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Esoteric Psychology I - Section One - II. Certain Questions and their Answers |
And then what? Does man disappear into nothingness, or does,
somewhere, a part of him (hitherto unseen) live on? Does this aspect survive for a time
and then in its turn disappear, or is there an immortal principle, a subtle intangible
entity which has an existence either in the body or out of the body, and which is the
undying immutable Being, belief in Whom has sustained countless millions down the ages? Is
the soul a fiction of the imagination and has science satisfactorily disproved its
existence? Is consciousness a function of the brain and of the allied nervous system, or
shall we accept the idea of a conscious dweller in the form? Does our power to become
aware of and to react to our surroundings find its source in the body-nature, or is there
an entity who beholds and takes action? Is this entity different to and separable from the
body, or is it the result of the body type and life, and so either persists after the body
disappears, or disappears with it and is lost? Is there nothing but matter or energies in
constant movement which produce the appearances of men who react in their turn and express
the energy that is pouring through them blindly and unconsciously, having no individual
existence? Or are all these theories partially true, and shall we really comprehend the
nature and being of man only in the synthesis of all of them and in the acceptance of the
general premises? Is it not possible that the mechanically minded and scientific
investigators are right in their conclusion anent the mechanism and the form nature, and
that the spiritually minded thinkers who posit an immortal entity are also right? As yet
perhaps something is lacking which would bridge the gap between the two positions. Is it
possible that we may discover a something which will link the intangible world of true
being with the tangible world (so-called) of form life? When humanity is assured of divinity and of immortality, and has entered into a state of knowledge as to the nature of [95] the soul and of the kingdom in which that soul functions, its attitude to daily life and to current affairs will undergo such a transformation that we shall verily and indeed see the emergence of a new heaven and a new earth. Once the central entity within each human form is recognized and known for what it essentially is, and once its divine persistence is established, then we shall necessarily see the beginning of the reign of divine law on earth - a law imposed without friction and without rebellion. This beneficent reaction will come about because the thinkers of the race will be blended together in a general soul awareness, and a consequent group consciousness will permit them to see the purpose underlying the working of the law. Let us put this a little more simply. We are told in the New Testament that we must endeavor to let the mind which was in Christ also be manifest in us. We are working towards the perfecting of the rule of Christ on earth; we are aiming at the development of the Christ consciousness and at the bringing in of the rule or law of Christ, which is Love. This will come to fruition in the Aquarian Age, and we shall see brotherhood established on earth. The rule of Christ is the dominance of the basic spiritual laws. The mind of Christ is a phrase conveying the concept of the rule of divine intelligent love, which stimulates the rule of the soul within all forms, and brings in the reign of the Spirit. It is not easy to express the nature of the revelation which is on the way. It involves the recognition by men everywhere that the "mind-stuff," as the Hindus call it, to which their own minds are related and of which their mental bodies are an integral part, is also part of the mind of Christ, the cosmic Christ, of Whom the historical Christ is - upon our planet - the ordained representative. When men, through meditation and group service, have developed an awareness of their own controlled and illumined minds, they [96] will find themselves initiated into a consciousness of true being and into a state of knowledge which will prove to them the fact of the soul, beyond all doubt or questioning. The Mystery of the Ages is on the verge of revelation, and through the revelation of the soul that mystery which it veils will stand revealed. The scriptures of the world, we know, have ever prophesied that at the end of the age we shall see the revelation of that which is secret, and the emergence into the light of day of that which has hitherto been concealed and veiled. This, our present cycle, is the end of the age, and the next two hundred years will see the abolition of death, as we now understand that great transition, and the establishing of the fact of the soul's existence. The soul will be known as an entity, as the motivating impulse and the spiritual center back of all manifested forms. The next few decades will see certain great beliefs substantiated. The work of Christ, and His main mission two thousand years ago, was to demonstrate the divine possibilities and powers latent in every human being. The proclamation which He made to the effect that we were all sons of God and own one universal Father will, in the future, no longer be regarded as a beautiful, mystical and symbolic statement, but will be regarded as a scientific pronouncement. Our universal brotherhood and our essential immortality will be demonstrated and realized to be facts in nature. He came, He said, not to bring peace but a sword, and esoterically, He has been the "Cosmic Divider." Why? Because, in establishing unity, He also makes a distinction between body and soul. Body and soul are, however, only two parts of one whole, and this must not be forgotten. In establishing the fact of the soul and its expression, the body, the totality emerges in completeness. How will this revelation come? We enter here into the realm of foretelling and of prevision to which many have an [97] objection on the ground that the thing of the moment is that which aids the soul's spiritual living; they feel that the holding out of promises of future help and revelation, and the encouragement in the aspirant of a happy speculation and an idle expectancy carry the seeds of danger, of static inertia, and of idle imaginings. But "where there is no vision, the people perish," and so much has happened during the last two hundred years, and so much has already been revealed, that we are provided with a firm basis for all our forward looking. Had the unfoldments of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in the departments of science and psychology alone, been forecast to the thinkers of the world in the sixteenth century, how strange and impossible it would all have seemed to them! Stranger than anything I might here prophecy to you, for we have already seen so much occur, and the testimony to the world of true being is accumulating so fast, that we can no longer stand amazed at any occurrence. |
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