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Esoteric Healing - Chapter I - The Psychological Causes of Disease |
The second rule for the healer is as follows:
The significance of this will be somewhat apparent to the advanced esoteric student. As you know, the magnetic field is established when the powerful vibration of the center in front of the pituitary body, and the center around and above the pineal gland, swing into each other's orbit. The only controversial point in connection with the above rule (which we shall have later to consider) is how and in what manner magnetic purity is to be achieved, and how the two centers in the head can form together one magnetic field. Later, in our conclusion, which is intended to be intensely practical, I will touch upon these two points. One of the things which should definitely emerge in our studies is the fact that disease is seldom of individual origin, unless a man misspends his life and definitely misuses his body (through drink or sexual dissipation), and that the bulk of the disease to be found in the world today is almost entirely of group origin, is inherited, is the result of infection, or the result of undernourishment. The last named cause is primarily an evil of civilization; it is the result of economic maladjustment or the corruption of food. As I earlier pointed out, these latter causes of disease are not primarily the result of inner subtle forces, but are the pouring upwards, into the etheric body, of energies from the physical plane itself and from the outer world of forces. Little attention has been paid by occult teachers to these forces which come from without, which originate upon the physical plane, and which affect the inner bodies. There are physical energy and streams of force entering into the etheric bodies of all forms, just as the world illusion and the miasmas of the astral plane oft have their causes in physical plane conditions. The energies entering into the centers of man from the subtler levels have oft been considered in occult books, but the forces which find their way into the centers from the world of physical plane life [32] are seldom realized or discussed. This is a somewhat new thought which I offer for your consideration. I have asked A.A.B. to insert a very brief synopsis of some of the points I have already made under the heading, What is Disease? I suggest the following:
We found also that healing is brought about in three ways:
I have also stated that the major causes of disease are three in number:
Remember, however, that these are the secondary causes and with the first of these we will now deal. [33] |
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