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Esoteric Healing - Chapter VIII - The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied |
What shall I say concerning harmlessness? It is not easy for
me to show or prove to you the effectiveness of the higher aspect, spiral or phase of
harmlessness as employed by the Hierarchy, under the direction of the Perfect One, the
Christ. The harmlessness with which I have earlier dealt has relation to the imperfections
with which humanity is wrestling, and is difficult for you to apply in and under all
circumstances, as well you know. The harmlessness to which I refer in connection with you
is not negative, or sweet or kindly activity, as so many believe; it is a state of mind
and one which in no way negates firm or even drastic action; it concerns motive and
involves the determination that the motive behind all activity is goodwill. That motive
might lead to positive and sometimes disagreeable action or speech, but as harmlessness
and goodwill condition the mental approach, nothing can eventuate but good. On a higher turn of the spiral, the Hierarchy also employs harmlessness, but it is related to the will-to-good and involves the use of dynamic, electric energy under intuitive direction; this type of energy is never brought into activity by man; it is energy which he cannot yet handle. This type of harmlessness is based on complete self-sacrifice, wherein the will-to-sacrifice, the will-to-good and the will-to-power (three phases of the will aspect, as expressed through the [671] Spiritual Triad) are all fused into one dynamic energy of a deeply spiritual nature. This energy is the epitome of complete or perfect harmlessness, where humanity and the subsidiary kingdoms in nature are concerned, but it is expulsive in its effect and dynamic in its annihilating impact, where the Forces of Evil are concerned. A close but esoteric study of the three temptations of the Christ will reveal three major occasions when the Perfect One, expressing this higher harmlessness, forced the exponent of evil to retreat. This triple episode is symbolically related, but is factual in nature. Little thought has ever been given to what would have been the worldwide effect down the centuries if the Christ had not reacted as He did; speculation is of little use, but it might be stated that the entire course of history and of the evolutionary progress of humanity would have been altered, and in a dire and awful manner. But the dynamic harmlessness, the expression of the will-to-good and the demonstration of the will-to-power (forcing evil to leave Him) marked a most important crisis in the life of the Christ. The Gospel story (with its resume of the five initiations) concerns the progress and triumph of the Master Jesus; the story of the three temptations indicated the taking of a still higher initiation, the sixth, by the Christ; this conferred on Him complete mastery over evil, and not mastery over imperfection; it was because He was the "Perfect One" that He could take this initiation. I have given you much for mature consideration and thrown some light upon an initiation of which little, naturally, can be known. I would call your attention also to the three fundamental requirements for a successful approach to this initiation: perfect poise, a completed point of view, and divine understanding. You would find it of interest to see how these three qualities work out in relation to the [672] three temptations; in so doing much light would be thrown on the life, nature and character of the Christ. Under the Law of Perfection we are given the key to the civilization and cycle of evolution which He inaugurated - the ideal of which is not lost, though the application of the teaching He gave has been neglected by the churches and by mankind. You will note also that one temptation takes place on the summit of a high mountain; from that elevation both time and space are totally negated, for the vision of Christ ranged from the past, through the present and on into the future. This state of awareness (I cannot call it consciousness, and awareness is almost as inaccurate a word) is only possible after the fifth initiation, reaching a high point of expression at the sixth initiation. |
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