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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - R.L.U. |
Second month... The ivory puzzle box contains the many lesser forms, all true to type, conforming to the pattern. They veil a central ball - the seed of life. Third month... A chrysalis appears. Upon its outer shell, upon the inner side, appears the pattern of the form which is to be. What is that future form? Fourth month... A block of marble, deep within the quarry lies. Hidden within it lies [543] likewise a form of beauty rare. The sculptor works, patterning true to that which lies revealed unto the inner sight. He patterns true and beauty comes to life. Fifth month... A bridge is built. Two forms are brought within each other's reach. Build thou a form, a bridge. Sixth month... I saw all forms gathered within the Form of God. Thus one great Form appeared.
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Last updated Monday, May 11, 1998 Energy Enhancement Meditation. All rights reserved. |