Yoga: The Yoga of the Physical Body.
The Cobra Pose.
Lie on the stomach
with the legs straight and the feet extended.
Place the palms
flat on the floor under the shoulders.
Rest the forehead
on the ground and relax the body.
Slowly raise
the head and the shoulders off the ground, bending the head as far
back as it will go.
Try to raise
the shoulders without using the arms, only utilizing the back muscles.
Now bring the
arms into action and slowly bend the back as much as possible without
strain until the arms are straight.
Keep the navel
as near the ground as possible.
Hold as long
as is comfortable.
Practise up to
5 times per yoga session.
- Inhale while raising
the body from the ground.
- Breathe normally
in the final pose.
- If the final pose
is held for a short time, retain the breath inside.
- People with peptic
ulcers, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis, or hyperthyroidism should not
practice this asana at all.
Helps remove
female sexual disorders such as leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea.
It tones the ovaries
and uterus, stimulates the appetite and eliminates constipation.
It is beneficial
for all abdominal organs, especially the
liver and kidneys.
It relocates
slipped discs, removes backache and keeps the
spine supple and healthy.