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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - C.D.P. |
June 1936 BROTHER OF MINE: There is little that I need to do or can do. Until "the sun moves northward," your work is difficult and yet of so simple a nature (when put into words) that perhaps you may not regard it as of adequate importance. Yet I tell you with love and not a little concern that upon your achievement much rests - both to yourself and to the group. It might be of value if I touched here upon a question which oft arises in the minds of disciples working together in group formation and in a Master's Ashram. Just how far does the progress or non-progress of any individual disciple help or hinder the group of disciples? Because of the [516] innate sincerity of the true disciple, the next question that arises is: Which do I do - help or hinder? Let me answer this last question in connection with you. You do not hinder. Your gentle nature and your loving unselfish attitude militate powerfully against what you yourself are inwardly recognizing - a slowly growing spirit of criticism. You are deeply loved by your fellow disciples and the gentleness of your vibration - with its persistent note of service and of love - have an unconscious "holding" effect even upon those disciples in my group whom you do not personally know. I ask you to remember this. But you could help more definitely and consciously if you could free yourself from ties and begin to function in your home and in all your relationships as a true sannyasin. This I earlier pointed out to you. I called you definitely to the Path of the Sannyasin. But you are still only playing around the fringe of that idea. For you, it is a symbol of a detachment which you erroneously feel you cannot achieve. You underrate yourself, my brother. You have a persistence which is undaunted and which has guided you from your early days until now. This persistence is the hall mark of the pledged disciple. Will you remember this? You have never wavered in your search for light and for a field in which to serve your soul and to evidence your devotion to humanity and to the Great Ones who guide the destiny of the race of men - and whom you truly love. You have also an inner recognition of truth and of the Plan which is far greater than you suspect and which we tested out years ago. You have steadily held to the Path and to the work which we sought to have done, and have aided where you could and have stood loyally by those who have sought to do our work. The same undaunted persistence demonstrates thus and will continue to do so. What then lacks? Undoubtedly something lacks and you would be the first to say so. What lacks is something most simple to state and most difficult to express. This lack almost constitutes your Waterloo, to use a current phrase. It is simply the failure to be detached. You tie yourself to those you love and oft the clinging hands of love can hinder progress - not only our own but also that of those we love. Do you realize that? As you live and love those in your immediate environment, do you ever ask yourself the [517] question: Am I strengthening them as souls to handle life and serve? Again, you tie yourself to certain people by thought-forms of depression and of suspicion. Do you not, my brother? More than you think are their number. These are, however, less hindering to your progress than your absorption in those you love, because they are well known to you and you are consistently struggling with them. It is your love, your clinging possessive love for those you have gathered close around you in the karmic process of life, that hinders your loving them in the strong, true way... I ask you to love more truly. Your strength and detachment have never yet been used. I ask you not to cease from loving but I ask you to love as a soul and less as a personality. As you read this, your inner truthful nature will respond. Your problem, let me repeat, is detachment. You are beginning to learn it. What makes your lesson doubly hard is the lack of a major activity and a dynamic interest which would engross your full attention. This, however, is your problem to be solved in some way, if you, as a soul, can take hold of your personality in a new and vital manner. I can but give you a word and one hint: Let not your physical body dictate to you. Physical disability is the refuge some times of those who feel that their lives do not provide them with that which they desire, or it is the refuge of those who feel that they have failed upon the Way.and the active cooperator? One thing only can prevent this - not ill health or circumstances - but a failure to be detached. Will you follow each day (not necessarily at night) a review upon detachment and will you do it conscientiously in the holy and silent place which we call your garden? My love and blessing rest upon you, my brother. This is a thing I say but seldom. You have not failed, my brother. I repeat this to you: You have not failed, and I know whereof I speak. Those of us who function with full vision on the inner side of life see the equipment and the karma, the struggle and the destiny in a way that is not possible to you. But I do say to you that the remaining years of your life can be a gradual drifting into a comparative uselessness - the uselessness of a fruitless old age - or they can climax the career of a free soul, whose wisdom, service and selfless love can be the means of bringing inspiration to many souls throughout the world. You can now - if you so choose - capitalize upon the garnered fruits of a life of constant orientation towards the light and demonstrate the wisdom which comes from having been the onlooker, the student and the servant for so long. Will you not become more actively the participator [518] and the active cooperator? One thing only can prevent this - not ill health or circumstances - but a failure to be detached. Will you follow each day (not necessarily at night) a review upon detachment and will you do it conscientiously in the holy and silent place which we call your garden? My love and blessing rest upon you, my brother. This is a thing I say but seldom. |
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