. Once you have tasted it, you will never bother about
the future. You know how to live in the present, so in the future also -- it
will be coming as the present, it will not come as the future -- you will
know the art.
And it is not that my presence is making people happy here; it is their own
presence. Certainly they have learned the art of being in the present, but
now they are absolutely independent of me. They are not my followers, I am
nobody's leader -- I hate such words!
To me, the most beautiful word in the human language is "friend." And the
most beautiful experience in life is that of being friendly with someone who
is authentically herenow. Because to be friendly with him, you will have to
be here and now; otherwise, you cannot shake hands with the man, you cannot
converse with the man, you cannot be with the man. The distance between you
and him will be unbridgeable.
But once you have tasted the beauty, the benediction of the present moment,
its eternity, its deathlessness, you simply forget all about the past, all
about the future. You have the master key. Whatever door comes before you,
you will be able to unlock it.
But I feel sorry for you; you can see your wife is happy, you can see the
people are happy, you yourself feel happy being here -- then what is there
out in the world? Perhaps a good job, more money, more power, respectability.
But are they worth it if they destroy your happiness, if they destroy you?
if they destroy your life, if they kill you before your death comes?
Millions of people in the world are dead -- although they go on breathing,
working. And perhaps it will take years for them to be recognized as dead,
but they are dead. There is no smile on their face, nothing flowers in their
being; no song arises, no dance, no laughter. Every moment they are missing
life -- which is so precious that you cannot purchase it. Even if you give
everything you have, not even a single moment can be purchased; it is not a
commodity, it is a gift unconditionally given by nature. And you have taken
it for granted. You have not been even thankful to existence, you have not
shown any gratitude.
To me, unless you feel full of joy, bursting with happiness, you will not
be able to have that great quality of gratitude towards existence.
That quality is authentic religiousness.
So rather than thinking about the future, about what will happen to this
commune, think about your present. This time, just be here and don't go
anywhere. Enjoy risking -- it is great excitement -- risking all for nothing,
because we have nothing to offer to you except what you already have.
I take away from people what they don't have, and I give to people what
they already have. My work is very simple.
Question 2
The old religions failed because they were all against this world. And this
is the only world there is. They were all for renouncing it. And when you
are renouncing the world, the question of transforming does not arise -- the
world has to be condemned. All the religions have been condemning the world.
It is a very strange thing -- nobody has even raised the question in five
thousand years, that "You say God created the world, and the priest says to
renounce the world." Anybody with just a little intelligence -- not much --
can see that the priest is against God. God creates the world, and the
priest says renounce the world.
I am the first man who is saying to you, "Rejoice in the world." There is
no question of renunciation, there is nothing to be renounced; everything
has to be enjoyed to its fullest. Because the old religions were saying, "Renounce
the world," they created a humanity which was sick.
You are part of the world -- how can you renounce it? You cannot live even
a few moments without breathing the world. You cannot live for a few days
without drinking the world. You cannot live a few months without eating the
world. You are an intrinsic part of the world, and you are connected every
moment with the sun, with the moon, with the ocean, with the trees, with the
air, with the earth.
And these people have been teaching for thousands of years, "Renounce the
world," without even taking note that the man who really renounces the world
cannot be allowed to breathe, cannot be allowed to drink water, cannot be
allowed to eat food, cannot be allowed in any way to be connected with the
world. And we are connected in millions of ways, known and unknown.
If the sun suddenly goes dark, gets exhausted, do you think you will be
living in darkness? You will be simply dead, not living in darkness, because
it is the sun that is giving you warmth every moment. The trees will die,
the flowers will not blossom anymore, the birds will not sing -- everything
will be dead. In some unknown way the sun is your very life, it is your
Renouncing the world made the human mind very sick. If you try to renounce
it, you find it impossible. If you don't renounce it, you find yourself
guilty and a sinner.
The old religions have not been able to transform humanity. They have only
been able to make the whole humanity a madhouse. And because we have been
listening to them century after century, from the very childhood, even
things which are absolutely idiotic have become our conditionings. For
example, all the religions teach that celibacy is something spiritual. And I
am puzzled: the world is full of scientists, physiologists, chemists,
biologists, medical people, and none of them has raised a voice to say that
celibacy is an impossibility.
To ask people to be celibate is to drive them to perversions, to make them
homosexuals, lesbians, to drive them towards sodomy and all kinds of
unnatural expressions of their sexual energy. And the pervert can never feel
at ease with himself. He knows deep down he is doing something which is not
right. What is right, the religion does not allow. What is not right makes
him feel guilty. He is being crushed between two rocks.
Religions have been killing human beings -- their naturalness, their
consciousness, their innocence. All the religions praise fasting. Your body
is hungry, your body gives you indications that it is hungry. Your stomach
shouts loudly to you, "I am hungry!" But your religion says fasting is
This is making people schizophrenic, divided against themselves, and a
house that is divided against itself cannot stand long; it is going to be in
ruins soon. And that's what has happened to humanity:all human beings are
not what they would have been, they are just ruins. In a very subtle and
psychological way they have been deprived of their own nature. That's why
old religions have not been able to transform humanity. On the contrary,
they have been the hindrance for any transformation.
I am telling you to be natural. When you are hungry you should eat, and
when you are not hungry you should not eat. One extreme creates another
extreme. Hungry people go on remaining hungry and torturing their bodies --
this is one extreme. Then the other extreme is thirty million Americans are
dying of over-eating; everybody is dieting. Either you are fasting or you
are dieting? It seems a crazy world! Why can't you simply be balanced? When
your body says, "I am hungry," you are fasting. When your body says, "It is
enough," you go on swallowing because it is so tasty -- how to stop?
The body always gives you the right indication in the right moment. If you
just listen to the wisdom of the body, all your wise men will look fools.
Your body has its own wisdom. Rather than looking in THE HOLY BIBLE, or in
the holy KORAN, or in the holy GITA, you should listen to your own body.
When it is thirsty, it says; when it needs rest, it says. When it is rested,
it wants some exercise, it wants to run, to play, to swim, to go for a long
But you are not listening to the body because your religions have said that
the body is your enemy. Once you accept the idea that the body is your enemy,
naturally you are not going to listen to the enemy. And who is the friend?
-- the priest, the prophet, the savior, the messenger, who are all somehow
crackpots. If you look into their lives without any prejudice you can see
the cracks in the pot.
Mohammed declares himself to be the last messenger of God. Why the last?
The world continues -- has God lost interest in the world? No, he has sent
the final message. And the KORAN itself cannot be counted even as third-grade
literature. Mohammed is uneducated; he cannot write, he cannot sign his name.
You can see why the KORAN is so poor: Mohammed is poor; his mind has no
refinement, he has not seen the heights of mind flights. So whatever he says
is just as a villager. But he declares that he is the last messenger; now
there will not be any other messenger of God coming -- and if anybody tries
to be a pretender, he has to be punished. And Mohammedans have killed many
people in fourteen centuries who have claimed that they were messengers of
I have looked into Mohammed's words, and into the words of al-Hillaj
Mansoor, who was killed because he was declaring not only that he was a
messenger of God, but was also saying, "I myself am God." Al-Hillaj Mansoor
has a beauty as far as his words are concerned, a tremendous poetry, far
superior to the KORAN. The man is again a crackpot, but the pot is far more
polished. Mohammedans killed him; and they have been killing many other
If you look into the psychology of Mohammed you can see this man seemed to
be not normal. He married a woman sixteen years older than himself. He was
only twenty-four, and he married a woman who was forty. Now, this is
something strange. A man who is forty may marry a woman who is twenty-four,
but there is no parallel to Mohammed: a man who is twenty-four marrying a
woman who is forty. It seems he is not marrying a wife, he is marrying his
mother. The reason why he married this woman was that she was immensely rich.
And nobody else was ready to marry that old woman, even though she was rich.
This marriage was not out of love; the motivation was the money the woman
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These are the people who are telling others, "Renounce the world!" Mohammed
married nine wives. And these are the people who are saying, "Renounce the
world" -- renouncing the world remains spiritual. Marrying nine women -- the
whole battalion -- and nobody asks how it can fit in with the renunciation
of the world.
Mohammed has given the name "Islam" to his religion. The word "islam" means
peace -- and Mohammed was carrying a sword; no other prophet has cut off so
many heads as Mohammed has done. But on his sword the sentence was written:
"Peace is my message." Islam has been one of the most murderous religions --
and peace is the message.
If you look at all these people who have claimed themselves to be
incarnations of God, saviors of humanity, prophets, you will be surprised
that this whole lot seems to be eccentric. They say one thing and they do
just the opposite.
Jesus says, "Love even your enemy as yourself." A beautiful sentence... but
one day he is hungry, his disciples are hungry, and the village they have
passed refused to give them food. They come to a fig tree, hoping that there
may be fruits on the tree. But there are no fruits on the tree. And now you
can see what I mean by a crackpot: Jesus curses the tree!
It was not even the season for the tree to give fruits, but he curses the
tree because she has not welcomed him and his disciples with fruits. Now,
the poor fig tree -- what can she do? it is not the season. And this man
seems to be utterly blind; he cannot see that it is not the season, and
trees are not supposed to welcome people with fruits. Cursing a tree, and
teaching, "Love your enemy as yourself" -- can you see the contradiction?
The tree is not even the enemy. She has done no harm, it was not her fault
that the season wouldn't allow fruits.
Jesus talks about love; he even says, "God is love." But he throws out the
moneychangers from the temple of Jerusalem, singlehanded, with great anger
and rage. Lashing them, beating them, he overturned their tables and threw
them out of the temple, and said, "I will not allow such dirty business in
the house of my father." This behavior does not show love, it does not show
compassion; it shows only anger, hatred.
Without any authority, he was claiming himself to be the only begotten son
of God. And he could not convince anybody; not a single rabbi was his
follower -- and Judea was full of learned rabbis, scholars, professors.
Judea had its own university and not a single professor, scholar, rabbi, was
influenced by his teachings. The people who were influenced were twelve
uneducated, poor fishermen, woodcutters, farmers, who don't know anything
about religion. But they got interested in Jesus because he was saying that
if they have faith in him, they will enter into paradise, and on the
judgment day he will choose who his people are.
These poor people, who have suffered starvation, suffered humiliation, are
suddenly given a great hope -- and very cheap. You just have to have faith
in this man and paradise is yours. It is just a lottery; having faith costs
nothing and you are getting a ticket for entry into paradise.
Is it not something very significant that not a single man of intelligence,
scholarship, culture, was impressed by Jesus? They all really laughed at him.
He looked like a clown, for the simple reason that he was claiming things he
had no way to prove. How do you prove you are the only begotten son of God?
Anybody else can say "You are not, I am!" There is no way to decide either.
It happened in Baghdad, in the times of Caliph Omar. A man was brought to
his court who was declaring himself to be the messenger of God -- which is
against Islam.
Caliph Omar said, "Take him to the jail. Bind him to a pillar, naked, and
keep him hungry for seven days. Give him a good beating every day; and after
seven days I will come and see whether he has changed his mind or not."
After seven days he came; the man was almost dying. Seven days without food,
and continuous beating -- his whole body was oozing blood, he had lost much
blood. Omar asked him, "Have you considered your idea again?"
The man laughed. He said, "When I was leaving God he had told me, 'They
will torture you very much.' This proves that I am certainly the messenger
-- your torture is a proof!"
And at that very time, another man who was tied to another pole shouted,
"Omar! Don't listen to that idiot, because I have never sent any messenger
after Mohammed." He had been caught a few days before; he proclaimed himself
to be God. So he said, "This man is completely lying; I have never sent him,
I have never seen him before. After Mohammed, no messenger -- that's why I
had to come!"
You can find strange rationalizations. Because the need is there, and
messengers cannot come -- that dimension is closed with Mohammed -- God
himself has come.
These people are psychologically sick, not healthy. They may say some
beautiful things -- even mad people say some beautiful things -- that does
not mean that they are not mad. Mad people may paint a few beautiful
paintings, that does not mean that they are not mad.
The very desire to put yourself at the highest place -- nobody can go above
you -- arises from a deep inferiority complex. It is the projection that
leads you to the most superior position in existence. You become God, God's
son, God's messenger: you raise yourself above humanity.
These people have been managing the human mind for centuries. They were
themselves sick; they have made the whole humanity sick. It is time to get
rid of all this nonsense. Man has to understand one thing: that
religiousness is not something propounded by a prophet or a messenger, it is
an experience of your own being.
Religiousness is not a philosophy or a theology. It is just like love...
the highest, most refined quality of love. You love one person --
religiousness is falling in love with the whole existence. And that happens
when you enter within yourself and you find the lifeline running within you,
joining you with all lifelines around you, from the smallest blade of grass
to the biggest star. It is one life in different manifestations, a great
play of abundant energy: you have fallen in love with existence.
This is religiousness. You don't become a Christian, or a Jew, or a Hindu;
you simply become yourself. And you don't find any God, any prophets, any
saviors; you simply find the whole existence is yours. You are part of it,
an intrinsic part of it, an organic part of it. Without you something will
be missing. That gives you, for the first time, a real sense of being proud.
It is not ego, because it is not putting yourself above others. Now you
know even the smallest blade of grass is as essential as you are. And to
feel this pride, that existence accepts you as you are -- which no religion
has ever done.... When existence accepts you as you are, you start growing
without any split. The transformation happens of its own accord.
We need a humanity without religions. We need a humanity with religious
people, but not churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, no... no mediators,
no priests.
Every man is capable of entering into his own shrine, and from there can
get the perspective that delivers him from all misery, suffering, tension,
fear, death. And then his each moment becomes a moment of ecstasy and this
whole existence is his kingdom.
The whole existence consists only of kings and queens; there are no slaves,
no servants. Existence is really the only communism there is. All are
equally accepted, respected, nourished. And a dance comes to your life.
This dance is the transforming force.
Question 3
It is not only possible, it is absolutely certain, because our commune is
not a religion. Our commune is a very liquid religiousness. It is not an
organization; it is just a meeting place of people who have dropped all
conditions, all religions, all ideologies, and who are ready to become
seekers on their own, individuals on their own, who are no longer searching
for a prophet and a savior, who have decided that all the saviors have
failed -- now the only way is to save yourself.
And because the search is the same, there is a loving atmosphere, a
togetherness -- not of any ideology, not of any belief system, but only of a
friendship of fellow travelers.
The commune is a totally different phenomenon from religion. Religions are
dead; the commune is a living phenomenon. And each individual has absolute
freedom to be himself. There are no ten commandments, no discipline imposed
on you. You have to simply follow your own hunch. Yes, that is the right
word: your own hunch. That is something that comes from your innermost being.
Without any reason, without any rationalization, you follow it. It has never
led anybody into a ditch.
And the commune is helpful in many ways. A certain energy field is created
-- so many seekers.... You just think: one roseflower creates a certain
fragrance around it, but then five thousand rosebushes and thousands of
roseflowers will create a tremendous fragrance, a field full of rose energy.
If you even pass through that field without doing anything, your clothes
may catch the fragrance, your hair may catch the fragrance. When you have
passed through the field, you will be surprised that you are full of rose
fragrance, it is all around you.
Exactly the same is the situation of the flower of meditation. It is
subtler, but more powerful. Five thousand people functioning meditatively
create a certain energy field. I call it the buddhafield, the field of
Anybody who comes just as a spectator is bound to be affected by the energy,
by the love, by the laughter, by people's faces. Something has happened to
these people.
I have told my sannyasins that now if they want to use any color of clothes,
they can. I received one letter two days ago, saying that a few sannyasins
in London went shopping -- not in red clothes, and without malas. But the
shopkeeper said, "You look a little different from other people; something
is strange about you."
So they have written to me, "Beloved Master, it is useless: by changing the
clothes and dropping the mala, we cannot go underground. People can see from
the face, from the eyes, from the gestures, from the way we speak, the way
we walk, that something is different." It is bound to be so.
Here, we are doing the greatest experiment which has ever been done.
Religions have existed, but they were all destructive. They could not create
the new human being. We are not a religion, but we are certainly religious
-- which is a far higher quality. And we are making the effort to create
We are not interested in stupid miracles. And if you look at those miracles,
you can see that they are fictions, nothing else. For example, in the Old
Testament Moses leads his people out of Egypt. The enemy is following behind;
they come to the ocean, and there is no way ahead, they cannot go back. The
sound of the enemy is coming closer and closer, and then suddenly the
miracle happens: God helps. The ocean parts, gives way; Moses and his
followers pass through the ocean. As soon as they have passed, the ocean is
again back to its old state; the way that was created for Moses is no longer
there. Their enemies are now on the other side of the ocean. It is a great
But I cannot say that it happened, ever, for the simple reason that the God
who is so much interested in helping Moses and his people that he goes
against the laws of nature and parts the ocean, makes a way for them....
This God does not help Moses and his people when for forty years they go on
wandering in the desert to find Israel, the promised land.
Forty years! Almost three-quarters of the original followers have died: a
new generation has grown up, which has no respect for Moses. On the contrary,
it is full of anger because this man has been driving them mad! In the
desert, hot sun, no food, no water -- they have become beggars, and where is
the promised land? And they are continuously asking him, "How long will it
take? Why didn't you say before that it would take so long?"
Just this fact is enough to prove that the ocean didn't give way, because a
God so compassionate as to make it give way, to change the laws of nature,
must have helped these poor dying people. Three-quarters of them died. And
finally, it is not that they found the promised land, it is simply that the
old, tired Moses says, "This is the promised land" -- because Israel is
nothing that can be called God's promised land!
The first miracle is just a fiction; the second story is a reality. Moses
got so tired -- and nobody had any idea how the promised land looked, so
they settled in Israel. And Moses found an excuse just to get rid of those
people, because one of the tribes somewhere on the way was lost....
It was not lost, it had reached the promised land! They simply dropped
following Moses -- it was enough. For twenty years they had tortured
themselves in the desert, and there was no hope. And the desert seemed to be
infinite; you go on and on and there is no end to it. So they moved in
exactly the opposite direction from Moses, and they reached Kashmir. And
Kashmir is certainly a place that can be called God's promised land. They
settled in Kashmir. They were later on converted by force to Islam, but they
are basically Jews.
Moses said, "I will have to go to find the lost tribe." He also reached
Kashmir, and you will be surprised -- Moses died in Kashmir. His grave is in
Kashmir, in India, in the promised land of God -- not in Israel.
If you look at Jesus, his miracles, things can be very easily understood.
He walks on water, he heals the sick, gives eyes to the blind, makes the
crippled walk, makes Lazarus come back to life out of his grave. He does
everything that you can conceive -- makes water into wine....
Such a man was not recognized by his contemporaries as a savior? Such a man
would be recognized even in the twentieth century, with all the miracles of
science, to be the savior -- what more do you want? No Jewish scripture even
mentions the name of Jesus. That is impossible. If such a man appears, then
all the television sets and all the radios and all the newspapers will be
full of him. As long as he lives, he will be the "Man of the Year" every
year. You cannot ignore such a man.
But not even a mention in any of the Jewish books! And Jesus was a Jew:
born a Jew, lived a Jew, died a Jew -- he had never heard of the word "Christianity."
Jews would have been immensely happy with him; on the contrary, they
crucified him.
All those miracles are fictions. If they were real, Jesus would not have
been crucified. And if they were real, who would be able to crucify him? The
man who can walk on water can also walk on air. The man who can make dead
people come back to life -- you cannot crucify him. And a man with such
power falls three times on the way, because the cross is very heavy and he
has to carry it on his own shoulders. He is young, only thirty-three, and he
is a carpenter's son; he must have been accustomed to carrying logs....
If I was carrying the cross and had fallen three times, it would have been
understandable. I have never carried even a glass of water. Carrying a cross
on my shoulder? Impossible. Just somehow I manage to carry myself! But Jesus
falling three times shows his humanity, shows that after all he is the son
of man, not the only begotten son of God.
Those three incidents on the way are very significant to me. They prove
that all the miracles are just invented.
These religions have been trying to reduce human beings to sinners, and to
raise their prophets, messengers, into saints; and creating such a distance
that it becomes almost impossible even to conceive that you can become a
saint -- transformation is impossible.
But this commune is going to do it! It is already happening. And when I say
"this commune" I mean all the communes around the world -- it is one commune.
I want to create a circle of energy around the world of meditative people,
so that anybody who wants to have some taste of meditation can have it. And
it is very addictive!
Question 4
I will answer it, and I will answer it three times: Yes! Yes! Yes!
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