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Esoteric Psychology II - Chapter I - The Egoic Ray - The Growth of Soul Influence |
A study of the outstanding individuals in all fields of world
expression today, when entirely divorced from the higher group concepts and the constant
spiritual aspiration to serve humanity, will indicate the nature of the consummated
individuality and the success of this part of the divine plan. It should be carefully
noted that the successful demonstration of the dominant individual is just as much a
divine success in its proper place and time as is the case with the great Sons of God. One
success, however, is the expression of the third aspect of divinity as it veils and hides
the soul, and the other is the expression of two aspects of divinity (the second and the
third) as they veil and hide the life aspect of the Monad. When this is grasped, our
evaluation of world achievement will undergo change, and we will see life more truly and
divorced from the glamor which distorts our vision and the vision of the great.
Personalities as well. It should also be borne [16] in mind that individual separative
success is in itself an evidence of soul activity, for every individual is a living soul,
actuating the lower sheaths of bodies, and proceeding to
Is not the above sufficiently practical? Initiation carried to its consummation, as far as humanity is concerned, produces the liberated Master of the Wisdom, free from the limitations of the individual, garnering the fruits of the individualization process and functioning increasingly as the solar angel, because focused primarily in the inner spiritual body. Awareness of the Presence is thus steadily developed. This fact merits the deep study and meditation [17] of all disciples. As the three rays which govern the lower triplicity blend and synthesize and produce the vital personality, and as they in their turn dominate the ray of the dense physical body, the lower man enters into a prolonged condition of conflict. Gradually and increasingly, the soul ray, "the ray of persistent and magnetic grasp", as it is occultly called, begins to become more active; in the brain of the man who is a developed personality, an increased awareness of vibration is set up. There are many degrees and stages in this experience, and they cover many lives. The personality ray and the egoic ray at first seem to clash, and then later a steady warfare is set up with the disciple as the onlooker - and dramatic participator. Arjuna emerges into the arena of the battlefield. Midway between the two forces he stands, a conscious tiny point of sentient awareness and of light. Around him and in him and through him the energies of the two rays pour and conflict. Gradually, as the battle continues to rage, he becomes a more active factor, and drops the attitude of the detached and uninterested onlooker. When he is definitely aware of the issues involved, and definitely throws the weight of his influence, desires, and mind on to the side of the soul, he can take the first initiation. When the ray of the soul focuses itself fully through him, and all his centers are controlled by that focused soul ray, then he becomes the transfigured Initiate, and takes the third initiation. The ray of the personality is occultly "extinguished" or absorbed by the ray of the soul, and all the potencies and attributes of the lower rays become subsidiary to and colored by the soul ray. The disciple becomes a "man of God", - a person whose powers are controlled by the dominant vibration of the soul ray and whose inner, sensitive mechanism is vibrating to the measure of that soul ray which - in its turn - is being itself [18] reoriented to, and controlled by, the monadic ray. The process then repeats itself:
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