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Esoteric Psychology I - Some Tabulations on the Rays
The Rays that must be considered in Connection with Humanity
  1. The ray of the solar system itself.
  2. The ray of the planetary Logos of our planet.
  3. The ray of the human kingdom itself.
  4. Our particular racial ray, the ray that determines the Aryan race.
  5. The rays that govern any particular cycle.
  6. The national ray, or that ray influence which is peculiarly influencing a particular nation.
  7. The ray of the soul, or ego.
  8. The ray of the personality.
  9. The rays governing:
    1. The mental body.
    2. The emotional or astral body.
    3. The physical body. [430]

The Rays and the Planets

Each of the seven sacred planets (of which our Earth is not one) is an expression of one of the seven ray influences. The student however must remember three things:

  1. That every planet is the incarnation of a Life, or an Entity or Being.
  2. That every planet, like a human being, is the expression of two ray forces, - the personality and the egoic.
  3. That two rays are therefore in esoteric conflict in each planet.
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