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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture |
I would pause here and solemnly beg you not to make the lines
of cleavage wider by placing yourself, and all who follow your form of ideology, upon the
side of the Forces of Light and all other people and their ideologies, with which you may
not agree, upon the side of the Forces of Darkness. The issue is, in the last analysis,
the right to express the will-to-good, the right to express human relationships,
untrammeled by territorial barriers and national habits of thought; it involves the right
and the felt necessity to shew love to all beings and thus stamp out all hate and
separateness. It concerns the right of all nations to live at peace with their neighbors
and harmoniously with each other and to express the true and subjective synthesis of
humanity, and not place national possessions, frontiers, culture, power and ambition
before the general good and the happiness of the world of men. This is the real and
underlying issue. All the national challenges and patriotic calls are simply the attempts
of the leaders everywhere to hold the people to a particular line of thought and of
action. To make the world safe for democracy, to gain room to live, to defend the rights
of little nations, to preserve the balance of power, to meet force with force, to restore
ancient and historical boundaries, to impose some culture deemed desirable, to prevent
economic destruction, to conserve national stakes and interests are all the talking points
of the leaders today. But the real issue is the intangible one of Direction. Which way
will humanity go? [130] Will it go the way of selflessness, expressed in a willingness to
act always in the interests of all, thus promoting world understanding and world unity, or
the way of selfishness and aggression, expressed in an intense nationalism, thus
sacrificing the true and larger values of liberty, independence and freedom to think. This
selfishness may show itself through active aggression or an active neutrality. Those
nations who participate in no way in this struggle will lose much and - enhancing their
own selfish struggle and clouding the real issue in beautiful words - will help to prolong
the struggle and hold back their own people from useful opportunity. I would point out here also that as in all families, business and organizations there are those who are the focal points of authority and the designers of the planned activities, so within that group or organized body which goes by the name of humanity there are similar focal points or those who plan, direct and produce the outer happenings and events. They are in the period of personality achievement - that time in which human beings, having achieved integration and a blended expression of feeling and perception and mind, are actively and effectively working upon the physical plane. These focal points are used to bring about two major changes in the world; the first is the fusion and blending of peoples and minorities so that coordinated empires and cultural nations are appearing everywhere and, secondly, the changing of frontiers and the altering of boundaries so that a complete readjustment of the map of the world in Asia, Europe and Africa can take place. It will be apparent to you that three major methods or modes of producing these fusions can be noted. Great Britain, the United States of America and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (the U.S.S.R.) are working out the principle of federation, of relation and of the fusion of bodies into concentrated wholes, responding to the same inspiration but employing their own specialized methods to bring about the desired ends. Be not surprised by my [131] including Russia in this triplicity. Their ideology is fundamentally as sound as that in the other groups, but the difference lies in the factors of personality and the mode of applying the ideology. The control of powerful and dangerous personalities, and the use of the methods of force and cruelty have been avoided in the first two groups of nations, and the reason is based upon the different source of the inspiration producing the effects. Another reason is to be found in the placing of power in the hands of those who are historically unprepared to rule and of those whose past unfoldment has as yet brought them only to the nursery stage of evolution. |
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