2005 AND 2006
The Pentagram. Upright and Upside
Down. UPRIGHT Upright
This symbol of Magik
and the Western Mystery Tradition consists of the four major elements
(lower 4 Chakras) and the head and throat.
The astral plane is not flat, it also has height or depth. In Magik, the teachers invert the symbol.
Inverted pentagram. The major reason for this is that for enlightenment we need to invert, change the direction of, the energies. Kundalini aroused when a human being, instead of just eating and digesting the energies coming down from heaven to earth, consciously starts to transmute the negative energies of the body though VITRIOL. Rectificando of VITRIOL really means, "The right leading of the transmuted energies along the path of the Soul." Kundalini energy from the centre of the Earth is aroused and travels outwards from Earth to Heaven along the path of the spine. The energy is inverted. Ken Wilber talks in his books about the battle between the Ascenders and the Descenders, between Shiva the destroyer and Vishnu the maintainer, and the philosophical battle between the two. The pentagram says that both are necessary to the creation of an enlightened being. These energies are real and not just a philosophical abstraction. Thus the inversion of the pentagram in the creation of an enlightened being. The description of the devil in the Tarot describes an enlightened being.
The Devil. Again, the Christian Organisation killed, tortured and burnt at the stake four millions of "witches" and "warlocks" during the middle ages. The ancient religion of "Wicca" or "The Wise Women" was almost destroyed by this pogrom whose other aim was the repression of dissent, as was Hitler’s "Final Solution" of the Second World War. Not only the Jews were sent to the Gas Ovens, but also all political opponents.
Voltaire. The cry of Voltaire was, "Remember the cruelties!" in order to prevent the mistakes of the past. Throughout the ages of the World, sometimes religion has been used as a Military Arm of the State. Sons of the Lords in England had a difficult choice as to whether to go into the Army or the Church. The church of Rome from Constantine to the Holy Roman Empire, and also from the time of Henry the Eighth when he formed the Church of England, the great mythical imperial Empires of the Aztecs and Incas, Khans and Ramses, have always been used as the psychological arm of control following the conquest of the military. And what better way to send your Secret Service to infiltrate a country. Religion has always been used to inoculate you against the real thing. And the real thing exists but is hidden because the truth is always dangerous. The real techniques of Enlightenment, have always been hidden because they are so dangerous to selfish people and the selfish single state. The aim of these techniques is liberation from the small. As we evolve, we graduate from the mother to the family, to the city municipality, to the Country with its King or Queen, and then to the World. The World or the Cosmos is the highest form of Evolution. The Selfish State which wants to become stronger than all the rest has a powerful motive to prevent the evolution of its citizens for the benefit of the world. "My Country right or wrong," it says. Because any organisation cannot function amidst dissent. The anti-evolutionary propaganda has been very successful. 96% of all the people in America still are at the evolutionary level of the football supporter. A World Citizen believes in equal rights to monetary benefits, or social security, housing benefits and education, regardless of race, country, colour, age, religion or sex. A World Citizen believes that an educated woman and man will have fewer and more educated and evolved children. Education is what can solve the population crisis. An example is Kerala, a state in India where 99% of the people can read. There the population rate is stable and dropping. In the rest of India there is almost no education for the poor. There the population rate is exponential. A World citizen believes that the world is responsible for every child who enters it and therefor must support it. The Universal Rights of the child are inscribed in the United Nations, but it having no budget they are not enforced. Any unwanted child is a failure in the Education system of the world. This situation can
only be brought about by a World Government using a world pollution tax.
Only a World Government can curb the activities of the rapacious and highly
evolved International Companies, who defeat a countries tax measures against
them by threatening to move to another country where the laws are more
lax, and the wages are less of a burden.