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Esoteric Psychology I - Section Two - III. The Rays and Man |
When he has achieved this fivefold knowledge, he has fulfiled the Delphic injunction: "Know thyself," and can consequently take Initiation.
All of these control the personality life of each man. The egoic ray of the individual, plus the egoic ray of the fourth kingdom, gradually negate the rays governing the personality as the man nears the path of probation and discipleship.
We have also to understand the dominant ray influences of the kingdom of souls, the fifth kingdom. These are:
The Egoic ray has direct and specific action upon the astral body. Hence the battlefield of the life is ever on the plane of illusion; as the soul seeks to dispel the ancient glamor, the aspirant is enabled to walk in the light. The Monadic ray influences the mental body, after integration of the personality has been brought about. It causes the mind nature to achieve that clear vision which finds its consummation at the fourth initiation, and releases the man from the limitations of form. There is an analogy to this triplicity and an interesting symbolic relation in the three Initiators.
All the above propositions could be summed up in the statement that the personality ray induces a separative attitude and causes a detachment from the group of souls of [407] which the personality is an externalization, and a consequent attachment to the form side of manifestation. The egoic ray induces group consciousness and detachment from external forms, causing attachment to the life side of manifestation and to the subjective whole. The monadic ray has an effect which can be understood only after man has taken the third initiation. We might divide what we have to say in the next section of our treatise, which deals with the egoic ray, into the four following parts:
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