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Esoteric Psychology I - Some Tabulations on the Rays
No. Kingdom Ray Expression
1. Mineral 7. Ceremonial Organization.
1. Will or Power
The basic reservoir of Power.
2. Vegetable 2. Love-Wisdom.
4. Beauty or Harmony.
6. Idealistic Devotion.
Uniformity of color.
Upward tendency.
3. Animal 3. Adaptability.
6. Devotion.
4. Human 4. Harmony through Conflict.
5. Concrete Knowledge.
Experience. Growth.
Intellect. [423]
5. Egoic or Soul 5. Concrete Knowledge.
2. Love-Wisdom.
6. Planetary Lives 6. Devotion to ideas.
3. Active Intelligence.
The Plan.
Creative Work.
7. Solar Lives 1. Will or Power.
7. Ceremonial Magic.
Universal Mind.
Synthetic Ritual.
The Mineral Kingdom
  • Influence:
    The seventh Ray of Organization and the first Ray of Power are the dominant factors.
  • Results:
    The evolutionary results are radiation and potency, a static potency, underlying the rest of the natural scheme.
  • Process:
  • Secret:
    Transmutation. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire defines this as follows: "Transmutation is the passage across from one state of being to another through the agency of fire."
  • Purpose:
    To demonstrate the radioactivity of life.
  • Divisions:
    Base metals, standard metals, precious stones.
  • Objective Agency:
    Fire. Fire is the initiating factor in this kingdom.
  • Subjective Agency:
  • Quality:
    Extreme density. Inertia. Brilliance.

The Vegetable Kingdom

  • Influences:
    The second Ray of Love-Wisdom, working out in a vastly increased sensibility.
    The fourth Ray of Harmony and Beauty, working out in the general harmonization of this kingdom throughout the entire planet.
    The sixth Ray of Devotion or (as it has been expressed symbolically in The Ancient Wisdom) the "urge to consecrate the life to the Sun, the giver of that life," or again, the "urge to turn the eye of the heart to the heart of the sun." [424]
  • Results:
    These work out in the second kingdom as magnetism, perfume, color and growth towards the light. These words I commend to you for your earnest study, for it is in this kingdom that one first sees clearly the glory which lies ahead of humanity.
    1. Magnetic radiation. The blending of the mineral and vegetable goals.
    2. The perfume of perfection.
    3. The glory of the human aura. The radiant augoeides.
    4. Aspiration which leads to final inspiration.
  • Process:
    Conformation, or the power to "conform" to the pattern set in the heavens, and to produce below that which is found above. This is done in this kingdom with greater pliability than in the mineral kingdom, where the process of condensation goes blindly forward.
  • Secret:
    Transformation, those hidden alchemical processes which enable the vegetable growths in this kingdom to draw their sustenance from the sun and soil and "transform" it into form and color.
  • Purpose:
    Magnetism. That inner source of beauty, loveliness and attractive power which lures to it the higher forms to consume it for food, and the thinking entities to draw from it inspiration, comfort and satisfaction of a mental kind.
  • Divisions:
    Trees and shrubs.
    The flowering plants.
    The grasses and lesser green things which do not come under the other two categories. A group of vegetable growths which are found under the general heading of "sea growths."
  • Objective Agency:
  • Subjective Agency:
  • Quality:
    Rajas or activity. [425]

Meditation and the Kingdoms

"One-pointed meditation upon the five forms which every element takes produces mastery over every element. These five forms are the gross nature, the elemental form, the quality, the pervasiveness and the basic purpose."

You have, therefore, an analogy for consideration:

  1. The gross nature - the mineral kingdom.
  2. The elemental form - the vegetable kingdom.
  3. The quality - the animal kingdom.
  4. The pervasiveness - the human kingdom.
  5. The basic purpose - the kingdom of souls.

All of this is from the standpoint of consciousness.

Another Relationship

  1. The body
    mineral kingdom - the dense prison of life.
  2. The Akasha
    vegetable kingdom - the fluid conscious life.
  3. Ascension out of matter
    animal kingdom - the evolutionary goal of the relation between body and akasha.
  4. Power to travel in space
    human kingdom - the goal of the human consciousness through the realization of the above three.
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