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Discipleship in the New Age I - Personal Instructions to Disciples - L.U.T.
September 1934


You have made many changes both in your life and in yourself and so encouraging has been the result that I do not seek to alter aught that I earlier gave you. Keep up the meditation work but increase your field of service by your readiness to recognize the need of others and then to give them of your [476] supply. Train yourself to recognize need during the next few months. It will aid in increasing your occult sensitivity and drive out the last few signs of your ancient and deep seated self-pity. Study with care what I earlier gave you, renew your consecration and reorient yourself to the light ahead and within.

One practical suggestion I make with a view to your increased facility in expression: Write more. Correspond more with others and put your thoughts and ideas on paper in so far as they can be of service to other people. You need a larger field of expression and your spiritual diary could aid you much if you would seek each day to use it to the full. I urge not the writing down of morbid thoughts and self-centered ideas and aspirations. I urge you, however, to register in writing the fleeting ideas, the dimly sensed teaching and the intuitions which are sent to you from your soul or which surround you as a part of the group aura. Reflect on this and work at increasing your responsiveness to spiritual ideas and in recording those ideas in words. . .

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