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Esoteric Healing - Chapter IX - The Seven Modes of Healing
2. The second ray technique.

Let the healing energy descend, carrying its dual lines of life and its magnetic force. Let that magnetic living force withdraw and supplement that [708] which is present in the seventh, opposing four and six to three and seven, but dealing not with five. The circular, inclusive vortex - descending to the point - disturbs, removes and then supplies and thus the work is done.
The heart revolves; two hearts revolve as one; the twelve within the vehicle, the twelve within the head and the twelve upon the plane of soul endeavor, cooperate as one and thus the work is done. Two energies achieve this consummation and the three whose number is a twelve respond to the greater twelve. The life is known and the years prolonged.

If this ancient statement is read in the light of any knowledge you may have (and you probably have more than you realize), particularly knowledge anent the centers, the primary or easiest interpretation will appear.

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