Meditation Energy Enhancement

Energy Enhancement Samyama, The Fastest Way to Enlightenment


Hatha Yoga is good but Pranayama is 10 times faster at releasing Energy Blockages which stop the Enlightenment process.

Pranayama, or advanced breathing techniques, is good but Meditation is 10 times faster than even that at releasing Energy Blockages which stop the Enlightenment process.

Meditation is good but Samadhi Samyama is 10 times faster than even that at releasing Energy Blockages which stop the Enlightenment process.

Samadhi is good but Samyama is 10 times faster than even that at releasing Energy Blockages which stop the Enlightenment process.

Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Samadhi and Samyama are part of the Eight Limbs of Yoga in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Samyama is talked about from over 5000 years ago in the Third And Fourth Chapter of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

And Samyama IS Energy Enhancement, 1000 times faster on the Path of Enlightenment.

Samyama, a giant step forward from Meditation or Samadhi is what spiritual Masters use to remove the energy blockages or samskaras they absorb from others and in order to help their students.

Although many meditational Masters will teach you with A Synthesis of Ancient and Effective Meditation techniques to remove your own blockages, if the blockage is too tough and too deep for you, the Buddhafield surrounding the Masters of Meditation, can help you.

Advanced and Effective Meditation Techniques are Syntheses of Ancient and successful techniques some over 5000 years old The roots come from many ancient disciplines, and include -

Alchemical V.I.T.R.I.O.L, the first Formula of Alchemy, in reality a guided meditation to align you with the path of your soul!!
Kundalini Kriyas
Taoist Meditation Techniques
Kundalini Tantra
Energy Circulation
Creating the Antahkarana
Soul Infusion
Connecting to the Highest Heart
The Grounding of Negative Energies
Psychic Purification of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual Bodies

Director Satchidanand, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation.

He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!!



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 Happy Meditation!

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