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Esoteric Healing - Chapter I - The Psychological Causes of Disease
Secondly, I seek today to give you another of the Laws of Healing, as well as one of the Rules for the Healer. Study these with care.

Law II
Disease is the product of, and subject to, three influences. First, a man's past, wherein he pays the price of [30] ancient error. Second, his inheritance, wherein he shares with all mankind those tainted streams of energy which are of group origin. Thirdly, he shares with all the natural forms that which the Lord of Life imposes on His body. These three influences are called "The Ancient Law of Evil Sharing." This must give place some day to that new Law of Ancient Dominating Good which lies behind all that God made. This law must be brought into activity by the spiritual will of man.

What is a law, my brother? It is the imposition (upon both the lesser and the more important) of the will and purpose of that which is superlatively great. Therefore, it lies beyond man's ken. Man has some day to learn that all the laws of nature have their higher, spiritual counterparts, and of these we shall shortly be in search. Our laws today are but secondary laws. They are the laws of group life and they govern the kingdoms of nature and find their expression (for the human kingdom) through the medium of the mind, of the emotional nature, and through a physical plane agent. It is not my intention in this present short treatise to elucidate the primary laws. I but state them, and at a future time (dependent upon certain factors yet undeveloped) I may deal with them.

In this treatise, the third part of it is stated to deal with the basic laws of Healing. These deal not with the Laws referred to above, but with the practical aspects of the healing art.

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