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Esoteric Astrology - The Zodiac and the Rays - The Creative Hierarchies
(The chart has been compiled from the very limited stock of knowledge that has thus far been revealed on the subject, and it is as correct as possible under the circumstances.)

Each of the seven Hierarchies of Beings, found within the Twelve, Who are the Builders or the Attractive Agents are (in their degree) intermediaries; all embody one of the types of force emanating from the seven constellations. Their intermediary work, therefore, is dual:

  1. They are the mediators between Spirit and matter.
  2. They are the transmitters of force from sources extraneous to the solar system to forms within the solar system.

Each of these groups of beings is likewise septenary in nature, and the forty-nine fires of Brahma are the lowest manifestation of their fiery nature. Each group also may be regarded as "fallen" in the cosmic sense, because involved in the building process, or the occupiers of forms of some degree of density or another.

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