The dewdrop has disappeared into the ocean
The dewdrop has disappeared into the ocean
The real master is only a presence. He has no intentions of being a master.
His presence is his teaching. His love is his message. Every gesture of his
hand is pointing to the moon. And this whole thing is not being done, it is
a happening. The master is not a doer. He has learned the greatest secret of
life: let-go.
The master has drowned his ego and the idea of separation from existence
itself. He is no longer there as a separate entity, he is just a window. You
can see through the window the infinite sky and the expanding universe: the
sunrise, the sunset, a bird on the wing, the lotus opening its being,
releasing its fragrance.
The master is certainly not one of the so-called masters you will find
everywhere, pretending to be masters, posing as masters.
The master is just an immense emptiness.
And, naturally, the disciple is one who comes closer and closer to the same
qualities: nonexistence of the ego; no separation from existence; an
overflowing love, unconditional; a tremendous sensitivity to beauty... a
great revolution -- that you are not, existence is. The dewdrop has
disappeared into the ocean.
The function of the master is to give you a taste of dissolving into the
whole, of becoming part of this tremendously beautiful orchestra of
existence. He has no creeds to teach you, no dogmas to preach to you, no
catechism, no theologies. He is not to give you more slavery, more mental
That's what all your so-called masters are doing. Somebody is making you a
Christian, somebody is making you a Hindu, somebody is making you a
Mohammedan. These are not masters. These are all phony, plastic, American --
or better, Californian.
The authentic master is immense freedom.
To be close to him is to be close to the infinite sky, which knows no
To be in his presence is to be lost, utterly lost.
Just now, you don't exist. What exists is the silence that pervades five
thousand people. You are melting in that silence.
A master is not a pretender. He does not declare that he is a master, he
proves it -- just by his presence. The presence of the master is the only
miracle in the whole existence. And it is tremendously magnetic. Whoever is
courageous enough and wants to explore this silence, this stillness, comes
closer to the master.
Coming closer to the master is what is meant by disciplehood. It is not a
surrender, it is not a belief, it is not faith.
It is an adventure, the ultimate adventure -- because as you come closer to
the master, you strangely feel that you are disappearing. The moment you are
really close to the master, you are not. Neither the master is, nor the
disciple is.
Then there is communion.
Then there is that transfer which no word can manage to communicate.
In that immense silence between two utterly absent but fully alert beings,
there transpires the most exquisite, ecstatic experience of life.
You have come back home.
Question 2
Yes, there is great meaning. And it is the same Shiva who has given one
hundred and twelve methods of meditation to the world.
It is very rare that a man exhausts the whole of science single-handedly.
Shiva is one of those geniuses. As far as meditation is concerned, in these
thousands of years nothing has been added to those one hundred and twelve
methods. They are exhaustive.
Shiva has taken note of every possibility. He has not left any corner, any
space, any dimension in which you can discover a new method. Certainly no
other genius in the whole humanity can be compared to this strange man.
But the story must be confusing you. His wife, Parvati, dies; he loved her
immensely. I would like to go step by step into the story and to explain all
the implications of it. They mean much to you and to humanity today.
First, Shiva was not celibate. And a man who was not celibate discovered
all the techniques of meditation. What is the implication?
The implication is that celibacy has nothing to do with meditation -- that
in fact the so-called celibate saints and monks have not contributed
anything to human wisdom, human intelligence, to beauty, to richness, to
music, to dance. No, not in any dimension have your celibate monks and nuns
been contributors. They have been a burden on the earth. The only thing they
have contributed is AIDS. And it is a very natural consequence.
Life arises out of sex, life consists of sex. You can grow your sex to such
a refinement that it can become love, it can become compassion. But if you
block the very energy of sex by celibacy, you have destroyed all
possibilities of your growth. You are now moving towards death. If sex is
life, then celibacy is death. This is a simple logic.
And AIDS is another name of slow death. That's why there is no cure for it,
because there is no cure for death. The only difference is, death comes
suddenly; AIDS comes slowly, takes time. But to die suddenly has a beauty.
One moment you are alive, next moment you are gone; there is no intermediate
period where you are in torture.
But a man who has to live for two years waiting for death -- you cannot
conceive his torture. He knows there is no way to avoid it. All his life
loses meaning; he is simply waiting in immense anguish. And two years for
him are not just two years. Time is relative. If you are happy, time goes
fast. If you are meeting your beloved, you cannot believe that the night is
over and on the horizon the sun is rising. If you are meeting a friend after
many years, hours pass -- it seems suddenly time is running, not walking in
the normal way.
But when you are just in despair, anguish, and there is nothing tomorrow
except death, those two years are almost infinite. To us, from the outside,
they are two years; but for the person who is in the grip of AIDS, those two
years are eternity.
These celibates have given AIDS to you, because celibacy is unnatural,
against biology, against physiology, against your hormones.
And remember perfectly well that your body is autonomous. It does not work
on your orders; it has its own program and it works accordingly. You eat
food. It is up to you what to eat, but once it is below your throat it is
beyond your capacity to do anything about it. Now it is in the power of your
body to digest it, to separate it into different elements, to send those
different elements to different parts of the body.
What is needed for the brain will be carried to the brain. What is needed
for your genitalia will be carried to your genitalia. And your body does not
know that you are a Christian monk, that you are celibate -- it goes on
creating male sperm in you. What are you going to do with those male sperm?
You cannot keep on containing them within you, because there is only a
small space; once it is full, they have to be released. And they are in a
hurry to be released, because they also want to go into the world and see
what is happening outside. That's how you have come into the world, that's
how everybody else has come into the world.
It is good that Gautam Buddha's father was not a monk. Just a few people:
Gautam Buddha's father, Lao Tzu's father, Chuang Tzu's father, Moses' father
-- if all these people were monks, there would have been no religions,
except Christianity... because the poor father of Jesus had nothing to do
with Jesus' birth -- he was a monk!
But have you ever thought about it, that the Christian God is a trinity,
and that one part of the Christian trinity is the Holy Ghost. He is not a
celibate, he is a rapist.
A great divine act! -- he rapes a poor carpenter's virgin wife, and you
still go on calling this monster the Holy Ghost. Then what do you think an
unholy ghost is? And he is an essential part of God. That makes God also a
But your monks, your nuns, all the religions have forced death on humanity,
destructiveness on humanity. And the ultimate result is AIDS. And AIDS is
more dangerous than nuclear weapons, because nuclear weapons are not going
to be used at all. It is absolutely clear that to use those weapons is to
destroy all life on the planet.
War has meaning when somebody is victorious and somebody is defeated. War
has no meaning when the whole of humanity is destroyed. Nobody is
victorious; nobody is defeated. I can say to you with absolute certainty,
nuclear weapons cannot be used. But AIDS is spreading fast, like wildfire.
It may destroy humanity.
The first implication in Shiva's story is that he is not celibate. The
second implication is that he is not a homosexual. All your monks and nuns
are bound to be homosexuals, lesbians. You have forced them into such a
place that there is no other way.
The third implication is that Shiva has infinite love for his beloved, so
much that he carried Parvati's dead body in search of a physician for twelve
years around the country, till all the limbs, one by one, fell away. Nothing
was left on his shoulder. It looks a little ridiculous, but to me it has a
totally different meaning.
A meditator like Shiva knows life is eternal. And if life is eternal, then
there is no reason why Parvati has to take another form. She is still young,
healthy, beautiful. There must be someone who can manage to make her heart
beat again, her lungs function again, because behind the body is the soul,
which is eternal -- just something in the body is missing.
In that way, Shiva proves to be the first pioneer in human engineering. He
is searching for a physician to change any part that is preventing the soul
of his wife from entering this beautiful body.
Now scientists say that the human body has the capacity of rejuvenating
itself as long as you want. Why do people almost always die at the age of
seventy, on average? The reason is not physical, the reason is
We have become accustomed to the idea that life is only for seventy years.
This conditioning in the mind for a life of seventy years is the cause of
your body stopping; otherwise there is no reason.
There are places in Kashmir, a small part which is now occupied by
Pakistan, where there are people who are one hundred and forty years old,
one hundred and fifty years old -- and still young. I have been to see those
people. They live in the hills, and somehow they have not got the idea that
man's life is only for seventy years.
In the Caucasus, in Russia, there are people who have reached one hundred
and eighty years, thousands of people, who are still working in the fields
like young men. They are robust....
I am reminded of George Bernard Shaw, who lived all his life in London.
But, when he was coming close to the age of seventy, he started going around
in small villages to visit the cemeteries. His friends thought that he had
become crazy.
They always had known that something was wrong with Bernard Shaw, but now
it was perfectly proved that this man was going crazy. What is the point of
going into small villages and visiting cemeteries, and reading the
inscriptions in the cemeteries, and collecting notes?
Finally he decided to change his residence from London to a small village.
His friends asked, "What is the reason? You are a man of literature, of
culture; London is your milieu. What are you going to do in that stupid
He said, "That is the only village I am going to live in, because in that
village cemetery I have found that people have lived one hundred and ten
years, one hundred and twenty years, one hundred and thirty years. And still
the inscription is that the man died untimely. One hundred and thirty years,
and the man died untimely!
"That village has the right psychology. I am going to that village, and I
am going to visit the cemetery every day. Now that is my university, and I
have to read those inscriptions on the graves to convince myself that
seventy is not the end." And he lived almost one century.
Now the people who are working on human engineering say that man can easily
live for three hundred years, without any difficulty and without any old
age. Just his psychology has to be changed, his conditioning has to be
changed. And there are more daring scientists who say that if we can change
the program in the basic human cells -- which can be done, now we are
capable of doing it -- then we can make man live as long as he wants.
One of my sannyasins here has written a letter to me that he is very
confused. He is a scientist, and he works in a scientific lab where
artificial human organs are made -- hands, legs, liver, heart -- all human
parts. His confusion is "whether I am going against nature, because the
factory-produced heart is not as good as the natural heart. Am I doing
something wrong by being in this profession, by creating artificial hands?"
His confusion is absolutely unfounded. Remember, nature has given you
intelligence, and the function of intelligence is to improve upon nature. It
is just the beginning.
If your artificial limbs are not so good as the natural ones, don't be
worried: within a few years your artificial limbs will be better than the
natural ones, because natural limbs are created by blind biology and your
limbs will be created by conscious intelligence. And that conscious
intelligence is part of nature, so you are not doing anything against
Yes, those who are preaching celibacy are against nature. Those who are
preaching against birth control methods are against nature. Those who are
making nuclear bombs are against nature. They are all destructive -- your
work is creative. If your limbs are not yet superior to natural limbs, make
more effort, put in more energy. It is just a question of bringing more
intelligence into your work.
And it will be a tremendous blessing to humanity if you can create superior
parts for the human body, because when somebody dies of a heart attack --
life never dies -- only his heart has failed; if it can be replaced, he will
be again alive. You are in the service of life.
Somebody has a fracture: now, rather than joining the fractured bone, which
will never be as strong as it was before, it is better to change the whole
bone completely for a new, artificial and better bone. We can make bones
which cannot have such accidents.
We can make man capable of changing anything that is not functioning well.
There is no need for glasses if eyes can be changed. And there will be real
beauty -- at the age of seventy, having fresh eyes like a child!
There is no need to feel confused. You are to remember only one single
criterion: anything in the service of life is in the service of nature;
anything against life is against nature.
And intelligence is nature's only hope to improve upon itself.
Shiva's story has beautiful implications. In carrying his dead wife, he is
saying that perhaps there may be someone who can change some small part
which has gone out of function. He is the first scientist of human
Third, his love -- don't call it infatuation -- his love for his wife
simply shows that meditativeness is not against love. A man who created all
the methods of meditation, who was perhaps history's greatest meditator, was
still human and had no difficulty in being in love.
All the religions have been teaching just the opposite. They are teaching
that you renounce your wife, you renounce your children, you renounce the
world, you renounce comforts, you renounce everything that makes your life a
joy. Then only can you be saved. They are teaching you suicide; it is not
religion. But they have turned millions of people into a gang of suicidal
The moment your love dies, many other things also die in you. A man whose
love is dead is incapable of seeing beauty in a painting. If he cannot see
beauty in a human face, in the face of Cleopatra; if he cannot see beauty in
the ultimate expression of existence, what can he see on a canvas? Just a
few colors. He cannot see beauty in it.
He whose love is dead cannot compose poetry, because without love his
poetry will be simply juiceless. It won't have life in it. It will be a
simple gymnastics of words without any spirit behind it. It will be a corpse
of poetry, but not poetry.
A man who cannot love cannot be creative in any sense. Why should he make a
beautiful statue of a woman or a man? Why should he make beautiful statues
of women in Khajuraho in India?
I am aware of all the best sculptures around the world: nothing is
comparable to Khajuraho. Thousands of beautiful women in one temple... and
there are thirty temples still in perfect shape. There used to be one
hundred temples. Seventy temples are in ruins, but in those ruins also you
can find beautiful pieces.
In one temple, thousands of women, men, loving each other, hugging each
other.... You can see that the stones have become alive, you can see that
the stones can speak. You can see that nature has not been able to create
such beautiful women as those unknown artists have done.
But if stone can be made so beautiful, so alive that it seems the woman is
just going to come out, that she is just going to start breathing again,
then why can't we improve on humanity? There is no need for ugly people. It
is our fault and our responsibility.
Now the medical profession is capable of deciding what kind of child it
will be that you are going to produce, because the male sperm has the whole
program, the woman's egg has the whole program. Both programs can be read,
and if it is not worthwhile to go on, they should be discarded.
We have to discard many old conceptions -- that your child has to be your
child. But if your child is going to be blind, if your child is going to be
crippled, if your child is going to be just an imbecile, do you still want
it to be your child?
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Will it not be better that people go to the hospitals and donate male
sperm, that women go to the hospitals when they want children? The couple
can go and say, "This is the kind of child we want, so you figure it out.
This is my wife, so you read her eggs" -- and every month a woman is
releasing one egg, so there is no trouble -- "and you give her the best
sperm from your lab. I want my child to be a genius. I want my child to be
healthy. I want my child to live long."
You have to drop that stupid idea that it has to be just your sperm. Can
you recognize your sperm? If twelve samples are placed before you, can you
recognize it, that "this is my sperm"? So what is the point? Why make a fuss
about it? Get the best sperm that is possible. Think of the child and his
future -- give him all that is best.
But the most sorry thing is.... We are doing this with trees, with animals
-- and we have improved upon animals, upon trees.
I had one gardener.... I have lived in many cities, but wherever I have
lived, I have lived surrounded with trees. My gardens are almost jungles.
This old gardener was really a genius. He was winning the first prize in the
state every year for producing the biggest flowers, and he wanted to do it
in my garden.
I asked, "What is your secret? How do you manage to create the biggest rose
in the whole state?"
He said, "The secret is simple. I don't allow many flowers to grow on one
rosebush. I cut all the buds and keep only one bud. Naturally, all the juice
of the tree moves into one bud. Instead of creating hundreds of roseflowers,
it creates one roseflower, but then nobody can compete with it."
If this is possible, then rather than having a dozen children it is better
to have one child, but have a child which will have the best intelligence,
the best body, the most beautiful face. But no, people are interested in
having dozens of children. They are exhausted, their children are born
almost exhausted; from the very beginning they are old.
What we are doing in nature with trees, with animals, we have not yet been
courageous enough to do with human beings; otherwise, there is no need for
crippled people. It is sad; they are victims of your stupid ideas. They are
suffering because of their parents. There are blind children, there are deaf
children. There are children who are sick from the very beginning.
In Tibet, it used to be a traditional thing that whenever a child was born
they would dip the child in freezing, ice-cold water nine times. Out of ten
children, nine would die.
Looks inhuman, primitive -- but the basic principle is understandable.
Their idea was this: that if these children cannot survive the shock of
freezing water, then in Tibet -- which is the land of eternal snows all
around -- their whole life will be a misery. "Now one has survived; we can
depend on his strength, his stamina -- that he will be able to live in this
remote corner of the world; the very roof of the world." And Tibetans are
really strong, very strong people. But the reason is because nine have been
I am not telling you to sacrifice your children -- just don't produce them.
Shiva's story makes it clear that a man of meditation will be a man of
immense love. He will not be inhuman.
For example, Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, would not allow any woman to
come close to him. Women had to be eight feet away from him. What kind of
fear...? Jaina monks are not allowed to sit on a spot where a woman has been
sitting before, because that spot still has a feminine vibe. These people
seem to be insane.
Nine months they were in their mother's womb -- nine months' continuous
feminine vibe! And half of their being is contributed by the mother; their
flesh, their blood, their skin, their bones are all contributed by their
mother -- they all have a feminine vibe. And these idiots are saying, "Don't
sit in a place where a woman was sitting."
So every Jaina monk carries a small mattress, rolled up, with him. So,
wherever he sits, first he puts his mattress as a protection, and then he
sits on the mattress. If feminine vibes are really so powerful, I think a
mattress cannot prevent them. In fact, the mattress itself is feminine. Have
you seen a male mattress?
Buddha told his disciples, "You have, while walking, to keep your eyes only
four feet ahead, looking down on the earth just four feet ahead, so that you
never see a feminine face. At the most you can see the feet of a woman, and
if you see the feet, move away."
What kind of fear...? And these people are meditative? This is paranoia!
They must be tremendously repressed. These are psychologically sick people,
they are sexually pathological.
Buddha had said, "Never touch a woman, never talk to a woman." Women are
half of humanity! This is simply a male chauvinistic attitude, absolutely
And it is not based on the transformation of man through meditation, but on
repression of sexuality; that's why these people are so fearful.
Not to touch a woman -- I don't see the point. My people are here... they
are hugging women, touching women, and I don't see that their spirituality
is destroyed, or their meditation is disturbed. In fact, just the opposite
is the case.
There is a question... a man has said, "It is very strange that when I make
love to a woman, the next day I understand you better. My meditation goes
He is feeling strange. There is nothing strange in it, it is how it should
be. Making love to a woman relaxes you, takes your tensions away, makes you
more childlike. Naturally you understand me better, naturally you meditate
Man and woman can help each other tremendously towards meditation and
towards the ultimate transformation of their being.
Question 3
The only way to prevent people from getting power-oriented is to start with
yourself, because everybody carries in his unconscious the desire for power
of some kind or other.
One of the great emperors of India, Shah Jehan -- who made the most
beautiful grave for his wife, the Taj Mahal -- was arrested by his own son,
imprisoned, and the son became the emperor. His name was Aurangzeb; he was
one of the worst emperors India has known. But sometimes even third-rate
human beings have certain insights which are significant.
Aurangzeb told his court, "My father has sent a message from the prison
that the whole day sitting there he feels bored. It will be a tremendous
kindness if he can be given thirty children whom he can teach." Aurangzeb
commented, "This is nothing but lust for power. He has lost his kingdom, but
he still wants thirty children so that he can rule over them, discipline
There is insight in the comment. The people who become teachers, the people
who become preachers, the people who become politicians, all are searching
for power in different ways. Even your God is not much different. How can he
be much different? -- because he is your creation, he is your projection. He
has all the ingredients of your mind.
God does not exist anywhere. You paint him.
I have heard.... One small child was making a picture, very fast. His
father watched and asked, "What are you doing so quickly?"
The boy said, "I am making a picture of God the father."
His father said, "But how can you make a picture of God? You have not seen
him, nobody has seen him."
The boy said, "Don't be worried: when my picture is complete, everybody
will know how God looks!"
All your gods are nothing but the pictures of that child.
God punished Adam and Eve -- for what? Disobedience. This is lust for
power; otherwise, a God who is love will be able to forgive. But he drove
them out of the Garden of Eden and made them feel guilty that they have
But couldn't he explain to them? Couldn't he give them another chance? --
even ordinary human fathers will not drive their children out of the house
because they have disobeyed. We expect a little more compassion from God.
And what was their disobedience? They had just eaten the fruit of the tree
of knowledge. I don't think there is anything wrong in it. Knowledge is not
a sin. In fact, God making knowledge a sin is behaving really insanely.
He has prohibited them from eating the fruit of eternal life. What kind of
father, what kind of God is he? In fact, he should have told them, "These
are the two best trees in the whole Garden of Eden, so eat as many apples as
possible." Strange, the apple tree is the tree of knowledge! "And eat as
many fruits of the tree of eternal life" -- then certainly they would not
have disobeyed.
If anybody is criminal in this whole act it is God, not Adam and Eve. And
Adam and Eve did not rebel. In fact, they should have driven God out of
Eden, thrown him out of the garden, told him, "You are no longer needed, you
are out of date. Get lost! Now we are here and we will manage!" But they
must have been very simple people, innocent. God drove them out in a
third-class Ford motorcar.
And they accepted the guilt, and Christians are still living in that guilt.
Six thousand years have passed, but every Christian is born in sin. This is
God's lust for power. And the priest found it perfectly suitable to his own
lust for power. He is perfectly in tune with God. He makes you feel guilty,
he makes you feel a sinner -- that gives him power over you.
Just a few days ago the Catholic pope informed all the Catholics in the
world that they cannot confess their sins to God direct. Why not directly?
It is now a sin to confess directly to God! They have to confess to the
priest; everything has to go via the right channel. This is all lust for
power. If people start confessing to God, then the priest is useless -- and
finally the pope is useless.
And Catholics confessing their sins to the priest don't understand the
conspiracy that the power-lusty people are imposing on them. They are told
that if they confess to the priest, God will forgive them. So they confess,
but that makes them more and more enslaved by the priest, because the priest
knows everything about their sins, crimes.... They cannot leave the Catholic
fold; they know the priest knows too much about them. Now they are in the
hands of the priest. This is a simple political strategy.
I know about Indira Gandhi in India. She was very much interested in my
ideas -- we had a few meetings. She told me, "My power consists in having a
few files."
I said, "I don't understand. What do you mean?"
She said, "I have files against each politician who can be a competitor to
me, and he knows that I will immediately expose him before the public,
before the court. Rather than becoming the prime minister, he will be behind
Those files now are in the hands of her son, Rajiv Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi was
never in politics, but those files are enough: all old politicians are
silent, knowing perfectly well that they can be caught and exposed. They
have committed every kind of crime.
You will be surprised... when Indira Gandhi's son, Sanjay Gandhi, had an
accident and died -- his plane crashed just near Indira Gandhi's house, two
blocks away -- Indira Gandhi rushed there immediately. Naturally, you would
think a mother would rush immediately; her son has died. But what she
inquired was, "He had some keys with him -- where are those keys?" She had
not rushed there for Sanjay Gandhi, she had rushed there for those two keys,
because those two keys were to all the files containing all the papers
against all the Indian politicians.
In fact, it seems she felt relieved by Sanjay Gandhi's death, because
Sanjay Gandhi was harassing her. It is a well-known fact all over the
country -- there are eyewitnesses -- that once Sanjay Gandhi slapped Indira
Gandhi. And it was an everyday thing, they were fighting continuously,
because he wanted all those files. Finally, just to keep the peace, she had
given him the keys. His death came as a relief; the keys were back with her.
You are asking me, "How can we stop people from getting into a power trip?"
Start from yourself. Just don't do anything to dominate, and don't allow
anybody to dominate you either. Take the whole responsibility of being an
individual, and respect the right of everybody else to be an individual, to
be totally free. Never interfere in anybody's life, and never allow anybody
else to interfere in your life.
And be watchful, because the ego is very subtle, its ways are very subtle.
Watch that you are not trying to be powerful in some way -- over your wife,
over your children, over your servants....
Do you treat your servant exactly the same way as you treat your boss? If
not, then you cannot get rid of the power trip. Respect everybody: the boss
is doing his work, the servant is doing his work.
But as it happens now, the servant passes through the room and you don't
even look at him, you don't even say, "Hi." The servant is just a servant --
not to be taken any note of. But if the boss comes in the room then you
stand up, trembling, nervous. What has happened? Your servant is as much a
human being as your boss. Behave with them equally, be respectful to each
individual. What their function is, is secondary.
That is the whole point in this commune. Somebody is a cleaner, somebody is
a psychotherapist -- but in the commune there is no difference at all. The
psychotherapist is not being treated specially, and the cleaner is not
thought to be doing something third rate.
After the functions, in the evening, you will see that the professor, the
president, the cleaner -- they are all hugging, and they are all dancing in
the disco. This is how things should be. Everybody is contributing to the
commune. Everything is absolutely necessary. In fact, we can live without
the professor, but we cannot live without the cleaner -- his function is far
more important.
If you just keep a little alert that you are not dominating anybody in any
way.... Even small children that have unfortunately fallen into your hands,
be respectful to them. That will teach them also to be respectful to
everybody. And that will give them an integrity, individuality, a certain
kind of crystallization, a great spiritual strength. And then they will
never seek power.
Power is sought only by people who are feeling deep inside an inferiority
complex. So don't create an inferiority complex in anybody, and don't feel
yourself in any way inferior.
All human beings are unique. I cannot say they are equal. That is my basic
point against communism. Communism is absolutely an unpsychological
philosophy. No two human beings are equal. Yes, every human being is unique.
There is no need for equality; what is needed is uniqueness.
Try to express your uniqueness, and help others to express their
uniqueness. And destroy the inferiority complex first in yourself, then in
your wife, then in your children, then in your neighbors, in your friends.
And let this fire spread.
I can see a day somewhere in the future that people will be there but there
will be nobody who is hungry for power. To be hungry for power simply shows
that the man needs psychiatric treatment. All the politicians of the world,
all the presidents, all the prime ministers, kings and queens, need
psychiatric treatment so that they can again become human beings.
That atmosphere can be created. We have one million sannyasins around the
world: create that atmosphere, spread that idea to every nook and corner of
the earth.
We have lived under these power trippers for thousands of years and, except
for suffering and misery, nothing has happened.
I am showing you the way where there is a possibility of a song bursting
out of your heart and a dance, for no reason at all -- just for dance's
sake. It is so joyful to dance with the wind, in the sun, just the way trees
are dancing.
Humanity has not yet become cultured.
Civilization has not yet happened.
We have to create the ground for it to happen -- and we are going to create
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