2005 AND 2006
The Zen Circle. The Zen Circle is the same shape and meaning as the Yin-Yang and the Worm Ourobouros. The Zen Circle. Zen comes from the Sanskrit word Dhyana. When Boddhidharma was sent by his enlightened mistress, over the mountains of the Himalayas to China, Dhyana was changed to Chan and there was mixed with Taoism. This mixture, when taken by Zen Master Dogen to Japan, became Zen. Zen is the Hybrid of Buddhism and Taoism. However, Zen is not just the simple Dhyana of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali where Dhyana is described as "The flow of energy between the meditator and the focus of meditation". In Zen, Zen has come to mean what the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali refer to as Samadhi and not any of the 17 levels of Samadhi referred to in that book, but the final level, that of Nirbija or "No Seed" Samadhi. Enlightenment. Zen and Zen Masters have spent years, shocking people into Samadhi. For example, one of the few enlightened Zen Masters, Yuanwu, said, "The essential point of Zen is to make the roots deep and the stem firm". That is, how to ground negative energies. The Zen Circle again is The Circulation of the Energies, The Kundalini Kriyas, The Daoist Elemental Paths of the Chi. Zen Masters are always saying, "He is not enlightened!" Yuanwu says, "Zen teachers without the methodology of real experts unavoidably cheat and deceive those whom they try to teach, leading them into confusion, fooling around with a bunch of curios." Many Zen teachers, now and in the past, try to fool people with just the first stages of meditation, just to make the mind still. To the outward eye, all meditators look the same. Normally, we cannot tell the experience of another human being just by looking at them. So that when we see the person sitting in meditation, we cannot understand the exercises given to them in meditation to expand their awareness. The Eight Limbs of Yoga, taught in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali finish at Samadhi. However there is a Ninth Limb to the Eight Limbs of Yoga, also taught in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is "Samyama". This is what we teach in the Three Levels of Energy Enhancement.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali; Commentary by Swami Satchidananda.
The Third Book of the Four Books of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is almost completely filled with the coded methodology of Samyama upon the Chakras. Its aim is the Creation of Psychic Powers. However, the last part of the book says in III 38, "These powers are obstacles to Enlightenment or Nirbija Samadhi, but are Psychic powers or Siddhis in worldly pursuits," and in III 51, "By Non Attachment even to Siddhis, the seed of bondage is destroyed" and thus follows Kaivalya, Independence or Enlightenment. We do not become attached to Powers, however it is nice to play with them. They show us that something is happening. And if we use them to purify the Psychic bodies, as the Three Levels of Energy Enhancement, then this teaching is very powerful. In Energy Enhancement we are careful to teach only Siddhis to purify the Psychic Bodies. Particularly The Grounding of Negative Energies. The Opening of the Heart and the destruction of Selfishness. The Mastery of Relationships. The removal of blockages between the Base and the Crown Chakras - The destruction of the Fear of Death - Enlightenment! Taoism combined with Buddhism created the hybrid of Zen. Therefore it is only natural that Taoist principles became incorporated into the real Zen. For example, my Zen
teacher, Zen Master Hogen of Japan, says that Hogen means, "Master of
the Tao".