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Discipleship in the New Age II - Talks to Disciples - Group Instruction |
For these main reasons, and because I seek no further to
burden A.A.B. with your personal instructions, I am closing this aspect of my work. A.A.B.
has much to do for me in finishing the Instructions as outlined. Her own Master (and mine)
also requests that she no longer do this work, and with him I am in full agreement. A.A.B.
has also to conclude the Ashram papers (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. V.)
and finish the papers on Healing. (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. IV.) Then
her task for me will be accomplished. D.E.I. is no longer in this group, and for this life and probably the next, he will be learning the lessons of adaptability, of impersonality and renunciation. He made one serious and irretrievable move prior to the outbreak of the war, and he did this against the advice of senior disciples and of his own inner monitor. I would here again remind you that the inner link remains unbroken. You are still members - each and all of you - on the periphery of my Ashram. Nothing can alter this. Some of you warrant no criticism from me and are not responsible for what has happened. Let me reiterate: The ashramic link remains unbroken, but the outer relation is ended for this incarnation. You can still reach me individually, if you fulfil the requirements and seek to serve the Plan outlined to you by me. With this general letter I am sending very full personal [77] instructions - the last you will receive from me this life on the outer plane. I would ask you to read with extreme care what I have to say and suggest, because of the effect it may have on your outer life of service. I use not words lightly. A.A.B. has taken me down with accuracy during these many years, including the past nine years of illness. She has never been too ill to take my dictation and send it out to you and to the world exactly as I gave it. Please read not only your own instructions but those given to the other members of the group, and you will then understand more clearly the reasons for the disbanding of this group. The personal instructions will be full and concise and will give you enough work, coupled with all your previous instructions over the years, to occupy your attention for the remainder of your lives and lead you into a closer with the Ashram. You have the instructions, covering many years and given to each of you, preserved for you in Discipleship in the New Age (Vol. I). You have much intensified and concentrated individual teaching, much indication of opportunity and of the work which you are individually asked to do, a great deal of help in dealing with personality limitations, and much inspiration. Read now my personal instructions to you in the light of our long personal relations. We have worked together for many years and I know you all well. I have told you that in the light of the Ashram there is naught concealed. These instructions are bridging instructions which will suffice until the day comes when you will step into a closer relation and will have overcome the personality to such an extent that there will be no fear of your making any serious mistakes; you can then be depended upon, as are all true accepted serving disciples. The teaching - along special lines - of the New Age presentation of esoteric truth, necessary in preparation for initiation, will continue; it is essential that the second volume of Discipleship in the New Age should reach the public. This new teaching (or rather this new sequence of teaching) in its timed presentation consists, as you already know, of six themes or subjects: [78]
You will continue to receive these papers, not as an affiliated member of my Ashram, but only as an intelligent, trained aspirant who is privileged to be used in building up the needed thought-forms anent the correct aspects of the teaching so that the seed or germ may be truly implanted in the human consciousness and thus truly grow and influence the coming age. Forget this not. |
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