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Discipleship in the New Age II - Personal Instructions to Disciples - W.D.S.
One of your group brothers asked a rather lengthy question which I should like to answer here, for it has psychological implications which may be useful to you. His question was as follows:

"What precisely is the relation between thought and emotion? Can thought be best described as sublimated emotion? Do not our thoughts, however remotely, arise out of our feelings, past as well as present? As reflecting past emotional reactions, may not thoughts be described as 'fossil feelings'? In the connotation of the present, are not our thoughts but our finer feelings? Does not the mental grow out of the refinement of the emotional body?

"In this sense, the evolutionary, is not the emotional body itself but a sublimation of the etheric, as that in turn is but the sublimation of the inorganic chemical? As we progress on the Path of Return, do we not but successively 'gather up our bodies within us,' raising each into the Light of the next one above, and is not this the meaning of culture, education, refinement, purification? Is not that the personal work we should constantly be at, and is it not what is symbolized, in Roman Catholic Doctrine, by the Assumption by the Christ of the body of the Virgin Mary, his Mother, into Heaven?" [623]

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