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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization |
Earlier I stated that the physical plane areas or localities
which constitute the present modern exits for energies, through which directed energies
can pass to carry out the creative process, are five in number: New York, London, Geneva,
Darjeeling and Tokyo. These five form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies,
symbolic of the major divisions of our modern civilization. I would have you bear in mind
that all that I am here giving you anent energy is in relation to the human kingdom and to
nothing else; I am not relating these energies to the other kingdoms in nature; I am here
concerned with physical plane utilization of energy through the power of directed thinking
and on behalf of the evolution and well-being of mankind. At each one of these five
centers one of the Masters will be found present, with His ashram, and a vortex of
spiritual forces will there be organized to hasten and materialize the plans of the Christ
for the new and coming world cycle. The organizing of these five centers will be done slowly and gradually. A senior disciple will appear and will work quietly at the foundation work, gathering around him the needed agents, aspirants and assistants. All these workers at any particular center will be trained to think, and the effort now present in the educational and social world to force men to think for themselves is a general part of this training process. Until a man can do his own thinking and deciding, he cannot be an intelligent, willing and understanding cooperator, working with an ashram and controlling and directing the creative process. If the new heavens and the new earth are to be a fact in manifestation and in reality, it means a great recreating process must get under way, and this is the concept lying behind the teaching anent the five centers on Earth and the part which they will play in rebuilding and reorganizing the world. [676] As the next few years bring into focus the hierarchical intention, disciples and aspirants must look for those men and those few women who will be working as a group along spiritual lines in or near one or other of these five localities. Initial opposition to the founding of these centers of clear thinking men and women, working freely and understandingly with one of the Masters or senior initiates, is already unhappily present; it is to be found in the narrowness, the biassed information and the lack of freedom of the totalitarian schools of thought. This was inevitable, for the Black Lodge ever endeavors to parallel, offset and undo the work of the White Lodge, and hitherto quite successfully. But the cycle of success is slowly closing because the energy of goodwill, emanated by the Will-to-Good, is rapidly becoming effective. In London, in New York, in Geneva and Darjeeling, and in Tokyo, a Master will eventually be found, organizing a major energy center; at the same time His Ashram will continue to function upon buddhic levels, for the entire personnel has not been alerted for externalization. The Ashram will therefore be working on two levels - and yet that is not a correct statement of fact, as there are no levels, as well you know, but only states of consciousness. Ask me not how this can be; ponder on the relation of this dual and simultaneous appearance by attempting to grasp the nature of the manifested form of the planetary Logos in the Person of Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is not the personality of the planetary Logos, for personality as you understand it is not existent in His case. It is not the soul of the planetary Logos, because that soul is the anima mundi and the soul of all forms in all kingdoms. Sanat Kumara, the Eternal Youth, can be seen by Those Who have the right, presiding, for instance, over the Council in Shamballa, yet at the same time He is present as the life and the informing intelligence upon and within our planet. You have therefore five points where the externalization of the Ashrams will take place and eventually be focused. From these points, as time elapses, other Ashrams, subsidiary [677] in nature, will be found emerging, sponsored and founded by disciples and initiates from these five Ashrams, and representing the three major rays and two minor rays. To start with, they will be founded through the presence in these localities of some senior or world disciple; it must be remembered that the forerunner of all movements which appear upon the physical plane is an educational propaganda, therefore some disciple upon the second ray will come into action, first of all, in all these five points; he will be followed by a disciple upon the seventh ray. All world movements are, as well you know, externalizations of subjective ideas and concepts and of phases of formulated thinking; and the appearance of the Hierarchy upon earth in tangible form is no exception to this rule. |
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