Seeds of Light Foundation |
of the Soul
Stop Worrying: Life is a Soulful Learning Experience All the spiritual traditions, including Christianity before its extensive medieval re-write, accepted the transmigration of the soul through many lives as just another fact. The soul lives many, many lives and in each life learns the lessons that are given to it. At the end of one physical life, the soul transmigrates to another body and circumstances that will teach it the next set of lessons. Such is the will of the most highly intelligent Supreme Being - God. The Transmigration of the Soul - A Spiritual Fact. This means that we can relax and take one step at a time, knowing that the most benevolent and loving One has provided us with ample and abundant lifetimes to learn the lessons that make us into wonderful, great, good, and Holy (complete, integrated) beings. Such is the will of God that all His created children come to know of His greatness.
Amen. Peace be with you with this realisation