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Discipleship in the New Age II - Teachings on Initiation - Part V |
I have indicated to you in my past instructions three of these
revelations. They are, if you will remember:
Later on, as the years slip away and as students come and go, a clearer grasp of the techniques of comprehension - these emerging Points of Revelation - will form themes for prolonged meditation and doors of entrance to the new occultism. The foundations for this new occultism are well and soundly laid; the superstructure can be erected now, slowly and with due care, in conformity with the divine blueprints and in response to a sensitive reaction to spiritual impression. I have also told you that, in connection with these Points of Revelation, there are three stages of activity which, when properly carried forward, will make that which is revealed of service to the disciple in his contribution to the salvaging of humanity. These three are Penetration, Polarization and Precipitation. Let us now consider these three for a short reflective period. You should realize that all phases of training - those that are associated with life itself and that specialized training which is given to initiates - are interlocking and interdependent. It is training, brother of mine, not strictly education. Educational processes, concerning knowledge as they do, may be specialized, and teaching can be taken in such isolated fields as conchology, biology or history. But in initiate [311] training, where the objective is wisdom and (above all else) the development of spiritual sensitivity, every phase of approach to the divine unfoldment, and all expansions of consciousness, develop so that divinity is embraced, and every unfoldment of the understanding reveals to the initiate one major Reality - the fact of Being. Therefore, this consideration of our Points of Revelation is closely related to another of our themes: Training in Telepathy or the Science of Impression. Certain aspects of these two activities are the same, particularly the three points which we are considering here. The difficulty consists in this, that in relation to the Points of Revelation the initiate is presumed to work from a more advanced standpoint of comprehension than does the man who is taking the training which makes him sensitive to Impression. He knows the technique of Penetration, comprehends the process of Polarization at the point penetrated, and - after due acceptance - understands how to utilize it and precipitate it into the human field of service; he consciously employs that which he has learnt, grasped and appropriated. It matters not, in this case, what word you use. It should therefore be borne in mind that in this connection we are considering the point of experience where light pours in, bringing revelation, conveying information, evoking the intuition and drawing into the waiting consciousness of the initiate those spiritual laws, those rules of the creative process, those ray conditions and those new energies and forces for which the humanity of any particular period waits, and which are fundamentally needed if the race of men is to move forward into greater spiritual culture and out of the relative darkness in which it at present moves. |
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