Balancing our inner Yin (female) and Yang (male) qualities.
"Know the Yang (the active principle) but cleave to the Yin (the restful, relaxed, peaceful state)." |
Balancing the inner male and female so that we are not co-dependent on our gender opposite to embody the outer male or female aspects of the human form. Co-dependency can be a energetic tug-of-war where both partners feel inhibited by the act of being forced to play gender-polarized characteristics.
Tuning into both the inner male and female qualities enables us to connect with, express, and integrate the traits traditionally reserved for the opposite gender. For example, the animus (male qualities) may lead a woman to the outer world and promotes her ability in focused, rational thinking - business and career; the anima (female qualities) can help a man tune into the "inner" worlds of sensitivity, nurturing, development of loving relationships, sensuality, subtle creative expression, emotional intelligence, and home-making.
Many images, icons, and deities that show a man and women in sexual union are actually references to the inner union of the male and female qualities.
For example, the Art card in the Tarot:
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Symbolism of the Art Card:
- Green Robe: Fertility, creativity
- Fire and Water: Death; rebirth
- Alchemy: Symbolizes the scientific and educational aspect of the card
- Union/Sun, Moon: Union of polarities: male/female; light/dark.
- Skull: Skull represents the subconscious; the bird atop the skull represents intuition
- Lion: The lion and blue fire represent the male aspect of Fire
- Bird: The bird and red water represent the female aspect of Water
- Rainbow: Water; new life
Discovering and balancing our inner male (yang) and female (yin) qualities is not a substitute for outer relationships. It helps us to become more whole so that we are in a healthier position to enjoy healthy and more satisfying relationships.
Balance leads us towards harmony - within and without - in our personal and public lives. Often in relationships with other people, we forget the balance and we see only the good or, unfortunately, only the bad. There are positive and negative conditions within everyone. This is important to remember. This is why we need to learn necessary relationship skills like assertiveness, patience, understanding, compassion, love, and forgiveness.
A working knowledge and clear understanding of the seven chakra system is essential for all these practices.