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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
In past communications I have oft spoken of the Forces of
Light and the Forces of Materialism, meaning by these terms the controlling trends towards
brotherhood, right human relations and selfless purpose, and those which reverse these
higher tendencies and bring into human affairs selfish acquisitiveness, emphasis upon
material interests, brutal aggression and cruelty. The two positions are clear to the
unprejudiced onlooker. To these two groups I would add a third. This third group is taking shape in the world today with extreme definiteness and is composed of those who throw the weight of their influence and of their action on neither side; theoretically, they may advocate the higher way, but practically they do nothing to further its interests. This third group is formed internally of two groups: first, those people who are potentially weak and are therefore ridden by fear and terror, feeling that they dare not move in any way against the forces of aggression, and secondly, an intrinsically powerful group who, through selfish material interests, plus a sense of separative superiority, or distance from the seat of trouble and the domination of false values, hold aloof from the situation and shirk their evident responsibility as members of the human family. This latter group includes, among others, a number of powerful democracies and republics. Fear, terror and a sense of helpless futility govern the reactions of the one, and who can criticize? Selfishness and separativeness control the other group. You have, therefore, in the world at this time three groups of people who embody the three major views of the whole of humanity, plus the unthinking masses, swayed by propaganda, controlled by their governments, and the prey [215] of the loudest voices. It is of value to you to get this picture clearly in your minds, and I would like again to define them.
The problem is one of exceeding difficulty because, even though the lines of demarcation are becoming steadily more distinct, yet the exponents of these three groups are to be found in every land and among all people - in every church and in every home. No nation or group is exempt from this triplicity. It is rooted in human attitudes, and that is why this conflict is a strictly human conflict and not a European war. Every nation has its selfish, aggressive people, who believe that might is right and that men must be [216] governed by the law of the jungle, taking what they want, no matter at what cost to others. Every nation has those within its borders who see the vision of right human relations, who seek to live by the law of brotherhood, who respond to the influence of the Forces of Light and of the spiritual Hierarchy, and who desire peace, kindness and goodwill to rule world affairs and control the policies of the governments. Every nation has also within it those neutrally-minded people who fail to think clearly, who seek to place the blame upon the shoulders of all except themselves, who theorize and speculate, advise, and assign responsibility, but who refrain from any active participation in the processes of adjustment, from reasons of pride or unwillingness to pay the price. Many of them are group conscientious objectors who will eventually profit by the victory of the Forces of Light but who refuse to share in the struggle, reserving themselves for the future peace settlements, longing for the conflict to end, but doing nothing to bring that about. Many are entirely sincere, but their thinking needs adjusting. |
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