Dear Great Soul
Sorry it is so long...
But when you read just what you are going to receive with the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course.
And the Intense feelings you are going to feel when the Energy starts to flow.
And the Psychic Powers that are going to open up when that intense spiritual feeling and emotion start to Power Up! the Third Eye and you begin to see all your past lifetimes and feel as you remove all your Energy Blockages..
You won't feel it's so long..
Now please write back to me with any problems about money.
Money should not stop the signal.
Perhaps we can help you..
With even better Prices... Get Back to me about this..
And an even Better Offer.. See Below..
So, get back to me now, and we can talk about an even better Price..
Just for You!!
You are indispensable. Yes, I really do mean you, and here’s what I mean.
Everything is meditation. You do it. I do it. meditation is the global language.
meditation makes the world work. That means the meditation you do is critical to
the success of everyone else, no matter what you create, an idea, a product, a
service, your personal brand, a brighter vision for your family or community,
change the World. Whatever it is, we need it, and that’s why I believe you are
You see, Paul J. Meyer reminds of the power of a positive perspective. It goes
like this: “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe,
and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.”
But anyhow, you train fleas by putting them in a jar. You put the top on the
jar, and you watch those fleas. They’ll jump up and they hit top over, and over,
and over, and over, and over, and over. You watch them jump. Finally, after
they’ve been jumping a long time, you will notice that even though they continue
to jump, all of a sudden they are no longer jumping high enough to hit the top.
Then, it’s an absolute fact you can just take the top off of the jar and they’ll
keep on jumping, and jumping, and jumping, but they cannot, I repeat, cannot
jump out.
You see, they have conditioned themselves to jump just so high. They created an
energy blockage for themselves. Once they’ve conditioned themselves to jump just
so high, that’s all there is. There is no more.
Man is the same way. He starts out in life to climb the mountain, to write the
book, to break the record, to do something with his life. But along the way, he
bumps his head, he stubs his toes, and he becomes what I call a SNIOP. Now,
that’s spelled S-N-I-O-P. That’s a person who is susceptible to the negative
influence of other people.
And the solution to those painful - it's real painful to keep on banging your
head against a brick wall - experiences is to meditate them away. To get in
contact with our Earth. To feel the flow of Kundalini Energy flowing out of the
Earth, the source, the fountain of all energy and enthusiasm and as you do that
feel the pain, the negativity, the stress, the emotions all flow down from the
infinite chakras above the head into the Center of the Earth to burn up, gone,
never to be seen again.
Can you imagine how you would feel to have that happen to you?
Do you know people who are like those fleas? Well, they’ve been painfully
conditioned to expect that they’ll never get what they want in life. They bought
into the lie that life just doesn’t work out for them. Maybe you’re one of those
people. I hope not, but if so, you’ll need to shed those energy blockage created
limiting beliefs, ground those energy blockage created limiting beliefs to
embrace the power of this meditation secret.
So, if you can have everything in life you want, what do you really want?
And, as we receive with Energy Enhancement Meditation such an Infinite supply of
positivity, of Infinite positive Energy from the Infinite Chakras above the
head, and as it descends I promise you the most intense emotion you have ever
experienced - 24 hours a day, every day, an intense orgasmic feeling every time
you connect in meditation - then you always see each difficulty as a challenge
which must be overcome instead of disaster.
The way you feel in meditation is the way you see your future and it determines
your thinking today. Your thinking today determines your performance today. Your
performance today has a strong bearing on what that future is going to be.
You can change where you are by changing what goes into your mind. Feed the
positive and you will be positive.
We’re going to unpack how this secret changes your interaction with other
people. But right now, I want to focus on you. Do you have the courage to get
clear on your dream and pursue it? I want to give you something that’s hard to
come by these days, permission to dream.
I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t dare to dream of having everything I
wanted in life to make this World a better place. Now, you may not become the
Meditation Master like I did. Your dreams will be unique to you. Until you get
clear on what they are, you’ll never attempt to vividly bring them to life.
You’ll keep striking out in life without knowing why.
So, here’s my challenge to you. Invest the time right now to engage the
Initiations of the Four Levels of Energy Enhancement Meditation to help you shed
those limiting beliefs and get clear on your dreams. It’s time to ask yourself
what do you really want. Give some intentional thought to where you want to go
and why, because, you can have everything in life you want, everything, if you
will just help enough other people get what they want.
Life is service, service to your family and friends, service to your city and
country, service to the World.
And everything starts with Energy Enhancement Meditation, THE POWER TO DREAM.
The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course - Not so Expensive, Incredible
Value!! For Total Life Performance!! For the Removal of All Life Destroying Energy Blockages.
This is the time to buy All Four Video Levels plus the Level 0 Support Package
for one year and Save!!
Incredible Savings! - Save - Not 50% But 70% Off - Get Four Levels at 70% Off! -
Get All Four Levels when you Buy the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course..
We recommend the completion of the All Four Video Levels plus the Level 0
Support Package for one year before coming to Amazing Iguazu - The Seventh
Natural Wonder of the World - on the live course!!
Payment by Bank Transfer... After agreeing your course with us, wire, transfer
the DEPOSIT or full Price to..
1. The Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light Ltd. (SOL) Company Account
2. Barclays Bank - The Swift Code for Barclays Bank is BARCGB22 or BARCGB22XXX
3. The Sort code for the Bank (Bank Number or Routing Number) is 20-81-11.
4. Account Number 40802204.
B. Company Address - The Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light, 3 Kensington, Bishop Auckland, CO.
DURHAM DL14 6HX, United Kingdom
C. Bank Address.. Barclays Bank, Egham Branch, Staines Group, 71 High St,
Staines, MIDDX, TW184PS, UK
Low fees to send International Wire
Transfer Bank Payments who charge only 1% to send money
Please tell us when you have sent the money so we can check when it arrives -
internationally - 3 to 4 days after you send it, we will then send the course
Our Winter Trip in Summer Sun is on the other side of the World in Iguazu Falls
- beautiful - in Brazil.
Normally we recommend you complete Four Levels of The Energy Enhancement
Streaming Video Course before you come.
Here's EXACTLY what you get
with the Four Levels of Energy Enhancement Plus the Essential Level 0 support
Package for 12 Months - Over 75 Hours of Incredible Teachings by Satchidanand
which will enable you to Remove All your Energy Blockages - to Power Up!! To
Feel Better, To Become What You Were Born to Be!!
Not so Expensive, Incredible Value!! For Total Life Performance!! For the
Removal of All Energy Blockages!! Incredible Savings!
Over several months, in Easy, Bite Sized Chunks, You will learn how Simple it
is, to remove All your Energy Blockages.
Incredible, Easy Paced, Full Tuition, with the Level 0 Support Package for Each
of the Four Levels of Energy Enhancement!
Get 70% off on the Christmas Special
Enhancement LEVEL 1 Meditation is included in this course! Immortality -
Activate the Antahkarana! Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head -
Power UP!! Open Your Third Eye, Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL
Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Learn Super Strong Psychic Protections in
Preparation for the Seven Step Process to totally remove Blockages of Level 2. Access Quantum Immortality - Level 1 - 25
hours of video tuition
Initiation 1 Meditation
Initiation 2 The Kundalini Kriyas - The 5 Taoist Circulations of the Qi, Energy
Orbits, Energy Circulation
Initiation 3 The Kundalini Kriyas - Alchemical VITRIOL to Ground Negative
Initiation 4 The Kundalini Kriyas - The God Connection to Infinite Energy
Initiation 5 Open the Third Eye, Open the Heart, Achievement of Everything you
Initiation 6 Psychic Protection against Attack - Power Towers
Initiation 7 Psychic Protection against Attack - Pyramid Protection
Initiation 8 Psychic Protection against Attack - The Merkaba
Here we are talking Zen Master Hogen.
He said, "By Meditating we can change our messy life painting into a clean white
sheet again."
Here he is saying that Meditation can with Intensity of Feeling, ground all the
negativity, all the negative emotions, all the energy blockages attached to your
memories that ever happened to you in this lifetime
He said, "I spent all my previous lifetimes making Guiness. Now in this lifetime
I am drinking all the Guiness!"
Here he is saying that with Passionate Energy Enhancement Samyama Meditation can
ground all the negativity, all the negative emotions, all the energy blockages
attached to your memories that ever happened to you in all your previous
If you can use Energy Enhancement Meditation to Ground all that negative energy
from your past, to remove those dense, deep, energy blockages not only from this
lifetime, but from all your previous lifetimes...
Can you Imagine what that will
Feel Like?
Today’s a brand new day!!
Initiation 1 Remove Energy Blockage Karma From All Your past Lives
Initiation 2 Remove Energy Blockage Karma From Your Future Lives
Initiation 3 Remove Energy Blockage Inner Children
Initiation 4 Remove Energy Blockage Vampire Strategies
Initiation 5 Remove Energy Blockage Negative Emotions
Initiation 6 The Seven Step purification of talents and the creation and
increase of talents
Initiation 7 Removing Energy Blockage Vows from Past Lifetimes
Initiation 8: The Achievement of all your Goals and Ambitions using Energy Enhancement Samyama
Initiation 9 Removing the Energy Blockages from Daily Life Illogical Actions and
Driven Emotions.
Energy Enhancement testimonials
Cost 3997USDollars plus optional 397$US per month
for one year for the Level 0 Support Package
Enhancement LEVEL 4 - Stop the Suck!! Heal All your Relationships!! Find Your
Initiation 1 - Removing Addictions - Food, Alcohol, Smoking, Sex.
Initiation 2 Cleaning Energy Connections - Cutting Energy Connections and
Re-connecting Energy Connections - Friends, Children, Partner, Mother, Father -
Moving All Relationships to a Higher Level.
Initiation 3 Cutting Energy Connections and Re-connecting Energy Connections -
Moving All Relationships to a Higher Level.
Initiation 4 Healing the Soul Connection of Others
Initiation 5 Healing the Psychic Sexual Connection
Initiation 6 Removing the Energy Blockages at the other End of the Connection in
People you Connect to - Healing Relationships, Healing Clients.
Initiation 7 Ceremonies and Meditation Groups - Using the Energy of the Higher
Heart, The Heart Center in the Head, Prajna Paramita, - The Soul and the Monad
Itself, for the Healing of Groups, Organizations and the World.
Energy Enhancement testimonials
Cost 3997USDollars plus optional 397$US per month
for one year for the Level 0 Support Package
One Level of the Energy
Enhancement Streaming Video Course Costs 3997$US
For all 4 levels the Price is 4 x 3997$US = 15988US$ plus optional 397$US per month for
one year for the Level 0 Support Package, see below.
But Now!! - Incredible Special Christmas
Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course Offer!
For all 4 levels the 50% Price is 8994US$ - Now!! Save 70%% - The Incredible
Special Christmas Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course
Price is Now ONLY
4796US$! plus optional 397$US per month for one year for the Level 0 Support Package
see below..
You Save 70% - Send 4796US$ plus
optional 397$US per month for one year for the Level 0
Support Package Now! to the Energy Enhancement Account to receive 75 hours of
video tuition - Receive the streaming videos by email. Receive the Level 0
Support Package with Energy Enhancement Reiki Mastery and Monthly Skype Sessions.
I want to get this into the hands of as many people as possible! Our mission at
Energy Enhancement is to be a transformational home for people who want to
evolve. And that means giving you everything you need to be successful removing
All your Blockages.
FREE BONUS #4: 26 Sacred Dance Performances by Devi Dhyani - VIDEOS - ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TV - EETV
Access to the Energy
Enhancement Library of Hundreds of Spiritual Books
Access to Talks and the Video Radiation
of Spiritual Masters HUNDREDS of More Hours of Energy!! HUNDREDS of
Hours of Spiritual Radiation!!
There's still time.
Energy Enhancement Ancient Secrets of the Tamil Siddars.. the Zen Masters.. the
Himalayan Kundalini Kriyas..
Energy Enhancement Enlightenment could take Only Six Months!!
Energy Enhancement Quantum Integration.. Integrate your Mind.. Become One!!
Find the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key to your Liberation!!
Get Your Third Eye Energy Enhancement Psychic Powers - Power Up!!
Access Energy Enhancement Alchemical VITRIOL - Ground All Negative Energies -
Energy Enhancement 2000 Years Old Kundalini Kriyas for Enlightenment - Fast!!
Get Energy Enhancement Quantum Immortality and INFINITE Energy!! Get it Now!!
Energy Enhancement - Live Immortally like Ascended Masters in the Chakras Above
the Head.
Access the Energy Enhancement Immortal Ascended Masters - Get the Energy
Enhancement Ancient Wisdom!!
If you want to Meditate, Choose Energy Enhancement.
If you want to Speed Up! your Meditative Process, Choose Energy Enhancement.
If you want to Access All the Techniques of Enlightenment, Choose Energy
If you want to Succeed, Choose Energy Enhancement.
You can get all of those things in the Energy Enhancement Video Course for the
70% off price AND the Level 0 Four Level Support Package with Monthly Skype
This is it!
The 70% Reduction option ENDS at Christmas.
Go get it!
This is how...
Payment by Bank Transfer... After agreeing your course with us, wire, transfer
the DEPOSIT or full Price to..
1. The Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light Ltd. (SOL) Company Account
2. Barclays Bank - The Swift Code for Barclays Bank is BARCGB22 or BARCGB22XXX
3. The Sort code for the Bank (Bank Number or Routing Number) is 20-81-11.
4. Account Number 40802204.
B. Company Address - The Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light, 3 Kensington, Bishop Auckland, CO.
DURHAM DL14 6HX, United Kingdom
C. Bank Address.. Barclays Bank, Egham Branch, Staines Group, 71 High St,
Staines, MIDDX, TW184PS, UK
Low fees to send International Wire
Transfer Bank Payments who charge only 1% to send money
Please tell us when you have sent the money so we can check when it arrives -
internationally - 3 to 4 days after you send it, we will then send the course
Get a spot in Energy Enhancement Video Course for the 70% off price Plus the
Level 0 Support Package with Monthly Skype Sessions.
SPECIAL OFFER!!! You may be interested
in our Incredible Sunny Christmas Price Reduction!! New!! Three Month Five Level
Live Course in Iguazu - Almost the Same Price Just a little more than the
Present Two Level One Month Course!! Two thirds Off!! When you have completed
the 4 Level Video Course.
SPECIAL OFFER!!! You may be interested in our Incredible Sunny Christmas Price
Reduction!! New!! Three Month Five Level Live Course in Iguazu - Almost the Same
Price Just a little more than the Present Two Level One Month Course!! When you
have completed the 5 Level Video Course.
Free Accomodation with Air Conditioning
Free Vegetarian Food
Free Transport to and from Iguassu Airport
Free Transport to Iguazu Falls in both Brazil and Argentina
Four Levels of Energy Enhancement
The removal of Energy Blockages
The Process of Enlightenment,
Coming to Iguazu? 40% Deposit now, remainder 2 months before course start.
The Energy Enhancement Four Level Program Support is to keep you on track.
We all need the help of others in our pursuit of Happiness -
The Level 0 Four Level Support Package gives you Energy Enhancement Reiki Initiations to Mastery - Become an Energy Enhancement Reiki Master.
Plus Energy Enhancement Reiki Healing with Devi Dhyani.
Energy Enhancement Psychic Healing Sessions with Ganesha Bhavananda.
Energy Enhancement TV - EETV - Hundreds of Hours of Spiritual Masters, 26 Sacred Dance Performances by Devi Dhyani including Gurdjieff's Sacred Dances, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Carmina Burana and Beethoven's Ninth also the Best Hatha Yoga Session in the World.
Skype Sessions, Hundreds of Spiritual Books...
Plus Energy Enhancement Prana Health Parallel Level 0
with Agnisar Kriya, Pranayama, Nauli, Third Eye Opening Sessions by Video , and
23 Devi Dhyani Liberation of Blockages sessions by Video for Support of the Four Meditation Levels - Super
Chi Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality in 12 Initiations.. Increase the
Intensity Feeling of the Power of Prana - Feel the Emotional Passion, the
Fierceness of the Force - With Energy Enhancement.
Six things to Keep you on Track you get
with the Level 0 Four Level Support Package..
Get All Six For One Unique
1. Receive the Level 0 Support Package
with Monthly Skype Sessions - Inner Circle Psychic Healing and Skype mentoring
with Ganesha B - Big, Hour long, sessions.
Energy Enhancement Video Course Inner Circle Skype Psychic Healing and Psychic
Vision with Ganesha Bhavananda
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four Level Support - Monthly Skype Sessions of
Healing to Enable the Energy Enhancement Process
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four Level Support - SWAMI GANESHA BHAVANANDA
Energy Enhancement Psychic Healing Sessions with Swami Ganesha Bhavananda.
Energy Enhancement Psychic Healing Sessions are Incredibly Powerful with the
Addition of the Seven Step Process - Two x hour long sessions per month -
Worth 396$US per month
Testimony with Ganesha -
"Ganesha more than lives up to his namesake, the god who removes obstacles. His
inner vision is amazing -- he can locate and remove even the most obstinate
blockages. During the process, sometimes I see what he sees, and sometimes I
don't, but when our session is over, I feel lighter, more open, and more
creative. A writing project I was working on was at a point where each day
working on it was getting more difficult. But sense our last session, the path
seems clear, the words just come, and not only do they flow more easily, they
are livelier and more original. I highly recommend the one-on-one sessions with
Ganesha. He dispatches even the obstacles that have dogged me for most of my
MASTER - Receive the Level 0 Support Package with Monthly Skype Sessions. -
Reiki Initiations and Reiki Healing with Devi Dhyani by Skype
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four Level Support - SWAMI DEVI DHYANI
Energy Enhancement Reiki Initiations and Energy Enhancement Healing Sessions are
Incredibly Powerful with the Addition of the Seven Step Process - with Devi
Dhyani, Director of Energy Enhancement - Schedule by Agreement - Get Reiki
Mastery only when Devi Says you are ready.
a. Energy Enhancement Reiki Initiation One.
Worth 998$US
b. Energy Enhancement Reiki Initiation Two.
Worth 1996$US
c. Energy Enhancement Reiki Mastery Initiation - Give Reiki Initiations and
Reiki Healing to Others.
Worth 4996$US
d. Energy Enhancement Reiki Healing Sessions - one hour long session per month
Worth 198$US per month
Testimony with Devi Dhyani
"I Felt a lot in my throat and abdomen discharging. Overall, I was just feeling
good vibrationnally, being aware of my feelings and thoughts, and enjoying the
energy during both sessions I was receiving from Swami Devi Dhyani. I felt the
ego coming out, feeling like im perfect the way I am and don't need to change,
although I knew it wasn't true or right, and felt that it was absolutely
necessary to change (and I had a lot of ego left inside of me that do not want
to be integrated with the Soul) or is afraid to (which I started to ground
yesterday using the 7step process). Then this message came, we can become better
now, right here and right now."
3. The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four
Level Support - Ask Swami Satchidanand any questions by Email to Enable the
Energy Enhancement Process.
Testimony with Satchidanand
"After that session with Ganesha B (which I recommend to anyone taking the
course) not only was I able to focus better on the material, the power of the
initiations became more powerful and intense and I found myself sleeping more as
my mind and body began to adapt to the changes.
I have found myself since doing the first two levels of the course, with more
energy, improved finances and while my relationships are not 100%, they are much
improved (can't wait to see how things go once I learn Level 4 techniques).
I attribute all of these things to Swami and his explanation of EE techniques,
many of which I had never heard of to remove energy blockages and to cut the
cords that had been attached to me from BM's that I never knew were there.
One thing that I found revealing while working through the material, is that I
have spiritual teachers and masters. I had always heard about it, yet, I never
felt their presence. With the EE course, between building up my energy and also
increasing the power of my psychic vision, I have made the connection with my
spiritual teachers and masters and have been enjoying the gifts that they have
shared with me since."
4. Energy Enhancement Level 0 Four Level
Support Package in 12 Major Initiations - To Better Enable the Energy
Enhancement Process - Incredible Healing, Incredible Value!!
Worth 3997$US
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four Level Support with the Four Levels of Energy
Enhancement - Get Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality, Level of Incredible
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four Level Support - Ask Swami Satchidanand any
questions by Email to Enable the Energy Enhancement Process.
With Four Levels the Energy Enhancement Level 0 Course in 12 Initiations
including Sambhavi Mudra.. our New Incredible Energy Enhancement Prana, Power,
Strength, Immortality, Level of 12 Initiations including Agnisar Kriya,
Pranayama, Maha Bandha including Jalandhara Bandha, Uddyana Bandha and Mula
Bandha and an incredible Yogi Fat Burning diet designed to increase Prana,
Power, Strength, Immortality, and Amplify the effects of the Energy Enhancement
MedItation Course.
Through Initiations like these Sri Yogendra gained the power to project blue
iridescent Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality, around his body. They used to
put him in darkened rooms to watch the show. Concentrating the Prana, Power,
Strength, Immortality, leads to long life and health, also a greater ability to
transmute energy blockages
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four
Level Support - Level 0
Initiation 1 Agnisar Kriya
Initiation 2 a 3 Hour Video Session - The Best Hatha Yoga Session in the World
by Satchidanand
Initiation 3 23 x 1.5 Hour Video Sessions by Devi Dhyani - The Yoga of Removing
Initiation 4 3 x 1.5 hour
sessions Opening the Third Eye and the Triangle of Chakras in the Head with Devi
Initiation 5 One Hour Pranayama 1 - alternate nostril breathing
Initiation 6 Pranayama Bandhas
Initiation 7 Pranayama 2 - Kumbhaka
Initiation 8 Nauli after mastering agnisar kriya
Initiation 9 Pranayama Bhastrika
Initiation 10 Pawan Muktasanas Video
Initiation 11 Meditation Video Initiation 1 (of Eight Initiations) Of Level 1 of
the Energy Enhancement Course
Initiation 12 Sambhavi Mudra
Initiation 13 The Yogic Fat Burning Diet
Initiation 14 Diet Purification and Supplementation
Coming Soon Video Sessions of Self Healing by Devi Dhyani - to be added when
Coming Soon Video Sessions of the Metamorphic Technique by Devi Dhyani - to be
added when ready
The Level 0 Energy Enhancement Four Level Support -The Level 0 Energy
Enhancement Four Level Support - Energy Enhancement TV - Access to the Energy
Enhancement Video Library of Hundreds of Hours of Videos of Talks by Spiritual
Masters and Swami Satchidanand to Keep you energy high and on the right track.
Just by watching these incredible Masters, just by watching the videos of the
Energy Enhancement Course, many students extol the energy of the videos!
5. Hidden Videos on the site!! HUNDREDS of More Hours of Energy!! HUNDREDS of
Hours of Spiritual Radiation!!
Paramahamsa Yogananda
Swami Satchidananda
Swami Satchidanand
Father Bede Griffiths
Dalai Lama
And we are adding more.. All the time.
26 SACRED DANCE ENERGY VIDEOS by Devi Dhyani from 2005, Free - Hours of Energy!! Hours of Spiritual Radiation!!
Devi Dhyani is a Doctor of Law, a Premier Ballerina, a teacher of Ballet and Free Dance, attended the Kalakshetra School of Dance in Madras, and attended dance sessions with the Orissi School of Dance in Bhubaneshwar. She is the Managing Director of Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light Ltd. People keep talking about Spiritual Radiation! Devi Dhyani is a Uranian Power who Radiates Spiritual Power to raise Kundalini and Remove Blockages. She is also a Saturnian Vessel who absorbs and Heals Energy Blockages.. Just for you! DEVI DHYANI DANCES CARMINA BURANA Twenty Six Intense Feeling Kundalini Raising Performances - Passionate Overpowering Experiences with Uranian Power Devi Dhyani1 Sai Baba
2. Led Zeppelin and Ravel's Bolero
3. Pink Floyd and Gurdjieff's Sacred Dances
4. Pachamama Part 1
5. Pachamama Part 2
6 Akhnaten by Philip Glass
Heart Sutra Dance
Cafe Martinez
Indian Classical Dance with Bhimsen Joshi, Sayeeduddin Dagar, Asha Bosle
Sacred Pink Floyd
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
Carmina Burana by Carl Orff
Devi at the Greek
Sacred Jeff Beck
Sacred Mantras
Labyrinth including Gurdjieff's Sacred Dances
Shakti with John McLaughlin
Sacred David Ananda
Sacred Led Zeppelin
Sacred Michael Jackson
OM Soul 1 - see this here on our new 4k cameras
OM Soul 2
OM Soul 3
Sacred Gilmour Gdansk - see this here on our new 4k cameras
6. The Level 0 Energy
Enhancement Four Level Support - Access to the Energy Enhancement Library of
Books Free!!
Swami Satchidanand
Sathya Sai Baba
Alice Bailey
Father Bede Griffiths
Khalil Gibran
Maharishi TM
Ramana Maharshi
Satchidanand EE
Sathya Sai Baba
Swami Satchidananda
Swami Sivananda
Swami Vivekananda
The Mother
And Many more..
You will receive One time costs of 10,987$US For Energy Enhancement Reiki Mastery and Energy Enhancement Level 0
And monthly costs for Psychic and Energy Enhancement Reiki Healing worth 594$US
Get it All For One Unique Price of 397$US per Month for One year!!
Even Without the Following Four Levels of Energy Enhancement - The Energy Enhancement Four Level Support is Sufficient by itself to take you to a Level other courses cannot dream to emulate!
You need the Energy Enhancement Four
Level Support!
You Have the Power to Meditate!
The power is already within you, but do you choose to believe it? You see,
believing in yourself is a choice. You can have a better life and greater
meditation success, but you have to make the choice to do so.
When most people encounter a setback, they instinctively react to what happens
in a negative way and then spend the rest of the day dealing with the mess
created by that reaction. Before you know it, a bad day turns into a bad week
and a lot of lost energy or growth.
But, you can choose to prepare to respond instead of react.
You can choose to take intentional action to meditate that will align you with a
positive view of yourself.
By choosing to respond and believing in yourself, you can begin to take the
necessary steps to real progress in your life. Rather than react to rejection or
failure in a negative way, meditate so you can choose to respond in a positive
way. If you don’t think that you have the power to choose, then let me tell you
this truth as only I can.
I’m going to start by asking you four
First off, how many of you honestly and sincerely believe, as a matter of
fact, you’re totally convinced there is something you can specifically do in the
next three weeks to make your personal life, your family life, and your business
life worse?
Then how many of you believe there’s something you can do in the next three
weeks that would specifically make your personal life, your family life, and
your business life better? Can I see your hand? Okay.
How many of you believe that the choice is yours? Okay.
How many of you believe every choice has an end result? Okay.
Now let me tell you what you just said
whether you realize it or not. You just said, “Look. I don’t really care about
what’s happened in my past. I don’t even care what my circumstances are at the
moment because there is something I can specifically do right now that will make
my future either better or worse, and the choice is mine.”
Folks, that’s an awesome realization.
It eliminates the blame game, it eliminates an awful lot of things because it
means you got a choice.
I love the story of the old Eskimo from
long ago.
Up in the coldest region of Alaska where they used to have dog fights every
Saturday, an old Eskimo had a black dog and a white dog. And every Saturday
those two dogs would just go at it big time. Until finally, they wore each other
out. And over a period of years they had lost their zeal for fighting, and so he
retired them.
And one day one of the local villagers said, “You know, I noticed something kind
of unusual. I noticed that one Saturday the black dog would win and some
Saturdays the white dog would win. But I noticed that you always won yourself.
Regardless of which one won, you’d always bet on him. How did you know which one
to bet on?”
Oh, he said, “It was easy.
I always bet on the one I’d been feeding
all week.
Now you see there’s a positive and a negative.
You have a choice as to what you want to
feed into your mind, as you’ve heard me say several times already.
“You’re what you are where you are
because of what’s gone into your mind.
With Energy Enhancement Meditation you can change what you are, you can change where you are by changing what goes into your mind.
By feeding your mind the proper food”
Feed the positive and you will be positive.
I’m really talking about hope.
Alfred Adler, the great psychologist and psychiatrist, made this statement. He
said, “Hope is the foundational quality of all change.” No hope, no change.
John Maxwell put it this way. “If there’s hope in the future, there’s power in
the present.”
Hope is the great activator. The student with no hope of passing, won’t study.
“Why bother? I’m gonna fail anyhow.”
The salesperson with no hope of making the sale, won’t make the call. “I mean,
what’s the purpose? I’m not gonna make a sale anyhow.”
The couple whose marriage is in trouble, won’t seek counseling because “I’m
mean, why bother? Hey, this is a done deal. It’s all over now.”
But give that person hope and then
action will take place.
An exciting action will take place.
Dr. Tony Campolo says that, “Your past is important because it brought you to
where you are. But as important as your past is, it is not nearly as important
as the way you see your future.”
The way you see your future determines your thinking today. Your thinking today
determines your performance today. Your performance today has a strong bearing
on what that future is going to be.
Now, Dr. Campolo was saying yes, your past is important but he said the others
are even more important. And he said I understand what’s happened in the past. I
know that you were abused as a child. I know that you’ve had an alcohol and drug
problem. I know that you’ve gone bankrupt a couple of times. I know you’ve gone
through a couple of divorces. I know all of those things about you, but I still
say the way you see the future is more important than what has happened in the
If you can use Energy Enhancement
Meditation to Ground all that negative energy from your past, to remove those
dense, deep, energy blockages not only from this lifetime, but from all your
previous lifetimes...
Today’s a brand new day!!
This is the day that you can make the decisions that will make such an
incredible difference in your life. The way that you look at that future is so
important, but you gotta plan for it by removing the past.
You were born to win. That’s true. But in order to be the winner you were born
to be, you gotta plan to win. You gotta prepare to win. And then and only then
can you legitimately expect to win.
Winning is not an accident. It is the
result of a deliberate plan.
First you must plan to wipe away all your negativity from all your past.
We use the Energy Enhancement Meditation to do that through Alchemical VITRIOL.
VITRIOL is Latin and shows the antiquity of the techniques which always work to
Ground Negativity, Negative Emotions, Negative thoughts into the Center of the
Earth and there, burn them all up in the hot Fission Fires in the Center of the
The solution to those painful - it's
real painful to keep on banging your head against a brick wall - experiences is
to meditate them away. To get in contact with our Earth. To feel the flow of
Kundalini Energy flowing out of the Earth, the source, the fountain of all
energy and enthusiasm and as you do that feel the pain, the negativity, the
stress, the emotions all flow down from the infinite chakras above the head into
the Center of the Earth to burn up, gone, never to be seen again.
Can you imagine how you would feel to have that happen to you?
Then after that we utilise the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove
all Energy Blockages to the Infinite positive flow of Spiritual Energy which
descends like the dew from Heaven above upon it's place beneath.
It is twice blessed.
First by he who gives.
And then by he who receives.
And, as we receive with Energy
Enhancement Meditation such an Infinite supply of positivity, of Infinite
positive Energy from the Infinite Chakras above the head I promise you the most
intense emotion you have ever experienced - 24 hours a day, every day, then you
always see each difficulty as a challenge which must be overcome instead of
Then after that we utilise the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove
all Energy Blockages to the Infinite positive flow of Spiritual Energy which
descends like the dew from Heaven above upon it's place beneath.
It is twice blessed.
First by he who gives.
And then by he who receives.
And we receive with Energy Enhancement
Meditation such an Infinite supply of positivity, of Infinite positive Energy
from the Infinite Chakras above the head - 24 hours a day, then you always see
each difficulty as a challenge which must be overcome instead of disaster.
I always looked at a problem as a challenge.
And not as, I’m out of business, I'm ruined, my life is over! And when you react
like that, it can destroy you, because sometimes that negativity...
You focus on the negativity.
And that can cloud your mind to be able to think of something to be able to
solve the problem.
Well, of course. But, why is it that some people focus on the negative when they
have a choice? Like you had a choice.But most people don't. They do not have a
plan to meditate every day to burn up all that negativity from all their lives
in advance of the ever present disasters which always occur. So that when the
disaster occurs, they actually have a choice -instead of being destroyed!
I can choose to be positive only because
I meditate.
So, that is why some people focus on negative and others, they cannot make that
choice? They are stuck in the Slough of Despond. They are stuck in the Mud of
Negativity. They are overcome by negative thoughts.
I wake up every day. I love a half full glass ...instead of a half empty glass.
I’m the same way. I’m the same way.
So, tell people that’s that’s how you gotta approach your life on a daily basis?
Right? Don’t be small-minded.
And I think small-minded people let the
negative get them so upset without the positive support of Energy Enhancement
Meditation just grounding all that negativity away that is constantly overcomes
them, that they can't focus on overcoming the problem.
Then their energy is focused on just overcoming that negative feeling as opposed
to overcoming the problem that actually is at hand to be solved. So, you know,
one of the things I say is, when you get into a little bit of a problem, you
know, for me as a successful meditator I use a lot of passion and energy to
become successful.
So, when I get into a problem I say,
“How do I use that same Meditation created passion and energy to solve the
“Instead of using it to overcome that negative thought?” And so, negative
thoughts are gonna happen all the time if you don't meditate. But just, I think
a lot of people just have unrealistic expectations because they do not plan to
overcome the negative in advance.
I think they think oh, well, there shouldn’t be problems. There shouldn’t ...
you know, different things like this. But, that’s life. Okay? Again, in all the
years of all the things, we’ve got to Expect expect challenges...
Because there’s gonna be issues. Now
again, without Meditation, without removing that base negativity with Alchemical
VITRIOL, we could react very negatively, but we respond and end up having a way
to solve that problem.
You know, we’re digging deeper here because I just believe that I expect
challenges. I want to handle them the best way possible. I want focus on solving
the problem. Use the same energy and passion and belief that I can solve the
And by the way, there’s one other thing you can do here. Sometimes, you gotta
make a couple of phone calls to get a little bit of advice from some Guru.
Because there’s people smarter than me and you and many of us out there that
might’ve had some of these issues before, and what did they do to solve those
problems? Right?
So, I mean, maybe if something is totally gone. Maybe insurance is just gonna
pay for all of it and let’s not ruin our life or think we’re gonna lose. Right?
But again, explore all the avenues to solve the problem and keep a positive
mental attitude.
Because ultimately, it really is just a
choice that we all have the opportunity to make, - if we Meditate.
It’s just a choice - and it’s part ... If you’re gonna be a successful meditator,
you’re never gonna have 100% success and 100% of no issues. Okay? So, I just try
to ground the negativity in my life and then when I get any problem, I have the
positive meditational energy to deal with it in as positive a way as I can.
We’ve just unlocked the secret.
You have the power to Meditate!
So, it’s time to take action. Do you
believe in the power of Meditation that you have, that you can create with the
Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Meditation Course?
If you do, that will generate results for you. If you haven’t already, go ahead
get the Four Level Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course with program
Support so you can start enjoying your positivity and success now.
You can get all of those things in the Energy Enhancement Video Course for the
70% off price AND the Level 0 Four Level Support Package with Monthly Skype
This is it!
The 70% Reduction option ENDS at Christmas.
Go get it!
This is how...
Payment by Bank Transfer... After agreeing your course with us, wire, transfer
the DEPOSIT or full Price to..
1. The Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light Ltd. (SOL) Company Account
2. Barclays Bank - The Swift Code for Barclays Bank is BARCGB22 or BARCGB22XXX
3. The Sort code for the Bank (Bank Number or Routing Number) is 20-81-11.
4. Account Number 40802204.
B. Company Address - The Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light, 3 Kensington, Bishop Auckland, CO.
DURHAM DL14 6HX, United Kingdom
C. Bank Address.. Barclays Bank, Egham Branch, Staines Group, 71 High St,
Staines, MIDDX, TW184PS, UK
Low fees to send International Wire
Transfer Bank Payments who charge only 1% to send money
Please tell us when you have sent the money so we can check when it arrives -
internationally - 3 to 4 days after you send it, we will then send the course
Get a spot in Energy Enhancement Video Course for the 70% off price Plus the
Level 0 Support Package with Monthly Skype Sessions.
SPECIAL OFFER!!! You may be interested
in our Incredible Sunny Christmas Price Reduction!! New!! Three Month Five Level
Live Course in Iguazu - Almost the Same Price Just a little more than the
Present Two Level One Month Course!! Two thirds Off!! When you have completed
the 4 Level Video Course.
SPECIAL OFFER!!! You may be interested in our Incredible Sunny Christmas Price
Reduction!! New!! Three Month Five Level Live Course in Iguazu - Almost the Same
Price Just a little more than the Present Two Level One Month Course!! When you
have completed the 5 Level Video Course.
Free Accomodation with Air Conditioning
Free Vegetarian Food
Free Transport to and from Iguassu Airport
Free Transport to Iguazu Falls in both Brazil and Argentina
Four Levels of Energy Enhancement
The removal of Energy Blockages
The Process of Enlightenment,
Coming to Iguazu? 40% Deposit now, remainder 2 months before course start.
You Have the Power to Meditate!
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Consultant Teacher Training -
1. Teach Energy Enhancement Meditation
in Your Home or Spiritual Center..
2. Becoming a Consultant Enables the
Ability to Teach Energy Enhancement Meditation, Level 1,
Eight Initiations, including "Achievement of Goals and Results" with Energy
Enhancement Meditation in your Center and in Companies and Businesses (Contact
the Human Resources Department) in Three Weekends or in one Week.
Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Activate the Antahkarana! Gain Infinite
Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Open Your Third Eye, Gain
Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies.
Access Quantum Immortality
Plus Gratitude Plus Achievement of Goals and Results in your personal life where
we teach how to achieve your dream, and also in your work and company.
After completion of the Five Level Video Energy Enhancement Meditation Course in
75 hours of Video Tuition..
Creation of your own website on EE Servers.
Come for the Live Energy Enhancement Consultant Meditation Course Teacher
Training Certification in Iguazu over One Month.
Get the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Consultant Teacher Training NOW!!
When you teach as a consultant, these are Standard Onsite Training Fees - 11,600
usd - 2 Day session with 36 people
Love and Light,
Plutonian Power, Saturnian Power, Neptunian Power,
Neptunian Vessel, CEO, Energy Enhancement