2005 AND 2006
Alchemy and VITRIOL: The Secret of the Philosophers Stone.
The Base Chakra - Earthing and Grounding. Grounding is the basis of the first Alchemical Formula - VITRIOL. This is the Latin name for an acid which dissolves everything. It dissolves all physical toxins; it also metaphysically dissolves all psychic toxins, negativity, fear, anger and pain. It does this through earthing us. As electricity, the power of electricity can only be used when it is earthed. Therefore, we can only function when we have our feet on the ground. Firmly planted on the earth. Some people may feel that we were not meant to be on this planet. They do not feel at home here. They prefer to have their heads in the clouds. "Hullo clouds, Hullo sky," said Fotherington Thomas. They prefer to be ‘space jockeys’, thinking great ideas, and great thoughts, which make them feel good. Unless we can ground, unless we can earth these great ideas. Unless we can manifest our thoughts in a practical down to earth way. Unless we can DO. We may as well not be here. This is the use and purpose of grounding. Through the practice of grounding we can plant our feet firmly on the ground and manifest the Base Chakra - "I am here" in my place, naturally in this earth, this universe, in a real, manifest, grounded, earthed way. The formula describes a visualisation. A guided meditation and not some chemical formula. The formula uses the letters, VITRIOL, as the first letters of the words of the formula in Latin and corresponds to the 15th trump of the tarot - Art (XV). Combined they represent the Philosophers stone
The Art Card from the Tarot.
Art is one of the Trump cards of the Tarot and is one of the highest achievements of alchemy which is to transmute the negative energies held in the lower chakras or sent to us, into positive energy to feed our evolution, as fuel for our evolution. To drain the last dregs of our vitriol, of our pain, our bile, our anger. This is the secret of, use and virtue of, "The Philosophers Stone" - That which transmutes Base metal into Gold. That which transmutes the Negative Energies, stuck and blocked in the Base Chakra into pure clear spiritual energies - the gold of the Sahasrara Chakra. The Secret of the Golden Flower of Jung. Many
people, i.e. ‘Alchemists’, tried to find this physically. They did not
realise that the formula refers to a guided meditation to transmute negative
energies into positive energies.
misguided alchemist in his laboratory! The Art card shows the change of the white eagle into red, the red lion into white, the lovers are now fused, integrated into an androgyne figure. A multicoloured rainbow rises out of putrefaction, the putrefaction of stuck and negative fears, pain, emotions and energies held in the lower triangle chakras in the human being. In you. The raven perched on a skull in the cauldron. When energies do not flow then they putrefy. A rainbow is created when they are made to flow by the visualisation, and we are taught how to transmute, to change, negativity into positivity. We learn how to use our negative energies as fuel for our evolution by means of VITRIOL as well as other techniques in the First Level of the Three Levels of Energy Enhancement. This is the formula for the Philosophers Stone which all alchemists spent their lives searching for. It has the virtue of transforming and transmuting base metal into gold. To transform negativity, pain, anger and fear into higher, purer energy. To purify the base chakra and transform its energies into those of light. Usually problems arise in an unbalanced awakening of the Kundalini energies when impurities still reside in the system. However, when these impurities are removed by the wonderful system of Energy Enhancement, the Kundalini serpent power starts slowly to manifest in its safe and beautiful way. Transmuting and transforming the negativities of each chakra in turn as the energy rises up the spine towards the Crown chakra on top of the head. The golden flower, the thousand petalled lotus, Sahasrara Chakra.
When this happens we know our true immortality as we pass from body to body along the eons for thousands of years. This teaching is available in the Levels of Energy Enhancement.