2005 AND 2006
Seeds of Light Foundation |
Paper Power: The History of Money. The plan for the New World Order and global control moved into a new phase with the emergence ot 'funny money'. This is the process by which banks lend money that doesn't exist (credit) and charge you interest on it! If I gave you something that doesn't exist and asked you to pay me for it, you might consider calling the police. If I gave you something that doesn't exist and said that if you don't pay me for it I will take you to court and take your property away, you might say we lived in a fascist state. Yet what I have just described is the banking system of the world and the means through which both people and governments are drowning in debt. And what does debt equal? It equals control. If a bank is loaned 1 million dollars by an investor, then by Law, that bank is allowed to loan out to others....wait for it!! 20 Millions of Dollars, yes, 20 millions of dollars!!! At the time of the South Sea Bubble, the banks were loaning out 160 times their income!! and that is why they were restricted by law. Just work out the profit. On I Million dollars the bank will pay the investor say 5 to 10 percent 50 to 100 thousands of dollars per year. When they loan out the money, they will receive between 10 to 30 percent depending on the loan, 30 percent with credit cards. But for the sake of argument lets say they only get 10 percent. in this case on 20 millions of dollars they will receive 2 millions of dollars and it could be 6 Millions!! That is right. They give $100,000 and receive $2,000,000 to $6,000,000 And where does the money they give come from? That is right, Out of the Computer. Out of thin Air. Good Game, yes? But who sets the Rules? Among the first bankers in the Western world were the Knights Templar. They were given enormous riches by Christians supporting the crusades and by legacies from people who were often hoping to buy a place in heaven. They were the wealthiest organisation in every country in which they established themselves, and their temples in Paris and London became financial centres. Eventually, King Philip IV of France. in league with Pope Clement V, destroyed the Templars and stole their fortune to pay debts. The Templars' Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake and the Order then went underground to work and plot secretly within other organisations. The Christian world had a strict ban on usury (the charging of interest on loans) but as the centuries passed this was forgotten, and the banking system which today controls humanity began to develop. The currency of that time was precious metals (such as gold and silver) and, for safety reasons, the owners began to deposit their wealth with the goldsmiths, who had suitable strong rooms to ensure its safekeeping The goldsmiths would issue paper receipts for the gold and silver deposited with them, and the owners would pay their debts by withdrawing portions of their 'deposits', as necessary. It was obviously an unwieldly process to move all those metals around and the paper receipts slowly became accepted as currency. The gold and silver were rarely moved, but the ownership of it changed with the issuing of receipts (money') to pay off debts. In the same way today vast fortunes are made by simply moving numbers between one computer file and another. The goldsmiths and other owners of the strony rooms began to realise that, at any one time, only a fraction of the gold and silver was being withdrawn by the owners. "So," they thought, "why don't we issue notes (money) to other people who don't own the gold and charge them interest on the notes?" The only way the ruse could fail was if they issued too many notes and everyone came along at the same time to cash them in for gold and silver. They began to issue notes for the ownership of the gold and silver greatly in excess of the amount of gold and silver they had deposited in their vaults. Most of the notes they lent (and earned interest on) were related to gold and silver which the 'banks' did not even have. But since only a small amount of the metals was being withdrawn at any one time, they were in the clear. they could issue lots of bits of paper for gold and silver that didn't exist and charge interest for doing so! There, in one sentence, you have a description of today's banking system, which controls the world markets. People and governments are submerged in debt and desperately trying to pay interest on money that has never, does not, and never will exist. It is reckoned that on average, for every £1,000 a bank receives from customers, it lends (and charges interest upon) at least £10,000! It is able to do this through a fractional reserve system, which means they only have to keep a fraction (say, one-tenth) of their total deposits in the bank, or 'reserve'. They count on it not being called for (demanded) by its customers all at the same time. In most countries where banks are regulated, there are rules or laws which allow a bank to shut its doors if too many people want their money out at the same time. The bank creates this money out of thin air by typing numbers onto a computer screen. A large slice of your taxes goes to the banks to pay interest on money created in this way, when those taxes could be used to ease poverty, hunger, environmental crisis, and help care for and evolve all beings on this planet. Indeed, if the money system restructured to serve people and not the banks, there is a good case for saying that most taxation would end. The con-trick is completed by the fact that if you fall behind in your interest payments on money that doesn't exist, the bank can take away your food, clothes, car, home, and any other property - wealth and resources that do exist. Remember, too, that while you are borrowing a certain figure from the bank, you are paying back more that that, with the interest.
Where does the interest come from? It comes from the wealth and credit in the world. So, with every loan paid back to the bank since this system began, the interest payments have been sucking the wealth and money of the world into the banking system. With each loan repayment, the control of that system is strengthened. This allows the banking system, controlled by the Global Elite, to lend even greater sums of non-existent money and submerge even more people in debt....
...and there are more interesting insights in the book below.
And The Truth Shall Set You Free. David Icke.