7. The Center at the Base of the Spine.
This center is, above everything else, controlled and governed by the Law of Being,
above referred to, and is established where spirit and matter meet and where matter, the
Virgin Mary - under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the energy of the etheric vehicle -
is translated "into Heaven," there (as the Christian phraseology puts it)
"to be seated beside her Son in the house of the Father."
This center is found at the very base of the spine, and supports all the other
centers. It is relatively quiescent at this time, for it is only roused into full activity
by an act of the will, directed and controlled by the initiate. It is responsive only to
the will aspect, and the will-to-be in incarnation is the factor which at present controls
its life and produces its effects as it feeds and directs the life principle in matter and
form. Just as we are told that the life principle is "seated in the heart," so
the will-to-be is seated in the base of the spine. There has been much idle and dangerous
talk anent this center, and the whole subject of the "kundalini fire" has proved
an exciting and enticing tale by the pseudo-occultists of the world. The true occultist in
training has naught to do with the kundalini fire - as usually [182] understood. It is not
possible for me to do more than make certain facts somewhat clearer to you, and yet at the
same time I must refrain from indicating modes and methods of arousing the activity of
this center, on account of the extreme danger involved in any premature work on the basic
center. The best I can do is to make a series of statements which will be comprehended in
the right way by those who know (and these are as yet few and far between), which will aid
the thinking of those who are in training and give them a somewhat more complete picture,
but which will protect the ignorant from disaster. I shall make these statements as
clearly and briefly as possible, but shall give practically no explanatory matter with
- This basic
center is the point where, under the evolutionary law, spirit and matter meet, and life is
related to form.
- It is
therefore the center where the essential dualism of the manifested divinity - man or
planetary Logos - meet and produce form.
- The nature
of this divinity is only revealed when the second aspect has accomplished its work,
through the medium of the third aspect, but under the directing will of the first aspect.
- It is the
center where the "serpent of God" undergoes two transformations:
- The serpent of matter lies coiled.
- This serpent is transformed into the serpent of wisdom.
- The serpent of wisdom is translated and becomes the "dragon of living light."
These three
stages are nurtured by the life and energy pouring down through the entire length of the
spinal [183] column, via the etheric correspondence of the spinal cord, and - in time and
space - this downpouring (plus the simultaneously uprising life) produces:
- The
awakening in a gradual and orderly manner of the centers, according to ray types.
- The reversal
of the centers so that the consciousness of the indwelling man is adequate to his
- The
synthesis of the life energies of all the centers, and adequacy to the demands of the
initiate and the service of the Hierarchy and of Humanity.
The spinal
column (from the angle of the esoteric sciences) houses a threefold thread. This is the
externalization of the antahkarana, composed of the antahkarana proper, the sutratma or
life thread, and the creative thread. This threefold thread within the spinal column is
therefore composed of three threads of energy which have channeled for themselves in the
substance of the interior of the column a "threefold way of approach and of
withdrawal." These are called in the Hindu terminology: the ida, the pingala
and the sushumna paths, and they together form the path of life for the
individual man and are awakened into activity sequentially and according to ray type and
the point of evolution. The sushumna path is not used correctly and safely until the
antahkarana has been built and the Monad and Personality are thereby related, even if it
is only by the most tenuous thread. Then the Monad, the Father, the will aspect, can reach
the personality in a direct manner, and can arouse the basic center, and with it blend,
unify and raise the three fires. [184]
One of these
paths is the one along which the energy which feeds matter is poured. Another is related
to the path of consciousness and of sensitive psychic unfoldment. The third is the path of
pure spirit. Thus in every living form the work of the Father, of the Mother and of the
Son is carried on. Life-consciousness-form and life-quality-appearance are blended, and
the response apparatus of the divine man is perfected, enabling him to contact and
recognize the major divine aspects in the kingdoms in nature, in the planet and in the
solar system - eventually.

Be not betrayed into placing these interlaced spheres of living energy on the right or
the left of the spinal cord. Constantly a movement, an interplay and a reversal is going
on. I can but portray the nature of a symbol which will indicate the special path of the
three energies of the divine Trinity. I indicate not a fact in location or place, for
it is this materializing and localizing of the main concept which has produced so much
danger. The initiate-student seeks to grasp the relation of the three basic energies, the
three paths of living fire, their relation and interrelation and their sequential
polarization. He seeks not to narrow the teaching down to points and lines and place until
such [185] time when these terms mean little to him and he knows more.
- These three paths of life are the channels for electric fire, solar fire and fire by
friction, and are related in their usage to the three stages of the path of evolution: the
path of evolution in the material, earlier stages; the Path of Probation, and the early
stages of the Path of Discipleship until the third initiation; and the Path of Initiation
- The Kundalini Fire, about which so much is taught and written in the East, and
increasingly in the West, is in reality the union of these three fires, which are focused
by an act of the enlightened will, under the impulse of love, in the basic center. This
unified fire is then raised by the use of a Word of Power (sent forth by the will of the
Monad) and by the united authority of the soul and personality, integrated and alive. The
human being who can do this in full consciousness is therefore an initiate who has left
the third initiation behind him. He, and he alone, can safely raise this triple fire from
the base of the spine to the head center.