The Energy Enhancement
Video Course and Video Site
Against Satanism and the Against Satanism Video Site,Yuko-Sato-report.htm
Everyone is Already the victim of these Implant Addiction Energy Blockages.
Here is one of our
Students Yuko Sato working with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course
Advanced Meditational techniques using
the Kundalini Kriyas, Achemical VITRIOL, and the Taoist Five Elemental
Circulations of the Qi to increase her Spiritual Energy, Open the Third Eye to
see Energy BLockages on the Astral Plane and by Using the Seven Step Process and
Merkaba Psychic Protection remove Energy Blockages and implant addiction
blockages from the Psychic Body and All
of her Past Lifetimes.
The Astral Plane is a Psychic Plane of Virtual Reality which is viewed through
our cultural lenses. As Sosan the third Zen Patriarch says, "They Know!" and our
students are not beginners, they have many lifetimes of experience navigating
the Astral Plane. Many Times my students teach me!
Many times we get help on the Astral Plane from Spiritual Teachers and Angels as
we remove our Traumatic experiences so our messy history painting can become a
clean white sheet..
"This afternoon, I invited my ex-husband and my daughter for Sushi brunch at my place. I was amazed at how much I was calm and relaxed this time.
Because I had removed huge blockages from both my ex-husband and myself from our throat chakras. Also, because I had removed blockages from my past and future timelines on which my daughter was there I was able to have a relaxed conversation with my teenage daughter.
Any of their negative attitudes didn’t affect my mood at all. They were quite the same as always, for instance, my ex-husband often used his iPhone and my daughter sometimes didn’t reply to me.
I had just changed somehow by using Energy Enhancement Meditation. I could see the situation above, objectively from a different perspective without the trauma from previous memories. I focused on their presence when I enjoyed making Sushi for them and spending time with them. I stopped thinking about myself and why they did such things.
It was pretty good."
Yuko Sato 25th December
2022 to me
Hi Satchi,
I will keep going to meditate twice a day. It doesn’t bother me at all, it is a
big change is that I am looking forward meditations and reporting the result to
you makes sense for me. I can find some details I did not pay attention during
the meditation. Sorry, this was really long meditation. Probably, the longest…..
Last night, firstly, I prayed a little for celebrating Christ’s birthday and
this time I manifested what I would do in this meditation. Because the last
meditation I focused to do one thing taught me this way might work. After seeing
the rainbow, I felt the time came. The time to face on biggest enemies. Every
time before meditating, I send gratitude to my ancestors and my daughter’s
ancestors to protect her.
This time I manifested them I will clear up their blockages to pass through to
me and I will finish this negative Karmic mass, not to pass down to my daughter.
She might be influenced a bit already. I will tell you this later.
I scanned all chakras and connected Shakti first. I realised that I was good to
connect to the above, but I am less to the centre of the earth. Before snowing,
I walked on the field barefoot. It helps me a lot to balance all sort of things.
I haven’t got clear fix visions of Shakti till now.
It was dark and a part of volcano. But this time, I got colour visions and there
was a lake and it looks like early morning with misty fog. I was a bit confused
to connect to where. I connected my fountain on the top of head, which cascade
into the place I removed blockages to calm and purify them, to the lake of
Shakti. It worked well to clear blockages between my head and Shakti.
Then I moved to the
Antahkarana, the column of
energy comprising the infinity of chakras above the head connecting us with God
and the infinity of chakras below the base chakra connecting to shakti. It was shining and looks bigger.
I entered. I felt good to be there. It felt like home. I flew up to the top of
the Antahkarana and touched the gem which now has a different colour, clear
white like diamond.
After I touched the gem the space expanded above. I entered. I asked. Show me
blockages and told that I came to clear up ancestor’s blockages.
Then, my mother came. I sat crossed legs and she did the same. We started
meditating. I connected to her, more or less I was inside her. I went through
her life. She had a difficult life. I removed her blockages with the
Energy Enhancement Meditation Level 2 Seven Step Process
and they stuck to my
anger and sadness caused by her blockages. I removed them and poured water
energy from my fountain on the top of my head, then automatically transferred to Shakti to burn in the center of the Earth.
It was very calming compared to other usual removing process I fight against.
Because I didn’t need to ask why, her blockages held my anger and disappointment
I don’t need to feel them.
Then my grandmother came. She sat with us and we did the same process. Then,
next ancestor…. and so on. During this process, I realised my mind computer was
sorting blockages from lifetimes of all ancestors and future. Because I saw my
daughter’s lifetime. After sorting, I ask to delete them. It was done.
I was sitting with all
ancestors and perhaps, descendants who became white lights. I was receiving
these white lights and my mind was void. It was a first time I was void in mind.
My mind had stopped! Because since I started meditation my mind has been busy
searching blockages and removing them.
Then my father came. I was surprised he transformed half robot. He kept upper
body as a human with many operation scars that made me sad and he didn’t have
legs, but wheels. He had another company next to him who was connected his body.
I thought she was my mother. But she was not. She was a demon, half human
and half robot with wheels, but she looked very sad, whilst my father looked
happy. He said he would go to Osaka to study at University. It made me
surprised. Because he was alcoholic and he always told me he was not clever
unlike his grandfather and ancestors. He came from rich Samurai family and my
great grand father was diplomat. He even said that he didn’t want to go to the
same grave because he was shame of himself. I simply did the seven steps on him.
Oh my God! I regretted to start removing his blockages and I had them too. I
understood him, why he didn’t do any actions, he was quiet and very passive, but
stubborn as a mule. He had so much fear within which came from his father. His
father whom I’ve never met. I heard that he was alcoholic and had a mistress
whom he wanted to marry, but he couldn’t. Because he had to marry with the woman
from blue blood. After he married with my grandmother, he became alcoholic and
gambled to spend all money he inherited. He sounds like a captain Shadow
Sub-personality , isn’t he?
I felt a dark shadow approaching me with undulating. All sort of negative
feeling because all ancestors had to be patient, swallowing the words to accept
any orders from superiors. Then, woman's’ anger, sadness are groaning in
Satchi, how can I ground them? They are like a black ocean. I cannot cover it by
my fountain. I looked at my mind computer, they are sorting and deleting
automatically, but there were too many to catch up with. So, they were
approaching. And same time, my legs were in pain, I thought I would give up
today. But I didn’t leave them behind me, in new space above Antahkarana? Then,
the white light Angels surrounding me started to help me. They started glowing and
shining more and more. It was sparkling white.
I looked down through Antahkarana, chakras to Shakti, the center of the Earth,
to which I was still connected. I saw a black dot energy blockage. I tried to
remove it. I simply wanted to do something I am familiar with. I was not sure
what was going on the next. I focused on this black dot. It was connected
through Shakti. It created a long black line of blockages, like eggs of frogs.
It didn’t move at all. I need to push those out from inside. But how? My source
of light and power were busy dealing with my father side blockages. I asked the
help to the Sun, golden light. I placed the sun in my solar plexus when I
removed a big metal spike weapon from there. I filled water energy in my heart
chakra, but I filled the sun energy in my solar plexus.
I gained the power of my solar plexus, and it cut the frog eggs energy
blockages. Then I pushed them up and down through my chakras. Those are like a
black paste came out from the tube. It stayed on just above of Antahkarana and
just below of Shakti. Two big black tumour energy blockages stayed there. I couldn’t do anymore.
I asked white lights and Shakti to help to clear tumours. Then I pause my mind
computer and left.
I have a question, Satchi. What should I try next? I must go back there tonight.
Thank you for reading. This reviewing process helped me to find next move. Thank
you so much.
Love and Light
Swami Satchidanand to Yuko
I scanned all chakras and connected Shakti first. I realised that I was good to
connect to the above, but I am less to the centre of the earth.
This shows the blockage between you and the center of the earth.
I looked down through Antahkarana, chakras to Shakti which was still connected.
I saw a black dot.
Remove it and your power to ground will grow.
But understand, grounding all your ancestors is a big job.
Good to finish the job quickly.
The Zen Masters sometimes sit for 15 hours a day.
Any pain in the legs is a blockage, to find the blockage, to remove the
blockage, to connect better with Shakti center of the earth.
Same above, to an infinity of chakras above the head and an infinity of chakras
below the base.
You have lots of Angel, Spiritual Master helpers.
Take the help.
I have a student called Bob who is Martial arts, healing arts, Bagua.
Chinese taoist priest.
Says all chinese martial arts based on black magic.
They learn how to put blockages below the base chakra to weaken their opponents.
But only down to the first chakra below the base the center of the earth.
I explained an infinity of chakras below the base.
We started to clean the chakras below the base.
4th chakra below the base we saw blockage! With the face of his bagua master of
12 years!
His master who he totally trusted is a black magician, stealing his energy,
binding his feet, stopping his possibilities!
Many teachers are like
Those are like a black paste came out from the tube. It stayed on just above of
Antahkarana and just below of Shakti. Two big black tumours stayed there. I
couldn’t do anymore.
I asked white lights and Shakti to help to clear tumours.
Yuko Sato 25th December 2022 to me
Says all chinese martial
arts based on black magic.
It surprised me. I know Bagua, I learnt Yijing. How about Japanese Martial arts?
I saw a couple of my past lives in meditations and cleared blockages. I was a
Samurai. I felt strong resistance from blockages implemented by my father and my
brother. My great great grand father from father side was a Priest in Shintoism.
They shouldn’t be BM, should they?
I will focus on the chakra below the base tonight. Kendo and Ashtanga teachers
and you noticed I am weak of grounding. And my weakest chakra is solar plexus.
That is why I placed the sun to burn blockages all the time. I will focus on the
solar plexus also.
One by one to clear blockages to gain more power to remove big fish.
Thank you very much
Yuko Sato to me 26th December 2022
Dear Satchi,
I decided to take help as your advice.
Last night, I read your book called the Mastery of Relationships.
Here is EEBook2 - Energy Enhancement Eliminate Energy Blockages Manage Energy
Connections and Attachment and The Mastery of Relationships
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 4 - Stop the Suck!! Heal All your Relationships!! Find
Just imagine spending years of your time
meditating with lesser courses yet getting nowhere!
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 4 - Master Energy Cords - Gain
Fantastic Relationships
It is also so good. I learnt a lot and I reflected my past relationships. After
reading until page 185, I fell into sleep. Then I had an interesting dream and
woke up in the middle of the night. In the dream I worked in a cafe and my
ex-husband came as a customer. He ordered a sweet and I didn’t want to show it.
I tried to hide it in front of him. I felt embarrassed because if he saw it, he
will be shocked and sad. I tried to explain and I coughed. Coughing made me
awake. I kept coughing for a while. I haven’t seen my ex-husband in my dream
this year, I had a couple of times last year. So I decided to meditate about
this dream.
I went back to the scene of my dream. I sat in front of him and meditate. I
connected each of my chakras to his ones. There were blockages, so I removed
mine and it stuck to his one and vice versa.
I focused on connecting to Shakti in the centre of the earth and grounded the
blockages. I was surprised that I could find blockages the place I thought there
was no more.
Then I felt uncomfortable in my throat chakra. I tried to remove it, I couldn't
but I threw it up. It was a black slimy ball which was size like my head. And he
did the same and he vanished.
Now there were two black balls I had to deal with. They were a bit strange
blockages, I felt there were something inside, Anyway, I decided to take help
before meditation.
So I asked for help to the Angel white
lights and Shakti. They did help!! See below...
They picked one each and connected to the last blockages which stayed in front
of them. Do you remember those blockages like frog eggs? They stuck together and
they started moving!
They didn’t move last time at all, but one moved toward the white light and
another one toward Shakti. Then, they vanished.
They left two things. One was a scorpion and another one was a shield. I used
these two tools to fight against my ancestors blockages. The scorpion weakened
the blockages with poison and I used the shield to protect myself.
Then Angel white lights kept falling on my ancestors blockages. I started
feeling pain in my toe and ankle of my right foot. There were blockages. I
applied the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process.
Then I went back to sleep.
Next morning I went to the city for Yoga practice. I meditated before starting
practice in the studio to get rid of my ego, sub-personality and shadow side of
me. I convinced myself to be able to focus on blockages and sincerely asked help
to other yogis and a teacher in my mind. We would chant, breath together and
sharing practice together. I imagined the wonderful feeling after practice and
removing blockages from my ancestors and I really felt that.
Then, I started a series of asanas. The teacher adjusted my posture more then
any other lessons. She had wonderful soft hands. My body was simply accepting
her adjustments. Those corrections helped me to connect to Shakti in the Center
of the Earth so well. I felt the strong connection during the practice.
In the end, I was on the top of Antakarana in front of the gem stone which
looked like an opal. I touched it and the energy of Shakti came up to reach this
gem through my chakras!!! Once the gem stone was covered by Shakti, the space
above the Antahkarana opened beyond the futuristic library.
There was a wonderful world, not like the earth. I can’t explain it, like a
dream world on the oracle cards. There were people waiting for me. I was on the
top of their palace and was laying down. They are maintaining my chakras!!! They
pour liquid into my chakras and healing them. I felt so calm. And they
downloaded my experience and projected it outside. Like a cinema!! Children
enjoyed watching them. I heard the peaceful, lovely laughters. I was healing….
Then I opened my eyes finished shavasana….
Wow!! Satchi, isn’t it wonderful!! I
felt so much energy today and so calm.
Now it is 23:22. I will meditate and go to sleep.
My meditation journey is going to
somewhere I’ve never expected before.
Good night
Love and Peace
Yuko Sato 27th December
Dear Satchi,
Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate these. I feel like I stepped into
the unknown world within me. Once I removed blockages which cause unnecessary
and frivolous thoughts which will weigh me down and slow my progress, I
discovered more and learn a lot. Meditations I have had since November are
different from the ones I did before. They lead me to magic and mystery, but
somehow I am familiar with this world. Otherwise, how can I see so clear vision
during meditations? I will report what I have just experienced this morning.
Since sunrise, I kept meditating for four or five hours…. Unbelievable…. I will
keep going because I am determined to do it, there is no other way left.
Last night, after sending the report to you, I meditated. I was still lying on
the top of the palace which was located above Antahkarana. I was resting and
receiving the chakra maintaining. So I will just be there and made sure my mind
computer’s auto replay was on. Yes, it was. Also, I left the autoplay for
detecting and deleting blockages on. It was so clever. Thanks for it, I went to
sleep. I was relaxed, guess too much? I trust my mind computer.
I woke up early morning. I had a dream of my mind computer was dealing with my
solar plexus. Because I had removed a huge blockage in my throat chakra two days
ago, energy started to flow more. I had removed many blockages in my heart
chakra over a year, but did less in the solar plexus and below.
I was so calm in the morning, crossed my legs while drinking a cup of coffee (I
drink only a cup of coffee early morning now, I had been addicted before. I had
drunk 4 or 5 cups… I was insane…) I was brushing my dog called Inca, Inca the
empire, and started meditating casually. I started brushing her more often a
month ago when I watched your video about sub-personality and removed so many
disgusting blockages. I felt like healing my inner child when I brushed my dog.
Then the thought popped up. I might have blockages to giving love contrary to
what I thought. Then, I felt pain on my right foot near the instep. I have a
stiff right leg compared to the left leg and I have pain on the right side of my
neck when I do a shoulder standing asana. I have been applying the Energy
Enhancement Meditation Course Level 2 Seven Step Process 7 step on those areas,
but still there.
I decided to meditate about those parts and intuitively felt that it was
connected to my past life's blockages and surely they were in the chakras below
the first chakra. At that time, the sun rose. The tangerine orange sun was
shining. I was covered by orange light. I closed my eyes and meditated.
I connected to the centre of the earth, orange energy was flowing into me while
asking my mind computer to sort blockages of past lives. I saw many under the
base chakras. They are located deep inside the chakras. More and more difficult
to remove them. I wanted to finish all today, I didn’t want to leave there,
especially since a big and ugly one was stuck on the top of my right leg. It
would cause pain during yoga practice. My right instep was imposing in pain
I got an idea, I asked my mind computer to assemble my past lives under the base
chakra. There were around 20 past lives assembled. WOW!! I have lived quite
long, which means my soul was old. You told me so when I was in Spain. It was
true. We all sat there and meditated. I focused on my 20 past lives one by one,
I removed blockages in each past life and those blockages became magnets and
sucked the blockages in my chakras below the base chakra because the blockages
in the chakras in the past lives were supported by the blockages in the chakras
below the base(1).
It worked well. Once clear both, the blockage and the past life, my past life
disappeared and pinkish-orange energy flew into the base chakra and it created a
hot spring around me.
I was sitting with my past lives in a pinkish-orange hot spring. It was so nice.
Once I removed the blockages of the last past life, I moved orange light into
the right side of my body and chakras. I felt the strong orange sunlight
covering me. It was so powerful and the image popped up. It was Maitreya,
MirokuBosatsu in Japanese. I saw the statue in Koyru temple when I was in Japan.
I thought the most beautiful statue I’ve ever seen. He had covered orange light.
He overlapped with me. I moved the right arm like he did and I did the same
pose. I will attach the photo of this statue. I felt so great.
I removed the blockages on the right side of my neck with this energy and I went
up to the top of Antahkarana with Maitreya.
I touched the gemstone with my or his right palm covered by an orange hot spring
which came from Shakti. The space opened up beyond the futuristic library. But
this time another world had appeared. Amazing... are there multiple facets in
this space? I was in the huge red temple decorated with yellow embroidered
fabrics and packed with monks wearing orange costumes. They were waiting for me.
I was lying in the middle of monks who were chanting mantras or sutras. Incense
and chanting were fixing the right side of the body and chakras, removing
blockages, surprisingly there were still more there.
They opened the instep of my right leg and removed blockages through the hole
and burned them in fire, then poured sacred water. I heard the sound of shuuuu
which calmed me.
Then the monk hit the blockage after being purified by water. They are doing
blacksmith!!! I was hearing the sounds of blacksmithing, it reminded me of the
Tibetan bowl music.
Once they fixed my right side, they started to remove the stagnant love I failed
to give this lifetime and past lives. Instead of giving, I held it for a long
time. It was rotten, thick, old love and attachments in past unhealthy
Oh, my god, Satchi. I’ve never ever expected this moment. These monks were so
skilful and calm. They kept removing, burning, purifying and hitting. I was
wondering how much metal there was now and what they are creating.
It had finished. I was empty and light. Even regrets, shame, anger and sadness
were removed. I had no thoughts or attachments. Then, they showed me beautiful
shiny armour! Oh my god, I was so overwhelmed and moved. They created the
protection from my purified blockages and old stagnant love reservoir.
They told me that this was a special soft metal created from the Angels released
from the blockages of old love and attachments in past unhealthy relationships
created to protect me from bad energy psychic attack, but I can absorb positive
good energy through it. They put it on me. It was soft like silk and light like
a feather. I put my palms together and thanked them from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks to the tangerine sun! And one of my friends sent me photos of the
tangerine-coloured sky behind Mt. Fuji and tangerine orange yesterday.
I felt great after the meditation and just stayed there doing nothing. I enjoyed
just the moment.
I don’t try fusion with higher chakras yet. But the chakras below the base
chakra are getting much stronger and fatter.
I am looking forward to this stage you wrote, I don’t know how, but I want my
daughter have a happier life. I have changed now, we can create a new
And the integration of those fusions into goodness and light evolution in daily
life, this sounds amazing.
Thank you for all you gave me. I will follow what you taught me, then see the
Love and light
Swami Satchidanand to Yuko
Antahkarana is the column containing the infinite chakas above the head.
First is Soul where you find all the past lives and the Buddha - gold
Second the Monad group of souls with connections to your monad type of spirit
Third the Logos the collection of all the 50 monads - all humanity
Fourth Sirius where saints like Swami Satchidanand and Jesus reside - bright
white. Perhaps you are there exploring the many mansions?
Fifth the Avatar of Synthesis where I reside to create an impetus to the
evolution of all humanity
I got an idea, I asked my mind computer to assemble my past lives under the base chakra. There were around 20 past lives assembled. WOW!! I have lived quite long, which means my soul was old. You told me so when I was in Spain. It was true. We all sat there and meditated. I focused on my 20 past lives one by one, I removed blockages in each past life and those blockages became magnets and sucked the blockages in my chakras below the base chakra because the blockages in the chakras in the past lives were supported by the blockages in the chakras below the base(1).
(1)These are Chakra Pairs
- the lower chakra supporting the higher chakra with energy, and any blockages
in the lower chakra support blockages in the higher chakra.
For example... like blockages in the Muladhara chakra support blockages in the
Head triangle of chakras. Blockages in Swadisthan second chakra supports
blockages in the Throat, vishuddhi chakra the 5th chakra. Blockages in the 3rd
solar plexus chakra support blockages in the Heart, 4th, Manipur chakra.
When I removed blockages in the first chakra below the base, I saw the blockages
they were connected to in the base chakra the sexual chakra, the chakra for
giving energy.
Remember the Story about my Doctor of Psychology in charge of an institution for
children in Ireland who had been sexually abused by her mother, father and
grandfather in this lifetime and for 100 lifetimes before this. Her brother and
sister had been abused similarly and were heroin addicts wanting to commit
She saw in her Energy Enhancement meditations about her previous lives that
about 1500 years ago she was a beautiful female healer in a Greek temple with
long blond hair and blue eyes.
A black magician seduced her by connecting to her base chakra - the unconscious
- with an energy cord - a horizontal antahkarana - and implanted her with a
sexual addiction blockage demon which always leads people into sexual excess,
BDSM - bondage and sado masochism, and then to Satanic Rituals including Human
Sacrifice. Over ten lifetimes she exulted in death. Then her Black Magic partner
tired of her, broke her base chakra and below the base chakra with demon
blockages designed to incarnate her in the wombs of psychopathic parents who
would sexually abuse her and lead her into prostitution, drugs and many short
lifetimes as a vampirised power source for the Black Magician.
The sexual addiction
blockage demon is a vampire which feeds the energy of the orgasm back to the
Black Magician who made the implant. If maintained and acted upon by naive young
souls then all the stages above follow one by one...
Note, the sexual base chakra to base chakra lust connection is necessary to
create the next generation of children.
The Energy Enhancement Meditation course ability to form base to base chakra
connections, to cut base to base chakra connections, to remove the sexual
addiction blockages implanted into you along those connections from your partner
who may be innocent of what his subpersonalities - always connected to Satanic
masters - are implanting into his partners is a very necessary Mastery of
When you make love, you not only make love to the person, but also to all the
people they made love to before, all their subpersonalities and their links to
the dark side, and all of their ancestors. And all of their Energy Blockages
which are implanted over into your base chakra.
This is the reason why
people married innocent young virgins with no previous relationships brought up
in a nunnery.
Black magicians, witches and their minions implant you with the sexual addiction
blockage which always leads to sexual excess, pornography, BDSM, and satanism
including satanic rituals I talk about in...
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is defined by Satanic Rituals.. LIVES FOR
Killing, Vaccines, Autism, Pandemics.
Click Below..
Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by
Satanic Ritual.
Every energy blockage in your body has a low frequency and slows down the energy
and life force wherever they reside because they are veils to the energy of God,
thus the dance of the seven veils. Toxins gather around the blockage. Parasites
gather around the blockage. Disease enters and cancer or diabetes comes.
Base chakra blockages give prostate cancer. Pancreas or spleen blockages give
The Energy Enhancement Mastery of relationships gives you the hiatus, the time,
the psychic vision to help you choose a good partner. Otherwise the lust
connection overcomes good sense and leads on to serial monogamy and six painful
and expensive divorces.
As an experiment one day I went to a shop and connected to the base chakra, the
unconscious of two ladies there. The first one went into a hypnotic trance and
said she apologised but it was not possible to have a relationship as she
already had a good relationship. The second tried to connect and then entered my
dreams as a succubus, trying to connect with me like a black magician.
Which lady would you choose?
When I removed blockages in the second chakra below the base, I saw the
blockages they were connected to in Swadisthan chakra, second chakra, the
Relationship chakra. When I removed blockages in the third chakra below the
base, I saw the blockages they were connected to in the solar plexus the third
chakra, and so on.
- Sexual and Drug Addiction Implant Blockages, Energy Cords and Sex.
The process continues!
It is good.
Hopefully it will never end.
Love and Light,
A few quotes related to the topic of Sexual Vampirism and Entity Attachments: shedding some light into the dark side of sexual bonding on an astral/energetic level that most people are not aware of in our “over-sexualized cult-ure and also in some of the “Tantra/Sacred Sex” communities.
The only solution is to develop the ability to remove Energy Blockages using Energy Enhancement Techniques - Energy Enhancement Alchemical VITRIOL - The Grounding of Negative Energies, and The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Seven Step Process to Remove Energy Blockages.
In general everyone is the victim of these Implant Addiction Energy Blockages.
Every member of humanity has been already implanted from our childhood and youth in the company of the evil in every gathering place, through pornography, traumatic sexual experiences, rapes, school, hospital, university, rituals and also from previous lifetimes by all manner of blockages including Implant Addiction Blockages - Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise etc - This means YOU!
Sexual and Drug Addiction Implant Blockages are programmed to use Energy Connections, Energy cords, between people which are naturally formed between every human being in order to drain their energies back to the person who implanted them, either using proxies or personally in this lifetime or in any previous lifetime, no matter how far they are away. .
We have seen in meditation that the implanters have thousands of energy
connections coming to them from the thousands of people whom they vampirise,
rather like a telephone exchange.
They manage to get so many connections by implanting people who act as their helpers, their collaborators, their fellow Initiates, to implant people they meet. Any energetic psychic connection between the victim helper and the victim - the sacrifice - is channeled back to the original implanter.
Usually implant is implanted upon implant as many people have already been implanted in previous lifetimes. These people already addicted and are easier to recognise by the helper/collaborator and to implant over the original implant. People have HUNDREDS of implants!!
There are many young ladies and young men who act as the helper/collaborator/minion of the implanter. These many evolved helpers unconsciously even implant and vampirise their own children, the mothers and fathers sending the energy of their own children back to the original implanter.
The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.
Thus the creation of Drug Addiction Implant blockages and Sex Addiction Implant Blockages.
Only with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process can ALL Implant Blockages be removed.
Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!
These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are the victims of Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.
These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.
These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are victims of higher Initiates who are draining them of their life energy, vampirising them like normal humanity because higher Initiates think of these lower Initiates in the same way that they think of normal humanity... as if they were livestock or a slave.
If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave
..a sacrificial slave whose death is the ultimate sacrifice to Satan
“The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of
attached entities between two people. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an
attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and
behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if
they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major
factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the
phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or
– Dr. William Baldwin, Spirit Releasement Therapy
“People also pick up entity attachments through sex. Sex is much more than a
physical interaction, it is an energetic exchange, and opening into another
person on an energetic and spiritual level. The act of sex creates a connection
between your energy field (aura) and the energy field of the person you are
having sex with. When this connection is made you will pick up or absorb
whatever is attached within the other person’s energy field.
If you have sex with someone that has a entity or demon, you will absorb that
entity into yourself. You will basically be making a choice to allow or invite
anything within the person’s energy field you are having sex to come into you.
It is important to understand what sex actually is and what it creates beyond
physical pleasure, and to choose the correct people who you want to open
yourself to on that level.”
– Peter Michael, Entity Attachment
“There is always a drawing of [occult] vital forces from one to another in all
human social mixture that takes place automatically. Sex is one of the most
powerful ways of each drawing upon the other’s vital force, or of one drawing
the other’s, which also often happens in a one-sided way to the great detriment
of the “other”. In the passage come many things good and bad, elation, feeling
of strength and support, infiltration of good or bad qualities, interchange of
psychological moods, states and movements, depressions, exhaustion – the whole
gamut. People don't know it – which is a mercy of God upon them – but when one
gets into a certain yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware and
sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction, but also one can
build a wall against, reject etc.
People who have desires add to the mental formation a kind of small envelope, a
vital shell which gives it a still greater reality. These people are usually
surrounded by a number of tiny entities which are their own formations, their
own mental formations clothed with vital force, which come all the time to
strike them to try to make them realize materially the formations they have
You have perhaps read the books of Maurice Magre. He describes this; he had come
here, Maurice Magre, and we spoke and he told me that he had always noticed – he
was highly sensitive – he had always noticed that people who have
[excessive/pathological] sexual desires are surrounded by a kind of small swarm
of entities who are somewhat viscous and rather ugly and which torment them
constantly, awakening desire in them.
He said he had seen this around certain people. It was like being surrounded by
a swarm of mosquitoes, yes! But it is more gross, and much uglier still, and it
is viscous, it is horrible, and it turns round and round the person and gives
him no peace, and it awakens in him the desire that has formed these entities
and they batten on it. It is their food. This is absolutely true. His
observation was quite correct. His vision was very true. It is like that. The
sex-vampire eats up the other’s vital and gives nothing or very little.”
– from “The Hidden Forces of Life (Integral Yoga) – Selections from the works of
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother“
“Vast beings, living for thousands of years in your terms, make their living
ruling and parenting you, seeking their value from you because you have
considered yourselves valueless and purposeless. Those who would rule you on the
physical and multidimensional planes understand the power of your genitals to
create life, pleasure, pain, and death. They use your genitals as doorways
without you even realizing it.
You are re-gridding Earth and changing the frequency so that one-by-one lights
go on and fields of energy are established. You must learn how to stop feeding
those vampires who suck your energies, from the astral planes, from the
dimensions, and from on and under the Earth herself. Your sexuality and how it
is used are the key elements.
It is in this very deep part of your regenerative self, your sexual organs, the
core of your being, that many of the main problems lie, problems so dark, so
secret that no one would dare speak of them. Yet they must be revealed. To
relinquish power over your sexual organs is truly to abdicate the power of
By power we mean a sense of connectedness and accountability, the maturity to
know when to express yourself sexually and when not to…..First you must make
peace with the sexual organs of your being because it is here that life springs
forth….And most of all, seek to understand the power of your sexuality, to
infuse its expression only with love, for sex without love is truly not worth
Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are
bonding yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of your
likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy
quite intimately. Even if you don’t want to be with this person, the sexual
experience stays with you because you have had an electromagnetic exchange.”
– Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn/Family of Light
EYES WIDE SHUT SEXUAL RITUAL - The "Stealer on the Doorstep" is a Root Implant Blockage - a Sexual Addiction Implant Blockage - implanted into the Anus and the Coccyx with branches going to the tip of the Penis, the abdomen to create the food implant, the spleen and then into the head to create the blockage which dreams.
A person who has much to learn will burn the candle at both ends using drugs to stimulate response. Aleister Crowley remained addicted to Heroin and Cocaine until the end of his days. Here addiction to sex is combined with addiction to drugs because the field of the dark side is Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!
The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll. Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to their implanter - the higher Initiate who implanted them, ever so carefully, with the "Stealer on the Doorstep" Sex and Drug Addiction Blockages implanted into the base chakra - so they can burn out and be discarded early.
Initiates involved in Sexual ritual can steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!
These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are the victims of Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.
These so called high and mighty, "Initiates" are Initiates because they are implanted with Drugs, Sex, food and unnecessary excercise implant addiction blockages.
15. Book 15 out of 48 Free Books with Energy Enhancement..15. Eliminating the
Shadow.. In this book, Satchidanand trashes the greatest most intellectual
investigators and descriptors of the Shadow and the Shadow Subpersonalities and
announces Energy Enhancement Meditation as the Only way to remove the Evil
Subpersonalities of the Shadow!.
Great People - The Highest of All Humanity - Carl Jung, Niezsche, and every
Psychotherapy, Psychological therapist who can describe the problem of the
Shadow, talk about the problem of the shadow but have no Practical solution to
the Shadow. All of those guys Failed to Solve the Problem of the Shadow. None of
these guys have Any practical solution for the Shadow.. And it is the Shadow
Subpersonalities which are the Source, The Fount, of All Evil on this Planet...
And the Source of All Evil within You!!
Carl Jung says.. “There is no generally effective technique for assimilating the
shadow. It is more like diplomacy or statesmanship and it is always an
individual matter. First one has to accept and take seriously the existence of
the shadow. Second, one has to become aware of its qualities and intentions.
This happens through conscientious attention to moods, fantasies and impulses.
Third, a long process of negotiation is unavoidable.” (Carl Jung)
As Jung notes in the passage above, he thought there is no general technique to
integrate the shadow, even though the Buddha and Jesus Christ exemplified the
Ancient Meditation Technology which is the only means for removing the Shadow.
For thousands of years great souls have come to earth to demonstrate otherwise,
that enlightenment is, "Tat tvam asi" Thou art that!! You are a part of the
Universe and have nothing else to seek.
Energy Enhancement Meditation including Level 1 Alchemical VITRIOL to Ground
Pain and Trauma from Memories into the Center of the Earth where Alchemical
Transmutation burns up the Evil and leaves only the Gold of Good. Then the
Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockage
Subpersonalities by Purifying them then Integrating them with the Soul to create
ONE Soul Infused Personality creating Spiritual Insight – combined with
psychological knowledge Energy Enhancement is THE complete way of processing and
integrating your Shadow Side into wholeness.
See Swami Satchidanand talk about the Shadow on Videos
I am writing today because this is so important.
Only Energy Enhancement can Annihilate Evil on Earth and change this Planet into
a Planet of Love and Light in this Place, for You, for Me, for the Entire Human
It is about The Energy Enhancement Elimination of All Evil on this Planet.
You remember my latest book, Eliminating the Shadow Subpersonalities..
It is beneficial for everyone to heal themselves by removing ALL blockages using
Energy Enhancement advanced techniques. Not just a handful.
Because the Shadow Subpersonalities are the Source, the Fount, of All Evil on
this Planet.
The Shadow Subpersonalities are essentially Evil because they are cut off from
the energies of God and thus from Good, because Only God is Good!!
Shadow Subpersonalities are virtual machines existing within the mind computer
but with no access to God, "They are minds of metal and wheels" - Tolkien, with
no access to genius because the geni etymologically, is the Soul.
Shadow Subpersonalities, cut off from the energies of God, can only live off the
Soul infused Personality or the Essence within themselves or that Energy within
other people.
Shadow Subpersonalities Vampirise the Energy of God and devise Evil schemes to
get it.
Strategies, - the Strategies of the Vampire are all Attention Seeking schemes to
Vampirise your Energy. The Poor Me Addictions, the Violator Bullying, the
Selfish Competitive Black Star, the Sabotaging Self Destructor, are all Drama
Queens - just a little Evil to destroy lives - Your Life, the Lives of your
family, your City, and your Country.
You can see all these strategies busily at work in the people around you. You
might even see them at work in yourself. Know that these strategies are even now
turning you against the One Course which can Remove them.
The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process Can Easily Remove All your Strategies
and Subpersonalities!
Most people are just a little evil, but over many lifetimes, as the number and
power of Subpersonalities grow within you, so that the Demon on your left
shoulder, debating with the Angel on your right shoulder becomes so powerful
that you become more and more Evil.. Until you are entirely taken over by Evil..
Possessed by Evil, a Servant of Satan!!
You can see in the picture below that most people are controlled by Shadow
Subpersonalities. As we remove All Subpersonality Energy Blockages and Fuse them
And that personality in the Enlightened Personality - it is very strong!
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 - The Karma Cleaning Process -
Remove Even Deeper Subpersonality Energy Blockages Click Below..
These Evil Shadow Subpersonalities band together to take you over and repress
the Soul infused Personality. They are then Evil psychopaths and this is bad
But when these Evil Shadow taken over people band together into groups, Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires, Satanic Evil Religions, Bloodline Families and Bloodline Races, Secret Societies, Cartels, Banksters - performing Satanic Rituals - the SS Fascist Sodomy Rituals of the Yale University Skull and Bones Society and the 33rd Luciferian Freemason Degree and the Illuminati who become Illuminated by Sodomy- Human Sacrifice - Murder! The Burning of the images of children at Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care Rituals in front of a 40ft statue of Molech attended by the elite of USA Society on how to repress further the soul infused personality - how to become even more Evil - then this is what and why I write in my Against Satanism series of Books - currently Eleven volumes available for FREE!! when you sign up for the newsletter at
Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Order.
The New World Religion, defined by Satanic Ritual.
72 Empires have been recorded over the last 10,000 years and every one of them
has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire elite infil-traitored and took over all
these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were
destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee. Satanism is gradually
being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.
Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government
Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King
Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality,
Pederasty, Pedophilia, Drugs and Ritual Sodomy Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual
- are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice and Ritual Baby
Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are
destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one
of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for
10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic
Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think
Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics.
Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis,
Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism,
Protestantism, the Illuminaughty, Sabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi
Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism,
Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading.. The
Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 9 by Satchidanand.
To understand how and why Evil has taken over this Planet, and how Energy
Enhancement can free this Planet from All Evil... READ THE AGAINST SATANISM
With Energy Enhancement Remove All these Evil Subpersonalities within you whilst
you have the chance..
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course is designed to
1. Open the Third Eye,
2. Use Alchemical VITRIOL to Remove Negative Energies,
3. Annihilate Negative Emotions,
4. Eliminate Gross Bodily Infirmities,
5. Access Infinite Spiritual Energy from the Chakras Above the Head,
6. Accelerate your Evolution,
7. Speeed Up!! your Process,
8. Enable your Enlightenment,
9. Intimate your Illumination,
10. Persue your Purification,
11. Blow up your Blockages,
12. Vibrate your VITRIOL,
13. Charge your Chakras,
14. Promote your Protection,
15. Subdue your Subpersonalities,
16. Sedate your Shadow,
17. Create Blooming Health,
18. Walloping Wealth,
19. Total Removal of All Blockages,
20. Total Removal of All Subpersonalities,
21. The Attainment of Goals, whatever you want, by removing the blockages
preventing attainment of the goal.
22. Integration with the Soul,
23. One Soul Infused Personality,
24. Illumination,
25. Enlightenment,
26. Psychic Powers,
27. Eliminate all Evil in You and throughout the Whole Planet,
28. The Whole Universe of Love, Light, Happiness,
29. Genius - the Creation of Beauty, Abundance,
30. Invincibility, Strength, Goodness, God, and Heaven Here on Earth - NOW!!!!
Only Energy Enhancement can Annihilate Evil on Earth and change this Planet into
a Planet of Love and Light in this Place, for You, for Me, for the Entire Human
The best way to get around the internet censors and their shadow banning and
make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my
website, which will get you an email notification for
everything I broadcast and Free download access to the 50 Spiritual Books I
publish. My work is entirely reader-supported and the incredible Energy
Enhancement Meditation Course supported so if you enjoyed this piece please
consider sharing it around, throwing some money into my hat directly to my bank
account (email me) via Transferwise, buying my hard copy books on Amazon
Everyone, has my permission to
republish or use any part of my work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way
they like free of charge.
72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way.
The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite
infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free,
flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual -
read Toynbee.
Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government
Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King
Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality,
Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sodomy Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are
introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice. Christianity and
Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society
destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.
The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one
of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for
10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic
Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think
Tanks, Banking, Facebook, Twitter, International Companies, Vatican,
Transhumanism, CRISPR Androids, Eugenics..
The key is that the Satanic Religion and is current recruiting cults of 33rd
Degree Sodomy Ritual Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sexual Sodomy Ritual OTO -
Ordo Templi Orientis - are Fake Gangs, created by men as a 10,000 years old
technique to create psychopathic leaders and their minions AND THIR BIG PHARMAS,
THEIR KINGS, THEIR PRESIDENTS, and thus conquer the
All Rituals, Religions, Education, Secret Services and Political Movements have
been scientifically Engineered to create Fake Gangs for 10,000 years. It's what
the old Roman Empire, The Babylonian Empire of Satanic Nimrod, and the Cult of
Apollo and the Byzantine Empire did before.
As you know, every Gang has Blackmail Rituals before you can join. Making your
Bones with the Mafia means you must murder someone before you can join. Drug
Cartels like MS13, secret groups within the Masons, the Hellfire Club, all have
their Video'd Epstein Pedophile and Human Sacrifice Rituals before you can progress.
Epstein did not kill himself. He videoed Scientists from MIT and Harvard,
Oligarchs, Politicians etc, Pedophiling young girls then Blackmailed them into
doing the work of his Trillionaire sponsors - MKULTRA, Transhumanism, CRISPR
Androids. As their willing victims are given access to stealing higher
quantities of money, so they must go to the next level of Ritual. First it is 15
year old girls who look 25. Then it's 12 year olds, 5 year olds, and then its
the murder of children, babies!
All to create a Satanic Society of Total Control through Perverted Sex, Human Sacrifice,
poverty, lack of education, poison in the air, water and food, poisonous
vaccines, the fentanyl and opioid prescriptions epidemic by Psychopathic Nazi
Doctors who get 40% of their salaries from drug and vaccine commissions. Lack of
infrastructure, education and Total Control of the Media, Twitter, Fookcbook and
All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Meditation techniques - Alchemical
VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society JFK (27 April
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a
people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths
and to secret proceedings… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic
and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its
sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion
instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by
night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human
and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient
machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific
and political operations.
JFK (27 April 1961)
What We See when we Remove an Energy Blockage is the Secret of Infinite Energy,
Secret of Eternal Life, the Secret of Immortality. Energy Blockages are Satanic
being connected directly to the people, BM's who made them to vampirise your
energy back to them along energy cords, and it is this we see directly with our
Energy Enhancement Powered Third Eyes when we transmute and remove the blockages
with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Seven Step Process..
Energy Blockages do not exist alone, they are part of a network of evil, a
network of control, which is designed not to allow people to understand the
nature of that control, the purpose of that control, so as to maintain that
control and the flow of energy - stolen from all human beings - to allow an
elite of Black magicians, Sorcerers, Enchanters, Warlocks, Witches,
Necromancers, Devils, Dark Gods... to live forever, Immortally, in private
Universes, outside the body and then to download into a body from time to time,
to maintain their Plantation, their Farm, their Property, to maintain the flow
of stolen spiritual energy to them from every human being on this planet -
This is why I wrote Eleven
Volumes of Against Satanism..
See this..
In order to remove blockages using the Level 2 Seven Step Process, Internally,
we teach you how to Ground every trace of Satanic Energy which makes you sick,
which perverts, which degenerates!
Externally we see the effect of Satanic Energy Blockages and their creators, on
the World.. This is why I wrote Eleven volumes of Against Satanism..