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A Treatise on White Magic - Rule Ten - The New Group of World Servers |
Let me tell you this - this group now in process of forming,
will in time develop its own "yoga" and school of training which will gradually
supersede that of the raja yoga and bhakti yoga schools. The method of training will only
be given to those who have trained the mind and learnt to control the emotions. Hence the
key to what is now going on. The mode of training will be no easy short cut to the goal.
Only the intelligent can attain it and only coordinated personalities will be eligible to
the teaching. The keynote of the new yoga will be synthesis; its objective will be
conscious development of the intuitive faculty. This development will fall into two
categories: first, the development of the intuition and of true spiritual perception, and
secondly, the trained utilization of the mind as an interpreting agent. In the book Agni Yoga, some of the teaching to be given has filtered through but only from the angle of the will aspect. No book has as yet made its appearance which gives in any form whatsoever the "yoga of synthesis". We have had "bhakti yoga" or union through devotion. Raja Yoga is now receiving emphasis, which is union through the mind. It sounds like a redundancy to speak of union through synthesis, but it is not so. It is union through identification with the whole - not union through realization or through vision. Mark well this distinction, for it holds the secret of the next step for the personalities of the race. The Bhagavad Gita gives us primarily the key to the yoga of devotion. Patanjali teaches us the yoga of the mind. In the Gospel story we have the portrayal of realization, but the key or the secret of identification is still withheld. It lies in the custody of a few in this integrating group of mystics and knowers and will be wrought out into manifestation in the furnace of their individual experience and thus given to the world. But the time is not yet. The group must grow in strength and knowledge and in intuitive perception. [430] You ask me: What keeps a man from becoming a member of such a group? I tell you with emphasis that four things only keep a man from affiliation.
You ask again: How shall one qualify? The rules are simple, and are three in number. First, learn to practice harmlessness; then desire nothing for the separated self, and thirdly, look for the sign of divinity in all. Three simple rules, but very hard to accomplish. Behind this group of mystics, which includes thinkers in every department of human thought (let me reiterate the word thinkers) and of human knowledge stands the Hierarchy of Masters and in between these two groups stand also a band of teachers, of whom I am one. These act as intermediaries and as transmitters of energy. May I repeat and beg you to attend, that this group which is slowly forming is gathered out of every imaginable group of thinking and intelligent men. As yet, and this may surprise a few, there are not very many occultists (so-called) among them. This is due to the fact that the occultists are numerically few in relation to the masses of humanity, and also to their tendency to be sectarian, exclusive and self-righteous. Selfless humanitarian workers are there; political leaders and economists and scientific workers in the world's laboratories are also there; churchmen and religious adherents from all the [431] world religions are there and the practical mystics and a few occultists. The true occultist is rare. |
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