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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - B.S.W. |
July 1937 MY BROTHER: There is little need for me to do more than give you the facts; you can and will make your own adjustments. You have the faculty of regarding facts clearly and then acting upon what you discover or deduce. Your mental body (and this may surprise you!) is on the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and hence the intensity of your mystical interior life. Of this interior life, few are aware. It is the sweetening, inclusive aspect in your life and your polarization is largely there and should be so increasingly. It is the factor in your life which makes you magnetic and loved. You have a non-separative mind. Your astral body is under the influence of the sixth Ray of Devotion and hence your early interest in things Piscean and [633] your strong Christian tendency. Hence, also, your strong emotional nature which is, however, well controlled, largely because in this life you have a masculine body. As you might well imagine, your physical body is conditioned by the seventh ray. Upon this I need not enlarge. You are, therefore, a composite aggregate of forces, as follows:
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